uhmm... hai ^.^
~ I've been called a "goofy goober" several times within the last week
~ Yes, i drink monster bc i <3 the buzzing feeling it gives yhu in the back of yhur skull ^.^
~i absolutely ADORE random pms && frnd requests, as long as yhur not some creep tht just likes being a scary stalker...
~ and yes, yhur love is my drug ~^.^~
~ i enjoy strawberries, chocolate, and random cakes that pop up out of nowhere P: so, i yhu plan on pm-ing me, throw in a pic of a beastin cake, alright? ^o^
~I'm 17, single, bi ( and proud), and looking ^.^
Dream Avis! pweeze help meh!!!!!!

Total Value: 3,398,444 Gold
[Item Information]
Total Value: 4,863,622 Gold
[Item Information]
Total Value: 860,496 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
October Birthstone CrownCherry BlossomAngelic MannerCherry BlossomItem List:
Lex's White GlovesSexy Present (Valentines Day 2k9)Hidden Ace 6th Gen.Y PaddleEnchanted Book 10th Gen.Cherry BlossomMasquerade 7th Gen.Tomo's BasketHidden Ace 4th Gen.Tomo's BasketItem List:
The Lusty ScoundrelUnicornSDPlus Real S28 PRlSMGrace of AphroditeAngelic MannerToned KeidoSexy Present (Valentines Day 2k9)Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 5th gen.
Total Value: 2,130,151 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Stupendous StrawberryBirthday CupcakeCupcake ConfectionToned KeidoAngelic Manner
Total Value: 2,273,709 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Angelic MannerToned KeidoVanilla Buttercream RoseVanilla Buttercream RoseVanilla Buttercream Rose
Total Value: 1,873,776 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
BiancamellaBiancamellaBiancamellaAngelic Manner
Total Value: 1,734,370 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Cherry BlossomCandy Pink Sweet Lace Rockinghorse ShoesDainty PorridgeMajnunBirthday CupcakeAngelic MannerNOTICE THAT ALLLL OF MY DREAM AVIS HAVE ANGELIC MANNER IN THEM!! I'M QUESTING IT!! SO PLZZZZZZZZZZ DONATE !!!! CHU'D MAKE ME A VERY HAPPY CUPCAKE!!! ^^ ( I'LL POST CHU ON MY PROFILE && LOVE CHU FOR EVA~!)Well, thats all im willing to tell to all yhu stalkers out there that just read this. But, pm me, and MAYBE i'll tell yhu more ^.^ kay? kay.90% of girls would cry if Justin Bieber was about to jump of the Empire State Building. 9% would pull up a chair and watch. Put this on your profile if you would be one of the 1% running up there and pushing him off, yelling "YOU TOOK TOO LONG!"
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