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Well...? The truth now~!

Lurker... 0.48623853211009 48.6% [ 106 ]
Regular! 0.17889908256881 17.9% [ 39 ]
Pollwhore XP 0.3348623853211 33.5% [ 73 ]
Total Votes:[ 218 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 3793 3794 3795 > >> >>> »|

Armed Combatant

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Welcome, to the world of the ridiculously confused.

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[Post0] Basic Introduction
[Post02]F.A.Q. & Breeding Possibilities
[Post03]Story and Stages
[Post04]RolePlay & Journals
[Post05]Current Owners
[Post06]Flatsales & Auctions
[Post08]Sex and Celibate
[Post09]Links & Affiliates
[Post10]Mailing List
[Post11]Meating the Maker

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5/14/05: the tedious setting up shop...
5/15/05: i actually open shop...
5/20/05: first flatsale.... instructions on pg 24...
5/25/05: last pet sold... makes me happy on the insides...
5/30/05: group RP thread setup and runnin'
5/30/05: workin' on GCB sample stages...
6/3/05: abrupt auction on pg 100...
6/25/05: new pets and a FS...
6/26/05: they be all gone and no one even knows what they look like!?
7/01/05: oh sweet ******** they can breed...
7/04/05: a rare auction with an uber rare kiddlet....
7/18/05: auction ended... FS on the way...
7/27/05: damn you all and your good RP skills! DAMN YOU ALL...
8/8/05: late update... but guild! I HAVE A GUILD! which still looks like s**t... but-
8/10/05: two preteens have been taken away and put up for auction...
10/2/05: a little late to report, but I got fired from Cein Isles after only a day or two, aren't I lovely employee? 4laugh
10/9/05: two kiddlets and a preteen will be up for an auction readoption soon...
11/29/05: working on 3 branch shops and getting down and dirty with updates...
01/09/06: the upgrades I have done since...

Armed Combatant

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-All Gaian Rules Apply
-Be polite, direct, and feel free to ask questions
-No stealing of tags, silhouettes, pets, any, and all forms of art
-"Pet" art is copyright to DemonTainted... so no for you
-Tag art is copyright to respective owners (Owners can be found in the Sex list)
-You may not sell a "pet" that you have purchased from here
-You may buy a pet for a friend, just be sure to PM me who
-Do not Overquote more than twice per post
-Spamming is NOT appreciated
-If you want me to link you, link me, then PM me your html code
-If you are made 'Celibate', you have no chance of redemption
-Reserving journal posts or editing old ones within one's journal is very much frowned upon. Do not do so unless it is to check spelling.

In Regards to Pets:

-GCB's are RP-mandatory
-A GCB can be taken away if not RPed at least once a month
-GCB's are 10k during a FS if you're new blood, 20k if you're old
-GCB do not die, nor can they be killed(by any means you can think of)
-They can only be killed in one way, DT knows this way, and will kill a GCB should it need to be rehomed.

Armed Combatant

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The Most Rescent Frequently Asked Questions Will Be in Red.

Q: How many parents can there be in a single breeding, and how many children would result?
A: I draw the line at THREE parents max, anymore than that and next to no genetic traits would show up in the child from the fourth parent (ie: say you wanted the kid to have at least the 4th parents eyes, but no traits from that parent show up within the child because that parent's genes were either predominantly recessive, or were unable to match against the the other three sets of unique genes fighting for dominance)

As for how many brats, that generally depends on the sex of the parents, male/male or female/female are unlikely to have more than one child at a time while male/female may have twins or even triplets. If there are three parents, that depends on how many of them are willing to carry the kid(s) and the gender of each parent.

Q: But it's so hard coming up with roleplay ideas for our pets, how can we keep posting with nothing to go on?!
A: Check in the roleplay and journal's post, I'll be posting rp-prompts for those stuck in a rut to use here and there. But don't you have other pets, are they particularly fond of you, not wishing to share the limelight... wouldn't that stir up some problems?

Q: Can I own more than one GCB?
A: Yes... if you can manage to RP them both enough to my satisfaction, if I see you're not doing so well, I'll take 'im away and fork 'em over to someone else.

Q: Why do FlatSales have two different prices unlike before?
A: From now on, there will be two different prices for FS pets, this does not give the potential owner an option of price on a kiddlet; the set price for new owners will ALWAYS be 10,000g...(Note: I said *new* owners, meaning any persons already owning a GCB pet will have to purchase another kiddlet at a higher price... this price is 20,000g...)

Q: What is "Sex and Celibate"?
A: It is the equivalent to the 'black' and 'white' lists often found in various shops on gaia(ie: black list:bad gaians white list:good gaians)... I just have a skewed sense of interpretation.

Q:Why can't my pet have a tail/wings/cat ears/insert-some-animal-thing-here?
A:Because I want to keep these kiddlets humanoid... they don't exactly die... so that is as far as their mysterious crap goes. Check out the Cousins for something like a tail or feathers.

Q:What exactly do you mean by "relationship of sorts"?
A:I mean that you have to have already journaled the events leading up to the pregnancy... It could be a long-drawn out romance of love between two couples; a quick, one-night stand resulting in an accidental pregnancy... two lovers planning for a child... and so on.

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Well, the indecisiveness has vanished, and these little bastards can breed... but not just with themselves, they can breed with any other pet you may have in your possession,(As long as I am given express permission to do so by the creator/s of said pets)- Or, they can breed with you... yes, you.

Breeding will not be cheap, far from... but that is due to the fact that you can have your GCB impregnate or become 'pregnant' from anything... as long as it can be catergorized as 'alive'.

Male x male breeding is possible, in which I send the necessary DNA over to Beat Fu's labs where she will then tinker with the proccess... that will then be sent back to me, then passed onto you...

Your GCB is able to breed when it reaches the 'Young Adult' stage; of which, when applying for a pregnancy/breeding/you-get-the-idea, you must have already 'built up' a relationship of sorts with the mother or second father of your child.
(If you are unclear as to 'relationships of sorts' see the F.A.Q. above.)

The hellbent price of this is 300k, it is expensive for the following reasons...

-You will be recieving a picture of the 'family' together during the pregnancy
-The infant will appear in a new GCB tag with both parents
-their will be five unique stages of the child to adult forms

If you do not agree with those reasons, then I'm sorry for your loss; if you don't have 300k pure, then figure out the equivalent to bribe me.

Breeding Slots

Pregnant/Expecting Parents
(Is most unfortunately: elligable.)

1.) Alisdare & Trinket (thank meh stars not right away)

Armed Combatant

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(through GD's perspective)

You'd think after six years I'd learn when to stop drinking after I surpass the legal limit of alcohol consumption.

Especially now, which I haven't.

And what I damned well mean by 'Especially now,' is that I've been landed with several brats. I'm sure, that they have actual parents and family, somewhere around here... well here being in this country,(Canada and Eurasia, they're both apart of the united states, right?) I am also quite sure my, somehow coming into possession of these wee little buggers is quite a funny story. Which in turn, makes me really wish I could remember what exactly happened... because the last few weeks have been a little blurry upstairs, you know?

But to me, it kinda happened like magic, y'see?

I wake up, three days ago with one of the most godawful and shitfaced hangovers I've had in years, and that, my friend, is no joke... I've had my share of the entire alphabet of hangovers, thrice times over, so take my word for it that it, was hands down- the worst of all twenty-six letters of the s**t-faced, hangover alphabet.

Anyway, I wake up, worship that which is the silver Holy Grail,(aka a metal bucket one keeps near the bed after some bad times and throat choaking incidents) followed by a two hour and ten minute phone call on the big white telephone,(aka the toilet which I'd managed to drag myself over to, barely missing the floor, that time.) I then stumble down the hallway into my livingroom, and then wonder if I'm in the right mansion.

But yes, I wondered if I was in the right mansion, I was seeing the bloody stupid rainbow of fleshy skin colors about yay` high, with big patches of messed up colored hair... I thought the boys may have laced my last bottle of bear with vodka,(and we all know, beer and vodka ain't exactly friends.)

The lot of them have the biggest eyes I've ever seen, well, anything that wasn't a cartoon of some sort.

So that's all I know, the new maids I hired yesterday to clean up the mansion don't know s**t.

And now, I need you, to take some of these bastards off my hands; they never keep still and I swear if that twerp in the corner kicks me ONE MORE TIME I'M GONNA KILL IT!

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(Notice the lack of an adult silhouette, that is because the final form will not be in a standard position... think *custom*)

Young and impressionable, your avatar appearance and color choices are not easily forgotten with this young boy.

Interaction at this stage in the preteen's life is of the utmost importance; he is seriously questioning his personality. Was he really meant to be born a boy, was he meant to be straight? Your conversations with your "pet" may determine these key decisions in his young life.

His choice of color, dress, and style begin to emerge more dramatically. Do not be surprised if you find him wearing a similar skirt or pair of shoes that you had often worn when he was a child; be patient if you find him particularly vain at this period in his life.

Young Adult:
A snug fit, describes this yound adult; secure in his personality, as well as choice of style and dress, the young adult is now on the hunt for a lover or lovers. His choice of partners can be anything and anyone depending on what views and morals you have expressed upon him when he was young.

Beyond secure, your adult is now comfortable with his chosen lifestyle and is looking to settle down.

Armed Combatant

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Considering the type of "Pets" that I'll be selling, auctioning, and trading off; good roleplaying is very crucial to this particular shop. Your direct interaction with your "pet" will effect its overall behavior, style, and sexuality.

If you do not roleplay somewhat consistantly, you "pet", will never change or grow. So if you find, after weeks, even months of being in possession of one of these creatures, the blame is on your doorstep... hell, if you haven't posted any sort of interaction with your pet, I'll take it away from you and sell it to someone who will take care of it far better than you did.

I will setup individual journals for each and every "pet" in the correct subforum, then I will PM the owner/s the address.(For I will be reading these journals,(DAILY) in order to determine appropriate periods of growth.)

Stuck in a rut? Maybe a ditch? C'mere and check some s**t out below, ya' may get some ideas...

It's that time of the year...

Your brat has caught some sort of flu that lasts longer than the designated 48hrs that's been going around. Is your GCB particularly grouchy while ill? Picky? Fussy? Whiny?

How will he be treating the rest of the house members while sick?

Will he have one of those memorably embarassing moments whilst infected with said flu?

Oh dear.

This sort of thing has never happened before; you can't quite place it, it's hard to pinpoint and he can't quite understand it himself.

But he feels it, and you're witnessing it.

He describes it as a slight ache, centered around the heart and head.

You've had him checked out by your doctor, and another... but you find nothing physically wrong with your GCB.

You then learn he has been feeling this slight ache for a long time now, it comes and it goes.

He then likens it to being, incomplete.

Armed Combatant

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Here is where the current owners and their "pets", can be found at their current stages in life, as well as the link to their Journal.

Beat Fu......Teenager, Teenager
Catzi Whitten......Adult/Teenager
eternaldelusion......Young Adult
Chegrin......Adult/ Teenager
Bloody Anubis......Teenager
ladyumbra......Young Adult/ Teenager
Nephrenia(Pretty Lil Hate Machine)......Young Adult/Teenager
Mr. Nothing......PreTeen
Chegrin & InfinitiesofSoules......Teenager
A.V. Karlet......Teenager, Teenager, PreTeen
InfinitiesofSoules......Teenager, Teenager, PreTeen, Merged
xXxShadowsKittyxXx......Teenager, Teenager
Gourmet Lemon......PreTeen, PreTeen

Armed Combatant

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A list with details on various types of 'aquiring-a-pet-by-any-means'... I hope this is insightful to all who are interested in owning one of my... pets.

A rarity considering the workload that will go into this entire petproject of mine... but I will sell a maximum of one, maybe two "pets" per flatsale. I will inform any and all prospective buyers two days before a flatsale.

Another rarity, fewer and farther between than even the flatsales, but there will be two, maybe three auctions that will last, approximately two weeks each.
Prospective buyers will be notified the day of the auction.

Would recieve consideration depending on pet type, speed of growth, required RP necessary for said growth, coloring of pet as well as hearing your expectations on recieving a pet from me... For more info, see the 'Meating the Maker' post.
(I loath wee pixel pets but love all other types with pretty art)

An extreme rarity that may not even exist... To 'order' a custom creature, you'd practically have to bribe my boots off (which is much harder than bribing my pants off, I'll have you know.)
I am always open to PMed offers, but do not be surprised if I ask for an excerpt of your RP skills... do not be shocked if I were to turn you down.
Update: Bribes have now officially become harder, singles of anything off the bribe list will no longer work; not even if it's a NM scarf.

Did I leave any other means of acquisition or have I covered them all? If not, please PM me immediately...

Armed Combatant

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Quite simply, I'm always on the lookout for shwank tag-makers and shmexy colorists. If you're in need of gaian gold munnies and are good at either tag-makin' or colorin'... fill out the respective form and toss it in my mailbox.

A word of warning and more of caution; I am a very picky individual when it comes to art, you may find yourself making dozens of the same tag, changing minute details and flaws each and every time. I may even ask for direct screenshots of your color cache in order to best select the color that I am in search of.

I will try your patience, even break it.


Sample of Works: (I expect a minimum of two, different layout designs as well as color schemes)

How Much $ I Expect: (When I say 'I', I mean YOU, place your desired tag price here)
Is Price Negotionable?: (yes or no)

Additional Comments or Questions: (well... do you have anything to say to me?)


Sample of Work: (I expect a bare minimum of two, different pictures colored by you... I like clean and crisp art, but if you can manage to make dirty look sexy, PM yourself into my mailbox)

How Much & I Expect: (When I say 'I', I mean YOU, place your desired coloring price here)
Is Price Negotionable: (yes or no)

Additional Comments or Questions: (Well... do you have anything to say to me?)

Do Not be surprised if I tell you flat out, 'no'... or do not reply for extended periods of time, simply because I tend to be 'all over the place' and currently have nothing for you to do should I be interested in your skills.

Be patient, you may find a PM from me in your inbox at a later date.

Armed Combatant

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Here is the 'Sex List', where people I'm in love with go... these people are usually the ones who've made me tags and colored my artwork, as well as being wonderful customers.

A very patient tagmaker that never once lost her kindness when dealing with my finicky ways...

Another tagmaker who was absurdly kind and generous when I inquired about tags...
This lovely revamped and remade the current shop graphics~!
Beyond shwank sexy tag-maker X3

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People that have generally annoyed and insulted me go here, where they also go on my 'ignored' list. I believe this is also considered the fifth circle of discontent, feel my love, people below.

dbzkado : for posting within a journal
groovybabeAM : for posting within a journal

Armed Combatant

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Oh my, plenty of links to other, beautiful and intriguing petshops that I've managed to find during the time of my research... What? You wish to link me in secret? Why, feel free to do so my beloved little guest, you~
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Armed Combatant

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Many a shopkeepers that have either accepted my request for affiliation or jumped the gun on me 'afore I could get them first~!

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Armed Combatant

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Otome Ranman
Dio Elaclarie
A.V. Karlet
Nikolia Foxe
.neon glowsticks.
The Theif of Always
Master of the Forgotten
(Plenty more names, unfortunately not all listed here...)

Armed Combatant

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The Gaian Name is: DeMoNtAiNtEd

These also work: DemonTainted, DT

Likes: good RPists, shiny things, leather, and boots

Art: Why yes I'd love some

Pets I have Interests In:
I no longer have the time to RP

Armed Combatant

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You want a pet but don't have the gold, or just want to commission me for avatar or OC art...? Or even to do menial labor such as bumping your thread or something...?

when PMing or Posting your offers, you must tell me what it is you're after- specifically.

Things DT Wants Bad!
Sealed Envelopes

Angelic Scarf

Nitemare Scarf




Excellent NPC fanart

Angelic Headbands (as in many)

Nitemare Headbands (as in many)

LionFish Mask (Emerald or Silver)*

Jacked Up Shirt & Pants

Angelic Minis

Dark Halos (many of them)

December 2003 and earlier donation letters(Minimum of 3)

angelic & demonic pendant (both, not seperate)

Coco Kittys (lots of 'em)

Any and ALL 03' letters

Donation Letters of All kinds!

* Giveth me these and you get 3 fully custom nonRP GCBs... or fully custom twins(twins=Individually drawn in each stage- no bases)

Text in italics: will get you two custom(one full, one half) GCBs, one not rp-mandatory, the other *loosely* so
(If I recieve more than three of these kinds of letters, you'll get 2 fully custom, non-rp required brats with a gauranteed sixth stage... )

(see profile for more wishlist/bribery items)

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