General Information

There are various job classes to choose from, as a working colony needs lots of things to be done.

Please make shure that you choose a job that is available for your Genome, as their affinity is very important to their success.
In case you are purchasing a Seed and thinking about what affinity to choose, pick one that applies for a job that you might like later.

Chosen jobs can be changed at any time. But note that if you do, you will start over from rank 1 and your level count will also be reset.

The requirement for each Job Rank is reaching the respective level in both RP (postings) and Combat (battle system)!

Each ranked job class has one top rank and may have some assisting follow up ranks that can only be accessed by one player at a time. They will require very high levels (level information will be added later), so only fairly active and long-time players can reach those positions.
It is absolutely necessary that players maintain an equal level while chatting outside of roleplay, no matter what rank (or relationship for that matter) their Genomes are/have in-character! Please keep that in mind at all times!

Advancing in ranks will be decided by reaching the level requirements and by the availability of the position. Players can be demoted from top ranks if they are proven to be unfit of those positions due to a lack of activity or if their Genomes are proven unfit of their positions in-character vise due to their actions towards superiors or lower ranks. (within reason of course)

Should there be many new applicants for a one-man-rank, re-elections of that positions may be held if a new applicant is found more fitting of said position.
Re-election will always be through RP.
Players can always willingly 'retire' from top ranks back to a lower rank in favor of new applicants or if the required activity for the top rank poses to be too much for them, and will in that case keep their top rank as a 'honorary rank'. (Remember, the higher your Rank is and the more subordinates you have, the more you will be required to be around in RP and the more active you'll have to be, so always choose whisely before requesting a rank promotion to top ranks!) Thus, Genomes that i.e. have a 'honorary Rank VI' and retire from it back to rank V for any reason, they might apply for rank VII any time when there is a re-election of that position.
This system should ensure a fair chance for any dedicated player to reach top position some time through rping if they fulfil the requirements.

The top of the Genomes gouvernment/leading society will eventually look as follows:

1. Emperor (this obviously NOT an available position and will be taken up by a still secret NPC ;D)
2. The Operator (Ghost)
3. The High Council:
---- Supreme Millitary Commander
---- Supreme Archmage
---- Ranger General
---- Minister of Foreign Affairs
---- Assassin Guild Leader
---- Head of Engineering Staff
---- Head of Health Department

Ranked Jobs

Fighters (all affinities)

Fighters are one of the major parts of the Genome society. Since their original purpose was that of weapons, a lot of them still tend to follow this carreer path. However, they do not intend to fight wars again, but only to remain strong and vigiliant on this unknown world to protect their own.
They can come from any background really, with any variety of interests and preferences. Some Ranks however require certain skills.

Fighters either set to master close combat weapons, commonly beam sabers or long range weapons such as light guns or force bows. Weapon variations can be chosen with higher ranks. Fighters with the force ability tend to use 'magic' to fight. Each fighter is also usually trained in hand-to-hand combat.

Nature & Science Fighters Ranks:

Suitable Skills: i.e. combat #weapon of choice# (short OR long range each count as one separate skill), teaching (if striving for the instructor path), stealth, piloting

- Rank I: Apprentice Guard
-- Rank II: Guard
--- Rank III: Guard Captain
---- Rank IV: Guard Commander (needs at least one weapon skill)
----- Rank V: General
------ Rank VI: Marshal (one Genome at a time only)
---- Rank IV: Combat Instructor #weapon of choice# (needs said weapon skill and should have the teaching skill)
---- Rank IV: Strategist
----- Rank V: Advanced Strategist
------ Rank VI: War Minister (one Genome at a time only)
---- Rank IV: Navigator (science affinity from this branch only!)
---- Rank IV: Fighter Pilot (not yet available)(needs piloting skill)
----- Rank V: Flight Commander (not yet available)
------ Rank VI: Air Fleet Marshal (not yet available)

Rank VII/Top Military Rank: Supreme Millitary Commander (one Genome at a time only), can advance from each Rank VI fighter (nature/science)

Force Fighters Ranks:

There are two different types of force magicians. Those that use the elemental magic supplied by their surroundings (only one element type, this must be chosen when becoming an apprentice mage) are commonly refrerred to as mages. The other type are those that focus on their inner powers and can thus get skilled in the art of basic mind reading, the control of lesser creatures, communicating telepathically and are often empaths.

Suitable Skills: i.e. combat #magic type/element and/or weapon of choice# (each magic or weapon counts as one separate skill), teaching (if striving for the instructor path)

- Rank I: Apprentice Mage
-- Rank II: Mage
--- Rank III: Advanced Mage
---- Rank IV: High Mage
----- Rank V: Archmage
------ Rank VI: Force Marshal (one Genome at a time only)
---- Rank IV: Elemental Instructor (needs teaching skill and respective elemental skill)

- Rank I: Apprentice Psychic
-- Rank II: Psy-Mage
--- Rank III: Advanced Psy-Mage
---- Rank IV: Telepath
----- Rank V: Councellor
------ Rank VI: High Councellor (one Genome at a time only)
---- Rank IV: Navigator
---- Rank IV: Psy Instructor (needs teaching skill and psychic skill)

Rank VII/Top Force Rank: Supreme Archmage (one Genome at a time), advances from Rank VI fighter (force)

Hunters/Rangers (nature)

Hunters, or also referred as Rangers, are organized by a guild-like association. They have a very strong affinty towards nature in general and are often found outside. Their main job is to supply the settlements with various animal products from food to clothing, but are also great support for travel partys due to their ability to adapt and survive easily in the open nature.
Hunter classes usually prefer bows or crossbows, but some are also known to use short swords, daggers, whips or lightguns.

- Rank I: Hunter/Ranger
-- Rank II: Sniper (theses advanced hunters often assisst the guard forces and see themselves as fighters in a way)
--- Rank III: Marksman (same as snipers, just more of squad leaders and way more advanced in their skills)
-- Rank II: Tamer
--- Rank III: Beastmaster

Rank IV/Top Rank: Ranger General (one Genome at a time only)

Collectors/Explorers (nature, force, science)

Explorers or Collectors are an important supporting group of the Genome society. They travel the world and many a great mapmaker came from this branch. They are the most valiable source of information for most other branches and thus often highly sought after.
However, they are also said to have brought forth a fearsome group of fighters whose stealth even outmatch Rangers.

- Rank I: Collector
-- Rank II: Explorer
--- Rank III: Mapmaker
--- Rank III: Archeologist
--- Rank III: Informant
---- Rank IV: Ambassador

Rank V/ Top Rank: Minister of foreign affairs (only one Genome at a time!)

- Rank I: Collector
-- Rank II: Scout
--- Rank III: Assassin
---- Rank IV: Master Assassin

Rank V/ Top Rank: Assassin Guild Leader (only one Genome at a time!)

Chronists (science, force)

Chronists work closely with the Explorers. They are known for their great memory and analytic skills. Their main responsibility in higher ranks is to maintain the respective peace and prosperity of their townships and settlements as well as larger regions in case of governors.

- Rank I: Chronist
-- Rank II: Librarian
--- Rank III: Vice-Mayor (one per settlement only)
---- Rank IV: Mayor (one per settlement only)
----- Rank V: Governor (one per province only)

There is no applicable top rank for this branch. All state/province governors answer directly to the Operator.

Engineers (science)

Engineers are an important part of a healty, growing society. Due to the Genomes originating from a highly advanced race, they know a lot of technology already. However, much of it was lost due to the ships crash and the resulting loss of databases, and many things need to be rediscovered.
It is up to young, skilled engineers to use the high-tech knowledge of their ancestors and alter them to fit their new needs and desires, as well as inventing new things.
Even if they have no intention to return to space any time soon, the sky is not really the limit.

- Rank I: Assistant Engineer
-- Rank II: Engineer
--- Rank III: Robotic Engineer
---- Rank IV: Chief Robotic & Medical Engineer
--- Rank III: Flight Engineer
---- Rank IV: Chief Flight Engineer
--- Rank III: Mainteance Engineer
---- Rank IV: Chief Mainteance Engineer
--- Rank III: Programmer
---- Rank IV: System Core Administrator
--- Rank III: Professor
---- Rank IV: Inventor

Rank V/ Top Rank: Head of Engineering Staff (one genome only)

Healers (science/nature/force, depending on what kind)

Another very important branch. Healers can basically work anywhere. Most towns have at least one qualified healer residing there, others may prefer to be with the military and assist the fighters or join scout and explore teams.
Everyone would love the company of a skilled healer.

- Rank I: Nurse
-- Rank II: Pharmacist (Idea: Possibly Alchemist for next rank)
-- Rank II: Paramedic
--- Rank III: Physician
---- Rank IV: Surgeon

- Rank I: Apprentice Healer
-- Rank II: Healer
--- Rank III: Shaman
---- Rank IV: Spirit Master
-- Rank II: Alchemist

Rank V / Top Rank: Head of Health Department (one genome at a time only!)

non-ranked jobs (for those who want a simple life. biggrin )

- Fisherman (nature)
- Farmer (nature)
... etc.
feel free to ask for anything added that you come up with ^^