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Kande had never known life anywhere then her home pride. Sometimes she wondered if she was missing out on something bigger and better. That being sad Kande loved her position within the pride. Although the young cheeton knew that she would never be able to have cubs of her own she filled her time caring for the young who lived in the pride. Kande knew one day that her sister and littermate would have children and the two had already discussed that Alonya would have a litter for Kande to raise as her own, a practice that was very popular in Koti after all the majority of the pride were infertile hybrids.

While her thoughts of the outside were on her mind Kande decided to go and seek out one of her brothers. Dita was a scout which meant he spent some of his time in the rogue lands seeing the world and keeping track of things the coalition might be concerned about. If anyone could tell her about the rogue lands it would be him.

Dita had just returned to the coalition from a fairly lengthy trip outside of the coalition. He had heard rumours of a couple of neighbouring prides fighting and he wanted to make sure that whatever was happening wouldn’t pose a threat to his home. Although it was a long trip it was a good trip. He had found the feuding prides and had established they were no threat. After a day’s rest he turned around and headed back home. Now he was lounging on a big rock. He flexed his colourful toes and sighed a little sigh of relief, it was good to be home.

It didn’t take long for Kande to locate the brother she was searching for. The coalition was full of her siblings and it seemed every day papa was bringing another couple home. It didn’t bother Kande though she liked meeting her new siblings and minding after them when papa wasn’t home. When she spotted Dita atop a rock she felt a warm smile grow on her face. “Hello brother” she purred as she moved and sat up on the rock next to him. She settled down next to him enjoying the sun that warmed up her back. She could remember a time when the pride was in a drought and was suffering for water and food now that was all over and the pride was doing well. She was thankful for it, she hadn’t minded when she was younger but now that she had younger siblings in the pride it would kill her to see them wanting for anything.

Dita smiled as his sister hopped up on his stone. Kande was one of Dita’s favourite family members. She was always kind and caring always had a kind work and gesture. He sat up slightly to give her a kind nuzzle before moving back to his laying down position. He was tired from his travels and was just enjoying having a lazy morning. “What can I do for you sis?” he asked once he had found his comfortable position again.

Kande smiled thoughtfully Dita had always been a giving sibling and she had no doubt that he would do whatever she would ever asked of him. “Well I was wondering if perhaps you could tell me what the rogue lands were like. I have never been out there like you have an I am just sorta curious.” she told him. With anyone else she might be embarrassed asking this question but with Dita she knew that he wouldn’t judge her or laugh at her.

Dita listened to his sister’s question his head thoughtfully cocked to the side. “The rogue lands hmmm, what to say about them.” he said slowly. He knew many that loved the rogue lands and while he enjoyed them he also loved his home. Then there were the few that he had heard hated them and would never go back out in them.

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“Well it depends on what you are looking for with them. They are large, almost never ending. It can be amazing to see all the different land types and you do meet a variety of other souls while out and about.” he told her thinking as he spoke. “However they can be a lonely and even dangerous place. You never know if the creature you are coming across is friendly or dangerous. Sometimes those who live out in the rogue lands have had a hard life, have had to fight for everything they have so they don’t appreciate others coming along and getting in their way. On the other hand some are so lonely out there that they take any chance they can get to talk to someone.” he felt his description of the rogue lands was pretty accurate.

He glance back over at his sister, “You know if you ever want to go out in the rogue lands I will take you out on one of my missions.” he offered. He was sure that he could take her out on a mission that was closer to home, let her see some of the rogue lands while still keeping her safe.

“Really you would do that?” Kande asked her brother a little amazed by her brother’s offer. She shouldn’t have been surprised it was entirely in his character to do somethign like this but it still touched the female cheeton’s heart. “I think I would like that, if of course there are no young in the pride for me to take care of at the time.” she added quickly. There weren’t always young in the pride, but her papa did bring home siblings for her every so often.

“Of course I mean it.” he told her with a smile. “I think everyone should get to see the rogue lands at least once in their lives.” he told him. “Next time I am going out I will come to you to see if you are free up, we will get you out there sooner or later.” he said punctuating his response with a yawn, he was still worn out.

“That would be awesome Dita.” she told him bowing her head to kiss her brother on the top of his. “I will leave you to rest.” She told him before hopping back of the log and heading towards her den. It had been a good chat.