Flower Quiz! Because I couldn't think of what else to do sweatdrop

So, what we have here are 5 different pictures of flowers! What you have to do is find out their names, and PM your answers to The_Blessed_Mule!

M User Image

A User Image

R User Image

C User Image

H User Image

- Each correct answer will give you 1,000 gold
- First two to PM with all 5 correct answers will get an extra 1,000 gold
- At the end of the contest, if you're the only person with all 5 answers correct, you'll earn another 1,000 gold
- If you get no questions right, you'll get 500 gold for taking part.

- Answers to The_Blessed_Mule. Please do not post your answers in this thread
- Correct spelling is not required
- Have fun!