A Wild Pokemon Appears

A Wild Pokemon Appears's avatar

Last Login: 04/10/2020 1:45 pm

Registered: 06/05/2010

Gender: Female

Birthday: 04/20


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Name: Caleigh
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Favorite Pokemon: Hitmonlee

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My Art Journal

A journal for what i have drawn and what others have drawn for me.


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G R O W l N G Report | 07/17/2012 10:52 am
G R O W l N G
Love the avatar. emotion_brofist
Jukumari Report | 07/11/2012 8:49 pm
Sure why not? ^ w ^ Awwwwwwwwww that's awesome!
Jukumari Report | 07/08/2012 4:01 pm
Sorry, I haven't answered in a while. BUT! I kinda missed you, new friend. Oh, I'm also sure you're not creepy, you seem awesome :3
Uh, well, she's like a chapi-kuker.
Awwww what are bugies? I know that feel with goldfish....I used to win so many
Jukumari Report | 07/08/2012 3:58 pm
That is true but you can still find some pretty creepy people on this here inter-webs.
Aw, I've always wanted a puppy! What kind of dog is it?
I have 2 guinea pigs and 2 budgies. I used to have a fish but now it's swimming in the big fish bowl in the sky!

Sorry, I haven't answered in a while. BUT! I kinda missed you, new friend. Oh, I'm also sure you're not creepy, you seem awesome :3
Uh, well, she's like a chapi-kuker.
Awwww what are bugies? I know that feel with goldfish....I used to win so many
Jukumari Report | 06/29/2012 6:01 pm
Well, thank YOU and don't worry about that cat_3nodding
Also, I'm totally okay with that but you don't seem creepy to me besides, this is the internet :3
Awwwww quinea pigs are cute! I just have a kitten I picked off from the street. And a puppy but she was a gift for my sister o 3 o
Jukumari Report | 06/29/2012 5:42 pm
Well, that's a bit odd but I like your ninja-like skills. It's nice to meet you emotion_yatta
I aprreciate that and thanks for talking to me. I also love you avi and username. Seriously cute ^ w ^
Heh, what makes me a hero to you? I don't think anyone's ever called me that except those 300 ants I saved that were trapped in a soda bottle haha emotion_c8
Jukumari Report | 06/27/2012 7:38 pm
I never knew you were following me, though you must've been widely ninja-like. Years? How long? Well, you're profile impresses me alot :3
Awww I'm blushing ^^ um...sir?
Jukumari Report | 06/27/2012 5:46 pm
Hai emotion_c8
Ghost of John Redcoon Report | 06/26/2012 2:35 am
Ghost of John Redcoon
Cool avi.
Gimmie it.
Drakul demon king Report | 05/09/2012 8:11 pm
Drakul demon king
so i love your name,avatar, and siggy heart just sayin'


The Elite Four wouldn't let me wear my badges to our battle. So I wore them to their funerals.[/color:b9ccb3c14e][/align:b9ccb3c14e][/size:b9ccb3c14e]


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