You walk up to an Inn and knock twice. You hear a voice come "Come in Child come in. " When you enter you see an old woman sitting in a rocking chair reading a book. She looks up and sees you then quickly closes the book "Ah hello there, child I wasn't expecting any travelers today or anytime soon for that matter." She commented as she stood up walked to the desk.

She sees your confused face and continues “oh you haven’t heard, people say that the drift is still happening, and those that believe it and saw it the first time around have been disappearing." At your even more confused face. She chuckles" You don't know about the drift, where have you been all this time, it’s what all the buzz is about. A long time ago, the first race: the Fae lived as the guardian of the races. They made sure everything stayed peaceful. but a huge war broke out between all the races/ People say this war was so huge that it could have killed off all the races had it continued. But the Fae's couldn't let that happen. So, they took everyone's memory and locked them away in a book and hid that book in a secret location. Since no one knew why they were fighting, they just stopped.

However, somehow someone found the sacred book, and opened it, thereby releasing all those memories. Therefore, the drift began and races created alliances and separated the peace was no more. "She concluded. She chuckled “However some people say that it is still happening their evidence the separation of the races. speaking of the races the mages are no more however their knowledge and information is still with us. No one knows what happened to them, some say the other races destroyed them all, others say they moved away, but the truth no one knows.

Oh, that reminds me, I told you that people have been disappearing right Good. So, like I said earlier there are some who still believe it, I say still cuz most people nowadays think it’s a myth a fairytale if you would. But some say it happened, some even swear they were there went it happened. And those people have been disappearing. No one knows what happened to them. But that doesn’t mean they don’t speculate. Some say the first race took them away others say a group of believers took them, all I know is that anyone who talks about it as if it’s true is here one day and gone the next. So be careful child of what you say." She said then gave you a key and smiled.

To Enter answer these questions (YOU CAN NOT AND WILL NOT ENTER THIS GUILD TILL YOU request to join by answering these questions)

1.What do you think happened to the mages?
2. Do you believe in the drift?
3.who side will you join, Elven, Dragons, Humans, Vamps, or Wares?
4. when you join what is the first thing you will do?
5. do you have a discord? If yes what is your username with tag if applicable if not can you get one