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Liberal Streaker

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1. Story, Current Sales, Updates
2. Getting a Wolf
3. Packs and Spirit
4. Your wolf's growth
5. Breeding
6. RP and Guild
7. Items for your Wolf
8. Rules
9. Frequently Asked Questions
10. Owned Wolves
11. Good, the bad, and the evil
12. Staff
13. Affiliates
14. A little about me
15. Familiars

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I'll work a story up later.

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^ Selling some abandoned wolves

Malyhanth will be coloring up some FS pups, so hopefully we will be able to hold a flatsale before long. ^_^

March 6, 2006
Oh my goodness I can't keep up with this shop, and I don't want to see it die. X_X I have been so busy with life and growings, and I just want to relax. Consequently I am going to be selling a number of my shops, this being one of them. ::sigh::

So yeah, here's the deal:
I'll be accepting bids in the thread posted in bold blue coloring. Starting bid will be 25K and I shall keep the bidding updated in this quite box.

Autobuy will be set @ 500K

Here's what you will get if you win:

1. All the lineart
2. Certification Made by Allure
3. All the info of the shop as your own
4. All currently owned wolves, including the ones from the color your own contest which Allure will be certifying.
5. Wolf's Woods Mule - I never got around to replacing this thread with it
6. Wolf's Woods Guild
7. I'll still color from time to time
8. There's probably something I'm not mentioning, but yeah, you get the picture.

You may co-bid co-buy or whatever. I just want it to go to a good home. Also, if I find that you are not keeping the thread up to snuff when you open up the new shop, after about a month I will take it from you and re-sell it. So, I am kind of like a moderator. X_X You are just taking care of everything. And if you win, don't change the password on the mule, please!

So without further adou I hope to see a good owner for this shop ASAP

All my current stalkers. Just because I am selling the shop, doesn't mean I won't color or visit the new one. It just means I am to busy to keep this one alive and I need someone to do it for me. I would hate to see this place die.

Also, for those stalkers who are concerned, yes I will still hold the shaman event, though I am not sure when exactly. X_X

25k cause i luff the shop

November 17, 2005
I am updating everything I can on the front page. Kasshoku is finally sold and I may be holding a shaman contest soon. There is new lineart. My birthday is soon, but I must change the birthday in my profile. XP It is the wrong date.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
First Annual Color Your Own is announced. FS has been a big success with only one wolf left, still yet for me to color. XD

Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Auction ends in 3 days. It will cost somewhere around 250 to change to the new certs and 250 to change back to the old. If your pup grows it will automatically be pu onto the new certification, unless you post otherwise.

Thursday, June 16, 2005
Flatsale #2 has done quite well. One pup left. The free event earlier went extremely well, a fair amount of participants. I am going to release our first ever alpha soon. It is a very special one, for a very special colorist and friend

Tuesday, May 24, 2005
The flatsale was a definate success and I am planning a free event for those who want to come. The flatsale winner was Silver Baron and I finally finished a few of the posts like Items and RP.

Saturday, May 21, 2005
Started working on the lineart last night at 5 PST and finished at 12 noon PST the next day. @_@ I started working on all the set-up about 5 minutes later after a brief break. As soon as I get some time, I?ll be doing a few wolves. They turned out pretty good, I was going to do more lineart, but it was so much work I just gave up and stuck with what I had at 12 noon.

Here is a preview on what a colored and certed alpha looks like:
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Liberal Streaker

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There are several ways to get a wolf. Read every one to decide which one is best for you. All but customs will be held in separate threads, but their pictures and links will be posted in the first post.


Flatsale newborns range in price based on the market flow. Since there are potentially six stages wolves aren't going to be a small 500 gold. Flatsale prices will probably be around 3-5K, so save up your money. Wolves with natural colors will probably be around 3K and the strange colors, like blue will be about 5K.

If you are to receive a flatsale wolf it is asked that you fill out the form below and send the trade:

Wolf's Name:
Protector's Name (Owner):
*Desired Spirit (you may not get what you want):
*Desired Pack:
RP example (if you would like a prompt PM me)


All auctions start at 5K, regardless of stage. Auctions will be held very rarely and typically they will be abnormal colors and special edition. Most auction wolves will be RP required and will start at the adult stage. However, some auctions will be for custom wolves, a chance to get the price dropped off of the normal customs.


Customs are 100K each. If you think that's a little pricy, then you can wait for an auction custom. Customs are ALWAYS open. If I see someone who is badly trying to get a custom prices may be dropped. I will drop it up to 75K in some cases, but only if they are truly trying hard. No begging and whining, if this happens you don't get a wolf at all. You may not] get a custom Alpha.

If you are to receive a custom it is asked that you fill out the form below and PM it to me along with your trade:

Wolf's Name:
Protector's Name (Owner):
*Desired Spirit (you may not get what you want):
*Desired Pack:
Fur color:
*Marking Colors and Specifications:
*Claw color:
*Eye color:
RP example (if you would like a prompt PM me):


Raffle tickets are 100 gold a piece. It is by far the cheapest way to get a wolf and all raffles are for custom wolves. People who do not own wolves may request one free ticket. Because of complications it is asked that you do not request ticket numbers, it is hard on my life.

~::Special Events::~

Special events mean completely free wolves. They are not normally custom wolves, but sometimes I will make them customs. These events come around once in a blue moon, so don't get your hopes to high. They are often done in terms of raffles to make it more fair, but sometimes it will be the first person to post. Some of these special events include RP contests, those are always fun. XD

~: biggrin onations::~

If you absolutely know you can't afford a Wolf, but you really want one for yourself or your friend, there is help. Below there is a list of people who would like wolves, but can't afford them. Those who have wolves or extra money, it would be kind of you to pay for a wolf for these people during flatsales. All you have to do is post that you would like to pay for a wolf for so and so who is on the doner list. Sometimes I will take names off the list and do a wolf for you. If you would like to be added to the list you must PM me. Keep in mind that sometimes I won't allow any people on the list because of problems with to many people and the like.

Those on Doner List:

heart = Colored and given for Free by me
heart heart = Another Individual has generously bought this person a wolf

1. Bluedemonwolf - Would like any wolf ^_^ heart heart
2. Skyling Draggonnov - Recieved Gregori heart
3. JetAlmeara
4. Ichidna

Those who donated and who they donated for
No one Yet

~: razz M me List::~

If you would like me to PM you when we have events coming up, post or PM me and I will add your name to the list below. You will be notified when any event comes up.

On the list:

1. BladeSephiroth
2. Neiyuki
3. Allure
4. XiangMiyu
5. Skyling Draggonnov
6. Bluedemonwolf
7. Alatariel Inglorion
8. Nearicatiora
9. Artemis17
10. Soul of The Wind

Liberal Streaker

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Most wolves have packs. This is basically their family. There is an alpha male, alpha female, and most of the times other adult wolves and pups. A few packs have elders, though they are fairly rare. Pups are normally born into a pack, though they may leave and become a loner later on in life. Some will remain undecided until the last minute, when they decide to join a pack. Most loners are males, though there are a few female loners.

~::Current Packs::~

.::Heaven Pack::.
The pack of heaven is rivals with the pack of Earth. The heaven pack sticks to the highlands, where it snows often. They can sometimes be seen on large cliffs, but most stick to the forest where the air is cool and crisp. Most of the heaven pack hate those of the earth, but some will pardon the Earth

.::Earth Pack::.

Those of the earth are a very desterty breed. They are often the reddish color of the sand and stick to the brushland and mesa’s of their favorite places. They are rivals with the Heaven pack, and like the Heaven pack some will pardon those of the other pack.

.::Harvest Pack::.
This pack made by Apothecary

This pack rivals the Barren pack. These wolves are most active during Autumn. They are Oranges, Browns, Reds and Yellows, Much like the colors of the leaves. The Harvest pack is allies with the Earth pack.

.::Barrens Pack::.
Pack done by Apothecary

This pack is rivals the Harvest pack. This pack is very low in numbers making them very rare. The wolves of his pack are most active during Winter, When most life is at a low point. These wolves colors are Black, Brown, White and Blue.

.::Silver Ice Pack::.
Pack done by Mirimu_13

Silver Ice is a rival with Gold Flame. They live in all types of weather; colder climates, where it can get as low as -75 degrees fahrenheit, and warmer climates, up to 120 degrees fahrenheit. However they prefer to stick to the Mountain Highlands where they often meet the Barren pack, whom they are in good aqcaintance with. They are low in numbers, and are feirce competitors. The alphas and shaman's take apprentices, to teach the young adolescent wolves about battle, and rivals.

.::Gold Flame Pack::.

The Gold Flame Pack are strict Rivals with the Silver Ice. Almost all members want nothing to do with them and wouldn't miss a chance to harm one of the Silver Ice. Their Pack is huge and is constantly moving from the Harvest pack region to the Earth region through what is called the empty plane. They, like the Silver Ice, are fierce competitors, as their huge pack numbers need to be fed.

Note: If you would like to start a new pack please PM me with the basic information like that I gave above. Make sure to include another rival pack as well.

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Every wolf has a spirit. It’s what signifies them in life. There are strong and weak spirits. Strong spirits are held in high regard, but even weak spirits have their own advantages.

Spirit code key: Strong Spirit Normal Spirit Weak Spirit Special Spirit Healing Spirit


Liberal Streaker

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Newborns are the first stage of the wolf. They drink milk and move around slightly. the majority of their day is spent sleeping. At this stage their eyes haven?t yet opened. Their eyes will open and they will be called a pup after 5 days.

Pups eat, sleep, and play during their day. They are very inquisitive about everything and this is the stage where they try and use everything. Their personalities are completely crazy and most like to chew on everything that enters their path. They will stay in the pup stage for about 1-2 weeks based on their spirit.

Pups are much bigger and finally start to calm down at this stage. They still love to play, but they do much less sleeping and develop a slight interest in the opposite sex. At this point they start to decide for sure whether they want to stay in a pack or become a loner. Some become loners and then join packs later on. This stage last about 6 to 9 days depending on the spirit.

Loners do not have packs. If you RP with a loner it may not be in a pack. Loners can still breed, like all the other adult wolves, but they remain solitary. It is rare for a female to be a loner, but it does happen. If you want your loner to have a pack there are potions for that, but be forewarned that the lineart changes. They will stay in this stage for a full year before becoming elders, they can become Speakers and Shamans, though there is no known time to which they shall become one.

Speakers are much like Shamans and Loners in the fact that they are normally not in a pack. Speakers are not exactly magical, but they do have a nac for language. A Speaker can understand the language of one creature and one alone along with their native wolf language. The creature that they can understand and talk with is normally the creature of their spirit. Speakers feel a distinct tie to these creatures starting at a young age and do their best to understand their language. Some Speakers can talk to the dead, these Speakers that can always have wolf spirits. Lastly those with spirits such as the earth can arouse magic. For example those with spirits of the earth help bring spring to Wolf's Woods. It is really up to the RPer how far these powers reach and exactly what creature they can understand. Speakers still remain a baffling mystery to even the wolves themselves. They become elders after 2 years.

Shamans are hardly ever seen. They are a legend among humans, wolves, and other animals alike. Not much at all are known about these stunning wolves, except that they are strong, and extremely wise. Their knowledge surpases that of the Elders and many of the Alpha's. The Shaman are said to have healing capabilities and can understand the language of all the creatures, though this is more myth than actual fact. They are very calm and legends say that Shamans can heal. Stories in human culture tell that Shaman's can transform into their spirit, so those with spirits of water can flow downstream like they were water itself. Shamans do have a bit to do with bloodlines, but often wolves will be blessed a Shaman who have no blood history of magic of any sort. It is up to the RPers to decide the intricate ins and outs of the Shaman, and they will be given to only the best RPers indeed. Because of their knowledge Shamans will wait a full 3 years before becomming Elders.

Adults are members of a pack. They are often related to many members of the pack, but sometimes are not. Adults are second to eat after the Alpha?s and elders. They take care of the pups and do most of the hunting. This stage lasts one full year before these adults become elders, unless they become alphas. They will become an omega anywhere between 10 to 20 days if that is their calling.

Omegas are essentially second in command to the Alphas. They are most often related to members of a pack, but there are cases where they are not. They are the second in command and in often cases, such as with the earth pack, they are away from the pack. They normally patrol the grounds and stand watch, especially during breeding season. They are second to eat after the Alphas and elders, but often times they will hunt for themselves. Normally there are four in a pack, though sometimes there are more. They will become an Alpha between 20 to 30 days if that is their calling.

Alphas decide everything for a pack. Where to live, where to eat, ect. They have first rights to everything such as breeding and food. They are often extremely good leaders and have strong spirits. Alphas will be rewarded to those who RP extremely well. Don?t beg or plead for an alpha, you will not get one. They will become elders after 1 year.

Elder is the last stage for all the wolves. An elder is very knowledgeable and very old. Many listen to the elders because of their great knowledge. An elder is usually very calm and talk very little.

Here's what the stages of the wolves look like. They have been blackened to prevent from lineart theft.
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Liberal Streaker

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.::What you need to know if you want to breed your wolf::.

Breeding two of Your Wolves Together
If you wish to breed two wolves that you own together the price is slightly higher than breeding with a wolf that another owns and the maximum amount up pups that would be able to be born will be dropped by one. To breed your wolves there must be a slot in the pup den of the pack of your wolf. If your wolves are of two different packs, then the pup den used will be from that of the female pack. Larger packs will often have more breeding space in their den, though this is not assured. When you wish to breed your wolves they will both be placed in the 'pup den' by placing their names in the slot. Next to their names will be the time until birth of the pups. Their names will remain in the den until the pups have reached adolescence and then they will be removed from the 'pup den' until you breed them again. Yield for Breeding two of your own wolves together is 1-4 pups and they will hold the characteristic of their parents. You will be aloud to keep a maximum of 1 pup from the litter. The rest you can sell yourself or give to me to sell for you, either way I get 25% of the profit from the pups. Cost to breed your wolves is 2K.

Breeding Wolves from Seperate Protectors
To breed your wolf there must be a slot in the pup den of the pack of your wolf. If the two breeding wolves are of two different packs, then the 'pup den' used will be from that of the female pack. Larger packs will often have more breeding space in their den, though this is not assured. When you wish to breed your wolves they will both be placed in the 'pup den' by placing their names in the slot. Next to their names will be the time until birth of the pups. Their names will remain in the den until the pups have reached adolescence and then they will be removed from the 'pup den' until you breed them again. Yield for Breeding two of your own wolves together is 1-5 pups and they will hold the characteristic of their parents. You will be aloud to keep a maximum of 2 pups from the litter. The rest you can sell yourself or give to me to sell for you, either way I get 25% of the profit from the pups. Cost to breed your wolves is 1.5K.

There must be a slot open. Do not ask me if you can breed your wolves if there is not a slot open.

Pups must be adults to breed.

Note: Male wolves names may be in the den, but they can still breed with other females during this time. Females must wait until their litter hatches before breeding again.

Breeding Slots

1. Closed
2. Closed

1. Closed
2. Closed

1. Open
2. Closed

1. Closed
2. Closed

Silver Ice:
1. Closed
2. Closed

Gold Flame:
1. Closed
2. Closed

Liberal Streaker

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All Rping will be done in the official guild. It costs nothing to join the guild. You don?t have to own a wolf to join the guild.

When you reach the guild you will be asked to submit a short biography on your character. This helps everyone know what your character is like, and sometimes is helpful to you as well.

You may RP as anything you wish, any pet is welcome there, including magical creatures. However, please take magic to a very minimum as this is a mostly un-magical world. Your wolf cannot use magic, though a few secret wolves have the ability, I have not released these yet.

Your wolf may have a person companion and it is asked that if you have more than one character, you only have one of each type. So you may have only one wolf, or one horse, or one person and so on. You may use a few minor people in the script that don't directly affect plots or anything. Like say a girl is escaping from the castle guards. The girl is your main character and the minor people are the guards.

With people, they are very simplistic, much like we see Native Americans in the past, the Native tribe is called Countok and there are many different races around the land. There are several villages of Countok and many have wolf companions, your wolf can have a 'pack', but not be in it because it has chosen to live out its days with its favored human companion, or is forced to, ect. It is entirely up to you.

Official Wolfs Woods RP Area

Liberal Streaker

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I will be adding new items as I think of them, but for now you can scroll down to see what I have done so far.

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Liberal Streaker

Liberal Streaker

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Do you do pet Trades?

Yes, I do. If you would like to pet trade with me, please send me the link to your shop and what you want to trade for through PM. I normally only take ones that are within the same price range, but if yours is extremely exceptional, then I will definately trade you. Keep in mind that even though your pet may be spectacular I may not feel up to doing a wolf, or not like a particular style and refuse. If i don't like the style, but I think that it is a great pet I'll probably ask you to give away a free pet in a raffle of yours in placement for the pet I would be recieving from you for my pet. If you do not like this idea, then don't bother PMing me, as this might occur. If you don't understand what I just said in the above few lines, just ignore that part, it will become aparent to you if it happens.

If I already own a wolf can I participate in Raffles, auctions and Flatsales?

Even if you already own a wolf you can participate in anything that the store offers. Wether it be free pets or flatsales. However, sometimes for special events like free wolves I might make only people who do not own a wolf be the only ones alloud. This will be announced on the front page in the first post, so don't get worried and ask me about it. XD

How many wolves can you own?

You can own as many wolves as you see fit. If you own a whole bunch of wolves and there are a whole bunch of new people wanting them I might ask you to take a break for a little while, but that would just be a request. ^_^

Liberal Streaker

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Attention Pet Owners: Allure has asked everyone to please direct link your pet.


Kiros - Kealdra Arrikanez - Alpha - Male - Air - D.O.B. May 20, 2005
Larka - duskcat - Adult - Female - Bison - D.O.B June 15, 2005
Colby - Skyling Draggonovv(need to change to youngshorty on cert. XP) - Adult - Horse - D.O.B. July 7, 2005


Kasshoku - Silver Baron - Adult - Male - Cougar - D.O.B. May 21, 2005
Bullseye - xx_Bullseye_xx - Alpha - Male - Hawk - D.O.B May 21, 2005
Tala - Prudence Goodwife - Adult - Female - Turtle - D.O.B June 17, 2005
Vincent - Allure - Elder - Male - Wolf - D.O.B. June 18, 2005 - SE Aurora Borealis Coloration


Tsume - Dbz2004 - Adult - Male - Fire - D.O.B June 13, 2005
Zhas - Ice_Dragon_Demon - Adult - Female - Snake - D.O.B. July 7, 2005
Yumiko - Kotori - Adult - Female - Wind - D.O.B. July 11, 2005
Coelin - MoonRazor - Adult - Male - Snake - D.O.B. July 27, 2005


Zetani - Were Girl - Adult - Female - Deer - D.O.B July 26, 2005
Akela - Jinx Creed - Pup - Male - Deer - D.O.B. October 8, 2005

Silver Ice:

Dusk - Mimiru_13 - Adult - Female - Fire - D.O.B. July 23, 2005
Kanoa - surfbaby89 - Adult - Female - Air - D.O.B. July 25, 2005


Desira - Mor_Ros - Adolescent - Female - Hawk - D.O.B June 15, 2005


Indy - Bluedemonwolf - Adult - Male - Heaven Region - Bear - D.O.B. July 4, 2005
Haze - Apothecary - Adult - Female - Heaven Region - Mouse - D.O.B. June 12, 2005
Gregori - Skyling Draggonovv(need to change to young short on cert) - Male - Unknown Region - Human - D.O.B. June 29, 2005


Suklaev - Kealdra Arrikanez - Hawk - Male - Earth Region - Cougar - D.O.B. June 26, 2005
Batsari - Kealdra Arrikanez - Cougar - Male - All Regions - Earth - D.O.B. June 30, 2005
Kantri - Yoink86 - Fox - Male - Harvest Region - Lizard - D.O.B July 22, 2005
Tiger - Apothecary - Squirrel - Male - Harvest Region - Rabbit - D.O.B. August 8, 2005

Color Your Own Contest:

Hashna - Kats Essence - Female - Harvest - Lizard - D.O.B. August 19, 2005
Hazina - surfbaby89 - Female - Silver Ice - Human - D.O.B. August 19, 2005
Jade - Alatariel Inglorion - Female - Harvest - Earth - D.O.B. August 19, 2005
KadenAstra - surfbaby89 - Male - Silver Ice - Horse - D.O.B. August 19, 2005
Kaya - jiggyster - Female - Silver Ice - Wind - D.O.B. August 19, 2005
Kitiarou - Azure Ghost - Female - Heaven - Water - D.O.B. August 19, 2005
Klytus - Kitsune_Takeru - Male - Silver Ice - Bison - D.O.B. August 19, 2005
Navi - Alatariel Inglorion - Male - Harvest - Bear - D.O.B. August 19, 2005
Quantiiashi - PscychoAce56 - Male - Barren - Human - D.O.B. August 19, 2005

Liberal Streaker

Liberal Streaker

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Owner, Lineartist, Colorist, Concept Ideas, and basically everything else: Kealdra Arrikanez
Certist and Maybe Partime Colorist (will see if she wants to or not): Allure
Bumpers: None really, I have a variety of people that chat, I guess its bumping enough for me. Keep it up you guys. heart

Liberal Streaker

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|-| Midnight Serengeti |-|

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Liberal Streaker

Liberal Streaker

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Familiars are not breedable at this time. I may make them breedable eventually, but at this point in time I have too many other things on my hands and am unable to do younger stages. You may order custom familiars, in fact I would encourage it as it is the only way to get an odd colored familiar, remember I do pet trades. Familiars will be flatsold starting at adult stage at the traditional 3K price. Familiars will all be modeled after the resemblance of the actual creature most of the time. Hawks and Eagles will have more variation in color because there are a wide variety of hawks and eagles to chose from. Things such as cougars, pronghorn, and elk will have much smaller ranges of color and will be sold less often. Since I have so many different species of these familiars I have decided to give you a basic background on each of them. Familiars do not have packs, though elk, pronghorn and other herd animals may be in groups called, well herds. Familiars do have spirits, though unlike the wolves, they cannot have their own spirit. Their date of birth will be randomly chosen as I feel like starting from the beginning of the shop. Their stage will be included on the certification as they will be breedable at some point in time. Instead of pack it will say wolf pack region on the certification. This is to tell near which pack your particular critter likes to hang. It will allow you to get a good feel for the creatures surroundings. Some of the familiars, like the Rams can only be in certain pack regions.

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Pronghorn are an herbivore and tend to be very docile and very wary. Only males have horns, and they are the only member of their family. They are not an antelope as many people believe, but simply a pronghorn. They tend to live in the more open grassy areas, like where the earth pack resides, but they can be found in forests at times. They like shrubs and grasses, making plains their desirable food source and they do not like to be closed in, so chances of spotting one near the forested regions of the heaven are slim.


Squirrels are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and meat. Their main diet tends to be on pine nuts and acorns. They often store their food in trees, or underground so they may stay fat during the harsh winter season. These frisky little balls of energy like shady trees and can be found near every pack, but tend to stay clear of the earth’s territory. There just isn’t enough food or places to put it in those areas.


Bears, like the squirrels, are also omnivorous, and they love to eat berries in the summer. Bears tend to lumber along and are quite docile, unless their angry males defending territory, or even worse, mothers defending cubs. They are extremely strong and pack an extremely brutal blow with their large claws and heavyweight bodies. They can be found everywhere, though tend to stick in the higher regions with the squirrels, rarely seen in the earth pack region.

Eagle and Hawk

Eagles are the second largest of the awe-inspiring Raptors. The largest being the condor. Hawks have a wide variety of size and their diet and life is much like that of the eagle. These fierce hunters have eyesight that goes beyond normal limits. They fly at tremendous heights, where they can barely be seen as little dots and their amazing eyesight picks up small mice, rabbits, and snakes that worm their way through the grass without knowing the death that lingers above them. Eagles and Hawks alike are not limited to any terrain, they love the mountains as equally as the desert, its all the same to them.

Big Horned Sheep

The big horned sheep is like the pronghorn as it eats lots of grasses and shrubs. It tends to stay in regions higher than most wolf packs dare to go and is rarely hunted, at least from a wolf stand point. It jumps and climbs easily on the rockiest and steepest slopes, making it very evasive, but also live a very dangerous life. They can be found near the earth packs on the very large and foreboding cliffs, in the high rocky mountains of the heaven region, and are prominent in the barrens pack areas.


This snake packs a deadly and painful punch. It coils up and strikes when it feels threatened, and believe it or not, it’s the youngest of this species that’s the deadliest. The young rattlers do not know how much venom to inject, so they release as much as they possibly can, making the bite much more deadly. If you don’t make them angry rattlesnakes generally mind their own business. They like the desert and earth areas the most, though in the summer you can see a few in heaven regions. They are completely absent from the barren pack, but a few have meandered into the harvest region.


Cougars are probably the most skilled hunter in all of wolf territory. With an astonishing 85% hit rate they are almost sure to kill whatever they fancy. Their meals could be a wolf, moose, hawk, rabbit, and even bears. These elusive hunters are one of the few carnivores that have enough skill and balance to take down big horned sheep and mountain goats. They can jump extremely far and high, and aren’t extremely picky on where they take their food. They live in barren, earth, heaven, and harvest regions, tending to stay near the rockier sections, but patrolling most of it all the same.


The moose is a herbivore and likes more marshy and wet regions. They love meadows and forests, eating fresh shoots and sometimes shrubs. They can be found in heaven, barren, and harvest regions.

Mule Deer and Elk

Mule Deer and Elk stick to the same regions, except Elk tend to stay a little higher than the deer. Often times you will see the two together where their preferred spots overlap. Mule Deer and Elk are both Herbivores, though the mule deer is a little less picky on what it eats. The Mule deer can be found in every pack region, while the elk cannot be found in the earth region.


The fox is much like the wolf, but its nose is shorter and its body is a little more compact and lanky. It feeds on mostly mice and other little rodents, taking the occasional squirrel. It is more like a wolf than any of the other animals and can moderately communicate with them. They can be found in every pack region, as they are not picky as long as there is enough food to fill their small bodies.

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