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User Image Don was new to his captaincy, but already he felt it fit more comfortably than allowing himself to be led around as a reaver by any such captain that might have use of him. He hadn't minded Ruzanski- now Ruzski- but his former captain was now warlord and that had left Don in a very unnerving position. Thus, he chose to elevate himself in rank during Breytast Vindar, effectively eliminating any possibility of following fools while out a-viking.

They were several days out now, combing the coastline where many a small, and some large more formal prides, made their home. With Brandr and Bál at his heels, he had little doubt they'd miss any opportunity.

It was good to belong to a permanent band, as he'd done in the past, and Brandr was at ease already aware of his new captain's prowess in battle. Though he was curious at what sort of leader Don would prove himself to be. He'd find out in time, and Brandr was willing to wait if that meant he got to go out a-viking. Crimson eyes fell on the silent youngster beside him, Bál-raun, and an easy smirk slipped onto his maw. He'd beaten the youngster quite easily in their first spar, and the few that had followed that one, but he could see the kid had heart. No patience, and certainly no experience, but heart.

His first viking! To say the least the younger lion was excited, and more than eager to prove himself to his captain and to his father. Attentively he kept his eyes scanning the in-land, looking for any sign that might lead them to a successful capture. Blue eyes narrowed on a small cove up ahead, ears swiveling to strain and catch any sounds up ahead. They were downwind, but all his unpracticed nose could pick up was the strong scent of seawater on the wind.

She'd not been long between partners, and already this lion was starting to bore her. He was clingy, and a poor lover; something she could not stand. She'd seduced him as easily as she had the others, but rather than leave her after their one-night stand, he stuck around. She lay on her belly, chin thoughtfully placed atop her paws. He was talking right now, something about how he loved her and would never leave her and how many cubs they were going to have. She could merely roll her eyes in response, pondering the best way to escape him before he got any more ideas in that soft head of his.

Don also noticed the in-land cove up ahead, and like Bál he also calculated the possibility of locals in such a spot. "Brandr, take the shoreline, stalk left and take your time. Bál, the treeline to your right, cut-off any escape route further inland. Engage as needed", Don spoke barely above a whisper, already easing into silent, lengthy steps as he continued on their current path. If there was someone up ahead, as a likely place as any, they would not be caught off guard.

Brandr's ears perked to hear the commands spoken, and with a bob of his head had peeled off from the group to trot the shoreline; small waves lapping at his toes. So far the instruction was clear, if not easy to follow, unlike some captains who took their time explaining tactics to the point of frustration. A point to Don, but Brandr still had more to judge before he really understood who was leading him. He supposed he'd find out as soon as they came upon any would-be thralls. Most captains showed their true colors in such a situation, and Brandr was more than a little curious when it came to the outlander.

It shocked him to hear his captain's voice his own opinion about the likelihood of locals in the cove, and Bál was quick to comply with orders. As this was his first viking, he was eager to prove himself, and maybe a little unnerved now the opportunity was upon him. He'd moved off quickly, maybe a little too quickly, because he heard Don hiss a warning in his direction. s**t. He was probably making too much noise. Taking the hint, the young lion ducked his head in silent apology as he quieted his step, and to some measure attempted to get his racing heart under control.

Did this guy ever shut up? She watched his mouth move as she ignored the words that traveled past her ears. Gods, the sound of his voice was more annoying than the flies that buzzed around corpses. She turned her head away from him, starring off into the direction of the sea. She'd go for a swim lately, lead him into the deeps, and with any luck he'd be swallowed by the waves. She was a strong swimmer, was certain she'd survive longer than him. Oh, sweet thoughts, soon she'd be rid of this male and free to find another. His insistent jabbering ceased with a gasp, and she entertained the idea of him choking on his own breath. A soft, pleased smile touched her lips at the thought, and as she turned to make the suggestion she was stunned silent to be met with a lion that had not been there before. She blinked once, twice; he was still there. "Where is..." she couldn't keep herself from asking, intrigued if not a little terrified at the suddenness of it.

The death had been quick, wholly unexpected he was certain, and the body easily knocked askew behind him. "No longer a concern", he replied at length, allowing a growl to temper his already cold voice. He stepped aside, moving to circle the seemingly stunned lioness, revealing the body fully to her sight as he did so. "You will not struggle." Less of a command, and more a statement of fact. His bloody paws stopped in their tracks directly behind her, and his maw curled into an unfriendly smile. "That would end badly for you."

Brandr was far behind his captain, but by the time he came into rushing distance his captain was already issuing threats. Ah, that was his plan. Brandr had been on more than a few raids in his lifetime, and knew a scare tactic when he saw one. He waited for the lull in the rhythm before stepping out directly in front of the lioness; having to step over the body of a felled lion- likely her partner that Don had chosen to kill. He could ponder over that later, for now his mind was on the capture. "Aye, very badly", he agreed, grinning ruefully as the lioness whipped her head around to gaze at him. Crimson eyes drank in her beauty, and he was surprised to find terror did not obscure her pleasant features. Was she not afraid? Intrigued, his brow arched quizzically at her.

Bál was the last to arrive, and stepped into view at her flank. His heart was pounding against his chest with anticipation to a successful capture, and the young lion was more than willing to do his part. Though his tongue seemed to be caught in his throat, as he had nothing to add to the voices. What did you say in a situation like this? Undecided, the fire-maned male simply growled deep in his throat, adding to the threat of her situation. Her head did not whip around to look at him, but he was pleased to note that one of her ears had indeed flicked in his direction and stayed there to listen to him.

Had they meant to kill her she undoubtedly would have been terrified, but that did not seem to be their intention. Their- for there was two, no three of them. Her eyes traveled from the handsome lion in front of her to the corpse of her former lover. A simple smile graced her features and she began to laugh. The gods had certainly shone upon her this day! Not only ridding her of that nuisance, but providing not one, but three able bodied lions in his place. She returned her gaze to the dark lion in front of her, his features certainly pleasing to the eye. "Certainly", she replied, crossing her paws, one atop the other. "So tell me, what happens now?" Amusement colored her tone, her tail flicking casually in the sandy soil. She was quite pleased to see his eyes drawn to the movement, and shifted her weight in response to his attention. There were two others that she knew of, and she was bound to get her way with one of them.

Don was quick to see where this was going, and though that aspect of raiding did not bother him, he would not allow the lioness to get her way. She wanted it, any lion with half a brain and one ball could see that, so Don had a different tactic for dealing with her. "You'll come with us back to the Stormborn, as a thrall", he replied evenly, dryly as he leveled a forbidding gaze to the lusty Brandr. Don then stepped over her, effectively considering her a non-threat while still lording his size above her. He paused to glance down at her, ruby eyes hard. "To be used as seen fit by any who have the need." He saw the subtle shift of her weight in the sands, the way her eyes seemed to dance at the description, and knew he'd caught his mark. "Its several days travel back, and you will not run." He told her before moving away from her and back in the direction they'd come.

Brandr growled with frustration, huffing as his captain forbade him the pleasure. "You're a cruel captain", he barked a laugh at the smirk Don shot him from over his shoulder, and with a shrug turned to follow him. The lioness was dealt with, and he was pleased to hear her paws fall into place behind him. So, she would follow? It was, as Don said, a few days travel back to Stormborn territory and Brandr would be certain to sample the fruits of her victory if it killed him. A thought occurred to him and he turned to give the now thrall a wink. He may have been forbade to take her, but their captain hadn't said anything about Bál. This was the poor lad's first viking after all, and he deserved to taste glory. A wicked smirk crossed his maw and he slowed his step to sidle next to their captive, bending to whisper against her ear. He heard her stifle a giggle and was quick shush her, crimson eyes shooting back up to their captain.

He was a little surprised at how well this capture had gone, and somewhat disappointed at the same time. There'd been no fighting for one, and no chance to prove himself in the eyes of his band. Though he supposed this technically made him a reaver now, and that was something to be excited about. His family would be proud of him, and that certainly was nothing to worry over. Distracted by such thoughts, Bál took up the rear of the band, distractedly watching the swing of the new thrall's hips as he mused inside his head.

She was disappointed and excited at the same time. Three perfectly capable bodies, and she had to wait until they reached Stormborn territory. Stormborn. She should have guessed. By their rugged good looks, toned muscles, and mannerisms she should have guessed. There were worse things than being captured by vikings, she realized, especially after hearing tales of their raids up and along this coastline. All in all, she was rather pleased with how it had turned out, with nary a growl and no bruises to blemish her pretty coat. The dark one came to chat next to her and she wholeheartedly agreed with his notion. It turned out she wouldn't have to wait after all. Winking back at him she slowed her step to allow the young one to catch up to her, loosing a quiet- and feigned on her part- yelp of surprise when his chest bumped into her rump 'on accident'. She was quick to shoot the baffled youngster an apologetic smile and made a show of quickening her pace to be out of his way; her hips swaying with such a motion. She'd have him for herself by nightfall, she'd make certain of it.

"Brandr, a word", Don's voice traveled behind him, and in a moment the dark reaver was next to him. "The point is to keep her wanting", Don spoke evenly, ruby eyes leveled at the reaver

"Its the kid's first raid, let him have this", Brandr was quick to defend, though his tone was measured, level. Don was his captain, there was no point in arguing.

Don made a sound deep in his throat, not quite a growl, but close enough. "You are still forbidden," was his reply. He'd seen the way that lioness looked at his reaver, and knew exactly how to keep her interested. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Absolutely." And with that Brandr let the issue drop. It seemed if he wanted to have her he'd have to wait until they returned to the stronghold. At least Don hadn't denied the youngster his chance.

Had he seriously just knocked into her? Gods, what was wrong with him? And why was he worrying about accidentally running her over, she was a thrall! He was about to bark some half-assed order for her to move it, he'd thought it sounded tough, when his eyes were drawn to those swinging hips. The threat died on his tongue quickly enough as his mind shifted from its inner musings to her. Hmm.

It wouldn't take much to keep the youngster interested, it seemed, and she was pleased by this. A few flicks of her tail and some sway to her step and she had him enthralled easily enough. Her eyes were drawn to the two older lions in front of her at their quick exchange, and smiled as the dark one craned his neck around to smirk at her. It was settled then, she wouldn't have to worry about her advances on the young one getting her into trouble. By tonight, she would have him, and in a few days time she'd have a whole pride of vikings to intoxicate.

((Word Count: 2,413))