Literate RP Guild,
So I've been inactive quite some time, one day i decide to come back and RP in a few old threads now taken over by vicious, bad grammar using noobs, yes this is a hateful term, much hate is attached when I am using it, but unlike most I know the differences between a newb, and a noob. Now down to the point. If anyone else has had this happen, and just wants a nice quiet place to rp, whether your a group of people, or just one single person, apply, join, and get some peace and quiet where you can relax with you friends and not worry of intrusion. There is no joining fee, I am not promoting this guild to profit i merely want to give gaia a place to be what it used to be, an RP forum, now if this is also what you want, then follow me, rp however you want, i will not censor you in your own thread, the only rule i will uphold strongly is no cybering, just because im providing a place away from normal gaia does not mean all rules will be broken.