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Welcome to the Games

Intro | Announcements | Rules | Competition | Application | Prizes | Staff | Fighters | Rounds | Credits

Event RP | Contest | Volunteer | Discussion | OOC | Profiles | Vendors Row

"LADIES AAAAND GENTLEMEN!" A booming voice cried out over a bustling city street filled with all sorts of people from all sorts of places. The voice came from a huge, stark white Colosseum at the center of the city's bustling market district. The building hadn't been used in quite a while, having sat abandoned for years. Recently though workers had been toiling away to clean and repair the broken structure and, naturally, had attracted a number of curious folk. It was to this inquisitive crowd that the voice had spoken, from an unassuming man standing in front of the Colosseum on a marble platform that looked designed to hold a statue.

"It's the moment you've all been waiting for, the BRAWLER'S BASH! It's the most exciting fighting competition we've ever had, and we're here to watch blood-spilling battle-hardened warriors duke it out until only one of them is left standing!"

Behind the ranting Announcer a pair of men were setting up a table near the main entrance to the Colosseum. The table was simple, sturdy wood and the younger of the two covered it with a white cloth before the older, and much shorter, man grimly placed papers and feather tipped pens upon it. Then the two settled in behind the table to wait.

The stout, older man looked every bit the part of a blacksmith - which is his secondary function at the tournament: forging, reforging, and repairing weapons for the competitors. He boasted a godly musculature hidden beneath a scant wardrobe: leather gauntlets lacking fingers, knee-high leather boots, and baggy black trousers that hang limply over the neck of his boots. From his belt of black leather dangled all manner of tools for his craft; one in particular, his hammer, outshines all the rest with its sheer size and design. It was clearly meant for both work and war, and gleamed warily from Cedric's left hip like a steel sentinel. His face, however, was downright ugly, like God forgot he was sculpting a human face and gave him instead the visage of a bulldog. His nose was bulbous, nostrils each as wide as the flat bridge. Small brown eyes were overshadowed by thick brow bones dense with brown follicles. It seemed much of his hair had decided to migrate, leaving most of his scalp bare. Meanwhile, a great, manly beard cascaded down his cheeks, hiding his neck and much of his chest with a chocolate brown thicket. His default expression was wary and analytical, prone to smiling in the presence of friendly folk, and frowning around women and gods. He had a lumbering gait with a hitch in his left step - to the trained eye, it was the sign of a man who has adapted to his limp.

The younger man couldn't have been more different while still being the fighting sort at least. Farthest from a hideous blacksmith, the handsome young man was a knight - complete with brightly shining armor. Platinum blond hair fell down his shoulders in a silky sheet to frame a pleasantly pale and slightly boyish face. Friendly, emerald eyes topped a welcoming, though slightly vacant, smile. A bearskin wrapped round his shoulders made a sort of furry cloak, the paws clasping it together at his chest and the head biting his left shoulder over the pauldron. Intricate details filigreed each plate of his mythril armor in a rich design not at all marred by the odd animal cape.

The both of them stood waiting for whatever brave souls would step up to the challenge and enter the Games.

~ * ~

Note: Be sure to post the right things in the right places.
Submit fighter applications to the Contest thread
Volunteer to help in the Volunteer thread
Chat and mingle in the OOC thread
Offer suggestions in the Discussion thread

Welcome to the Recruitment Table of this year's SDRP Summer Games where we hope to have a great turn out for some mingling and friendly competition either as part of the audience in the Main thread or joining the fighters here in the arena. The basic setting/premise of this year's Games is a Romanesque gladiatorial match held by the Old Gods in the Beimini Colosseum within the quirky and eclectic world of Aelzwyr, a pocket dimension between worlds where lost things tend to collect. Characters from anywhere can come and watch as part of the audience or join the fight by submitting an application right here.

This here thread is the main attraction of the whole event - the Fights, a scene writing competition where we'll pair up contestants and pit them against each other in the sands. Each contestant will reserve their entry to the contest by submitting a fighter application to this thread and once enough fighters are signed up they will be paired off to write their scenes for each round of the competition. Our Judges will pick the winner of each fight and only the victors will be posted to the Event RP thread and go on to the next round.

Check here often to keep up to date with what's going on in the Games. Each round will be announced and linked here along with round winners, mini-games, and other important information.

Announcements will be posted here in reverse order.

  • 08/27/12: Round One Begins!
  • 08/06/12: Event open to public
  • 08/01/12: Event threads started

These are the basic codes of conduct within the Games. There are not many and they are very simple. Breaking these will have consequences.

1. Common Sense
Don't be an idiot. The thread starter is God. Respect him, respect each other, respect the TOS and forum rules (keep it PG-13, no spamming, no trolling, no soliciting, don't be a jerk). Don't mess it up for the rest of us and try not to do anything that would upset other people. This is a GAME after all, we're here to have fun.

2. Literacy
We write in third person, past tense, complete sentences. L33t speak, txt abbreviations, profuse slang, and generally bad grammar should not be used outside of dialog. Judges will determine fight winners based on technical writing ability, style, and how well both characters are portrayed given their applications.

If you center align long blocks of text, stretch the page, or use bright font colors you will be disqualified.

3. Depth
We'd like our characters and fights to be as developed as possible. Don't just give us a vague concept, have a fleshed out person with a rich background and personality, use good description and a varied vocabulary with interesting action but do try to keep it somewhat believable.

4. Commitment
We want dedicated players or at least to know how dedicated all our fighters are so we can pair them with others of the same level. Fighters will be asked how often they can check/post on their fight application, take that seriously and give us the time you sign up for. If you can't make at least one post a week you should stick to the audience and not participate in the competition. If you may have scheduling concerns you should discuss them with the Marshals when you put in your application.

5. Dependability
If you will be unable to post for a while please let the Announcer or one of the Marshals know ahead of time so they can try to hold your fight back until you can post again. Fighters will have one week after the declaration of their round to complete their fight or be disqualified.
Competition Details

The fights will consist of several elimination rounds, each with different twists and conditions to make them interesting, until there is only one fighter left standing. Rounds will be carefully matched and given out by the Announcer. Early rounds will be broken into various brackets (magic-users, non-magic, realistic) to help balance fighters from varied backgrounds and power levels. Each round's specific rules will not be pre-planned but given out when the fighters are paired and shall be appropriate for both characters (not going to put a kung fu master against a spindly wizard and then restrict magic).

We're still taking ideas on the round specifics but a few we've got so far are: restrict magic use, lions (or other animals) in the ring, restrict weapons, spinning cage fight (gravity shifts), team fights, chariot fight, Kraken fight (flooded arena), anti-gravity fight, and various setting changes/obstacles.

Competition Guidelines:
  • Follow all Rules
  • Submit a Fighter Application in this thread before the Recruiter's Table closes
  • The best written fight (judged on grammar, style, and faithfulness to the characters) will win so try to write a good one
  • Please keep your fights between a minimum of five and maximum of twenty paragraphs
  • All fights must be submitted to this thread once the round is announced
  • You have one week from the round announcement to post your fight or you will be disqualified
  • If something comes up contact the Announcer or one of the Marshals before your week is up to request your fight be postponed
  • As a courtesy, please let the Announcer or one of the Marshals know if you expect an absence
  • Between fights you may interact with the audience under the same methods as walk-in players (see Walk-in guidelines)

How It's Done

To participate in the competition players must first submit a Fighter Application by writing an introduction scene post in this thread where their fighter walks up to the Recruitment Table and hands in their application to one of the Marshals at the table. This introduction scene will be considered your writing sample and the application form will be used by other players in the fights to properly write your character. Once accepted to the competition, fighters can (but don't have to) socialize with the audience in the Event RP thread between fights (under the same rules and guidelines as Walk-in players) and will have their own areas and NPCs to play with but the fights themselves will be solo-written scenes.

When we have enough fighters to begin the Recruitment Table will be closed and this thread will shift to the Arena. Staff will then work up a fighting roster where each fighter will be paired with a fairly evenly matched opponent (based on their stats and writing skill displayed in their application). Once the round is announced these two players will each write a scene detailing the battle between them with their own character winning and submit their writing as a post to this thread. This will result in two versions of each match with different winners.

When both versions for a match are in, the fight will be announced and Judges will vote which version is better. The audience may be encouraged to weigh in with their opinion but the judges have final say. Once the winner is announced that scene will be posted to the Event RP thread and the winner goes on to the next round to do it again. The loser may or may not be dead but either way out of the competition. If they wish, losers may go mingle with the crowd as survivors, ghosts, zombies, resurrected, or just a fresh character.

ALL Fighters must turn in an Application. If you do not apply (or your application is not approved) you are not allowed to compete. At the beginning of the event, fighters must sign up by filling out and submitting the following application:

[b]Writing Sample:[/b] scene of your fighter walking up to the Recruitment table and turning in their application.

Character Name:
Gaia Username:
How often can you check/post to the event?
Fighter Introduction: (what the announcer will say when introducing you to the ring)
Describe your fighting style:
Describe your weapons:

Scale of 0-20 with < 5 being dysfunctional and 20 being incredibly adept. The average is between 10 and 13. See Stats section below for more information. You have 75 points to put into the following:
[b]Strength:[/b] (measure of physical strength - how hard you can hit and how much you can lift)
[b]Dexterity:[/b] (measure of speed and agility - how fast you can hit and how well you can dodge)
[b]Constitution:[/b] (measure of general health and endurance - how well you can take a hit and how long you can keep going)
[b]Intelligence:[/b] (measure of mental strength - how fast you can think and how devious you are)
[b]Wisdom:[/b] (measure of common sense - how hard you are to fool and how determined you are)
[b]Charisma:[/b] (measure of persuasion - how good you look and how charming you are)

Scale of 0-5 with 0 being completely inexperienced and 5 being complete mastery. You have 30 points to put into the following:
[b]Armor:[/b] (each group of armor is separate and points equal how strong it is. Example: helmet (2), shield (1), torso (4), legs (3))
[b]Armed Combat:[/b] (each weapon is separate. Example: sword (5), gun (2), spear (1), chain whip (4))
[b]Unarmed Combat:[/b] (each ability is separate. Example: grappling (2), acrobatics (4), evasion (5), kicks (2))
[b]Magic:[/b] (each magic style is separate. If summoning, each summon is separate. Example: fireball (3), telekenisis (2), summon skeleton (2), summon wolf (5))

This application is the Fighter's character submission and will be used to pair them with other, fairly evenly matched, fighters. Each fighter player will need to read their opponent's application closely to be able to write that character decently well. Judges will determine fight winners based on technical writing ability, style, and how well both characters are portrayed given their applications.

Fighter Applications should be posted to this thread with an introduction scene of your fighter walking up and giving the application to the Marshals standing at the Recruitment Table (as described in the first post). Fill out the application and put it at the end of your post. This introduction scene will be considered your writing sample so make it good. One of the Marshals will review the application and either accept it or suggest changes.

Pay attention to the Marshals and do as they say. The Marshals are the event staff that will be accepting Fighters. If a Marshal suggests a change to your application you may not be allowed to fight unless that change is made. Marshals will only suggest changes to help your character or to balance them with the rest of the fighters. Once a Marshal accepts your application you may mingle with the crowd or other fighters until your fight is declared. Pay attention to announcements as that is where fights will be declared.


To help better define the Stats and what all those numbers mean we've got this handy little list of examples. To sum it up: Scores under 5 in any stat will cause major difficulties in doing things that use that stat. A Score of 1 in any stat make the character basically incapable of doing things that require that stat. Scores of 8 to 10 are the human average. Scores of 10 to 13 are the player character average (since PCs tend to be slightly above average). Scores over 18 are near inhuman allowing the character to push the boundaries of what is humanly possible.

Score of 0:
Strength: Can not move
Dexterity: Can not move
Constitution: Unconscious
Intelligence: Unconscious
Wisdom: Unconscious
Charisma: So ugly as to cause vomiting and violent reactions on sight

Score of 1:
Strength: Punch like a kitten
Dexterity: About as mobile as Jello (you can wiggle and that's about it)
Constitution: One light hit and you're down
Intelligence: Dumb as a cow
Wisdom: Completely oblivious
Charisma: Sight of you causes revulsion and hatred

Score of 2-3:
Strength: Can lift a milk jug
Dexterity: Move like a mummy
Constitution: One decent hit and you're down
Intelligence: Dog smart
Wisdom: Notice when things are coming at you but that's about it
Charisma: People find you gross and unlikable

Score of 4-5:
Strength: Can carry the rest of the groceries
Dexterity: Graceful as a Zombie (not the fast kind)
Constitution: One hard hit and you're down
Intelligence: Barely capable of human language
Wisdom: Able to trace the source of thrown objects
Charisma: Your presence causes general uneasiness

Scores below 5:
Strength: Can not use blunt weapons (clubs, maces, hammers, bats), can not use medium or heavier weapons (anything heavier than a knife - swords, pole arms, axes), can not use medium or heavier armor (3 or more points of armor)
Dexterity: Can not use ranged weapons (guns, bows, darts, etc), can not use medium or heavier armor (3 or more points of armor)
Constitution: Can not survive a good hit. Will be exhausted by most fights. Will tire rapidly from wearing light armor (1 or 2 points of armor).
Intelligence: Can not use learned spell type magic or technology (guns, explosives, computers)
Wisdom: Can not use inner strength type magic
Charisma: Can not use summoning type magic, will be hated and therefore targeted by animals and other hazards in the ring

Scores of 6-7:
Strength: You hit like a girl
Dexterity: Cumbersome as a giant
Constitution: Can take a few hard, blunt hits
Intelligence: Can do simple math
Wisdom: Can recognize when someone is about to attack
Charisma: You are unattractive but not revolting

Score of 8-9:
Strength: Can carry a box of paper (50 lbs)
Dexterity: A little clumsy but generally do ok
Constitution: Can take some hard, blunt hits and more lighter ones
Intelligence: Can use basic tactics (throw sand in eyes, feign attack, trips)
Wisdom: Can anticipate direction of attacks (when not feigned)
Charisma: Unremarkable

Scores below 10:
Strength: Can not use heavy weapons (large swords, axes, hammers), can not reliably use (3 or more points) medium weapons, can not wear heavy armor (4 or more points)
Dexterity: Can not reliably use (3 or more points) ranged weapons (guns, bows, darts, etc), can not wear heavy armor (4 or more points)
Constitution: Can not fully function with an injury. Risk exhaustion in extended fights. Will tire rapidly from wearing medium armor (3 or more points).
Intelligence: Can not use learned spell type magic or complex technology (computer systems, bombs)
Wisdom: Can not use inner strength type magic
Charisma: Can not use summoning type magic, will have significant difficulty in a leadership position

Score of 10-11:
Strength: May not embarrass yourself at the gym
Dexterity: Not the greatest dancer but you don't trip or spill things
Constitution: Can fully function despite light injuries (cuts, bruises)
Intelligence: Can use intermediate tactics (improvised weapon, take advantage of environmental hazards).
Wisdom: Can anticipate general nature of attack
Charisma: Generally likable

Score of 12-13:
Strength: Your bench press weight is respectable
Dexterity: Can dance and play darts without harm
Constitution: Able to work through moderate injuries (stabs, sprains)
Intelligence: Can use advanced tactics (ricochet, arching)
Wisdom: Can anticipate simple moves
Charisma: Popular

Score of 14-15:
Strength: You were probably on the weight lifting team in high school
Dexterity: Could be a dancer or marksman
Constitution: Can semi-function with relatively severe injuries (shots, concussions). Exhaustion is no concern in most situations
Intelligence: Can devise complex, multi-step strategies
Wisdom: Can anticipate combination moves
Charisma: You could go into politics

Scores below 15:
Strength: Can not master (4 or more points) heavy weapons
Dexterity: Can not master (4 or more points) ranged weapons
Constitution: Will be severely handicapped with a gunshot wound. Will tire under heavy armor (4 or more points)
Intelligence: Can not master (4 or more points) learned spell type magic
Wisdom: Can not master (4 or more points) inner strength type magic
Charisma: Can not master (4 or more points) summoning type magic

Score of 16-17:
Strength: Heavy-weight boxer
Dexterity: Could be a sniper or pick-pocket
Constitution: Can semi-function with severe injuries (broken bone, blood loss)
Intelligence: Can perform field chemistry (make chemical weapons and bombs on the fly)
Wisdom: Can anticipate opponent's next move
Charisma: Rock Star

Score of 18-19:
Strength: Professional body builder
Dexterity: Acrobat or knife thrower
Constitution: Can mostly function with severe injuries (broken bone, blood loss)
Intelligence: Can disarm explosives and hack into computer systems in the field
Wisdom: Can anticipate opponent's next few moves
Charisma: Super Star

Score of 20:
Strength: World's Strongest Man
Dexterity: Contortionist
Constitution: Rasputin (poisoned, shot three times - once in the head - beaten, then drowned in a freezing river before dying)
Intelligence: Stephen Hawking
Wisdom: Kung-fu guru
Charisma: World leader

Competition Prizes
The grand prize of this year's Summer Games will go to the event's Champion - the final winner of the writing competition. Along with the title of Champion, the winner will receive: a full color digital artwork commission from SDRP's resident artist (umbraja), 100,000g, and first pick from our Prize Pool Items.

There will also be a finalist and two semi-finalists in the fights who will receive small character sketches or pixel art from resident artists (umbraja and Venom), a pick at the Prize Pool Items, and 50,000g.

But those aren't the only prizes to be had. The winner of each round in the writing competition will be gifted with a small token prize (probably a cupcake) and stat bonuses to be added to their character's stats for use in later rounds. Some rounds may also award in-game items (potions and weapons) to be used in later rounds or other prizes. Judges may also award characters with Divine Blessings (stat bonuses, items, spells, whatever they come up with) for exemplary performance. All these rewards will help your character's chances of winning the grand prize and any character that survives (or is resurrected) can come back next time we hold the Games with all the bonuses earned.

Grand Prize:
Overall competition winner
  • 100,000g
  • Full Color Commission Artwork
  • First pick at Prize Pool Items

Finalist (Second Prize):
Final round's opposition
  • 50,000g
  • Sketch or Pixel Art
  • Second pick at Prize Pool Items

Two Semi-Finalists:
Round before the final round's opposition
  • 25,000g
  • Sketch or Pixel Art
  • Third (and forth) pick at Prize Pool Items

Best Death:
Writer of the best death scene throughout the Competition
  • 25,000g
  • Pick at Prize Pool Items

Round Winners:
Those who survive each round
  • Cupcake
  • Stat bonuses

General Prizes
The fighters aren't the only ones with something to win - there will also be general prizes for the audience and mini-games offered throughout, each with prizes of their own (which will be announced when each mini-game starts). So keep a lookout for announcements of the mini-games and have a look at the general prizes below.

Best Post:
The overall best written, most entertaining post in the whole event
  • 25,000g
  • Pick at Prize Pool Items

Funniest Post:
The post that makes us laugh the most
  • 25,000g
  • Pick at Prize Pool Items

Most Posts:
Person who makes the most posts throughout the event. Posts must be at least three sentences of in character roleplay to count
  • 25,000g
  • Pick at Prize Pool Items

Social butterfly:
First person to interact with three other people
  • 10,000g
  • Pick at Prize Pool Items

Best Taunt:
The most amusing comment made to jeer the fighters
  • 10,000g
  • Pick at Prize Pool Items

Prize Pool
And now what you've all been waiting for - the Prize Pool. These are the items we will be offering as prizes for the various awards. The numbers in ( ) indicate how many of the item we currently have on hand and the listed prices are rounded approximations of the average market value at the time we looked it up.

Rather than assigning a specific item to each award we're gong to let the winners pick from this list. Prize selection will be on a first come first serve basis (unless otherwise noted in the award).

If you're feeling generous and happen to have one of these items (or gold or anything really) please send it to the SDRP mule (School Of Dedicated RPers) so that we can add it to our Prize Pool.

Prize Pool Items:
in marketplace value order

    User Image Padmavati's Lotus - EI
    450,000g (1) Donated by Ivaylo_Sai

    User ImageDay of the Dead - CI
    87,000g (1) Donated by Ivaylo_Sai

    User ImageGift of the Goddess - MC, Jan 2007 (68,000)
    40,000g (1) Donated by Isa-sama

    User ImageGift of the Gods - MC, Sep 2007 (85,000)
    39,000g (1) Donated by Ivaylo_Sai

    User ImageBacchus - MC, Jul 2010 (68,000)
    35,000g (1) Donated by umbraja

    User ImageMilitary Formal - CI
    33,000g (1) Donated by Yume The Loving creature

    User ImageNavy Formal - CI
    28,000g (1) Donated by Yume The Loving creature

    User ImageWar of the Warlords - MC, Aug 2008 (540,000)
    21,000g (1) Donated by Watervoir

    User ImageConqueror's Winter - CI
    20,000g (1) Donated by Yume The Loving creature

    User ImageSulfuric Brawler
    15,000g (1) Donated by Watervoir

    User ImageSuper Brawler Bash
    12,000g (1) Donated by Isa-sama

Event Staff

Event Staff will be made up of SDRP members who've graciously volunteered their time to make this event a success. If you would like to be one of the Staff members submit the appropriate application to the Summer Event Discussion thread in the guild's main forum.

Marshals are past Champions in the ring that will be getting us started off by running the Recruitment Table to sign up the fighters and make sure they aren't completely out of balance. Once the fights start the Marshals' job changes to keeping the fighters in line and making sure they get their fights written on time. (May be combined with Guards if not enough volunteer.)

  • Cedric Ardent (Mr. Blackbird Lore): It's not hard to guess why they asked this two-time champion to oversee the new fighters: just look at that face!

  • Sir Alexander (Ivaylo_Sai): Protector of the Innocent, Slayer of Bears, Keeper of the Juice, Rider of Lightning, Taster of the Dead - Alex may look like the quintessential knight in shining armor but there's more (or less) to him than meets the eye.

As the title suggests, the Guards are exactly that, security guards that run the event's security to make sure everyone is following the rules and getting along. This may or may not be a busy position (depending on the players) but it does require a lot of commitment as you'll need to be vigilant. It will also require a lot of tact and good people skills so keep that in mind. (May be combined with Guards if not enough volunteer.)

  • Allegra Sinclair (..s.k.i.t.t.l.e.s..): If folks get out of line, this girl's got a swift kick in their backside waiting and they won't even see it coming.

  • Jason Kharo (Jason Kharo): This one keeps himself to himself and never lets out why he is here or where he came from. He is a highly trained and expert operative, a match for any martial art master in hand to hand, and with 20/10 eyesight, his rounds are always on target.

  • Riven (Riv) Fannars (Watervoir): Want your daily dose of fun? Riv Fannars is your man - and more. This year, he is tasked with the job of policing the crowd and enforcing the rules. Don't go too far and he won't have to freeze your pretty face in place.

  • Sage Proctor (Kage Tsukuyomi): More playful than he looks, don't be alarmed if this one decides to tickle your brain with a stick of pocky.

Responsible for introducing the fights (giving out the pairings and twists) and announcing the winners, the Announcer is the voice of the Games

  • Captain (School Of Dedicated RPers): Humble servant of the gods.

The Old Gods will be deciding who wins and loses.

  • Citlalicue (Isa-sama): Goddess of earth, death, and the Milky Way.

  • Chandra Soma (Jikial): Illustrious god of the moon.

  • Apollo (umbraja): Golden god of the sun.

These are the Games' intrepid competitors, each willing to put their lives (or at least their time) on the line to give us a good show. They're a varied bunch hailing from all over the multiverse with different skills and techniques but one goal in mind - to Win.

Listed in alphabetical order by first name:
Click linked names to view the full application.

  • Artemis Nove (MidnightFyre): A quiet traveller with an unknown, dark past and a walking contradictory, people of Gaia, be amazed at the sight of the one who makes you look like a foo! Please give a great round of applause to the Golden Boy of the Century, Artemis Nova!!

  • Bonnie Valentine (OriginalSooshi): Watch out for the hunter with the vicious attitude - if you get on her bad side, get ready to meet your maker. Say hello to BONNIE VALENTINE!

  • Clover (SCP-0): Coming from Hell's Gates, Age 19, Beautiful young Clover!, The Cutest weapon of pure destruction at your door step, Ladies and gentlemen you might want to sit at the back for your own safety!

  • Dale Feery (starwarsbaby): He's 15 and ready to roll withe the, uh, magic? he doesn't really punch, so, um, okay, I guess we have here Daaaaaaaaalllle Feeeeeeeryyy.

  • Djorvic R. Gregor (NlETZSCHE): Here we have the man with the plan! Our brave hero! Taking a break from power leveling, and here to bring the strategy, Djorvic R. Gregor!!!

  • Hikaru (terminallyCapricious_TC): Know body knows who he is, and no ones lived to tell us, heres Hikaru! the unknown assassin of the east!

  • John Thunder (Venom3001): JOHN THUNDER, the Wizard Wonder arrives to THUNDEROUS applause! This match should be ENLIGHTENING!"

  • Junya Thornborne (Divine-Beauti's): Arriving from the rolling hills of Farfar is Junya Thornborne. Her hobbies include cooking, asking unnecessary questions, and throwing daggers! Please keep an eye out for daggers randomly placed around the Colosseum grounds she has asked the audience members to refrain from touching them. Ladies and Gents, not to be confused with the Thornberry’s, I give you Juuunnyyyaaa Thornborne!!

  • Kel-Zied (KillerWarrior13): He may not look like much, but rumor has it he can shoot the wart off a witch's nose a mile away! Give it up for Gunslinger and Witch Wart Remover.. Old Man KEL-ZIED!

  • Kojiro Izayoi (FalconBlade7591): And now stepping into the ring is the Half-pint fighter that Winter left behind!

  • Lee Wilkes (bungoosekey): Here he is. At 6 foot 2 inches and 185 pounds. The human punching bag, Lee Wilkes!

  • Pheobe Hunter (Angelic Arisa): Looking down on her isn't good because she can break your body in two, introducing...Pheobe Hunter!

  • Prince Loppiesille Pansyloons (sixii): Who says royalty can't pack a punch? Coming all the way from the frosted Appalachians of Candy Land, please welcome - oh, dear. Er. Ahem. Please welcome Prince Loppiesille Pa... Pansyloons de Poppykins XIV!

  • Takamura Kobayashi (Takamura Kobayashi): From realms unknown, he has traveled through time and space to be with us tonight. IT'S TAKI!!!!!

  • Vyra (Natasha _x-X-x_ Exotica): People of the audience, Allow me to introduce a fighter who is out of this world! She's lean, she's mean, she's an all out battle machine! You better go big or go home with this do or die harbinger of death and destruction! Standing at six-foot-two and weighing in at nearly four-hundred pounds. Today's stone cold contender, Vyra!!

  • Willam McFadden (SiberDrac): Hailing from... well, that section's blank... ~ahem~ Willam McFadden, the wandering nomad pokémon trainer enters the ring today for a chance to win... money. He's not after fame or a name, ladies and gentlemen, just the money. Having abandoned his home after a nuclear apocalypse, he's just trying to stay alive! So... here he is! Willammmmmmmm McFadden!

Waiting List (in case people drop):

  • Boris the Animal (Edge Mule): Boris the Animal, the imprisoned warrior, the Devil's right-hand man. We've got one hell of a fight to come ladies and gentlemen.

Each player will need to read their opponent's full application to be able to write that character decently well so be sure to follow the links. Judges will determine winners based on technical writing ability, style, and how well both characters are portrayed given their applications.

The Competition will consist of elimination rounds until there is only one fighter left standing. Each round the fighters will be paired off so check the list to see who you're up against.

Round One
The first round will be a basic arena fight, no special rules, no obstacles, just two fighters and the Colosseum sands.

    Round One: Fight One
    Kel-Zied (KillerWarrior13): He may not look like much, but rumor has it he can shoot the wart off a witch's nose a mile away! Give it up for Gunslinger and Witch Wart Remover.. Old Man KEL-ZIED!

    Prince Loppiesille Pansyloons (sixii): Who says royalty can't pack a punch? Coming all the way from the frosted Appalachians of Candy Land, please welcome - oh, dear. Er. Ahem. Please welcome Prince Loppiesille Pa... Pansyloons de Poppykins XIV!

    Round One: Fight Two
    Takamura Kobayashi (Takamura Kobayashi): From realms unknown, he has traveled through time and space to be with us tonight. IT'S TAKI!!!!!

    Hikaru (terminallyCapricious_TC): Know body knows who he is, and no ones lived to tell us, heres Hikaru! the unknown assassin of the east!

    Round One: Fight Three
    Djorvic R. Gregor (NlETZSCHE): Here we have the man with the plan! Our brave hero! Taking a break from power leveling, and here to bring the strategy, Djorvic R. Gregor!!!

    Willam McFadden (SiberDrac): Hailing from... well, that section's blank... ~ahem~ Willam McFadden, the wandering nomad pokémon trainer enters the ring today for a chance to win... money. He's not after fame or a name, ladies and gentlemen, just the money. Having abandoned his home after a nuclear apocalypse, he's just trying to stay alive! So... here he is! Willammmmmmmm McFadden!

    Round One: Fight Four
    John Thunder (Venom3001): JOHN THUNDER, the Wizard Wonder arrives to THUNDEROUS applause! This match should be ENLIGHTENING!"

    Vyra (Natasha _x-X-x_ Exotica): People of the audience, Allow me to introduce a fighter who is out of this world! She's lean, she's mean, she's an all out battle machine! You better go big or go home with this do or die harbinger of death and destruction! Standing at six-foot-two and weighing in at nearly four-hundred pounds. Today's stone cold contender, Vyra!!

    Round One: Fight Five
    Pheobe Hunter (Angelic Arisa): Looking down on her isn't good because she can break your body in two, introducing...Pheobe Hunter!

    Bonnie Valentine (OriginalSooshi): Watch out for the hunter with the vicious attitude - if you get on her bad side, get ready to meet your maker. Say hello to BONNIE VALENTINE!

    Round One: Fight Six
    Clover (SCP-0): Coming from Hell's Gates, Age 19, Beautiful young Clover!, The Cutest weapon of pure destruction at your door step, Ladies and gentlemen you might want to sit at the back for your own safety!

    Junya Thornborne (Divine-Beauti's): Arriving from the rolling hills of Farfar is Junya Thornborne. Her hobbies include cooking, asking unnecessary questions, and throwing daggers! Please keep an eye out for daggers randomly placed around the Colosseum grounds she has asked the audience members to refrain from touching them. Ladies and Gents, not to be confused with the Thornberry’s, I give you Juuunnyyyaaa Thornborne!!

    Round One: Fight Seven
    Kojiro Izayoi (FalconBlade7591): And now stepping into the ring is the Half-pint fighter that Winter left behind!

    Dale Feery (starwarsbaby): He's 15 and ready to roll withe the, uh, magic? he doesn't really punch, so, um, okay, I guess we have here Daaaaaaaaalllle Feeeeeeeryyy.

    Round One: Fight Eight
    Lee Wilkes (bungoosekey): Here he is. At 6 foot 2 inches and 185 pounds. The human punching bag, Lee Wilkes!

    Artemis Nove (MidnightFyre): A quiet traveller with an unknown, dark past and a walking contradictory, people of Gaia, be amazed at the sight of the one who makes you look like a foo! Please give a great round of applause to the Golden Boy of the Century, Artemis Nova!!


Here's where we'll give credit where it's due to all the awesome people who have helped bring this thing together. If you're on this list and would like us to link any of your RPs or other projects just send us a PM with the links and we'll add them.

Special thanks to:
listed in alphabetical order

  • EmpyreanFlight - for being our first Vendor

  • Isa-sama - for helping write the intro post, donating a Gift of the Goddess and Super Brawler Bash, giving wonderful feedback all along the way, and being the first to volunteer to be one of our staff

  • Ivaylo_Sai - for helping write the setup and explaining things, volunteering to be staff, donating a Padmavati's Lotus, Day of the Dead, Gift of the Gods, and generally helping fund the event

  • Jikial - for giving feedback, moral support, and volunteering to be one of our judges

  • lily564a - for giving good suggestions and asking questions to force us to explain things (cuz I'm bad at it)

  • Mr. Blackbird Lore - for being first to volunteer for the Recruiting Table

  • umbraja - for organizing the event, drawing the staff templates and banners (yeah, still working on those), writing most of the setup, donating artwork and a Bacchus for prizes, keeping the event threads updated, herding cats, and letting us host the games in her own little world. If you've liked the event's setting check out the RP where it came from - Elsewhere: In the Land of Lost Things

  • SiberDrac - for helping us come up with the Fighter Application, being our first fighter, and participating in the test fight

  • SirBayer - for donating 50,000g for cash prizes

  • Venom3001 - for coming up with the original idea that got all this started, helping with the stats, and for donating 111,1111g for cash prizes

  • Watervoir - for being a clever and enthusiastic supporter with great ideas, volunteering to run security, participating in the test fight, and donating a War of the Warlords and Sulfuric Brawler

  • Yume The Loving creature - for donating a Conqueror's Winter, Military Formal, Navy Formal, and 30,000g for cash prizes
"Come one, come all to the Summer Games - now open to the public!" the announcer bellowed again calling the crowd into the Colosseum. "Just take a stroll right in and see what we've got to offer here. Fighters step up to the Recruitment Table and put in your applications. If you've got something to sell or just looking to buy take a stroll to Vendors Row. If you're here to watch, well this is a spectator sport so head on in and get to spectating!"
Dale walked up to the table and looked at the form in his hand. His scaly body was completeley covered to hide the ugliness that covered him."Here's my application," he said. The Marshall took it and put it with others. Dale walked away and thought"Lets see how this unfolds."

Character Name: Dale Feery
How often can you check/post to the event? Depends on the day
Looks:Flaming red hair and a pair of red sunglasses. He wears a mask and long sleeves. He has a hood and long pants, all red. He has a single spike protruding from his head, scales, and a tail.
Personality: Dale thinks he's better than any of his opponents. Because of his amazing fire abilities, he usually isn't wrong. Although, he does find opponents that can defeat him.
Brief bio/introduction: Dale is a young dragon-like humanoid from the mountains. He's 15 and ready to roll withe the, uh, magic? he doesn't really punch, so, um, okay, I guess we have here Daaaaaaaaalllle Feeeeeeeryyy.
Describe your fighting style:He uses mostly magic but can use his sword if necessary. He also fights with his claws and tail.
Describe your weapons: His sword and claws are the extent of his armed combat.

Scale of 0-20 with < 5 being dysfunctional and 20 being incredibly adept. The average is between 10 and 13. You have 75 points to put into the following:
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 18
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 7
Charisma: 5

Scale of 0-5 with 0 being completely inexperienced and 5 being mastery. You have 30 points to put into the following:
Armor: head 2, torso 1, legs 1, tail 1
Armed Combat: sword 2
Unarmed Combat: claws 1, tail 1
Magic: Fireball 3, Fire stream 5, fire meteor 2, fire whip 3, summon fire man 2, fire trail 5

Aaand we have our first properly submitted fighter! Thank you and good luck. You can go mingle in the RP thread while we wait for enough fighters to sign up so the competition can begin. I'll but out lovely Announcer to add you to the posts soon.

The beautiful Clover walking towards the entrance as the men around, stopped, stared and started to drool as she passed by, watching her from behind and sneaking up in front to look at her goddess like body, Stopping at the entrance looking above at the huge doors "Woooowie~, this place is super big hehe, I don't know were to go,. . . . . . awwwh I think i'm lost. . . . ."" She said, her gentle soft girlish voice can be heard having another beautiful trait of a voice of a god, not knowing where to go, Clover continued to walk, and finally went into the structure, lost and confused, a pink mark can be seen on her face, she was blushing with her head down low and her hands held together as the men kept following her and won't leave her alone, It always made her feel uncomfortable, She never wanted to force them away, she sometimes liked the attention hearing them morn for her.

Looking at the crowd around the arena, There were so many people, Clover looked around scratching her head not knowing were to go, Her pink underwear, bunny ears, unique type of armor, and beautiful orange hair was eye catching, ""I wish I knew were to go~: she whispered to herself.

Caution!: Danger Ahead

Character Name: Clover
Gaia Username: SCP-0
How often can you check/post to the event?: Every hour, I'm on quite often

Lusty Skin, Height 5,7 Clover weights 100 + Boob weight = 110 but very strong for her looks, Clover has a pink bra made of spider silk that is shiny and lusty with her beautiful skin which is as strong as steel having the bra that is very small for her breast size = +10 Weight, Her pink underwear which is also revealing is also made of spider silk, having the shape and figure of a beautiful young lady FROM HELL, Almost DEMON goddess like, as men will always drool after her super star like fame.
Clover has a massive armored arm, [Her Right] Having a massive shoulder pad that can protect her head from being so big when being attacked from the side having energy that is her massive strength inside from splashing out concussed soul waves out of the arm and fist to extend her strength making it easier to crush things, only able to do this with her right hand, The armor is shiny black with trimming of elegant orange explaining a demonic yet human like look to her armor which is trickery to lure humans in instead of having demonic armor which keeps pitiful beings away, which the shoulder pad has an engineering system for this time, Which can make the shoulder pad shoot throwing knives towards the enemy with alchemy symbols on them making the throwing knives highly explosive when impact with another person "POW POW POW!".
Clover has magical orange hair that is beautiful in the light of the moon and the sun, having it in a ponytail which blows with the wind in a gorgeous way. . .
Clovers eyes are a deadly girlish pink that matches her bra, underwear and bunny ears That can joyfully flop around, but I don't think people will be looking at her eyes though, They might not even notice her Bunny ears on her head from having such a majestic body like hers.
She has armored steel boots and shins that cover up to her knees which reflects the sun light which can be used as a distraction towards her enemy, strong layers of steel having it able to not penetrate.
Clover has three swords on her back, one red, one black and one white, all of them have golden trimming on them.

Being a Demon, her skin is stronger than pitiful humans, living in hell they are almost immune to fire and have protective skin that could be described to be bronze like strong, but able to cut limbs through if you're strong enough, but most human like knights are just able to make a scratch and make them bleed a bit making her body to be used as a shield, A powerful one, having armor like skin The bunny demon's hair is also as strong but as light as a feather, you can make a spark with her skin to make a fire if you find Clint, But if you are strong enough to go over her amazing Demon body and suffer her health limit she will go down.

Clover is the high cheerful type of demonic, where they laugh cute fully when the other person is down on the ground, shes pure evil trapped inside an amazing body, having that gift she can easily manipulate males into her traps, laughing with her gentle voice

Fighter Introduction:
"Coming from Hell's Gates, Age 19, Beautiful young Clover!, The Cutest weapon of pure destruction at your door step, Ladies and gentlemen you might want to sit at the back for your own safety!"

Describe your fighting style:
Clover and her weapons of destruction, She likes to use the environment and light magic, because light . . .can go at the speed of light so it's almost unavoidable, using her sword skills with magic, Having explosives with her, If the person is pissing her off, she will go rambo and start spamming her highly explosive throwing knives down at the field. Having three swords, which can equal to three shields as well due to the sheaths as well.

Describe your weapons:
As said before her massive shoulder pad is really a cannon that fires out explosive blades from alchemy touching the soul, The blade explodes and hopefully the person does too, It also makes her right arm have super strength beyond a demons power and her body shape.
Having her first sword, As children are told not to play with glass, This sword summons it, with each slash having no limit on much from crystal's or glass can be summoned, hundreds shards of sharp pieces of glass at swung at you, as well as the sword, using this sword for long range, Your armor may handle the glass well, but the tiny shards at broke from your armor will surround you and get into your eye like sand or dust.
Her second sword with the black sheath is made of energy NOT A LIGHT SABER going at 10,000 degrees, having explosive powers, upon impact a heat wave will be sent through the object with a massive mouth of force, describing the explosion effect which is an attempt to send the person back in flames, setting the place on fire with this sword.
Her last sword in the red sheath can pulses of electricity through it, which acts like a high voltage taser that is highly deadly to the human body, sending it through armor to electrocuted the enemy, if not effected it's just a really sharp sword

Strength: 11
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 18

Armor: Arms 2 [Right Arm Armor &Demon skin], Legs [Spider Silk Underwear, boots % Demon skin] 2 Head 3 [Demon Skin, Demon Skull & Magical Hair], Torso 3 [Spider Silk Bra & Demon Skin]
Armed Combat: Swords 5, Shoulder Cannon/ Guns 5
Unarmed Combat: Vital Point Knowledge 2 Evasion 3
Magic: Energy Beam 3 Energy wave, [sends a magnetic wave of energy which heats things up] 2
Junya could literally feel the excitement in the air outside the Colosseum. It made her want to unwrap her spiked chain whip from her hip and drag it beside her. Instead she grabbed one of her daggers and began twirling it around her fingers. It may look like a simple task but her daggers were double bladed and over a foot long. She was very proud of this pointless skill and loved to show it off, mostly because people would toss her money.

Junya had been watching the recruitment table for some time now. It was always good to observe possible opponents before fighting them. "Well, I guess it's time I turned in my application," she said towards a stranger sitting beside her. Junya carefully stuffed the dagger into her bodice careful not to cut herself, she had enough scars from practicing with them. She pulled a neatly folded piece of paper from knee high brown leather boots and walked towards the recruitment table. She stared at the sheet of paper in contempation. She would definitely turn it in but the question was how. She had an urge to throw it at the recruiters tabe with a dagger attached but that seem cliche' an would ruin the application. So instead, she simply tip toed over to the table.

"Here's my application, Mr. Marshall!" She leaned over the table holding the paper between her fingers swinging it as symmetrically as a pendulum while her other arm gently hung behind her back waiting for someone to walk behind her. Seeing as how it was becoming crowded it didn't take long for someone to brush against her. Once they did she slamme the application on the table while sneaking her hand into their pocket. It was a middle-aged red headed woman who graciously donated a decent sum of money to Junya. She waved bye to the the Marshall and swiftly walked away with a sly smirk on her face. It always felt gratifying when she was successful with a pick pocket.

Character Name: Junya Thornborne
Gaia Username: Divine-Beauti
How often can you check/post to the event? At least every other day
Looks: Junya is 23 years old and stands at a height of about 5’6 with very tan skin. She has jet black hair reaches midway down her back. Her eyes are a very dark shade of green, almost like a sewer. Her fingers are somewhat long and she has beautiful teeth. She wears a matching set of brown leather gloves and boots. Covering the armor over her torso is a simple form fitting blue shirt with 3 horizontal rips on each side. She wears a pair of blue short shorts which helps to advertise her womanly figure.

Personality: Junya loves to talking to people, but she always seems to make awkward comments. Her parents did the best they could to provide for her. She always had what she needed but never what she wanted. So, at the ripe age of 16 she realized that could steal from people and when she got caught, it was a simple sob story to get out of trouble. For the most part she lead a 'hakuna matata" lifestyle and comes and goes as she pleases. She has a few nervous habits, but nothing that makes her seem insane. In fights she has a knack for making her opponents nervous, thus boosting her confidence even more.

Fighter Introduction: Arriving from the rolling hills of Farfar is Junya Thornborne. Her hobbies include cooking, asking unnecessary questions, and throwing daggers! Please keep an eye out for daggers randomly placed around the Colosseum grounds she has asked the audience members to refrain from touching them. Ladies and Gents, not to be confused with the Thornberry’s, I give you Juuunnyyyaaa Thornborne!!

Describe your fighting style: Mostly a long ranged fighter, but is very capable in close combat as well given her speed and agility. Only uses magic to help with her defense. She loves to allow her opponent to attack her as she devises a strategy that takes advantages of their weaknesses. Junya is very aware of her surrondings and uses her spiked whip for more than just attacking. If need be she will completely destroy the arena to ensure her safety. If injured she will keep a great distance from her opponent and bide her time. Her horde of rats may seem harmless and laughable, but they can turn the tides in her favor during battle. Her daggers are used for more than stabbing and with her speed she has no problem getting in close even though she prefers the beauty and finesse of a long range maim or possibly a kill.
Describe your weapons: Keeps no less than 20 13-inch double bladed daggers double bladed daggers (sharp on both ends of handle) on her at all times and a spiked chain whip.

Scale of 0-20 with < 5 being dysfunctional and 20 being incredibly adept.
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 11
Charisma: 9

Scale of 0-5 with 0 being completely inexperienced and 5 being complete mastery.
Armor: Simple iron bodice covering the torso(4)
Armed Combat: daggers (5), chain whip (4)
Unarmed Combat: Evasion (5), Acrobatics (4), martial arts(3)
Magic: Defensive barrier (3), Horde of rats (2)

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