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my name is watever to u, my grace is not improtant to u but ur still intersited...im not a good speller, im alittle slow, make ppl laugh(hard to believe,huh?),i listen to rock music.i hate lables,i hate girly girls.i write poems and stories,im tryin to do a fansty. my fav color is black, i dont trust ppl,i dont consider having best friends but i seem to have close friends.
heart A Love Peom heart
what am i feeling,is my feelings lying to me,is my heart deceiving me
you whisper in my ear,my skin qiuver
you hold me,my body melts
say my name and my knees weaken
when we make love,its like a sensous breezs
your touch a tingle senation
your kiss sexual suduction
you enter inside me, i moan with lust and compassion
you u move in a study rthyem that is sensational
a engery comes and comsumes you
you speed your rthyem inside me
my moans fill the room
electricity runs through my body with excittment
soon we releases a great passion of satifaction
our breaths heavy, our bodies lusted
you wipe the tears from my eyes, you kiss my head
you smile,you said,i always love you
those words alone made my body even more weaker
we continusly, we moad softy
holding me tightly, ever intending to let go
our breath catch up to us
we let our love comsumes us
in this love of silents
i know what i am feeling,my feelings are not lying,my heart is not decieving me
this im feeling,what im feeling.........is love

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