Ooo I wish you could fight as The Imprisoned, he was neat.
Rainyrainyrainyrainyrain! I could bring Flux I guess. Board games tend to be a pain to carry around and have little bits that can get lost though.
Yeah, hopefully eventually they will. And Skyward Sword was pretty awesome too, I gotta say. Anyhoo, I'm running off to help with supper. See you later, you crazy!
Seeing as how the only gamecube game I really play is Windwaker anyway, I'm fine with that. razz I still wish that Wii U Majora's Mask trailer was real though.
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*shakes old man cane* Back in my day there was only the monthly collectible, and people had to work for their gold.
Wailord! Wailord is awesome.
I'll probably bring Curry. Or someone else, I haven't really decided. How about you?
Rainyrainyrainyrainyrain! I could bring Flux I guess. Board games tend to be a pain to carry around and have little bits that can get lost though.
Yeah, that should be fine. smile