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Caine's Journal
Just a few of my thoughts
Strange Beginning of an Unusual Friendship
Strange Beginning of an Unusual Friendship

Making a sharp turn around the next corner in the school hallway, Diana Ladris looked up at the clock. She couldn’t afford being late again to class. A detention would ruin her day, not that she had all that much planned, but still. While looking at the time for only a few seconds, she managed to somehow run right into someone, making them both fall backwards. “Watch it!” she snapped, looking up to see who she ran into. Without so much as waiting for their response, she was up on her feet, and just barley crashing through the gym doors as the bell sounded.

Gym. The worst time of the day. The jocks showed off what they didn’t have and the preps acted like sluts. Everyone else was either left out of the game or tormented in it. She preferred to just stay out. Getting all hot and sweaty wasn’t Diana’s thing. Not that she really cared too much about that, but if she had one thing, it was her looks. She was beautiful, no denying that. Her flawless, smooth lips and her not-too-wide brown eyes matched perfectly with her long, dark brown hair. She didn’t look this way to show off, try to get attention from boys. She did this because she had pride for herself. A lot of pride, and that was her greatest weapon. And her sarcasm, of course.

Though, there was one boy who she had been noticing a lot lately. Or, he had been noticing her. Diana would be walking from one class to another and peak around the corner to find him standing aimlessly outside her classroom’s door, looking over at her with a smile. She had ignored him every time, not giving him so much as a second glance. That boy was Caine Soren, the boy most girl’s would kill each other for. Why? Because he was a smooth talker and could get things done. He was a born leader, everyone knew that. Plus, he was smart. Sounded pretty perfect, right? Probably, but Diana would never admit that.

“Ladris!” the gym teacher barked, tapping her foot impatiently against the floor. “Thanks for joining us today.” Nudging her notepad over to the girl’s line, the one she should be in, third from the left, right now.

Diana moved a little quicker, muttering under her breath, “Welcome, hag.” Stopping in the spot she was directed in, she sighed and sat down on the bench. Looking up, she almost jumped. Right across form her, only a few yards away, there was not one, but two boys staring at her. Caine Soren and Drake Merwin. Great. The school’s psycho was getting a thing for her, too. But watching his gaze, she found something unsettling about it. Something not safe, dangerous. He was looking at her as if she were his prey…..

Shaking her head, she looked away from the two. She stayed quiet for the next few minutes of gym, feeling awkward by Drake’s gaze. Did Caine plan something? Was he trying to get her into liking him so he could crush her and then give her off to Drake? No, that couldn’t have been it because had Caine and Drake ever actually talked without breaking out into a full-out fist fight? Not that she could remember.

It was raining outside, so gym was held indoors. Oh, fun. Four walls closing you in with nothing but two teachers and a bunch of balls. Dodge balls to be exact. Rolling her eyes at the mention of the ‘fun’ game they were about to play, Diana stood to her feet and walked over with the rest of the girls to stand against the wall. There would be two teams, like always, so they were being split up into groups. When the teacher got to her, she was given the number ‘2’ and walked, tiredly, over to the right side of the gym. Once there, she scanned her group to see if there was anyone she knew- Merwin. Of course, she was stuck with that creep.

As always, Diana had no intentions of staying in the game. She’d let someone hid her, then walk off and day-dream about random, meaningless crap for the rest of the day. Standing in front of a group of chattering girls, all looking towards Caine, who was walking back and forth on the other side of the gym, Diana rolled her eyes yet again. At least he wasn’t looking over at her anymore.

“Get ready,” the teacher began in a loud, low voice. “and DODGE!” Corny. But at least it got everyone to move.

Diana stood perfectly still, and to the first person who had the ball, walking directly in front of them. The boy pulled the ball back, smiled in that little, evil, competitive smile guys had during games when they thought they were winning, and took aim.

Then, his face went completely pale, draining every once of color left in it. Diana became confused for a whole half-second before the kid dropped the ball, turned around, and ran like a baby, screaming for people to get out of his way. Without even having to turn around, she knew who was behind her, probably taking aim at the same kid who was suppose to get her out. Beginning to walk off to try to find someone else with a ball to get her out, something round and very, very hard slammed against the back of her head, causing her to fall straight down onto the gym floor. Hitting the ground, skidding just a few inches, she snapped her head up, looking around to see who the heck threw that at her.

She didn’t have to look long. A familiar, evil, twisted howl of laughter reached her ears. Discussed, Diana got up off the ground, turned around so that she was face-to-face with Drake Merwin, and quickly slapped him directly across the check. “I’m on your team, idiot.” she stated in a ticked off voice. “I’ll forgive you, though, because I know how hard it must be for that little brain of your’s to figure out which side is which.” She almost laughed herself at the sight of Drake’s face harden and become one that looked like he wanted to strange her. Probably did. Probably would try. But teachers were around, so she’d end up okay. Plus, Caine was here. He’d never let her die, if she was right and he really did like her.

Drake did indeed reach for Diana, but she was already fast-walking to the bleachers. Anyone ask, she was hit from someone on the other team.

* * * * *

Drake watched as every kid within ten feet of him ran out of the way, even if they were on his team. They were afraid, horrified of what would happen to them if they stayed near him. Would he eat them? Would he hurt them? The questions they must ask themselves were enough to make him smile.

Picking up the first dodge ball, Drake’s mind began working out every idea possible. He could kill someone with one of these if he threw it hard enough. Sometimes, with the equipment they used in gym, he wondered why he was allowed here at all. He was known for hurting people, after all, that’s what got him in here. His neighbor made him mad, so he went outside, smiled at them, then shot them with a gun. It was so much fun to see them scream in pain, then eventually, stop moving altogether. Watching their color drain, however, had to be the best part.

Gym was probably the best part of the day for Drake. You get to be around your ‘friends’ and sharp, painful objects. Or at least, destructive ones. Glancing around, he spotted the perfect person to face him first. Diana Ladris. He hated her. Why? Because she acted as if she wasn’t afraid of him. She acted like she was better than him, better than anyone. She acted as if she didn’t believe that if given the chance, he would strike out and wring her neck. What better reason do you need?

Though, he had noticed something rather disturbing. Caine Soren seemed to be keeping a close watch over her. That was bad news for Drake, because Caine was very strong. In their many fights, it had always ended in a tie. He may have been strong than Drake, but Drake was more knowledgeable with pressure points and other fatal blows to the body. They were pretty equally matched, but one day, he’d show Soren who really was the strongest.

But first, Ladris.

Gripping one of the red dodge balls in his hands, he turned to face Diana, pulled back his arm, and threw the thing as hard as he could. If you blinked, you would have missed it. The ball flying through the air, connecting with the back of the girl’s head, and watching her fall. Slide would be the better word there, however.

Drake laughed, but only loud enough for her to hear him. That made his day. She looked so helpless, so defenseless when she went down like that. He could have killed her, if he wanted to. If he threw the ball hard enough, he could have knocked her out, or at least hurt her badly. But it was fun to mess around with her. Let her suffer. Let the torment drag on. It would be much more fun.

Even when she was down, she still mocked him. Even though he was clearly the winner, she talked back to him. Why wouldn’t she just accept the fact that he was and always would be better than her? Stronger? Why wouldn’t she just fear him like everyone else? What was she trying to prove? Everyone already knew she was a stuck-up b**ch. What else could she want to add to that?
Before he could do anything else, she was gone, and the whistle blew to start the game. Each team moved backwards to the wall, where they eye-balled the red balls on the ground, and each other. Most of the kids were either eyeing some geeky kid who was thrown into the dumpster on a daily basis or their friends, making stupid faces at each other to try to make everything so much better, so much more fun. That made Drake hate each and every one of them only more.

The whistle blew once again, starting the game. Drake was the first to approach the balls, grabbing two before quickly stepping back and chucking one over the line to the other team. He didn’t even have a chance to look up at his victim before a cry was heard. He laughed, silently, under his breath. How pathetic.

Glancing up, he eyes the kids who were closet to him over the line. Most of them ran away, terrified of getting hit by Drake. The one remaining looked up at Drake, met his gaze, and turned completely pale before dashing off to the side of the court, forfeiting the match before Drake could smirk twistedly at them. What a wuss.

No one dared to throw anything at Drake. They knew he’d kill them for even trying to afterwards. And anyone who Drake looked at, even for an instant, ran for their lives from the game. All but one. Soren.

Diana had gotten herself out within the first few minutes of the match. She wasn‘t even hit, she just left. Lazy B***h, Drake thought, snorting in her direction. She either didn’t see him looking at her or ignored him. For her sake, it better have been the first one.

With everyone running for their lives on the left side, and useless, pitiful people on Drake’s side, the game didn’t last too long before there was one two left on each side. Drake and some other guy named Panda, and Caine and some girl named Penny. Penny nailed Panda in his sensitive area as soon as he reached for a ball, but Drake countered her as the ball left her hand with one, hitting her directly in the nose. Blood squirted out like a water gun, covering her lower face, shirt, and a little area of the floor. She screamed and held her face, but glared at Drake. She was, like most everyone else, terrified of him, but wasn’t enough of a baby not to face him. She just knew who would win.

That left Drake Merwin and Caine Soren on the field. The two strongest guys in the school. The Sociopath and the Psychopath. Who would win? Drake, of course! He was the best fighter of the two, after all. Caine was just lucky to get this far. The kid was fast and pretty good in a fight, so he dodge pretty well. Plus, his aim was getting pretty good. Still, Drake had no doubt in his mind that he would beat Caine, show him who really is the head of this school, and bring him to his knees.

The thought that until the ball left his hands.

Both him and Caine both received one dodge ball. Drake threw first. It was a strong, powerful chuck with amazing aim. It would hit Caine square in the face at the speed it was flying. No way it would miss. No way he would be able to move. But it did, even though he didn’t. Drake’s jaw dropped. He missed. The ball was flying straight at Caine, but at the last second, swerved to the right, missing him completely. There was no way that could have happened. Drake never missed. Never. And he would have never missed Caine. But he did. How? If only he knew.

Every kid that was still in one piece gasped, including Diana. Well, she didn’t gasp, but her face was wide and awestruck. Even Drake probably looked pretty dazed, but as soon as the first happy yell was shouted, he shot them the dirtiest, creepiest look a maniac can manage. That shut them up, if not, made them cry.

Caine’s turn. Without even looking like he was trying, the ball left his hand. His aim was horrible. The ball was going to miss Drake by at least two feet, but he moved left anyways. As he picked up his foot to step sideways, something hard and round plowed into his gut, sending him to the ground, shocked. It hit with such pressure it knocked the air right out of Drake, causing him to lie, motionless, on the gym floor for at least three seconds before he shot up, cursed very loudly, and charged himself at Caine.

Impossible. He should have hit Caine. Caine shouldn’t have hit him. But he didn’t and Caine did. Something was seriously wrong about that.

Caine looked a little off guard when Drake tackled him to the floor, forcing a blow against his left cheek. Caine yelled something to Drake that was cut off by the sound of the gym teacher’s whistle being blown time and time again. The two did not break up the fight, however, just continued punching and kicking each other until they were drug apart by the principal (who came in about a minute after the fight started) and the teacher. Drake continued to scream profanity at Caine, who flicked Drake off in more than ten ways. Both received a detention.


The next period, Drake found Caine in the hallway and pulled him aside (literally) and into the old computers room. The room was empty now, with nothing but a few chairs and broken desks (some of which were Drake’s fault) The door was always open, though, but no one really came in there. It wasn’t like other parts of the school that kids would go to do drugs or ‘hang out’ with their girlfriend or boyfriend for a while.

Caine didn’t seem the least bit surprised with Drake. Though, with his puffy left cheek covering up part of his eye, it was hard to tell what emotion he was feeling.

“What the h*ll did you do back there?” Drake demanded, only to get slapped by Caine. His eyes widened. What the h*ll was going on?! It was one thing to not be terrified of Drake, but to hit him? That was just calling for punishment.
Caine’s eyes narrowed, but he smiled a wide, creepy smile. “Now, now, Drake. You better learn to respect me from here on, otherwise, someone might get hurt.”

That was it. Snapping once again, Drake reached out for Caine’s throat, only to be stopped just inches from it by an invisible force. Quickly glancing up at Caine with a confused yet almost scared look in his eyes, the psychopath waited for an explanation.

Caine was silent for a few minutes. Then, whatever was holding onto Drake let go, but first pushed him onto the floor. Hitting the titles with a thud, he never once took his eyes off Caine. “Answer me, da*mit” he hissed, not very amused by this.

Caine laughed, throwing his head backwards. “You just don’t get it, do you?”

Drake was pulled to his feet with such force, he nearly fell over. His body was being pulled. He was no longer in control. What the heck was this guy!?

“You see, Merwin,” Caine began to pace back and forth as he spoke, still holding Drake by the invisible force. “I discovered something not too long ago. You see, I can control things, make them move how I want them to. You probably already figured that one out, right?”

“So you cheated,” Drake growled, still mad about the dodge ball match.

“No, not really. I used my little ability to help me. Never cheated.”

Drake’s eyes narrowed. What was the difference?

“I suppose you are wondering why I haven’t done away with you yet?” The question surprised Drake. Done away with him? What the heck was he planning!? “I need your help, though. People fear you, and I need someone who can keep people in line, just until I get things my way.” His way? Why would he help him get things his way!?

Because of power? Caine had power now, Drake saw that, and with power came responsibility. And Caine with responsibility couldn’t be good, for anyone. Still unable to move, he thought quickly. Basically, Caine wanted Drake to work for him, right? Threaten people, make them fear him more than what they already did, for Caine. No, of course he wouldn’t. But there was more.

If Caine had power, then people would fear him. Drake needed to be feared, not Caine. So, helping him out would still make him a threat. Plus, it would get him closer to Caine, the boy who he swore to turn him against him, to make him fear him. Once the poor guy got to know Drake, he’d be in fear enough. Only one answer worked now, didn’t it?

The force loosened up on Drake, dropping him to the ground. “You stand no chance against me, Drake,” Caine said in a flat tone.
Drake snorted, glaring back up at Caine, making no move to answer his already decided answer.

Caine continued. “I’m the strongest person here. I’m the smartest. But I need other people. People I can reply on, but they’ll be able to get things done.”

“You actually think you can trust me?” Drake nearly laughed, sounding amused.

Caine did laugh, however, and slowly nodded. “No, of course not. I’m not stupid.” Cracking his knuckles, Drake could feel that strain on his body once again. “But if you would lie to me, I’ll crush you like the insignificant freak you are.”

Drake’s eyes became small and demon-like. Now he had no chance. He’d have to ‘team up’ with Caine for a while. Get close to him. Then, he would destroy him. Reluctantly, he nodded. A smirk spread across his face. “Scare people? That’s my job?”

Caine nodded, satisfied.

“Fine, but I won’t take crap from you, Soren.”

“Nor will I from you.”

“And don’t start getting a big head about yourself.”

Caine laughed once again before the classroom door opened. Outside walked a familiar burnet girl with dark eyes. She blinked, looking from Drake to Caine, and smiled a wicked, twisted smile. “So, you got the moron in on this thing, too, Fearless Leader?” she mocked, walking over next to him.

Drake’s face light up. His smirk grew into a devil-like grin and his eyes lit up. To make things only better, Diana Ladris would be ‘working’ with them. He’d have to spend more time around with her. That would give him more of a chance to force her to fear him, to make her cry. To kill her.

“Yes, and he agreed to be a good boy, now didn’t you, Drake?” Caine asked in a similar mocking tone to her’s, extending a hand to Drake.

Drake ignored his hand, standing up on his own, but his smirk did not fade. This would be interesting. Very, interesting. “Don’t push it, Soren,” he threatened in an almost joking but dead serious kind of way. And with that, the trio left the room

(-fanfic by me)

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