Welcome to Gaia! ::

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You hear quiet buzzing as you approach a round, grey building in the woods. The smell of honey greets you at the front door as you take a peek inside...

Welcome to the Hive! ^_^

Table of contents:

1st post - Welcome & Contents
2nd post - News
3rd post - Rules
4th post - Story
5th post - Guide
6th post - Owners
7th post - Eggs
8th post - Customs
9th post - Items
10th post - F.A.Q.
11th post - Links
12th post - Staff
13th post - Contest!
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10.03.2006 - The Hive has gained a third species. Let's give a warm welcome to the Meerus!

20.11.2005 - A new contest has started! All the necessary info can be found in the first post.

16.05.2005 - The guide section has gained a new part. I realized that the part about updating old Burus had disappeared at some point. Well, it's there now again, so be sure to check it if you're planning to update your old Buru! ^_^

27.04.2005 - Buru Hive has been renamed to "Buzzing Hive" because of the new species "Bauru" that was added.

26.04.2005 - What is that creature?! It barks and drools and...it's...a dog?! gonk It seems like the Hive has gained a new species! eek

19.04.2005 - New thread opened. Yay! It's the third thread since Burus first appeared over a year ago! O_O


11.05.2005 - Next Sunday (15th of May) There will be a flatsale. Yay! whee

19.04.2005 - Cere found a couple of REALLY strange eggs when she returned home from her trip around the world. There will be a normal flatsale for them tomorrow, April 20th, at noon GMT (4am PST).

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Thread rules

1. Don't steal anything.
If you notice that one of the pets doesn't have my copyright mark "CB", do inform me immediately so that any misunderstandings can be cleared asap.

2. "Oh behave!" Don't harrass anyone. Try to be nice and helpful towards others. I'm busy enough as is and I don't want to waste my time verbally spanking your sorry little butts. ^_^;;

3. It's ok to ask about eggs on the thread but DO NOT PM me or anyone else asking about eggs. EVER!

4. You're not allowed to edit the images. Resizing is ok but everything else is strictly forbidden.

5. You're not allowed to resell pets you have bought directly from me. You can sell eggs your pet has had through breeding but selling any pets that have passed the egg stage is not allowed.

Last but not least, I don't have as much time for Gaia as I used to have. School is tough and irl friends demand their share of my spare time. Updates and such may be late but please try to bear with me, I'm trying my best and do as much as I can here!

Flatsale, auction and raffle rules

Don't post to buy an egg before I've posted "GO!"

Don't try to discourage others from buying or bidding.

3. Don't be a sore loser. I'm sorry if you didn't get one or didn't get the one you wanted. Maybe you'll have better luck next time.

4. Only bid/offer what you have. If you don't have enough, you can't buy. I'm sorry but I won't reserve eggs either.

5. Do not withdraw your bids in an auction. It only makes things more difficult.

6. If you post to buy an egg in a flatsale, but don't start a trade, the egg will be sold to the next person who asks for it after a day or two. I will not PM anyone asking them to start the trade. I only PM in case the trade has been lying there for ages without you confirming it or in case you have accidentally cancelled it.

More rules will be added if needed.
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It was a warm and sunny Monday afternoon and I was sitting in my room sipping cold orange juice, playing with my computer. Suddenly I heard something hit the window. I had been so concentrated on the computer screen I almost had a heart attack when I heard it. I glanced out of the window wondering what it had been that had bumped into my window. I couldn't see anything but one of the rose bushes in our frontyard rustling and shaking. I got worried it was some poor bird that had bumped into my window and hurt its wing, so I went out looking for the victim.
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As I got closer to the rose bush, it got more and more clear that it wasn't a bird. I moved aside one of the branches that had broken from the rose bush and took a good look at what had hit my window. I couldn't but stare at the creature. I had never seen anything like it before. It looked like a cat except that it was teal and it had blue-ish transparent wings on its back. It stared at me confused, I stared at it in awe. I rubbed my eyes and even pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. The creature just sat there staring at me and it became quite clear to me that it wasn't going to disappear no matter what I did.

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The first rational thing that occured to me was to try to communicate with the creature. I started by introducing myself. "My name is Cere", I said pointing at myself. The creature nodded and made a small adorable sound that was a mix of a cat's "meaow" and a bee's buzzing. I asked its name but it didn't seem to know it. Maybe it had never had a name or maybe it didn't remember it. It had no place to go and it was hurt and hungry so I asked it to follow me to the house.

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I offered all kinds of food to it but the only things it wanted to eat were honey and milk. It was quite dirty after falling into the rose bush so I gave it a nice, warm bubble bath. It seemed to enjoy chasing soap bubbles. I kept asking about where it lived and if it had any parents or friends. It appeared that it was a she and her kind had no special place to live in. They had been living in forests and mountains until now but in the end they had become interested about the people living here in towns and she had gotten lost while playing with her friends and ended up bumping into my window.

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I told her she could stay at my place as long as she wanted. I promised to feed her properly and teach her about humans. She seemed quite pleased but she still made it clear that she would leave as soon as her friends came to pick her up. Days passed, weeks passed, and there was no sign of her friends. She got used to living at my home, and when her friends finally came, she didn't want to leave and adviced her friends to choose the lifestyle of a pet-like companion she had chosen.

After that these creatures have been living in my backyard. At some point I started calling them Burus. I even named the first Buru I met. I call her Mint. Burus are interested in us humans and want to learn more about us. That's why I've started running this adoption system. I'll help Burus find a nice family who they can learn from. At the same time the family gets an adorable pet.

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It was a quiet Friday when we finally returned from our trip around the world. The sun was shining from azure sky and a line of cottony clouds disappeared into the horizon as we arrived at the Isle de Gambino. Jack and the others tied the ship to the dock while I went to pay the docking fee.
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The first thing to do ashore, of course, was to check if my shop was still up and running. I had been away for such a long time and I had been awfully worried about it. I hadn't been able to fully enjoy the trip because of all the worrying. "Is it still there? Are the owners still there? Do they still remember? Are all the Burus fine? Have I missed something?", I kept asking myself as I walked down the familiar path through the forest near Bass'ken Lake.

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As I arrived at the Hive, I fell on my knees. I was shocked to see the beautiful, round, grey building in ruin. It felt as if my heart was breaking. All my worries and fears had come true. "What on earth has happened here? Who could have done such an evil thing?" I sobbed at the ruins. There wasn't much to do for the Hive, so I returned to the ship to tell the others the bad news.

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I found out later that a violent earthquake had taken place during our absence. Luckily no one had been at the Hive while it happened, so no one had gotten hurt either. We were all sad because of what had happened to the Hive, but we weren't going to give up. Together we dug up the ruins and saved what could be saved. Luckily I had had all the important papers with me on the ship during the trip. If the papers had been in the Hive at the time of the earthquake, there wouldn't have been any hope to restore the place anymore. When the clearing had been cleared from all the junk, construction for a new Hive could be started. The construction workers were amazingly fast and the building was ready in just a few weeks time.

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While digging up useful stuff from the ruins, Mint found a pair of eggs. They were muddy and their wings were broken and pointing down. I was afraid the cubs inside were already dead, but when I pressed my ear to them, I could hear a strong hearbeat from inside. I couldn't have been more happy. Despite the scruffy surface they were alive!

I picked them up wondering whose eggs they were. I took them to the ship for cleaning and closer examination. As I washed and examined them, I was surprised to find out that the wings were perfectly fine and pointing down naturally. "Is it really a Buru egg? Maybe it's a new breed or something," I wondered. Since the only difference between these eggs and Buru eggs were the wings, I decided that they are indeed Buru eggs and I'll sell them just like I've sold the other eggs.

So I sold them and they both got a loving home. After a few days, I stopped by the new Hive to see if they had hatched already. I was surprised and angry to hear barking as I entered. I don't like dogs much after all. I swore I'd skin the brainless slug who had let dogs into the Hive that was built for cat-like creatures.

My anger soon melted away as I found myself staring at a pair of brown and blue puppy eyes. The creatures looked exactly like the dog versions of Burus. When I took a closer look at the lively rascals, I realised that they were what had hatched from the weird eggs I had found.

Later on, I found more weird eggs with their wings pointing down in the forest. I also saw a few adult ones. The creatures had apparently decided to live in the forest and didn't seem to bother the Burus that were also living there. Since we were neighbours from now on, it was only appropriate to come up with a name for them. After talking to a few adult creatures, I settled for "Bauru". The name was similar to Buru and described well their buzz-like barking.

The Baurus' history was very much like Burus'. They had also become interested in humans. I offered them a chance of becoming part of the Hive business and they gladly accepted. That's how Baurus came into the Hive.
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How to get a Buru or Bauru?

Go to the egg section to see if there are any eggs for sale and if there are, follow the steps listed there to buy one.


2. Go to the customs section to see how to get a custom pet.


3. Check the news in second post to see if there are any auctions or contests running or coming.


Old owners may update their old Burus for a fee of 500g. (the old flatsale price was 750g and the new one is 1.5k. 500g almost covers the gap, but is a cheap price for the three pictures I have to make) The Buru will be returned to egg stage after which it will grow the same way as all the other new Burus. It will just have the new lineart instead of the old one. All its items will also be updated. Angelic, demonic and other features that belong to the special breeds now will be removed. Anime and game character features (such as hair) will remain. Patterns may be altered a little in the updating process, but it's mainly just because of the differences in the linearts. I do try to make them look the best I can. If you wish to update your old Buru, post a message about it on this thread and send me a trade containing the updating fee.


Eggs will usually hatch 1-7 days after the owner has received them. You won't know the pet's gender until the egg hatches. Therefore names will be given after the eggs have hatched.


Your pet will grow according to how much you spend time with it and what you do with it. You will be given an own diary thread where you can post the adventures of your pet. I will check upon the diaries as often as I can to see what your pet has been up to. According to what it has done, it will grow into a different adult. If you pay no attention to it, it will grow into a common and boring adult but if you're really spending time with it and doing all kinds of different things with it, it could grow into something very different and interesting! Growing time varies. It could be a day or two or it could be a week or more. It depends on how active you are and how much time I have for updating. And no, the colouring doesn't have anything to do with what your pet will turn out to be. For example, a blue pet with bubble print won't grow into a water pet unless you RP it in a way that results in it developing into a water pet...On the other hand, if you RP it differently it might as well grow into an angelic or fire pet (there are far more possibilities than these, this is just an example). So there you have it, colours don't mean anything.

About stages/forms

Egg form/stage:

Your pet is inside a winged egg. The eggs wings may move a bit and it may buzz occasionally and roll from side to side but it can't move around on its own. Why? Because the unborn pet inside is sleeping while it develops and the egg shell itself doesn't have an own will so it can't move by itself. The egg can't communicate with you but it can sense your feelings.

Child form/stage:
Congratulations, your pet has hatched! It's now the size of a kitten or puppy and it's likely to be curious about everything around it. It wants to see, hear, feel and learn everything and you are the one to teach it. Depending on how and what you teach it it will grow to be a normal or different adult. A child pet can't speak yet but it understands your speech perfectly and is able to reply by buzzing in various tones and using its expressions.

Adult form/stage:
Your pet has matured! What did it become? A normal one? A rare one? Your pet is now adult which means its hormones are buzzing and it's able to breed once it finds a partner. Your pet is now able to talk and it will gladly share its opinion about everything with you...even if you don't want to hear it.

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Aww...your pet has found that special someone and it's time to move to the next level with them. What could be more wonderful than getting together and forming a family? ...But beware! Pets, especially the ones born in captivity, can be quite the rascals. Are you sure you can handle the litter?

If everything goes well, the mother gets pregnant. Pregnancy takes a week or two after which the proud mother lays 2 or more eggs. The eggs' fate is up to the parents and their owners.

The owners may decide to keep the eggs and let their pets try their wings at raising them. If they are too busy or have trouble at home, they may decide to give the eggs away, or sell them. Hopefully the eggs will soon find a good, loving home.

The hatching time varies from one to seven days. When the egg hatches, it will reveal a little cub which will be named and given an own diary.

(Breeding fee is 500g per parent)

What?! Someone got there before you!? Sorry, only one breeding at a time. crying

Currently breeding:
No one

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All owners will be listed here! 3nodding
Buru/Bauru - Owner

New version:

Mint, Ying & Yang - Cerebaton
Arata - AquaGoddess11
Calia - Selona
Sephie - Pebbles
Typhin - Spirit of Twilight
Banou - Kimu DeRomanus
Ebony - Star Sorceress
Kabocha , Naruto, Sevati, Prancer, Satori - AyaCamui
Taiyou, Jiyuu, Satori, Caramel - Genbu no miko Marie
Duality, Hope, Cupid - Spores
Sakura, Sisara, Miles, Panyan - Midnight Witch of Wind
Pooka - TrinityCowgirl
Ivy, Neve - Pata lover
Neo - Hellzmessiah
Violet - The Lost Lenore
Mushu - thugette11
Bante - kimetara
Habanero - Melomar
Mitsu - Itsu-chan
Tea Leaf - white tiger93
Anya - ChiemiChan
Pekina - Artificially Talented


None at the moment

Old version:

Honeycomb - Retasu
Athena - galslushies
Kabuki Joe - Bad-O-Mac
Chii - Itsu-chan
George - Torren Draiko
Honey - Ociel
Kayou - hui_lai_lee
Wakanda - nikhaeli
Puchiko - ysabol
Sasuke - VooDoo_Jekk

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You post on this thread which egg you want.
2. I say "OK" if you were the first one to ask for the particular egg.
3. You start a trade including the correct price with me.
4. I put your name in the egg's nameplate and post the pic on this thread. No, they won't be PM'ed to you like they used to, sorry about that. sad
5. I accept the trade.
6. You confirm the trade.
7. You save the picture and upload it to YOUR host server and possibly link it to your signature or wherever you want to keep it.
8. You let me know you have saved the picture so that I can delete it from my photobucket account.
9. I'll add you on the owner list.
10. You keep checking the thread every now and then (I suggest once a day) to see if your egg has hatched. The hatched eggs and grown up forms will be posted in the pick up section at the bottom of this post.
11. When your egg has hatched you'll have to name the pet. To name your pet, post the name you wish to give to it on this thread.
12. When your pet has been named, its name will be added on the owner list together with a link to its diary thread.
13. You start working on the diary (if you want your pet to grow into an adult of a different breed).

Pick ups:
(Don't forget to save the picture and upload it to your own host server! ^_^)

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What is a custom?

Custom means that you, the owner, decide what the Buru/Bauru will look like: colouring, patterns, gender, stage, is it a cosplay Buru/Bauru? twins?...There are only a few things that restrict the customs:
1) Females can't have male lineart and males can't have female lineart!
2) Children won't be drawn in a special pose.
3) If you choose to start your custom Buru/Bauru from the egg or child stage, you will still have to rp it to make it grow into a special breed/pose. Custom features, such as hair, won't disappear when the Buru/Bauru grows, but more of them may appear if you rp well.

How to get one?

There are four ways to get your hands on one:
1) Win an auction for one.
2) Win a contest with one as a prize.
3) Do a pet trade. (feel free to request a trade, but remember that I expect to get a custom, breedable, non-pixel pet in exchange for a custom Buru/Bauru!)
4) Bribe me. (Yeah right, like that would ever happen!) Things the bribe can include are art, items and gold. Cere likes avatar art, breedables, angelic and demonic stuff and gold.

When ordering...

When ordering a custom, you have to be precise in describing what you want. If you just say "blue" I won't have any idea what kind of blue you want and then I'll probably pick a wrong blue and then you'll be unhappy and I'll be stressed. If you have samples or codes for the colors or shapes you want, do let me take a look at them. If you want an anime or game character Buru/Bauru (a.k.a cosplay Buru/Bauru), you must provide a picture of the character you want the pet to look like! Also, if you want the Buru/Bauru to be equipped with certain clothes or accessories, remember to describe them too!

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The selection of items in the Hive is infinite. It's a sort of a mail order system where you order items and they will be made and delivered to your pet. Be sure to be specific when you order. Indefinite orders will just result in me deciding about the parts you didn't describe well enough and possibly you being unsatisfied with the result. No refunds will be given or complaints accepted in case of you being unsatisfied with what you get when you haven't been specific enough about your order!

order form
Colours and patterns:
Pet's name:

When you have filled the order form, post it on this thread. DO NOT PM them to me! After posting your order, send me a trade worth your order. Put "Buru/Bauru items" or something similar in the trade's topic so that I won't be mistaken about its purpose.

Prices for items vary. Smaller items are cheaper and bigger ones more expensive.

Small Accessories (flowers, bows and such) : 15g each
Medium accessories (scarves, necklaces and such) : 25g each
Big accessories (Sashes, hats and such) : 50g each
Clothes (shirts, dresses and such) : 100g each

If you're uncertain about an item's price, don't hesitate to ask!

NOTE! If you're planning to update your old Buru, don't worry about the items. They will be updated too and put in your Buru's diary thread! There will be no extra fee for upgrading the items.

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Here are some questions I've been asked in the past and some questions that might be on your mind. To save time I've put the answers here so that I don't have to answer them personally to everyone.

Q: c4n 1 haff one??!!11
A: I'm sorry. I don't speak n00b or 1337. ^_^;

Q: Can you put my shop's link here?
A: Sure! Just give me an url and I'll add it. But in exchange, you'll have to put my link in your shop.

Q: Would you like to start working with me on this new project, it's...
A: Sorry but no. I'm busy enough as is. If you need help with single pics like lineart or banners, I may have the time to draw you something but I don't have the time to help you run the project.

Q: Do you need help? I'd be happy to help you with this project. I could colour the pets and help checking the diary threads and...
A: Thanks for the offer but I think I can manage everything on my own at the moment. If I do need some help later on I'll post it in the first post of this thread.

Q: I have an idea. Would you like to hear it?
A: Why, certainly. I'd be happy to hear any ideas and feedback you might have.

Q: Are there any eggs left?
A: Check the egg section to see if there are any eggs for sale.

Q: When will the next flatsale/auction/raffle/contest/event be held?
A: To be honest, I don't know. O_o All dates will be posted in the news section in the second post. Go there to see if a new date has been announced.

Q: Baurus weren't there from the start. Will there be other new species added?
A: Indeed, there will. Don't ask me what they'll be, though. It's a secret.

Q: What happened to Kuma?
A: He disappeared. Honestly, I have no idea where he went. One day he was gone and I haven't seen him ever since. Maybe he'll return someday...

Q: I heard this one guy got a free pet...
A: Who told you that? ninja I'll have to find out who leaked the secret information...

Q: How did you come up with the Burus?
A: I don't remember exactly how it happened but what I remember is that it was a pretty boring religion lesson... ^_^;;

Q: How did you come up with the Baurus?
A: They were supposed to be an April fools prank...But because the first page couldn't be edited at that time, I decided to make them into real pets. ^_^;;

Q: How can there be so many questions? I've never seen anyone ask anything!
A: Look! A three-headed monkey! O_O *disappears*

I'll add more questions and answers here if someone asks something useful.

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Bloomling Seed Shop - Cute flower beings in pots.

Raifai Cloud Castle - Adorable little faeries.

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- Amazingly cute little sea dragons.

User Image - Disney babies.

Butterfa'e - Adorable little butterfa'e Kitsunes.

Sumra's Bakery - Sumra's delicious cakes, sweets and other goodies.

User Image - Sweet little Kitsutoras.

Oh, you want to link to my shop? Yay! I'm so happy! ^_^ Here are some buttons for linking:

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Here's a list of people working at the Hive! ^_^

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Cere is the one who came up with these silly pets. Her text is written in teal. She loves cats, chocolate and manga and is desperately trying to improve her drawing skills. Despite her busy rl she tries to keep the deadlines and be online as much as possible.


(Gomen ne, Nyxa. Cere hasn't drawn a pic of you yet. crying )
Nyxa is an amazingly talented part-time colorist. Without her, there wouldn't have been any flatsales in ages.


How much do you know about Cere?

This is a silly little contest to celebrate Cere's birthday. It will run until someone answers all questions correctly. Now, what would a contest be without a prize? For this conest, there is a list of prizes of which the winner can choose one they like. The list is as follows:

1. A custom Buru, Bauru or Meeru (or any new species, if one is added before the contest ends)

2. A coloured full-body picture of your avatar (I will not draw a background, though, because I suck at it... x_x;; )

3. ??? A mysterious egg. Maybe it will become something very different one day... O_o

4. ??? A suspicious snack. Something will definitely happen if you let your Buru/Bauru/Meeru eat it.


Rules are there for a reason. Please follow them.

1. I (Cerebaton) will not answer any of these questions for you, so do not ask me. (Well, you can ask me, but I will not answer you) It would not be much of a competition if I just gave the answers away. No, you cannot bribe me to reveal anything either. xd

2. If you know something, you may share it with the others if you want to. However, if someone asks if you know something, you are not obliged to answer even if you do know the answer. It is up to you to decide whether you want to help the others or not.

3. The answers may be hard, but not impossible to find out. Most answers can actually be found pretty easily if you use those small grey brain cells Mr Poirot always talks about. ^_~

4. Do not post guesses repeatedly, hoping something will hit. Take your time to find the right answer. You can post one answer at a time or all at once. It is up to you. However, only one guess per question per PM. If you send me a list of answers for a single question, I will only count the first one in the list as a guess and ignore the rest. Also, please wait for my reply before sending new guesses. I will be keeping a chart of the contestants and which questions they have answered correctly at the bottom of this post.

5. To make it fair for everyone, PM all answers to a user called Personal Saviour (notice it is written Saviour, not Savior). He is my dear mule. My inbox is rather full most of the time, but there is plenty of free space in my mule's inbox, that is why I want you to send the answers to him instead of me. All answers sent directly to me (Cerebaton) will be ignored. Use "Cerecontest" as topic when sending your answers, so that I will instantly know that the message is related to the contest and I will reply to it as soon as possible. There will not really be much work for the others if you post answers in this thread, that is why I would like you to use PM's. I will reply to the PM's, saying which answers are correct and which ones are not. If you are really close, almost correct or you are just missing something small, I will mention it in my reply.

6. The prize cannot be co-owned, sorry. crying Something small will be given to everyone who takes part after the contest is over, though. 3nodding


And the questions are...

Related to Gaia:

1- Find a picture of Cere the RP character.
2- Where does the name "Cerebaton" come from, and why did Cere choose it?
3- Cere the RP character has a child on Gaia. What is their name and where do they come from?
4- How many pets does Cere have on Gaia? (roughly)
5- Where is Cere's image storage located? (url or link)
6- How did Cere end up on Gaia?
7- What shops has Cere run on Gaia? (you can either name the shops or the "products" sold in them)

Related to real life:

8- The contest started on Cere's birthday and is held to celebrate Cere's birthday....sooo...how old is Cere anyway?
9- Profile says Cere is where penguins live...but is that really true? Where is Cere actually from? (country)
10- Cere has a piercing, what is it and where? (and no, it is not an earring, though Cere has a few of those, too)
11- What does Cere study?
12- Cere has a RL pet. What is it and what is his name?
13- Cere's favourite food is...
14- Cere has seen a lot of anime. What is her favorite series?
15- Cere loves to read <insert genre here> books.
16- There is a whole bookshelf full of manga at Cere's home. How many volumes are there in it? (roughly)


How are the contestants doing?

Here is a list, which tells who has answered which question right. The scores will be listed in the following way:

Username: the numbers of questions the person has answered correctly

Midnight Witch of Wind: 3, 6, 9, 11, 16
Itsu-chan: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16
ChiemiChan: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 16

Reserved 14/15
Reserved 15/15

Ok, this is the last post I'll need for maintenance. You're free to post now! ^_^

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