look ya nasty lil booger. now u listen and u listen good ok i am jus trying to help u out. boys rele do have kooties. stay away. or imma come down there n punch u in da eye so u cnt see ne boys
THis is your cousin Danielle. If u talk to boys on the internet i will have auntie Geanie beat the black off of u. Do u hear me. u bes b stopin this mess b4 i come down there myself and choke the life outta u. I am not playing. u aint got no boyfriend. U R ONLY 9 OS 10 YEARS OLD. u bes b stoppin this . And another thing if i catch ne kind of nasty stuff from u to ur online maybe 40 boyfriend cuz thats wat nasty old men do is luk 4 little gurls. I will end u and it will luk like a bloddy accident. Now tell everyone i said hi. AND I AM NOT PLAYIN!!!!!
EMONIE!!!!!!!!!! i knew emoniew sounded familar lol how is everyone doin? my family said they miss u and hi tell everyone i mess them and luv them 2 luv u peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS does jt have a gaia 2 now?
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