Sarah wasnt returning to school anytime soon, but it wasnt like her father was really arguing the point.
Adam, lisa, Cam, Johnny, Nor Cody had called since the rescue or that night.
Espeshially now the accedent had happend, Mels car just turnned up outta nowhere.
"Mels parents must be so sad, losing their only child and all" Sarah whispered aloud.
"Baby you can have whatever you like"****** (Ring tone)
The sudden ringing from her phone adverted her away from the depressing thought about to envelpoe her.
It was Cam!
"Hey there cam, whats up, i was just thinking about....."
"Shut up, i have a question for you" Cams spat, His voice was menicing almost threataning.
It turning sarahs mood back to the gloom again.
"Shoot" she said in a scathing voice.
"Did you ever tell Mel about you and Adam at that party?"
Sarah eyes widdened in horror, what if Mel had found out, what if the entire accident wasnt an accident, what if it was a suicided?
what if she had actully loved him? was she so heartbroken afterwards?
No, she didnt tell..
Sarah remained silent, mouth dry , tears staining her pretty little peach cheeks.
"No, But i think i know who did".