Welcome To Aithne's Furry Kingdom, AFK for short

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About our guild
Aithne's Furry Kingdom, while it sounds quite medieval is actually very modern. We use fancy Olde English now and then, but the guild is 100% Democratic. We want to keep this guild at about moderate size, big enough to be active, but small enough for most furs to know each other.

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1. No excessive cursing
2. No mention of illegal drugs
3. No pre-judgement. We are about acceptance here.
4. Follow Gaia ToS

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A Bit About Our Members
Our members are very diverse, some are artists, some like to look at the art, some are big roleplayers, some just need a furry shoulder to lean on and some friends. We're all here for different reasons, but two things most of us share is we want to get to know each other, and love to dance (even if some of us are no good at it lol)!!!

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How to Join
Send a request! In it you should state:
1) Why you wish to join
2) If you can be an active member
3) A bit about yourself!
Please note that these are three different items, all of which must be included in your request! Good luck!

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Please DO NOT donate to the guild! As you can see we have plenty of gold, and nothing to use it for. If you would like to make a donation, please do so to our mule DonationReceptacle