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Previous Plot - [Antithesis War]

It has been five years since the threat of the Antagonists loomed over the worlds; their power has left the worlds and the beings that inhabit them with deep wounds that seem to heal with the slowest pace imaginable. The destruction that they had wrought was truly devastating and threatened to forever change existence. And who is to argue that they hadn't?

The Shinigami were all but annihilated. Charged as the peacekeepers of the worlds, the proud and noble citizens of Soul Society sacrificed much to stem the tide of war. Countless times the Shinigami spirit was put to the test; countless times did the Shinigami feel the sting of their enemies; countless times did their iron-rod spines melt like ice under the blazing sun. But they held and survived...but such a cost they payed.

The Hollow suffered a similar fate, albeit for different reasons. The Hollow, being the long-standing enemies of the Shinigami, were more interested in self-preservation. As long as Hueco Mundo survived, it was of no consequence to them if the Shinigami perished. However, it was the combined interest of the Human world that brought Hollow and Shinigami together - albeit for different reasons. The Shinigami devoted a substantial force to protecting the Human world in hopes of stemming the amount of Humans lost; and the Hollow did the same. However, the Hollow were interested in keeping the Human races safe only in that they were substantial source of sustenance. Indeed, the Hollow only wished for the survival of the Human races simply so they could continue to feast upon them as they did for ages before. And so this caused Hueco Mundo to fall into ruin. Without the Espada to keep order, the lesser Hollow fell back to their baser instincts and Hueco Mundo became wild and savage once again.

And finally, the world of the Humans. Although they did not come out of the war entirely unscathed, it would be interesting to note that they did not bear the brunt of the damage. This is due, in part, to the large Shinigami-Hollow forces committed. Because of this, they have been the quickest to recover from the war.

Current Plot - [Chapter Black]

The worlds are still in shambles but are slowly on the incline. The threat of war between the races has all been but erased, giving the illusion of peace and serenity. However, the tried and true saying that things must get worse before they can get better is now putting the worlds to the test.

The Shinigami are rebuilding their forces. Due to their diminished numbers, they are severely undermanned and are frantically trying to find ways to process all of the Pluses created during the war. They have determined that saving as many as they can will bolster their ranks as new Pluses mean more Shinigami.

However, the staggering amount of Pluses and severely undermanned Shinigami forces means that they cannot simply reach all of them, leading to record numbers of Hollow transformations. As such, Hueco Mundo now bolsters staggering numbers of Hollow.

The Human world, being the least affected, is relatively unchanged - albeit for the reduced population. However, due to Division Twelve's scientific prowess, they were able to manipulate the memories of humanity so that normal people remain none the wiser. Only Humans with spiritual abilities retain the memories of the war and know the real reason as to why the human population world wide has dropped significantly.

Yet something is stirring.... Not something Shinigami or Hollow...or even Human....

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