Welcome to Gaia! ::

Breeding wolves. ಠ_ಠ

SEXY TIEM. 0.48 48.0% [ 24 ]
Oh baby. ;o 0.14 14.0% [ 7 ]
BABIES. 8D 0.22 22.0% [ 11 ]
Ew. D< 0.02 2.0% [ 1 ]
MONIES. 0.14 14.0% [ 7 ]
Total Votes:[ 50 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 158 159 160 > >> >>> »|

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Welcome, welcome. I suppose you've come to learn how to fetch yourself a familiar wolf, eh m'dear? Well, well... Perhaps we can teach you. Or, if you're lucky, one will find you.

Table of Contents
1 ◦ Intro (Here)
2 ◦ News
3 ◦ Rules
4 ◦ Story
5 ◦ The Wolves
6 ◦ Availability
7 ◦ Owner's List
8 ◦ Roleplay
9 ◦ Breeding
10 ◦ Customs
11 ◦ Staff
12 ◦ The Tablets
13 ◦ Affiliates
14 ◦ Reserved
15 ◦ Reserved
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7/8/o9 - Welcome our new colorists EverlastingRitz and Terse! Woot! biggrin
We're now hiring only guest colorists here.

5/2o/o9 - Male Invasion FS was a success!
4/6/o9 - OMGGUYS. WE HAS A GUILD. 8D We're coming back~! *Pings luff* <3~
Also, certing and growing style was changed. See guild.
For various info, including the solution to the game and hints at change, see page 96/97. :3
Oh, and one last note. We're hiring here.

9/8/o8 - Celest's birthday and the dice game was won!
7/27/o8 - RP event done at last.
6/3o/o8 - Roleplay info and thread has been posted.
6/25/o8 - Fire Female FS was a success!
6/15/o8 - Event is over! Thanks to all who made it a success!
Please welcome the new staffies!
Grimizna Kurjak as a full time colorist!
SanaSana-chan as a part time colorist!
RLM as our guest colorist, assistant lineart editor, and prisoner!
And welcome back Zactura, the past owner, who's now our lineart editor! 8D

6/1o/o8 - Our first FS was successful!
6/5/o8 - Time of Rebirth event started, hiring closed, and renovations completed.
5/22/o8 - Hiring thread created and opened.
5/21/o8 - Original prep completed.
4/29/o8 - Thread created.
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User Image Don't steal the art.
Come on people. This is just basic. So don't do it.

User Image Behave.
Meaning: No flaming, trolling, whining, begging, or attempting to get pity donations. Follow the TOS. You know how it goes.

User Image Read the front page.
That's what it's there for! Any questions asked that are clearly answered on the front page will be answered with a, 'Go read the front page!'

User Image Don't PM the mule!
Unless asked to, of course. Don't wanna lose any important PMs in a flood of pointless ones.

User Image Respect workers and helpers.
They work hard for your benefit. Be nice and listen to them.

User Image No cheating!
Obvious, but I feel the need to say it anyway. Accidental mistakes get you one chance. Blatant disobeying will not be tolerated. No using mules in any event.

User Image Be literate!
You know, capitalize, spell, punctuate. All that nice stuff.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q - What are the elements?
- They are pretty much anything you may call an element. But I will have to approve them if they are not on this list: fire, water, air, earth, spirit, wood, metal, light, darkness/shadow, ice, time, lightning, sound, and visible air such as smoke and steam.

Q - Alignment? What do mean?
- It works like this. Do you want your wolf to be good, neutral, or evil? Ok, now let's get a bit more specific. Will the wolf be lawful, neutral, or chaotic? Put them together and you have an alignment, such as neutral evil or chaotic good. You may have double neutral, but it shall show up on the cert as simply neutral.

Q - Do I direct link?
- Direct link the certs, yes, but not the uncerts.

Q - Will my wolf from the last shop grow?
- Probably not, since that's not my area, but Zactura, the old owner, may know. Go PM her.

Q - Who do I send the trade to?
- Whether it be for a FS, auction, raffle, custom, or something else, you ALWAYS send the trade to the mule.

Q - Where do I post my custom form?
- For now, post them in the thread. Always. But, if what you want has a negotiable price, then PM it to the colorist AND post it. I like to see what's getting ordered. c:

-More Will Be Added As They Are Asked-
(Because this is a real FAQ)
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If you are a dreamer, come in.
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer . . .
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!
-Shel Silverstein

"Which story shall we tell tonight, m'dears?" asked a woman in her mid-thirties to her small audience of eager children, parents, and various other adults who attempted to look inconspicuous as they listened in. The woman looked very out of place where she was, sitting there on the side of a fountain on the middle of an indoor mall. For most people, it was either one of two things about her that tended to bug them.

One of them was simply the way the woman looked. She wore a gyptian-style dress woven of many fabrics in bright colors. There were no sleeves, just a couple pieces of transparent fabric that graced her upper arms. The dress dropped to her ankles, just above her bare, dirtied feet. Her hair was long and dark brown, almost black, and it curled at the ends. Her bangs were grown out, and brushed off to the right. A bandanna held back her hair. The bandanna had a design of swirls and marks in pale yellow and white on it, and small beads were attached to its edges. A soft, sheepskin shoulder bag sat next to her. Her lips were cherry red, and that was the only bit of makeup on her. Four earrings went down each ear, alternating between silver and redwood, although the wooden one was silver where it went through her ear. A bell tinkled from where it hung on the necklace she wore. The jangling of silver bangles added to the bit of noise she made when she moved. The bit that completed the ensemble was the silver pinky ring on her right hand, that was engraved with a Celtic design. That was what made her different to the more materialistic people, at least.

The other odd thing was a bit harder to describe. It was the air the woman held about herself. There was a certain confidence she had. A certainty that people would stop to listen, in this world that was always about the destination and never the journey. There was something else, too. Perhaps it was the way she smiled softly, or the joy and energy in her crystal blue eyes as she wove her stories, but it felt as if she could not be contained within the walls of a building. That she would be happier in wide open fields and the untamed lands she always described. Yet here she was.

One young boy, who had obviously listened before, called out, "Tell us the one about the wolf people!" The woman laughed then answered, "Alright, alright, but they are not real wolf people per se, just people who contact wolves. Now, come close m'dears, for the story I'm about to tell is about a people untouched by today's civilization..." The children leaned in close with eager eyes and adults began to abandon their feigned disinterest as the gypsy's voice began to fill the air...

"Deep in the Amazonian rainforest, up on a mountain that spears above the clouds, lives a tribe of people that have been there for thousands of years. These people have never ventured down from their mountain, yet they are fluent in many languages. They live by the shore of a lake, about half the size of lake Erie. Around the lake grows trees of all kinds, including those that wouldn't normally grow there. 'How is this possible?' you may be asking yourself. I will tell you. They have... assistants." She paused for effect, then continued.

"There is a world parallel to ours, though none of us have ever ventured there. Populating this other world are wolves, although they are not like ours. These wolves have horns. Their coats come in many shades and patterns. They are creatures of magic. The people in the village know of this world, and have discovered how to summon the wolves. They say that, for a small fee, a person may receive a wolf of their own. Unfortunately, the bearer must stay near the mountain, for the wolves can not leave it for too long without weakening. But is it not worth it? A bit of remoteness and loss of certain conveniences for magical prowess? I suppose that's a personal preference." The woman smiled then stood. "Perhaps you'll be able to make the decision for yourself one day."

Several hours later, a multitude of miles out of the city in a field, the gypsy called, "Calhala!" A bit of rustling, and a waist tall, female horned wolf with a coat styled like an island fox appeared behind her from the trees. "Ready to head home, my friend?" the woman smiled and asked. Calhala nodded and replied, "I'll beat you there, Sionnach."
"Oh, you're on."
Calhala grinned and a circle of flames encircled Sionnach, then she darted off. Sionnach yelled after her, "Hey! Cheater!" She then muttered some words to dispel the flames and chased after Calhala. They ran to the other end of the field, then disappeared, back to their home, their cabin by the lake.
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Summons Bottle - Sariath has accepted you into their ranks, and in the middle of your new living room, they have left this sealed glass bottle. With a stir of eager anticipation, you know the still liquid within will be the key to summoning your wolf. Beneath, a letter. On the envelope, Do not open for one week. Alas, one more week. But then again... In one week, you will finally be able to greet your new familiar!

Pup - One successful ritual later, your pup has emerged into the world, just a baby! At this stage, it acts much like a human child: impressionable, curious, and just as varied. They have elemental abilities, but they're weak and uncontrollable. (If you have, say, a fire wolf, be sure to to keep plenty of water handy!) Their alignments are beginning to be revealed as well. (Be wary all you Evil owners!) Their horns are mostly just showy nubs at this point, but be careful: They're surprisingly soft, much like gold, and rather sensitive to touch. They can also sense spirits. Though they can communicate with others of their kind, the nuances of human language is beyond their grasp. They are very dependent on their owner at this stage. It takes at least one month before your pup has gathered up enough of its own power to become an adult.

Adult - At last, your wolf's full potential has been reached; they can help with almost anything you need. They're absolutely loyal, for better or for worse. Their horns have hardened to a state that supersedes even diamonds and have become magickal powerhouses. They're mostly set in their ways, with manipulation of their element coming easily and alignment guiding them, whether they realize it or not. At last, they can communicate directly with their partners, but not physically. It is only through the power of telepathy that sorcerer and familiar can speak. New emotions have been revealed to them, namely love; at last, they can meet and mate. They're not near as dependent on their owners as they were as pups.
(Female left, male right)

Ascent/Descent/Mastery - What's this, a fourth stage? I thought the wolves had reached their full potential! But rumor has it that that's not true... There's another stage that can be achieved, different depending on the alignment of the wolf. Rumor also has it that much interaction and bonding with your wolf is necessary to achieve it.
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Full growing are 5k, adult stage only are 3k.
There are many types of this event that'll probably be used, and they'll include their rules as they come along.
Send the payment trade to the mule within 48 hours

Next FS: N/A

Items will be accepted at full tektek value.
Don't hand us junk. Items used must be worth 5k at least.
Send the payment trade to the mule within 48 hours.

Next Auction: N/A

Tickets will always be unlimited.
Unless otherwise stated, ticket price is 100g.
No items for ticket buying.
You may buy as many tickets as you can afford.
There will always be some sort of ticket ladder.
Send the payment trade to the mule within 48 hours.

Next Raffle: N/A

Events, Etc.
For all the other miscellaneous ways to obtain the wolves... They come with their own rules.
Next Event: Working on it~
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Moved to the Guild!
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Roleplay Forum

Roleplay is not required, but, as in many other shops, has benefits.
Official roleplay takes place in the RP forum.
Just for fun roleplay here is fine.

The Sacred Lands - The Sacred Lands is the place described in the story. This area extends about fifty feet out from the lake's shore. It is usually misty in the morning, but that tends to clear up by noon. Nearly every kind of tree, herb, or symbolic plant does grow around or near the lake, and Vevel tends to all of them. Vevel itself is made of about a dozen fairly large huts made of extra large leaves and sticks. They also have several storehouses, a hut for making and filling the wolves' bottles, and one cleansing house. The cleansing house is a steam room where incense fills the air and it is brimming with some of the purest magic.

Mount Kamen - Surrounded by untamed rainforest for miles around is the mountain. The lower regions of the mountain are humid, hot, and tropical, like the rest of the rainforest around it. It rains nearly every other day here. As you go up, it gets cooler and rain becomes slightly less common, but the vegetation stays tropical. Like the plants, the animals do not disperse at higher elevations. The most common animal is a species of small lizard that is always everywhere. A half mile below Vevel is a pale, rocky area bare of any plants, but is home to seven hot springs layered above and below each other.

The Home - If you have a wolf, you have moved somewhere on the mountain. You can choose where it is you live, and what your house is like, but remember some things. First, no one has any kind of motorized transportation, including you. It would simply be too difficult to use it, when the biggest trails you have are animal trails. If you have electricity in your home, you have something to generate it, whether it be a water wheel, windmill, or actual generator. The same idea goes for flowing water. For food, you either have to hunt it, farm it, or get yourself to a grocery store and buy it. The same thing goes for water, except replace 'farming' and 'hunting' with 'finding and cleansing'.

The Wolves - As pups, they lack any particular magical ability, but they are able hunters. As adults though, they are strong in magic and physical strength. Unfortunately, this does not last if they are gone from the mountain for too long. They must be on the mountain for at least a full twenty-four hours every week, and not a second less. There is something about the transition of worlds that requires them to stay. This is something Sionnach and The Elders have been trying to figure out and overcome. Also, like other living things, they must eat and drink. They can control whatever is in their elemental affinity absolutely, and can summon it whenever and in whatever form they wish. They also have raw magic, but most cannot utilize it without the assistance of their partners. As pups, they can only speak telepathically to their owners and other wolves. As adults, they know a language, even if it's no more than the language of the wolves, and are able to learn others.

The Owner - Every owner knows some level of magic, whether it's beginner or expert, but they are also human. Which means they have limits. The kind of magic used depends on the owner. As a human, you must eat, drink, and sleep. You cannot call for the destruction of the world or even little parts of the mountain.

Vevel - This is the tribe that has occupied Mount Kamen for as far back as their history goes. The exact number of people living in Vevel is unknown, but it is estimated to be about forty. This general class simply takes care of the daily and necessary tasks for their life. They learn a new language every ten years, starting with the language of their tribe and English, then more whatever order they wish. A few general traits have come of these people. They tend to have tan skin and dark hair, but reddish-brown eyes, like earth rich in rust.

The Counsel of Elders - The oldest and wisest members of Vevel, they are the leaders. They make tribal decisions and are the ones people come to when advice is needed. They also study the wolves and their world. There are only five of them at any given time. Their names are Valko, Ilkin, Zyanya, Paraks, and Maiara.

The Counsel of Creators - These tend to be around the same age as the Elders, and are only second to them. They also help make decisions and give advice, but they are the shamans. They create and fill the bottles from which wolves are summoned, and overlook summonings and growths. If someone is injured or sick, these people are who they come to. They also are the ones who speak to their gods. Again, there are only five of them at most. Their names are Anka, Mira, Aysel, Enki, and Lyall. Lyall is an odd one though, for he is but a young man, and new to this counsel.

The Counsel - Simply both the Counsel of Elders and Creators combined.

Sionnach - The first outsider to receive a wolf, she has lived here the longest, for nearly thirteen years. Currently, she is in her mid-thirties, although she appears to still be in her early twenties. She is of Irish decent, and sometimes that tints the accent of her voice. Always the wanderer, she stumbled upon Vevel while exploring. Being a magical veteran, she assists the Elders in their studies on the wolves, and is deeply curious about the wolves' world. She has asked every wolf that can speak about it, but, unfortunately, none of them have a single memory of the place. When she is not studying at home, she travels with her wolf, Calhala, and tells stories, often of her home.
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Shush, shush! People can't yet know about this... ninja
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Themed- A general theme of what you want and a gender. We take care of the rest.
Quarter-Custom- Give us some colors and we arrange them.
Half-Custom- You give us simple designs, colors, etc. Basically a simplified version of the Full-Custom.
Full-Custom- You dictate everything. Get as indepth and complicated as you want.
This is the only kind of custom where lineart edits are available.
Note: Cosplays depend completely upon the staffie.

Availibility, Prices, Etc.
Themed: 12k │ Quarter-Custom: 17k │ Half-Custom: 27k │ Full-Custom: 32k
I don't do cosplays!
Extra: Yes, I like to price weird. Do not give me complicated line edits. I fail at them. Miserably.
I can barely handle simple edits. D: Also, subtract 2k if you want a perma. Ask about pet trades.

1. Open
2. Open
3. Open

Themed: 12k │ Quarter-Custom: 18k │ Half-Custom: 30k │ Full-Custom: 35k
I don't do cosplays!
Extra: I can do some line edits, so feel free to run them by me and I'll either say 'Yes' or 'No'.

1. Closed
2. Closed
3. Closed

Themed: 12k │ Quarter-Custom: 14k │ Half-Custom: 20k │ Full-Custom: 30k/50k
I do cosplays!
Extra: If unsure, ask me first about simple (30k) vs. complex (50k). 40% for Permas! 83
Cosplays are only accepted if approved by staff first!

1. Closed
2. Closed
3. Closed

Themed: 10k │ Quarter-Custom: 15k │ Half-Custom: 25k │ Full-Custom: 35k
I do cosplays!
Extra: I'm willing to do complicated line edits.
Just give me a general idea of what you want and I'll see if I can.

1. Closed
2. Closed
3. Closed

State Your Username.
Which Colorist Do You Want?
Name Your Wolf.
Give it an Element.
Give it an Alignment.
Give it a Gender.
Give it a Theme.
Perma Or No?
Anything Else You Wish to Say?
State the Total Price.

State Your Username.
Which Colorist Do You Want?
Name Your Wolf.
Give it an Element.
Give it an Alignment.
Give it a Gender.
Name the Colors You Wish it to Have.
Perma Or No?
Anything Else You Wish to Say?
State the Total Price.

Half-Custom and Full Custom
State Your Username.
Which Colorist Do You Want?
Name Your Wolf.
Give it an Element.
Give it an Alignment.
Give it a Gender.
Describe Your Wolf.
Perma Or No?
Anything Else You Wish to Say?
State the Total Price.
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Wolves of Sariath - Shop mule. Takes care of that pesky formal business.
Celestriakle - Owner, Colorist, etc.
SanaSana-chan - Colorist
Lan-neko - Colorist, Lineart Editor, Thread's Personal Prisoner
EverlastingRitz - Colorist
Terse - Colorist

Celest's To Do List:
Work on the Omega Event.
Type up the breeding stuffs.
Update some graphics.
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Tablet of Honor
Vooma - Great Helper. heart
All the staff! You are loved!
All past shop workers and customers~

Tablet of Uncertainty

Tablet of DOOM
WolvesofSiberia/Nebra- Commited terrible crimes. Has passed on to the new shop.
The Rainbow Moose- Annoying. Pestered too many people too many times. Passed on to the new shop.

Otherwise, Clean! Yay!
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Now Accepting Affiliates! Just PM the code to the mule and ask to be one!
None too big though~ Anything bigger than 500x150 is too large. Oh, and no event banners. <3

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(Celest works at this one! 8D)
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