Word Count: 1,106
Bari was wondering the rogue lands like usual she had nowhere to go and she had no where she wanted to go, she was a soul lost in a sea. It is not that she never had any where to go; it was she never had goals that she had to keep up with like everyone else she met. Many others she met in her travels wanted to have a family and settle down but she was not a settling down type. She wanted to know if there is something bigger in the world and she wanted to explore to find out but she wanted a place that she can go if she ever got injured or she was tired and needed to rest she did not want to keep depending on whether she would find someone else's abandoned den. Even she knew that was not a way to live. Maybe it was time for her to find a pride.

Sara was wondering just outside of her pride looking for some herbs and medicinal plants that will help in healing the injured and hurt members of the pride. She was enjoying her life and her cub she was happier than ever even though she did not have a mate, she was just like her mother even though her mate left her, which was Sara's father she was not going to let it get her down. Now her mom is one of the happiest people she knows. She was a little sad that her other cub decided to go with the Father instead but at least she got one for herself.

Sara continued to pick out the herbs and the random plants she came across but then her ears started to twitch. She did not like it when she got that feeling, the feeling of someone approaching. She was a small lioness much smaller than most of those around her so she was not want to send for her and with her being outside of the border there were no guards that were going to come to help her. She grounded herself in case she had to get ready for a fight.

Bari was walking and heard some rustling of the bushes. Did that mean someone was close by or could it just be the wind? Whatever the case, it was someone and Bari was defiantly in the mood for some company. She raced over to the sounds. “Hello is anyone here?” Bari called out hoping it was not just her imagination. She paused, waiting for a response. Sniffing the air for some clue as to where or what this creature was. If she found out it was just a hare she was going to eat it for dinner. With a huff she sniffed the ground. She could tell by the scent it was a female, and a lion.

Sara watched the cheetah for a moment to make sure she was safe, “Yes, hello.” Sara said in response to the cheetah. She was very blue in color, it reminded Sara of the mountains, and her pelt was like snow fall. “Do you need help with something?” Sara asked. What did this cheetah want if she wasn’t looking for a fight not many others would be caught out this far. It was quite a journey from the next pride many people didn’t even know of the existence of this pride. “Not many people venture out this far from other prides unless there looking for something or running away from something.” Sara stated but it was more of a question. She wondered if the cheetah would fit into either one of those categories.

Bari smiled, “I don’t really know what I’m looking for I just like to explore; I just want a place to call home but a home where I can be myself. I’m a gypsy of sorts I don’t like to stay in one place I like to travel but I don’t want to be tied down in a pride.” Bari finally noticed to pouch that the lioness was caring. It was filled with plants, much like a healer. She wondered if this lioness was a part of a pride. “Oh how rude of me I’m Bari.”

“Hello I’m Sarraqa but everyone calls me Sara for short. I come from the pride Seorsa-fala, we are a small pride but we are very accepting.” Sara was pleased to meet the cheetah maybe it was a sign by the goddess that she was supposed to bring her to the pride. “I might know a place you may stay that is if you like.” Sara said pointing in the direction of her pride. “I’m sure you may like it if you don’t mind the far journey, we have many travelers, not many rules except love thy queen goddess and self and respect everyone. So how bout it would you like to come?”

Bari thought about the offer for a second was it really too good to be true, she got lost and out of nowhere she found a pride basically in the middle of nowhere. She didn’t know if she could even trust this lioness but she seems harmless. “Okay but I’m not one to stay would I be able to come and go as I please?” She was really concerned about that she was still young and she wanted to explore but she did need a place because she knew one day she would become old and she would need a place to stay and maybe, maybe one day raise a family of her own.

Sara smiled, “Yes, just help us spread the word of our pride, while we are far away we do wish to have many members. Follow me.” Sara began to walk the mile or so to the pride, she was happy that she had met the cheetah even though she was still unsure exactly if she would ever return or if she could still be trusted at all. Walking into the pride lands she looked down to see a white flower fall from her pouch, she didn’t remember putting it in there but she knew that it was a sign that she did the right thing.

Bari looked around, she saw every one active and about carrying on with their duties, she wondered why they were all up even the cubs didn’t cubs sleep during the day. She figured she would learn the inner workings of the pride with time. But at least she finally had a place to call home, she smiled and look up at the moon; even a gypsy needs a home.