(actually, for once, yeah. got to help dig up family's old front garden to make way for some planters to replace it. looks nice. if i can find the time, i'll post pics if y'all are interested.)

"Local, duh! And I dunno 'bout kick, but it sure as hell is a lot spinny than before here," the inebriated not-a-lady replied to the 2 horses. No, wait... 3? Things kept changing, man...
"Youuuu always able to split like that? 's spooky."

"Well when you stop being one big massive hump, tell me why you're pissed off. You know I don't do inferring mistakes right. Usually. If ever. Is Noire drunk? I can smell her from here..." Jay complained, trying to waft the smell of alcohol away from him with a free hand.


"I could launch someone there? Conquest, you first?" Jay joked, lifting his hand as if prepared to flick up.

Noire was currently hanging on the underside of Glory. Don't ask how, she simply was. She may also have been murmuring something about firebombs the whole time, but that may have been in her head.