Welcome to Hotel Bella l'amore Dell'Omasessuale!
~Please read this entire page before clicking the Join Guild button~

We are currently under construction, but this is just to add rooms for hotel guests. A good assortment of rooms are set up for your enjoyment with your signifigant other(s) and your fellow LGBTQIA. We encourage all to join and RP with us.

This is a role play guild so please enjoy yourself at our various attractions.
A thread of the base rules is posted, and must be adhered to.

To Join please fill out the following "form".
*How long have you been roleplaying for?

* How many days of a week do you get on Gaia?

* Please type a short example of how you would roleplay a character:

*Now if you've read the rules, what key phrase were you given?

Any questions please feel free to ask YukiGaga or Tenshi Makai.
Please enjoy your stay.