So we all have experienced that time, when we don't know what a certain word means. It's as if someone is speaking a different language. If we weren't told or shown what it means, then we wouldn't know at all.

With the help of the crew and the forums, we have created a dictionary for all the terms you will find in zOMG and the MMO RPG community.

If you notice something missing, please mention it and we'll add it here!

General these terms will cross over into all mmo rpg's

imo - in my opinion
brt - be right there
brb - be right back
afk - away from keyboard
bbl - be back later
rofl - rolling on the floor laughing
lmao - laughing my *** off
wth - what the heck
omg - oh my goodness
amg - ah my goodness
weba - welcome back
stfu - shut up
ttyl - talk to you later
hb - hurry back
mmo - massive multiplayer online
rpg - role playing game
rp - role play

zOMG these are terms that will only be used within this game. They do not carry over into other games.

bl - Bloodlust, a tough boss inside of Deadman's Shadow
gr - Green Room, the second part of the maze inside Deadman's Shadow. The lighting for these rooms are green, this is why its called "green rooms"
ym - Yellow Maze, the beginning maze inside of Deadman's Shadow.
hpr - hundred percent room, inside of deadman's shadow. named this because the camera zooms in, magnifying avatars..
omgwtf - the boss of deadman's pass
tuna/attuned - access to a shortcut inside of deadman's shadow
dms - deadman's shadow, the expansion of deadman's pass. This place can only be accessed by players who have a crew leader that is level 10 or higher.
dmp - deadman's pass, located in bill's ranch. this region can be accessed through a gate southeast of the map.
SS - Shallow Seas, located in Gold Beach. This place can be accessed via whirlpool far north of Gold Beach.
EB - End Boss
smob - speed mobbing through shallow seas
Smeb - speed mobbing all the way to end boss
ps - papasaw
regular smob - After defeating Queen Loreli, the crew will then proceed through the gate. One member will go and lure all the clams and fluffs to the treasure boxes. (need more detail)
speed smob - After defeating Queen Loreli, the crew will then proceed dircetly to the crates/treasure boxes on the right. (needs more detail)
scaling - a term used for buffs, I would explain it better if I could

If you are ever uncertain about what someone means when they use an abbreviation, then ask! You'll avoid trouble that way.