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The Seven Sins were used in the teachings of Christianity. They say that there are sins that are worse to commit than others. The Seven Sins, which are spoken of as deadly, have plagued this world and every person in it. Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Envy, Wrath, Greed, Sloth. Are you guilty of committing one or more of these sins?

---------------------------The Ruling Sins---------------------------

The Wrathful Chizuko (President)
Description: The love and desire to hate and destroy
Punishment in Hell: Dismembered alive
Color: Red
Celestial Ruler: Mars

Open (Crew)
Description: An inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body
Punishment in Hell: Smothered in fire and brimstone
Color: Pink
Celestial Ruler: Venus

Open (Crew)
Description: Excessive belief in one's own abilities
Punishment In Hell: Broken on a wheel
Color: Violet
Celestial Ruler: Sun

Open (Crew)
Description: A desire to consume more than that which one requires
Punishment in Hell: Force-fed rats, toads, and snakes
Color: Orange
Celestial Ruler: Jupiter

Open (Crew)
Description: The desire for another's traits, status, abilities, or situation
Punishment In Hell: Put in freezing water
Color: Green
Celestial Ruler: Moon

Snow Scarlett
Description: The desire for material wealth or gain
Punishment In Hell: Boiled alive in oil
Color: Yellow
Celestial Ruler: Mercury

miiss m u n s t e r (Vice President)
Description: The avoidance of physical or spiritual work
Punishment In Hell: Thrown in to a pit of snakes
Color: Blue
Celestial Ruler: Saturn