OCT 26TH 11:41 PM

Got invited to some party at some mansion. I decided to go under the assumption the host was crazy rich and had free food and drink. I arrived there, and it appears many folks were also invited; it was a masquerade. So, being that I hold dear all things mask, dawned my old tengu mask I snagged at that ninja village many years ago.

The party is fine, great, infact, until some wolf thing appears. A werewolf, out of nowhere, and soon enough many people were changing and morphing into wolves. Naturally, the beasts were untamed, even if they were human beforehand. Thus, we dispatched them, that is the surviving party members. I've managed to get a hold of a werewolf hunters firearm, being that the fellow was mauled and had this pretty thing lying on him. So far I've dispatched roughly 37 wolves, mainly by sneaking up behind them and blowing asunder their headpieces.

I must stop typing now, as I was able to smuggle myself out of the mansion temporarily enough to taktaktak down this on that mans portable typewriter. crazy light. i will update again soon. wolfs comin,