
13eenz's avatar

Birthday: 05/01





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Killer the ugly Report | 06/21/2013 1:34 pm
Killer the ugly
would you be interested in selling lil moby for 30k?
Rueno Report | 12/23/2012 4:34 am
ty for buying emotion_bigheart Merry Xmas emotion_bigheart
FormerCazzalineXxX Report | 12/23/2012 4:33 am
Thanks for buying~
1_happy sparkle_1 Report | 12/27/2011 5:51 pm
1_happy sparkle_1
thankx for ur purchase! heart
ilmusic Report | 05/21/2011 11:37 am
thanks for buying ^.^
Miss Lune Soleil Report | 05/21/2011 6:39 am
Miss Lune Soleil
Lune is fine biggrin People usually call me that, makes it a lot easier xd hehe though 9goats always calls me SOLIELLLLLL rofl
I answer to all three, so it's all good. biggrin It usually confuses me when people call me by my real name online xd
Miss Lune Soleil Report | 05/21/2011 6:16 am
Miss Lune Soleil
Yeah that's right ^^ I used to go by Phoenixfire on other forums but when I came here, it was taken so I had to add something to it. I think I just came up with moon sun in french because it had a nice ring to it xd <3
Miss Lune Soleil Report | 05/21/2011 5:25 am
Miss Lune Soleil
IKR?! surprised As I said, I've been on this site for about six years and this is a first for me too xd <3

I hope you get your main account working properly agian, I remember you said you were having troubles with it. ^^ You'll have to add me on that one too razz hehe
I love your usernames though xd I don't know what it is, but there's just something funny about Beenz / I3eenz
ColoredxNoodles Report | 05/01/2010 7:45 pm
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magmayoshi Report | 05/01/2010 7:16 pm
Happy Birthday 3nodding
It's still your birthday in this timezone so shush. xP

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