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{{ Guild Announcements . Apply for/Meet the Mods . Guild Mule . Guild Improvement Sticky . Introduction Thread . Donate to Guild }}

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This is a place where artists of all skill-levels
can hang out and have fun. Set up a gallery,
comment on others art work, get critiques
and tips to improve! You can set up a mini
shop and sell avatar art or join dice games
and art contests that are up every month
with great prizes! This guild is still growing
and we love to see newcomers!

    ____• Have a passion for art?
    ____• Enjoy collecting avatar art?
    ____• Like to draw?

    Then this guild is for you!

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After your click the Join this Guild button, please
Fill out this form and paste in the "Introduce yourself" thread!
See also Rules & Regulations

Please introduce yourself when you join!

Why I want to join C&F Guild A passion in art, etc?
Link to a Gallery/Deviantart/or Samples


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Feel free to donate to help fund the monthly contests!
Send gold over to Cherub the Skunk, the official guild mule.

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Cherub & Friends' Affiliates!
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{{ Shops . Freebies . Tutorials . Galleries . Contests . Comics . DigiArt . Traditional art . Requests . Giggle Box . Games . WIP . Recycle . Writing }}