*rubs sleep out of eyes*

*finds half-empty water bottle on the floor*

*takes a swig and shudders*

Ugh…stale water…

*shuffles to couch and accios a Pepsi Max from the ‘fridge*

*is feeling rather lazy today*

*jumps as Aura swoops in with a small stack of update*

*offers Aura some Pepsi before she heads off to her perch*

Caffeine doesn’t affect my owl.

*flips through updates*

*is relieved that there doesn’t seem to be any threatening red envelopes*


MyLeaky is now up!!! And there are plenty of groups to check out there. But for the important ones…*stifles peanut gallery*

Crafty Witch Cohorts

TLC Craft-Along Fanatics

Crafty Contributors

Just another place to hang with your bestest crafty buds, right? Check it out!

Speaking of the Craft-Along, don’t forget that we’ve extended the Cross-stitch Craft-Along through February so that everyone has time to finish their works. J

Now for some updates:

Gallery Updates:

· Knitting

o Muggle Devices

§ Dishcloths

· Quilting

o Afghans, Graph Ghans, Quilts & Blankets

§ Wizarding Quilts

Forum Updates:

* Knitting
o Muggle Wear
+ Yule Socks
o Wizard Wear
+ Prisoner of Azkaban Style Scarf (v2)

* Other Crafts
o Games
+ Harry Potter Guess Who? Game

Main Site Updates:

* Knitting
o Muggle Wear
+ Socks
# Yule Socks
o Wizard Wear
+ Scarves
# Prisoner of Azkaban Style Scarf (v2)
* Other Crafts
o Games
+ Harry Potter Guess Who? Game

Okay, so that it for updates this week, right? Rock on, rock out, crafts away!!!