Hyouton (Ice Release) is a blood inheritance ability that originated from the Yuki clan in Wave Country. By combining water and wind chakra at once, one is able to spawn pure ice for various techniques. Unlike other ninjutsu known as Hyouton, which manipulate existing ice, the bloodline variation is the actual construction and manipulation of ice. Because of this, it is much easier for these ninja to make ice with their bloodline ability, and then apply other known manipulation techniques.
• All Hyouton users have Suiton [ Water ] and Fuuton [ Wind ] as chakra elements.
• All Hyouton users are capable of performing techniques with a single hand.
• Hyouton ice is very difficult to melt.
• Hyouton users typically have a cold and distant personality, letting few get close.
Hyouton [ Ice Release ]
The act of combining wind and water chakra in order to generate water-composed ice. This method can be performed on existing bodies of water, or by manipulating the minute amount of water molecules in the air, either way, it is an impressive and powerful feat that requires only a single hand. Ice created this way lays dormant- they are not attacks on their own.
The ice created in this method is very compact, often melted only by fire and demon techniques two [2] ranks higher than them.
It should be noted, however, that the ice can still be shattered or sliced by physical forces strong enough, one [1] rank higher. Unnamed attacks cannot damage the ice.
___Rank D: Small to medium amounts of water to ice. ( Deep puddles, pools, etc. )
___Rank B: Large amounts of water to ice. ( Ponds, etc. )
___Rank S: Massive amounts of water to ice. ( Creeks, etc. )
• Must learn before proceeding to other techniques.
• If you cannot learn a certain rank of technique, you cannot create ice equal to that amount. ( A genin cannot learn A ranked jutsu, so he cannot turn massive amounts of water into ice. )
Hi Soujuu [ Ice Manipulation ]
This control allows the Hyouton user to meld dormant ice as though it were clay. Not only can it take any form the user desires, but it can also be levitated or shifted around as if it were water. It should be noted that one can only manipulate ice they themselves have made, and it must be done while holding a single handsign. Additionally, ice that is freely manipulated is not very solid, and can be broken or melted as if it were natural ice- making it a poor choice for attacking with.
Higu no Jutsu [ Ice Tool Technique ]
Rank D
The user performs a single handsign, holds a piece of ice with the opposite, and melds it thusly. Anywhere from three [3] to five [5] basic ninja tools can be created per usage. ( Basic ninja tools are simple, small projectiles like shuriken, kunai, senbon, etc. )
Hyourou no Jutsu [ Ice Prison Technique ]
Rank C
After performing the needed handsigns, the user will slam their palms onto the ground, forcing columns of ice to rise up around their target. If contact is made, the ice will attempt to encroach and seal the target up to their neck. If an additional [5] chakra is fed to the technique while it holds a target, the ice will rise up, engulfing the entire body. From here, it is only a matter of time before the entrapped suffocates.
Hyouton: Tsubame Fubuki [ Ice Release: Snow Storm Swallows ]
Rank C
The user will hold out their palm, casting a flock of ice chunks in the shape of birds. With beaks as strong as kunai, these sculptures prove that size matters little in a fight. Additionally, by using wind techniques, the creator can cause the path of the birds to change. Unfortunately, because of their fragile size, most any equally strong Katon technique can melt them .
Hi Kasui no Jutsu [ Ice Spike Technique ]
Rank B
After performing the needed handsigns, the user causes thirty [30] foot tall spikes of ice to emerge from the ground in a five [5] yard radius of their choosing. The spikes raise at a good speed, but are not reliable in an open area, or on unhindered targets.
Hyouton: Hi Bouheki [ Ice Release: Protective Ice Dome ]
Rank B
The user will stretch both arms forward, their palms open, and force water and wind to meld into a medium sized dome of durable ice around himself and his allies. The ice formed this way is extremely strong, and even constant barrage by explosive tags is proven useless. It should be noted that the user must hold both arms out in order to maintain the technique.
Hyouton: Haryou Mouko [ Ice Release: Tearing Dragon Fierce Tiger]
Rank B
After performing the needed handsigns, a large tiger composed of frozen yet fluid water will upraise, and attempt to crash down on its target. Because of its cold composition, it is capable of freezing most any nearby water. This technique requires an existing supply of water or ice in order to form.
Hyouton: Ikkaku Hakugei [ Ice Release: One Horned White Whale ]
Rank B
After performing the needed handsigns, the user forces a massive single horned whale to rise up from a nearby supply of water or ice. Because of its massive size, the whale is only effective as a distraction, on restrained or immobile targets, or as a creature to absorb an incoming blow. This technique requires an existing supply of water or ice in order to form.
Hyouton: Kokuryuu Boufuusetsu [ Ice Release: Black Dragon Blizzard ]
Rank B
After performing the needed handsigns, the user will thrust forward their arm, gathering ice and water to their fist. In the same motion, the user will send a coiling torrent of liquid black ice, whose rotation results in the front of the blizzard to take on the appearance of a dragon's head, at their target. Aside being extremely cold, able to freeze nearby bodies of water, the blizzard sustains incredible ramming force. This technique requires an existing supply of water or ice in order to form.
Kanki Kyouka no Michi [ Frost Reinforce Method ]
Rank A
The user will surge additional chakra into one of their techniques- during or after formation-creating an interlaced coating on its frame, and throughout key structure points. By applying this coat, most techniques that would typically melt, shatter, or pierce the user's ice, are found worthless.
( Rather than costing [80] chakra to perform, each modified technique costs an additional [20] chakra. )
Hyouton: Rouga Nadare no Jutsu [ Ice Release: Wolf Fang Avalanche Technique ]
Rank A
After performing the needed handsigns, the user will cause nearby ice to take on the form of a hunting pack [3] of white wolves. These wolves are completely controlled by the whim of the creator, and are capable of causing severe physical injury on their target, thanks to their speed and raw cold strength. This technique requires an existing supply of water or ice in order to form.
Hyouton: Souryou Boufuusetsu [ Ice Release: Twin Dragon Blizzard ]
Rank S
After performing the needed handsigns, the user will thrust their arms outward, gathering ice and water to their palms. In the same motion, the user will send out a twisting torrent of liquid black ice, whose rotation results in the front of the blizzard to take on the appearance of a dragon's head, from both hands. Rather than simply attempting to ram their target, these dragons will converge on a single point, using one another's momentum to combine and form a large black ice tornado. Aside obvious impact and wind damage, the sheer cold force is enough to freeze bodies of water, and coat enemies in frost. This technique requires an existing supply of water or ice in order to form.
Makyou Hyoushou [ Demonic Ice Crystal Mirrors ]
Rank S
After performing the needed handsigns, nearby water will take the form of long thick mirrors, floating around their target in a surrounding formation. These mirrors are extremely durable- only shattered by a of technique equal in strength (S-Rank). Utilizing the mirrors' reflections and their own speed, the user is capable of confusing and utterly exhausting their prey. Because this technique is physical, and not a genjutsu, it may raise further confusion.
Kansei Hyouton
Due to the increasing use of their Ice abilities, as well as their ever-increasing vengeance for those of them that were slain in cold blood, the Hyouton users started to use their ice more and more, even coating themselves in the ice, using it to their advantage. This slowly led to the bonding of the ice and the ninja's body, as the increasing use of the ice led to the chakra seeping through their very skin. The users slowly gained the ability to not only control their ice like one of their own limbs, but soon, they gained the ability to turn even their own bodies into the very ice they created.
-Must get permission from the GVC or GC before obtaining
-Must be inside ice for 15 posts, meditating
-Can withstand demon fire, but not lava
Tsumetai Ten - Icy Sky
Rank: C
Using the moisture in the air around them, the Hyouton user will freeze separate areas of the air, compacting the moisture into discs, spikes, or other projectiles, without having to use a handsign. As the projectiles are created, they start to collect in the air, and then all at once, rush at the enemy. Being much larger than senbon and shuriken, the projectiles are much harder to dodge
Samuke - Chill
Rank: B
As the user gathers their chakra around them, they must first push it through their legs, using it like a person wanting electricity would use a lightningrod to gather lightning. Emanating out into the ground through the user's feet, the chakra used freezes the ground around the user, being able to be manipulated for later use, or to make the enemy's footing harder to maintain
Hiken - Ice Blade
Rank: D
A very simple technique, the user will use the move just like they would the regular Water Sword way. But, as the water is called together, it will quickly condense, forming into a blade, it's length depending on the user's chakra size, as well as control. If the user has medium chakra, it will form into a regular katana, to a medium sized cleaver. If they have High chakra, it can form anywhere from a katana to a large zweilhander. And the size and shape only increases as the user's chakra control increases. High chakra control will being about the same effects as high chakra, and higher than that, gives you the ability to make most any kind of sword thinkable, as long as it is not beyond your power
Kisoku Hidoru - Breathing Ice Doll
Rank: S
Using a very large amount of water, usually by use of a water source, or even the air, if the user's skill is high enough, a clone is made of the user. This clone, however, contains all the knowledge of the user, it's strength, and abilities. The Doll is only able to use kenjutsu and taijutsu. The Doll is made of the same ice as the Hyouton use regularly, and is almost impossible to break or kill, as not even steel can harm this clone.
Hada no Hi - Body of Ice
Rank: A
After mastering the ability to completely control their ice like a part of their own body, the Hyouton user must first learn how to contort the ice to their own body, becoming accustomed to the feel and texture of their own ice. After a short time, their chakra will start to seep into their skin, slowly turning even their own bodies into the very ice they use. When used, the whole body, even the hair and eyes, become made of ice. The user's eye color, hair color, skin color, and clothes all take on a light blue, transparent look, that makes it look like they are an ice sculpture. In this, they are nearly indestructible. Only demon fire of a very high level[probably only nekomata] can hurt them, causing burns, not melting their body like it would their regular ice. While in this form, though, the user is slower, and has a harder time maneuvering. After coming out of this form, it can only be used once more in a battle or else they risk becoming an ice sculpture forever.
-Cannot be melted, as it is their body. Causes burn-like wounds.
-User is slower in this form, and is heavier than normal
-Can only be used twice per battle
-Can only use the move for five minutes[5 posts] at a time, with another five minute[5 post] interval in between uses