So today I discovered a new hobby. Finding weird s**t on the internet. I think Im gonna try to go on little weird s**t binges like this every now and then, and share the adventure with you like so.

Todays Weird s**t comes from You know that weird part of youtube? I found a level so deep, I will never be the same.
Watch at your own risk. They get progressively more terrifying (In MY opinion) as the list goes on.

1. BANANAS EXPLODING ON FACE--Self explanatory. No, Really.

2.EYE SOCKET--Ever seen the TMNT Skull ******** one of their own? Now you can say you have.

3. I AM YOUR GRANDMA--Is she serious? A psycho? Or an artist?

4. CROOKED ROT--Love body parts? Love disembodied parts? Love pig heads? This is for you, sir.

5. LET ME HEAR YOUR WAR CRY--I dunno about a WAR cry, but youre gonna hear me cry, alright.

6. HAND THING--Yes, this is the winner. Most terrifying find of the night. Why? Well, s**t guys, I dont know. The fact that its presented as if its some normal every day situation even though its clearly...........................well, ********, I dont do that, thats for sure.

Have a good night, kids. Dont let the bed bugs bite.
Or you know, any of the strange things you just saw here today.