What is this?

This guild is a place for you to learn how to earn gold on Gaia.

In this guild...

1. Learn how to earn gold, using tips and tricks that will help you not only become a more wealthy Gaian, but hopefully, a better person as well.

2. Read guides about gold-making activities, and understand how to utilize them for your own ends.

3. Ask and recieve advice from experienced Exchangers, Venders, and overall Gaians.

4. A community based on humans, not just pixels. Friends are more valuable than any amount of wealth.

Guild Rules:

Rules for guild members:

1. Post responsibly. ((You'll be held responsible for what you say.))

2. Act respectfully. ((No flaming, harassment, ect.))

3. No begging. ((You come here to learn, not to beg.))

4. No swearing in title topics. ((Lets keep things clean.))

5. No off topic posts. ((Keep to the proper forum.))

6. No Member-Related inflation.

More information is available in the rule announcement thread in the main forum. Please follow the provided rules, or face consequences that may lead up to a ban from the guild.

How to Join:

Select the "Request to Join" link. Please include in your request why you'd like to be a part of the guild. The fee is 5 gold.

Join us today, and become part of a brighter future for Gaia.