This guild is listed under LGBT, but it’s not only for being accepted in your sexuality, it’s about being accepted period. Pretend this is glee, everyone is different. Yet all accepted, sexuality wise, gender wise, race wise, religion wise, Mistake wise, Ability wise, Pretty much everything. We all come from different situations, but here we will become your family. If you need someone to talk to we are all here for you and hope that you feel accepted in EVERY way that we can. I’m tired of everyone telling us to be normal, who defines normal now a days? No one really knows what normal is anymore. Here I want you to be yourself, without having fear of being judged by others, don’t let fear hold you back, you’re not alone anymore. Join today and become a member of a growing guild who would love to add you to their family!
Understanding that this is a guild for you to go unjudged does not mean that you can judge others. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Please report players that do this to you, you can find out how to in the main forums. Please make sure to read all the guild rules before joining, I would like all of them followed and any questions you may have, directed toward staff of the guild.
This guild personally means a lot to me, growing up I was considered the outcast, I moved around a lot, I was different, I wore baggy clothes because most my life I thought I was fat, I looked down when I walked, didn’t have much confidence at all, Everyone picked on me and called me names. At one point I was one of 5 white children in a black school. After a long period of time, running home crying because of all the harsh words, my mom said to me “Rissa, every rose has to go through a little dirt to be beautiful.” I’ve been through a lot of dirt in my life, and I didn’t think I’d make it through until I found him. But I’ve found my bee now, and he helps me pollinate the rest of the world with love. My whole reason for starting this guild is to help people like me who haven’t been lucky enough to find their bee. My inspiration for this guild is my husband Michael, aka ii-Furry-Beast. He’s helped me though everything that’s been pushed at me since I was sixteen and coming out to the world.
As an infant, you’re a seed, placed in the soil to start making roots, as a toddler you’re starting to sprout little green leaves and poking from the ground, as a teenager, you’re starting to make thorns, and developing inner beauty of what you will become someday, as you enter adulthood, your true beauty shows, everyone in awe at the person you’ve become, that special bee comes along, you pollinate the area around you, your own family of roses, starting to sprout, at last you’ve passed away, wilted and withered, your family carries your inner beauty. Teach them to accept everyone, help them become colorblind to sexuality, skin color, religion, ect.
If you wish to get our guild out there, Please help by placing this banner in your signature or other places. I'd love it if you helped get it out there.
