This thread is exclusively for posting walkthroughs and guides for all the final fantasy games.

If there are repeated topics that need a separate thread for them, I'll make a sticky, this goes for any of the following:

-Boss Guide

-Weapon Guide

-Job Guide

-Treasure Guide

-Summons/Espers Guide

-Dressspheres Guide


Just a separates thread will be made for these things so ppl don't have to search everywhere for a specific help question'

Look out for these stickies later after the grand opening (I'll make an announcement beforehand of course)

Rules to Walkthroughs and Guides

Originality I do encourage originality in one's guide (meaning you found you're own way to get through the game or you integrated more than one style of guides that you found on the internet. Understand that everyone finds certain ways of doing the game and it would be a big help to share some of your ideas.

Copying a Guide from the Internet If you do copy a guide from the internet, put into your own words or put the words into "Quotes' and presenting the link to where you got the guide would be helpful for others who may find it to be of use in the future.

What not to Post Here

Cheat Codes That make the game ridiculously easy

ex. Infinite Health, Infinite Mana, Unlocks powerful weapons and summons early in the game,....etc.

The point of the matter is that's what the guides are for to prevent you from using codes which can be successful through proper strategy

Besides it takes all the fun away XD

Cheat Codes that are Allowed would include:

-Raising difficulty level'


Inappropriate Guides No How to make a certain character look like she/he is humping the wall....If this is what you guys want to know what to do these threads aren't the place. Maybe I'll make a Glitch Forum where you guys cn post videos or how-to find a funny glitch or something.