Aloha! Hola! Bonjour! Konichiwa! Hello!The point is how are you? 3nodding Thats gewd biggrin
Well am not on here much but when I am I'll entertain you the best way I can so so dont be afraid lose a leg or arm or pack it in all together eek and let me know your there!
I also darw here were I put up all my art on deviantart am KiRaThEsHiNiGaMi http://kiratheshinigami.deviantart.com/
so if you want pm me and ill draw you something for free or paid(depends on quality) wink
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Waaayyy to gooooooo~
Then there are those games such as Mario and Touch that are a ton of fun on the DS because of it's two screens and touch pad.
Uhh, there's not much more to say. I prefer fighting games on the PSP and strategy games on the DS. I wish I had a PSP. :'(
I don't know.. I only played a few mins of it. :'D
My friend has it.
The gameplay looks like a lot of fun (*COUGH* unlike 365/2 *COUGH*)
How many people are in line to borrow it from you before me? ; o; -cries-
Im not mad, i have coffee, and coffee make me hyper and happy. You wouldn't like me if i didn't have coffee, i get mad, and when i get mad i become aggresive. And me being aggresive is like have a crazy white-cracka-kung-fu-thing attack you. Not fun.