Welcome to Gaia! ::

Well... it's a great day! Yesterday I got a PM from the mod who review my case; and I have the Aku no Neko shop rights! biggrin YAY!!

The shop is moving to a new thread; which I just finished setting up with the help of pending; our new co-owner.

The shop is featuring the basic concept we had to beging with. Certs will be back to the regular red ones; which everyone loves (including myself).

There is defintely going to be a halloween event, and other sorts of events in the upcoming days.

We really need your support to make this shop successful as it once was. I know I can count with you guys! Thank you so much for supporting the Aku no Nekos, and me. I truly appreciate it.

The new link is posted in the front page, and here as well;
Link to New Thread

- Buuki (Lord Rene)

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They say misery loves company. It sure seems true, doesn't it? Welcome to the
Aku no Neko shop, where misery may find company in the form of evil kitties.

The Aku no Neko are all evil. They will govern over various domains. To this shop
they are the reason there's negative feelings to the world. Why there's fear, pain,
heartbreak. The Aku no Neko are the pure essence of all the feelings we have
come to despise. When they breed, they create more evil in the world. Spread the
woe, the misery, the pain and the fear among Gaia with your Aku no Neko pet.

Table of Contents
~PAGE 1~
Post 1 - AnN 2 Welcome / TOC / News
Post 2 - Rules
Post 3 - Prices
Post 4 - Events
Post 5 - Reserved
Post 6 - Reserved
Post 7 - Wicked Sales
Post 8 - Stages
Post 9 - Domains
Post 10 - RP
Post 11 - Breeding
Post 12 - Blessed
Post 13 - Banned
Post 14 - Affiliates
Post 15 - Staff Note
~PAGE 2~
Post 1 - AnN 2 Mini Shops Welcome
Post 2 - Ray's Boutique
Post 3 - Wicked's Petshop
Post 4/15 - Reserved

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KasaiLoki, former owner and colorist of Aku no Neko, has left us. Ownership has gone to WickedVengeance.

Messenger of Death Auction!!!
Welcome back to the staff, WickedVengeance!
12/3/05 - Sky has got the SS event up, sales open at 10 o'clock! In his sales!!!
8/1/05 - Azu has returned but his comps motherboard is dead >.O (any growings by him expect to be slow)
7/29/05 - Loki is going to be starting school again in about a week, meaning limited access on the computer whilst she takes the billions of classes she has to take ><
7/14/05 - Azurie is on semi-hiatus.
7/08/05 - WickedVengeance's Flatsale Here
6/20/05 - Loki has decided to do a 'get back on track' flatsale featuring Harry
Potter Cosplays ^_^
6/18/05 - New thread now opened ^.^ along with lady luck raffle
6/14/05 - Pata Lover was decided on as the new colorist. welcome pata ^.^

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1. Do not steal or claim or alter any lineart.
2. Respect everyone, negative comments toward other people
may result in permanent ban!
3. Follow all rules set by Gaia Online Interactive.
4. RP is not required but encouraged.
5. No continuous whining when theres nothing that can be done about something.
6. Enjoy your Akus.

Follow these six rules, and you'll be at the top of my book! Not following them,
will only get you permanently banned!

1. Role play your Aku No Neko evil, unless they are from a good domain.
Your evil Akus may be somewhat nice to friends. This may take time.
2. You cannot kill or be killed. Only I decide who to kill.
3. Don't take RP personal, remember is just between aku and aku
not owner and owner.
4. Breeding should not be the focus of RPing, but we all love breeding!
5. No n00b speaking anywhere...please v.v;.

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NOTE: Vamps and Mers are temporaily unavailible!

Flat Sales ((Prices are as follows unless stated otherwise.))
Regulars/ Foxes/ Rabbits/Bellas/Vamps/Mers:

Eggs: 7k/ 7k/ 7k/ 11k/ 11k/ 9k
Babies: 6k/ 6k/ 6k/ 10k/10K/ 8K
Teens: 4k/ 4k/ 4k/ 8k/7K/ 6K
Adults: 2k/ 2k/ 2k/ 6k/ 5K / 4K
Specials: N/A
Flatsale winners should fill out the form given by the colorist for the flatsale.


Eggs: 11k/ 11k/ 11k/ 19k/ 16k/ 14k
Babies: 10k/ 10k/ 10k/ 18k/ 15K/ 13K
Teens: 8k/ 8k/ 8k/ 16k/ 13K/ 10K
Adults: 6k/ 6k/ 6k/ 12k/ 10K/ 8K
Cosplays (Adult)*: 12K-15K+
Cosplays (Teens)*: 16K-20K+
Cosplays (Babies)*: 21K-25K+
Specials*: Range from 25-50K+
Custom Akus will come with the choice of colors and designs the pet owner
chooses. Customs can come with the pet owners choice of the evil/good/neutral domains. No rares, please

*Note: Specials and Cosplays depend on complexity of the aku.

Fill this order form and PM it to a colorist of choice:

Base Color:
Hair Color:

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I do accept items as payment but I price all items myself.

Friday 10 @ 6:00 PM EST

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SPECIAL - 15k - SOLD. And it came out to be...
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A Beautiful Fairy Girl!

The special is a new thing that will be happening. Each flatsale will have a completely random aku. It could be absolutely anything! It could be anything from just a plain old regular, to a god! eek Price may vary but this is not an indication of what is inside!


Custom Slots

1 BubblegumFlavoredPandy
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Baby Stage

Your little bundle of joy chews on everything in sight including you.
Can we say major teething?

~At the Baby stage, your Aku is rather helpless. He/she cannot talk properly mostly just babble. They may know a few words after a bit, not nothing more then its mothers ((if it has one)) name, perhaps its own name, and other things relevant to how you have roleplayed it.~

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Teen Stage
Get this kid out of my hair!!! gonk
Your little bundle is now a pain in the a**.
There rebelious, moody, and experimental. Beware.

~Your little guy or gal is growing up! They are a bit more playful then the other Akus, and are starting to show their true personality and domain. They may have little inoccent crushes, but not true love, nor can they mate.~

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Adult Stage
*sniffle* my babys all grown up ! crying
They have finally reached maturity of there race.
They are now truly part of there domains and temperence.

~Your baby is all grown up... He or she is now a bit more responsible, and may fall in love if they meet the right Aku, and spend enough time with them ((role playing enough)). Who knows! They might even have little baby akus and it will start all over again~

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Rare Evil Domains

Death: Bringing an end to life.
Death akus usually are cold and unemotional, mysterious and dark as no one has
any idea what they are thinking. They always kill the conversations with their
bluntness, and send death threats as if they were compliments. Beware, though
they are hard to truly anger, if you do, there is a chance you could die.

Hell: Bringing eternal torment and damnation.
Hell akus love to submit pain and suffering onto other akus, finding enjoyment in
their pain. They never seem to like going easy on others, and have one of the
darkest attitudes in the whole aku world. Cross their path, and any aku will find
themselves a victim to their mocking laughter and onslaught of pain.

Fear: Brings hopelessness in the world.
These akus are very defensive, and have to sides to their personality. Some of
them are fearful of whatever they come in contact with, and lash out in a rage
when surprised or scared. Others, they love to bring out an akus worst fear and
make it a reality.

Cruel: Brings cruelty to the world.
Cruel akus are mostly seen as having outer beauty, but they are completely rotten
to the core. They use their bodies to get what they want, and throw away what
desperate creature they had strung along the way. They are cold and heartless,
loners at heart.

Pain: Bringing all sorts of pain to the world.
Pain akus love to watch others wither in pain, but love even more to make them
feel pain with personal tactics. They are cunning and can come up with any way to
afflict pain upon others, ranging for simple pains to the worst of them. They usually
enjoy any sort of pain that other akus have.

Evil Domains

Fire: Bringing destruction to the world.
The Fire akus are short tempered, easily angered as they lash out right away when
something goes wrong. The only advantage they have in the world is their ability to
conjure fire as well as they enjoyment in burning everything they see.

Lies: Causing lies to spread in the world.
The aku who knows how to talk his way out of things is one who lies about
everything he says. Lying akus always say one thing when they mean another, and
do not ever tell the truth. Not many ways are known on how to tell when they lie,
because they do it so often.

Lust: Causing unfaithfulness in the world.
Lust Akus have no way to control the urge to seduce and gain pleasure from the
opposite sex, and usually do not care who the aku is; they will always try and get
to them. Usually Lust akus string other akus along until they are caught and than
leave them hanging.

Sloth: Brings laziness into the world.
The sloth akus all love to lie around with an easygoing attitude. They can be found
on any comfortable spot, and usually only waste their time to snap at others when
they try to move them.

Depression: Causing doubt and sadness in the world.
Depression akus are usually the most shy and held back, always seeing the world
in darker colors, as everything seems to be unperfected and incomplete. Usually
they take things the wrong way and overreact to the extreme.

Wrath: Causing violence in the world.
Wrath akus never seem to get off their anger, and seem to explode when the
smallest thing bugs them. They are the first to jump into the fights, and the only
ones who rise up to the occasion, as they get into fights all the time.

Pride: Causing vanity to exist in the world.
Pride Akus always cannot help but show off their looks and charm. They make sure
all attention is upon them, and usually do anything to get akus to notice. They are
as vain as can be, and anger easily when someone else steals their spotlight.

Insanity: Causing sanity to lose it's hold in the world.
Akus of Insanity are unpredictable and uncontrollable. They are all over the place
with their words and their actions, and usually make all others want to run away
from the headaches they get from just listening to an insane one. There is no set
personality, for it is every type all in one.

Envy: Brings jealousy and greed into the world.
Akus of Envy always see others as having better things than they have, jealously
always flowing through their veins. They cannot help but wish to steal away what
others have, and usually come up with cunning schemes to do so.

Gluttony: Brings excess in eating and drinking to the world.
Akus of Gluttony always want to eat more and more, they never seem to get full.
They cannot help but to hunt little animals and fishes to eat. Even regular akus
have to be careful with them! XD

Rare Good Domains

Heal: Bringing restoration to the world.
Some of the most caring akus in the world, these are the ones that make sure
others are always all right. They put others before themselves, and seem to have a
touch that heals. They are always the first on the scene to break up fights and
patch the fighters up.

Heaven: Bringing salvation to the world.
These akus seem to be the most preserved and knowledgeable of the others. They
always can find a way to fix things, and usually are observing issues to find a way
to solve them. It is them that akus go to, to get assistance with their problems.

Light: Bringing light to the world.
Creatures of beauty, these akus are the bubbly ones of the bunch. Their smiles
light up the rooms, and anything they say can make any aku's mood brighten.
They despise the darkness, and try to keep others away as well but showing just
how pure light is.

Good Domains

Love: Brings love and care into the world.
Love akus cannot help but open their warm hearts to all those who talk to them.
They show caring kindness and friendliness, and seem to have room to be friends
with everyone. They do not usually fall into true love, but they enjoy helping others
find their way into love.

Pure: Bringing Innocence to the world.
Pure akus are so pure that they are separate from the Prudence ones. They are
very soft spoken and polite, and try to make friends with smiles. Nothing can take
away from the purity of their words and actions, they are one of the most loved of
the Aku no Nekos.

Ice: Brings a balance to the world.
The ice akus seem to be cold, but really, they are silent and reserved. They can
sometimes control ice, but usually do not wish to do so. They are never affected by
the heat, and love the cold as if it were still summer. They are overall nice akus,
and hate taking sides when others are fighting.

Hope: Bringing hope to to the world.
Hope akus are the ones who always fuel others when they are feeling down. They
are the optimists that see everything as half full, and push others gently in the right
direction with words of encouragement of all the good results that could come out
of an action.

Temperance: Bringing Balance to the world.
The Temperance akus never seem to be effected by the taunting of others. They
never commit to sins, and usually do only what they wish to do, never swayed by
peer-pressure. They can be emotionless or can express how they feel when they
strongly believe that something should not happen, but they never force others into

Justice: Bringing judgement to the world.
Justice aku's always are the ones who decide who is liable when some issue comes
up. They are known to rule with a fair hand, always listening to both sides of the
story and never putting their own feelings into how they come down with a case.
They do not let anything bad happen if they can.

Charity: Bringing gifts and help to the world.
Charity akus are the ones who go around giving gifts to every aku they meet. They
love to make the world a better place, and are angered when others hurt the earth.
However, they only know how to express their anger in peaceful strikes.

Fortitude: Bringing strength to the world.
Fortitude akus are the strong, solid akus with the deep expressions and even
deeper strengths. They use their strength to teach others how to live and protect
themselves, and usually help defend defenseless akus by using their strength to
block, yet they never fight back.

Prudence: Bringing purity to the world.
Prudence akus usually are the innocents of the world, acting on their first impulse
that usually brings a positive response from others. They have no clue as to why
the akus some akus are evil, and love to explore. They have a strange knack of
getting out of trouble from their innocent smiles and eyes.

Cheer: Bringing happiness to the world.
Cheer akus are some of the loudest akus in the world; however, it is mostly from
their efforts. They try to make any aku smile, even if it means they make
themselves look like fools. They will work together, and usually keep at it until the
aku is beaming with happiness. This can get them in trouble if they run into an evil

Rare Neutral Domains

Time: Bringing destiny to the world
These are the akus who have seen the path of there world. They take any means
necassary to steer an aku that has lost there way back onto the path set for

Neutral Domains

Sanction: Bringing shelter into the world
These akus are unswayed by others emotions an never take sides. They provide
shelter & protection to all those in need not because they feel it is right, but
because it is tradition.

Aura: Bringing awareness to the world
Those who are able to sense others feelings and emotions. This is what an aura
aku is. they use there gift of empathy to sway others toward a better path in there

Wind: Bringing calm into the world
These akus are able to see the truth of the world. They are able to manipulate the
air around them and others to help bring a sense of calm to a distressed heart.

Telepath: bringing psychic powers to the world
These akus arevery intelegent and able to move things with the will of there mind.
They also have a habbit of reading others minds to get the better of

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Everyone is welcome to RP. RP is not required, but encouraged! By RPing you will
encounter items, prizes, and a high status at the shop! And lots and lots of prizes.
Did I mentioned prizes? wink

The Aku no Neko world is in spring, flowers have blossomed everywhere. Soon is
about to changed to summer time. The breeze is sweet and cool, and the lake is warm
and relaxing. Most Akus are living at the Village Houses (everyone can have a house
now), and others are living at the mountains. While the goody goody are living at the
White Castle.

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Ah, breeding. Its when...well..lets not go into details about it.

Breeding can involve either 2 males, 2 females or one of each gender. Love knows
no gender here at the Aku no Neko. Breeding also costs 10K. 5K for each owner if
there are two of you, or 10K as a whole if you are breeding to of your own pets.

Getting more then one baby from a breeding is rare. Of course, if there are two owners, you'll get at least two, to make it fair. Sometimes you can get up to 4 baby akus, but like I said, its rare.

If you wish to get more then the desired baby, it cost 20K. This is the only way to
ensure the number of babies you will get :3

WickedVengeance [Status - CLOSED]

Slot 1: CLOSED
Slot 2: CLOSED

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Thank you Lord Rene for making this store such a great place to be and for making it into the store it is today.

Thank you Meeki for creating these adorable pets.

Thank you Relijua for making the amazing fox and rabbit races.

Thank you Dawnie .-. Chan for re-inking all the lineart and making it pretty.

Thank you Artemai for making the lovable bear race.

Thank you Final_Crucible for the detailed domains

Thank you Tora Sin for the famliar lineart

Thank you WickedVengeance for the shop banners.

Thank you WickedVengeance and Flarewolf for the How to RP your aku in the stages section

Thank you Lord Rene for the Egg lineart.

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None. Keep it that way ._.

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Care to Affliate with Aku no Neko. PM requests :3

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[x] Nature's Mistakes
[x] Azurie's Tarot Readings
[x] War under the Eclipse
[x] Fabbulous
[x] Cait Eibhilí®
[x] Heaven's Strays
[x] Fluffy Cats
[x] Alinas
[x] The Cryptozoo
[x] Deadly Poisonous Frogs
[x] Critter Haven
[x] MoonRazor's Moonhorses
[x]Lynxy Of Avalia
[x]The Alwyn Nanashi
[x] Guardians~The Sacred Race
[x] Winglings
[x] The Realsom of the Lost Giants
[x] ._____Harowiin

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