Name: Bloodly~ or Blood or Meika, or whatever funny names you come up with
Age: Secret
wink Sexual orientation: ASEXUAL! jkjk, I'm straight
Gender: Female >_<;;
Birthday: November 20th~
Picture: Coming soon!
Location: >.> <.< On the comp =]
Favorite color: Midnight blue~ and Crimson red
Favorite anime: Hm... hard choice. Naruto, maybe... Alice Gakuen, Prince of Tennis, ect~
Favorite food: Tomatoes. I am absolutely obessesed with them :3
Favorite website: www.wayoftheninja.org Amazing website, amazing people :3 If you ever join, please tell everyone Bloodly sent you. Or Meika, whatever you please, they'll know it's me anyways xD
About me: Well~ I speak in third person a lot, I'm asain, mostly chinese, and I speak maderein. I LOVE meeting new people, and I don't really care where you come from or who you are or if you're straight, gay, or a pineapple. I'm hyper a lot, but at times I can be really serious and stuff, but mostly hyper~ I chat through both pms and comments, I prefer comments, they give me gold >w<
If there's anything else, just ask
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