
Total Value: 1,797,814 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Death Whisper (13th gen)
Infernal Spirit
Infernal Spirit
Infernal Spirit 3rd Gen
Infernal Spirit 2nd Gen
Infernal Spirit
Infernal Spirit

Total Value: 4,668,391 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Spartan Sandals
Kuro Kosode
Kuro Hakama
Inari's Beads
Short White Socks
Ancient Katana
Fallen Wish 2nd Gen.

Total Value: 4,239,649 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Frostbite Blade
Spartan Sandals
Kuro Kosode
Kuro Hakama
Inari's Beads
Short White Socks
Ancient Katana
Fallen Wish 2nd Gen.

Total Value: 59,676 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Freki the Red Wolf
Bone Scythe
Dark Jean Bandana Print Cap
Warm Starter Ninja Tunic
Neutral Baggy Starter Pants
Gray Polar Expedition Pile Jacket
View All Comments
Have a nice day and please come again some time smile
omg matt guess wht?
Would you kiss me?
[ ] With Tongue [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe
Would you make out with me?
[ ] Hell Yea [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe
Would you sleep with me?
[ ] In an instant! [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe
Am I attractive?
[ ] Heck no [ ] hot as Hell [ ] Fine [ ] Cute [ ] Okay [ ] Ugly!
Would you love me?
[ ] To death [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] As a friend [ ] Already do
Do you think I'm a virgin?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
I look like...
[ ] A player
[ ] a wife/husband
[ ] One time thing
[ ] Next Boyfriend/Girlfriend
[ ] A friend
[ ] A friend with benefits
[ ] A possibility
[ ] A loser
[ ] A stud
If you saw me for the first time would you talk to me?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Maybe
Would you rather...
[ ] Hook up with me
[ ] Cuddle with me
[ ] Date me
[ ] Friends
[ ] Friends with benefits
[ ] Marry me
[ ] Have sex
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), rate me...
[ ] 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5 [ ] 6 [ ] 7 [ ] 8 [ ] 9 [ ] 10
What would you want me to be to you?
[ ] Friend
[ ] Girlfriend/Boyfriend
[ ] Friend with benefits
[ ] Husband/Wife
If i asked for your phone number would you give it to me?
[ ]Yes [ ] No (send this to ppl u kno)