Welcome to Gaia! ::

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:rules & FAQ:
:news & updates:
:general info:
:society of the Kin:
surprised wners list:
:staff post:
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Ara goes by the three strikes rule. You get three warnings, after which you'll be kissing the pavement outside her door.

  • read the first page. do it. now.

  • do not steal the art. I toil for hours over these, please don't take away all my efforts. it is cruel and disappointing.

  • do not steal anyone's Long. 'cause that's just stupid. stare

  • do not beg for a Long. ever.

  • do not harass caregivers for a Long, by PM or otherwise. jus' don't do it, foo'!

  • do not harass Arach, by PM or otherwise, for a Long. doing so will result in a permaban. grr.

  • do not PM Arach about the Long, unless it's horridly important. see previous rules. I dun bite, tho. 3nodding you can always PM the shop mule!

  • no flaming or any kind of OOC fighting in the thread. IC fighting is fine, even encouraged at times, though.

  • do not direct link ADULT Long. you must direct link the boxes/pups, however, or they won't grow.

  • all trades sent for a Long when there are clearly none available will be accepted, and thank you for the donation. heart

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Q: What language are those wierd-a** names in? Who makes them?
A: The names are in Pinyin or Cantonese, both Chinese dialects. Ara choses the names, as it goes with the IC concept of the parents choosing their child's name.

Q: That's not Chinese. You butcher the language, stoopad.
A: I'm sorry? I know I should try harder, since I'm the first to b***h about someone murdering my mother tongue (french), but I just...don't have the time nor the energy.

Q: How much do these critters cost again?
A: 5K at a flatsale.

Q: How much can I have?
A: You can have up to 3 flatsale Long (no more than one per flatsale), but more if you win some auctions/raffles/events.

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10/31/05 : The Long Halloween Event was a HUGE hit! Thanks to everyone who participated! Unfortunately, we were never able to close the event (due to Gaia and Arach's internet being glitchy), so Elder Gu Lao's visit will be postphoned and replayed at a later date. 3nodding Prizes are all on page 156, check them out!

10/16/05 : You are cordially invited to the Long's Hallowe'en celebration! See page 153 for details!

10/07/05 : W00t! The Long finally have backstory! It's only been a year...well, the point is, it's there. We might as well enjoy it, no? Now, Ara's going to concentrate on that roleplay contest! Pray it happens before Christmas. XD

09/06/05 : There will be a roleplay contest, thanks to popular demand. When it will be held and how are still to be decided. But you can participate! In fact, I personally invite you to come post in the thread with ideas! I'll post some of mine, if you don't agree, say so! I'm open to suggestions of any kind! 3nodding

08/06/05 : New poll up about the future of the shop! Go vote!

07/20/05 : Re-certing is finished! AND growings! W00t! x3 Ara might actually see the end of these trades! Score! =DDD

06/25/05 : Well, due to a vote from the majority, the certs will be changed. =3 Again, thank you all for voting! I still need the two Long owners left from the FS to resend me their trades!

06/17/05 : WE HAVE OUR FRONT PAGE BACK. D00D, MUCH PWN. *dansu*

1st order of business: All Long owners from the last FS need to send me their 5K again, because of the rollback. Your Long won't grow if you don't, I'm afraid. WyvernScale is off this list, she already resent hers. =3

2nd order of business: Ara made new certs, go give your opinion in the poll!

*snip* ninja

3rd order of business: growings, and more to come! See pg 130 and pickups. =D

That's not all, folks! New graphics are on the way, once Ara gets her trades out of the way. =3 THANKS FOR STICKING WITH ME! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

05/01/05 : Pwnage. We have a MAP! whee *dansu*

05/01/05 : Many things. 1) Cal is off Gaia, making moi, Ara, sole owner of the Long shop. Ph34R. 2) Ara is off hiatus, and shouldn't be going anywhere for awhile. 3) Flatsale on the 10th. See Availability post for details. Also, be there or I shall pwn j00r a**. That is all.

02/23/05 : Ara's off to California, so Cal's in charge. Y'all better behave! scream

02/20/05 : Ara's b-day. whee

02/13/05 : Aaaand...Matthewt3hd0rk got it! Talk about a spiffy V-day gift! xD Way to go, Mattie!

02/13/05 : We're at page 99. FIRST PERSON TO POST ON PAGE 100 GETS A FREE CUSTOM LONG!!!

01/22/05 : The last of the Secret Santa Long are adults (pg 79); next up is the story, and once that's posted (probably by Sunday), the boxes from the FS and customs will grow. =3 Forgive me (Ara) fro the delay, I've been horribly busy these past few weeks. Believe me, this week should be equally busy--updating the Long shop, that is. Luff you all! <3

01/09/05 : Aaaand....our auctions are over! Another flatsale ahould take place in a few weeks, to give Cal and I some time to recuperate/color! =3

01/08/05 : The first Long auction was closed after a downtime of two hours; after six pages, it had already skyrocketed to nearly 80K. sweatdrop
Our second fully custom Long auction, which will run for the full 24-hours, for better or for worse, is here!!

01/07/05 : Our first fully custom Long auction is here!!

01/06/05 : Flatsale Day has started...at noon... sweatdrop There will be two custom slots auctionned tomorrow and saturday; one colored by me, the other by Calliel. Amass your savings, people!

01/05/05 : Flatsale happens tomorrow, and previews are up. Remember how flatsales are done:

1) Arrive early, this is always good.

2) At the designated time, I will say 'Go' and give the prompt in the same post.

3) Those who want F-C-F-S Long post right away, Prompt Long will have thirty minutes to reply.

3 easy steps. If anyone has questions about anything at all, go right ahead and ask, we don't bite. =3

12/30/04 : The Mailing List is up and running! Send your Friend requests to Long Dragons!
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The Long come in three stages: box, pup and adult, as shown in the following diagram:

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  • Box
    The box doesn't do much. The dragonet inside is dormant from the effort it takes to transfer from its homeworld to this one, so the magic box (which conveniently takes on the color of its contents) shields it from the outside world; it will not open until the pup awakens.

    It takes 3 days to a week for a pup to awaken, or even longer.

  • Pup
    Your pup is awake! Now he or she is avidly exploring its new surroundings, wondering about everything. They also like to chew things, and experiment with their burgeonning magical abilities; this can lead to some nasty situations. Pups stand about two to three feet high as a norm, but some have been said to be nearly four feet tall.

    The pup stays so for about two weeks to a month(!).

  • Adult
    Ah, the adult. Your Long is now powerful enough, and confident enough in its magical abilities to go back and forth from Gaia to its homeworld, helping to rebuild. Magestic and proud, adult Long stand at 5-6 feet to the shoulder, slightly bigger than a horse (though there are, of course, exceptions to this rule).

Magic is not, as you might think, specific to each clan. Huo-Long do not control fire, Shui-Long do not control water; Long magic is elemental, yes, but varies amongst Long. A more temperamental Long will have an easy time mastering Fire spells, but flounder with Water and Earth techniques that require calm and focus. The four magic elements are Air, Earth, Fire and Water.

'Magic' is, in itself, sentient. It lives in every being, organic or not. Long use magic-sight to locate places where magic is strong. To be used it must be channeled: 'channeling' is drawing magic from its host; sometimes, the channeling itself can be a spell, like pulling on the Earth magic inside a rock to send said stone flying. Different types of magic are channeled differently, but none like to be treated with disrespect; the consequences of treating magic with anything less than reverence vary. Burns, electrocutions, drowning, being buried alive--always treat magic with extreme caution.

Magic types can be combined to make subtypes. One type becomes 'dominant', and the other 'subordinate'. For example:

domfire + subwater = steam
domwater + subfire = smoke

domearth + subwater = healing
domwater + subearth = mud

Steam and smoke may have a lot in common, but healing is definitely preferred to mud, so be careful when mingling magics! Also, mixing three of more magic types is extremely dangerous, and is not recommended for anyone who has not studied magic extensively.

When one speaks of a certain magic's 'subtype', it refers to the types of magic created when that particular one is dominant. Healing is an Earth subtype, but Mud us a Water subtype.

  • Fire
    Fire magic is fairly simple; it requires little to no focus, but consumes alot of energy. All the practitionner has to do is concentrate on anger--all-consuming, powerful anger, nothing petty--and let 'er rip. Longs with harsh tempers who hold grudges easily are the best fire-users.

    The three subtypes of fire magic are:
    -melt (+earth)
    -steam (+water)
    -lightning (+air)

  • Water
    Water magic, unlike fire magic, varies extremely in intensity. It can be as dramatic as calling up a tidal wave or a rainstorm, or can merely consist or spiriting up a few drops to clean up a dirty pup. In any case, Water magic takes a great deal of calm, as, like its element, it is slippery and difficult to contain. To channel water magic, one must first get rid of all emotions. The best water-users are the coldest and most emotionless of the Long.

    The three subtypes of water are:
    -ice (+air)
    -mud (+earth)
    -smoke (+fire)

  • Earth
    Earth magic, extremely powerful, is the hardest to manipulate. Only those with extremely strong willpower can control Earth magic. Because the earth is rarely changing, it usually dislikes being shifted, so to call up an earthquake, say, one would have to convince the earth to move--which is not easy. Normally, earth-specific mages cast in groups to save themselves a headache. Earth magic, while not physically demanding like Fire magic or emotionally demanding such as Water, is by far the most mentally strenuous magic type.

    The three subtypes of earth are:
    -sand (+air)
    -healing (+water)*
    -magma (+fire)

    * healing magic is usually considered a type of its own, as it has many branches and rules to abide by.

  • Air
    Air magic requires immense concentration. It becomes hard to use because of its tendency to slip away. Unlike Water, which dislikes turmoil, Air thrives in it and thus is the most chaotic magical type. It takes a great deal of focus to channel air, and even when one does, it can turn one's small gust spell into a full tornado. Excercise caution.

    The three subtypes of air are:
    -static (+fire)
    -fog (+water)
    -dust (+earth)
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There are five clans the Long affect to: Shui, Huo, Duan, Mu and Tu. The clans mingle amongst each other liberally, and, as adults, many Long find themselves switching Clans, as "birds of a feather flock together". Thusly, most Long of the same clan will have similar personality. Pups are not allowed to change Clans, but can do so in adulthood. Long may not change Clans more than twice in their lifetime.

As your pup grows, it would be wise to visit Yi Hao so he can teach them about their heritage, and the traditions of their Clan.

Clan leaders (Dragon Kings, or 'Long Wang'), are Elders chosen by election. As of now, all the Elders have been killed, and so the Clans must lead themselves.

  • Huo - Fire
    "The Fire Dragon is the most extroverted and competitive Dragon. He tends to push too hard and expects a lot from everyone. His criticisms are objective and he has the ability to arouse massive popular support. His insatiable ambition can make him short-tempered and intolerant. He is an empire builder who needs to master his less favorable traits and learn how to communicate more humbly with people as individuals."

    The Huo Clan has definitely done the most damage on Zhou Island where the Long live. They are a Clan of conquerers and warriors, their traditions dictated by a strict Code of Honor. During the War, they took over most of the island, their territory stopped by the too-thick jungle and uncrossable waters.

    Though they are cometimes considered dangerous and vicious, Huo-Long are amazing leaders, uncomparable strategists and, in times of peace, are very warm towards members of the other clans and throw the biggest, most glorious celebrations. The best Tianlong and Yinlong in all of Zhou are usually from the Huo Clan.

    The Huo clan were allies with the Duan against Mu, Tu and Shui. As of now, they are trying to right their wrongs, while maintaining a rickety relationshp with the other clans.

    They are best at Fire and Water magic.

  • Duan - Metal
    "The Metal Dragon is the most strong-willed Dragon. He is inflexible, unbending and combative. He gives little regard to the feelings of others. This ruthlessness can result in a rapid rise to a position of authority, but often at the cost of destroying important relationships. It is futile to attempt to convince him that certain things are simply undoable. He will go it alone if he can't gain support. He succeeds because he refuses to accept failure. "

    Duan-Long are taught at an early age to be assertive and to believe in their convictions, and that there is nothing worse than being cowed. They are characterized by an almost frustrating stubbornness and fierce dedication to any causes they affect to.

    If you manage to gain a Duan-Long's trust and/or affection, they will never fail you, going to the ends to the known world for you. They are loyal: sometimes too much so.

    During the War, the Duan Clan was allies with Huo against Shui, Mu and Tu.

    They are best at Water magic and Earth magic. Some of the best healers in Long history are from the Duan clan, a source of pride for them.

  • Shui - Water
    "The Water Dragon is less selfish and opinionated than the other Dragons. He is more inhibited and less power-hungry. He can accept defeat without recriminations. He makes a good negotiator as he knows when, where, and how to apply pressure. He has a tendency to be over-optimistic and needs to learn how to relinquish what is unfeasible so that he can concentrate his energies on the most rewarding endeavors."

    The Water Clan is known for its festive, laid-back attitude. They are fairly peaceful, preffering to avoid battles. Their territory, the water surround Zhou, is vast and usually unbreachable. They are the only ones to know the secrets of swimming in the treatcherous waters, raised from an early age on how to do so. They saved themselves from the Hyo/Duan invasion by their stores of precious salve, produced from an algae that grows only in the deep. Shui-Long are also very independent, so they had trouble uniting, as one nation, during the war.

    During the War, Shui was allies with Mu and Tu against Duan and Huo.

    Shui-Long manipulate Water and Air magic best.

  • Tu - Earth
    "The Earth Dragon is a quieter, more reflective Dragon, He will be appreciative of other's opinions even if he fails to agree with them. He is reasonable in his approach to problems and his leadership is less dictatorial. He is not given to outbursts of temper, but at the same time demands respect. He knows the value of cooperation and is more diplomatic than the other Dragons. He is ambitious, but his initiatives are less hurried and more carefully thought out."

    Throughout the history of the Long, the Tu Clan has always served as a mediator. It was the only Clan to see the futility of the Great War, and is now the center of the rebuilding effort. Tu-Long are often kind, gentle giants, who, while selfless, do not accept to get trodden upon.

    Tu-Long have a tendency to see things in very general terms, seeing the big picture while unable to capture the small one. They are fierce warriors when they see it fit to be, and have lent their strength to the Mu for several decades in exchange for the Mu Clan's creativity and quick thinking. Tu-Long make the best Huanlong.

    Tu and Mu are usually considered one and the same, the two Clans helping each other out for mutual benefit. They are allies with the Shui.

    Tu-Long are best at Air and Earth magic.

  • Mu - Wood
    "The Wood Dragon is creative, imaginative, and inquisitive. He is both a thinker and a doer and is capable of brilliant new concepts. His every move is guided by sound logic. His drive and ambition allow him to put many of his ideas into practice, nevertheless this Dragon is capable of concealing his domination and tries not to offend. He will even compromise if it is advantages. Although not as self-centered as other Dragons, he is still outspoken and fearless when challenged. "

    In all honesty, the Mu wouldn't exist if it wasn't for their advantageous relationship with the Tu. The Mu-Long are quick-thinking and creative, providing the Clans with the best Shenlong and Dilong. Many Mu have a tendency to be absent-minded or live one day at a time, so the Tu-Long they share their lives with help bring them back to earth. When the occasion calls for it, however, the Mu are quite capable of forming a very united group, which can become surprisingly strong.

    During the War, they were allies with Shui and Tu against Huo and Duan.

    Earth and Fire magic are what they manipulate best.


The Long (or Kin, as they call themselves) have a society defined by a very strict hierarchy. A specific rank, or 'caste' is attributed to each member of a Clan. One's Caste can change over time as the Long in question experiences life. For example a pup born Panlong, Healer, who realizes he or she vomits or faints at the sight of blood will not remain so for very long, affecting to another, more suitable profession. Changing professions is in no way frowned upon, although parents sometimes pressure their children into taking the 'family' job.

  • Qiulong - A Qiulong is what you are when you don't know what you are. Simply put, these are the common masses, the parents, the hunters, the gatherers, the fishers; those who feel no calling towards anything more specific.

  • Yinlong - Scouts, the Yinlong are the only dragons born winged. They are the only Caste who cannot change their calling. They act as messengers and diplomats between the Clans, being the fleetest of all Long. (the Yinlong have their own lineart and sell for more)

  • Tianlong - Guards and fighters, these warrior Long prowl and protect their Clan territory from intruders. The great Tianlong are usualy the heads of armies.

  • Shenlong - Bards, these musician Longs are, surprisingly, mostly male. Their female counterparts are the Dilong. The Shenlong travel through the Clans, and are accepted wherever they go; it is considered a scarilege to harm a Shenlong. However, newcomers into this Caste are duly tested to make sure they are not there for the wrong reasons.

  • Dilong - Female counterpart to the Shenlong, the Dilong are master (or rather, mistress) storytellers. They will usually be in charge of babysitting for their clan, teaching the children their heritage and stories.

  • Futs-Long - These Long are the most trustowrthy of all, for it is they who put their honor on the line to guard the treasures of each Clan. It is thanks to the courage and dedication of the Shui, Mu and Tu Futs-Long that the Huo and Duan Clans did not manage to pillage them completely.

  • Huanlong - The scholars of the Clans, a Huanlong's main preoccupation in live is to amass as much knowledge as possible on as many different subjects as possible, without discrimination. They are the scribes and archive-keepers, those who keep the history; it is not, however, their job to pass it on. That task is entirely up to the Dilong and Shenlong.

  • Panlong - The Healer is the core of the Clan. Necessary in tiems of war and peace, he heals the wounded and gives comfort to their families, is greatly knowledgable on magic, on plants and on emotions. He is a psychiatrist, a surgeon, a gardener, a confidant, and a good friend to all. In exchange for his services, he does not have to hunt or do any strenuous activity, the other members of the Clan bringing him food, drink and logs for his fire.


Although it has nothing to do with genetics, a Long's 'Blood' is very important: it is the dragon's personality. There are nine kinds of Blood, which can, of course, change over a lifetime.

Like everything, not every Long will fits its blood to a tee. Two Jiaotu dragons can be very different: one can simply keep to itself, while the other is a introverted, hateful loner.

  • Haoxian - reckless and adventurous, a Haoxian dragon is the first to volunteer for anything dangerous. They are spirited and extroverted, preffering to go off on their own than to stick with a group. A Haoxian makes his own rules.

  • Yazi - Valiant but bellicose, Yazi make the best soldiers. They're the first in a brawl and the last to get out, but usually victorious. Everything is a competition to them, and they strive to be better than everyone at everything; they can, indeed, be very annoying.

  • Chiwen - Dreamers, a Chiwen can be absent-minded and prone to go off into his or her own world. They usually have a short attention span and need to be kept occupied.

  • Baxia - Baxia are the hardest workers; one could say they live for work. They love to help others out with just about anything and are handy in a variety of fields.

  • Pulao - Pulao usually become leaders of a Clan. Dynamic, charismatic and resourceful, they can come up with plans in a snap and are good at thinking of solutions for any problem. Pulao also make excellent Panlong.

  • Bixi - The Bixi are nice--too nice. They're very enthusiastic and love to help others, but this makes them easy to take advantage of. They'll et themselves get walked all over and realize it, but be too nice to do anything about it.

  • Qiuniu - Qiuniu are very music-oriented; they're always humming a tune or making one up. They are almost exclusively Shenlong or Dilong.

  • Suanmi - Suanmi are most comfortable at home, at their hearth, surrounded by a vast family. They make the best parents and babysitters.

  • Jiaotu - Jiaotu are loners. Reclusive and shy, they keep to themselves and speak little; however, that doesn't mean they have nothing to say. When a Jiaotu speaks, it is always best to listen.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v328/overwhelmingsunshine/banners/availbanner.jpg">

We have a mailing list! To be added, just add Long Dragons to your friendslist! Click here!

There are currently 6 ways to obtain a Long:

  • Flatsales
    We try to hold Flatsales semi-regularly; the times between flatsales will, however, come to increase should the Long become too popular/in demand, as we can only do so much.

    Flatsales here are special: half the Long will be sold in a first-come-first-serve basis, while the other half will be sold with an RP prompt for those of us with s**t modems and good vocab. =3

    - Long cost 5,000 gold at flatsales.

    There are no scheduled flatsales at the moment.

  • Auctions
    Auctions start at the FS price, and go up from there, unless it's an uber-rare Long, in which case we reserve the right to augment the SB.

    There are no auctions at this time.

  • Pet Trades
    If you have a pet that isn't on this list, PM the LD account with your offer. Whoever decides to do your customs gets the pets, so it's not a one for two deal or something.

    Pets Ara wants: Skies of Pern, Sion, KITSUSAGI(!!), FELI(!), SoA, Shaoilin Wolf, Gryphon of Derkholm, Walrus Lurve (Peguin!)
    ->Ara likes anything in shades of yellow and black, that's cute, well drawn, and RP-optional.

    Pets Cal wants: World of Harry Potter, Forgotten Documents, SoA, Shaoilin Wolf
    ->Cal is looking for RP-optional pets, and isn't picky.

    Pet trades are custom-for-custom.

  • Raffles
    Y'all know what a raffle is; when one happens, we'll explain the specifics.

    There are no raffles going on at the moment.

  • Contests
    Contests and events can vary in size and subject, so when one happens we'll give you the rundown.

    There are no contests going on at the moment.

  • Custom Slots
    CUSTOM SLOTS ARE CLOSED. Do not PM us about it or we will smack you. These slots will probably be auctionned.

    Custom Form:

Caste: (yinlong is not available for pet trade customs unless stated by myself or Cal)
Base pelt color:
Markings color:
Markings type:
Wings color: (only if yinlong)

1/ Muraki (finis)
2/ Korini
3/ closed
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v328/overwhelmingsunshine/banners/olbanner.jpg" div align="right">

* : ! : ^ = gen 1 : 2 : 3
(gen) name : caretaker : sex : dob : caste : stage

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* Kyun Wai : Airez : male : 12.25.04 : tienlong : adult
* Fei Yang : Vashtya : female : n/a : futs-long : pup
* Ju Lao : Risth : male : n/a : huanlong : pup

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* Yun Fai : Buffynick : male : 12.25.04 : shenlong : adult
* Wu Meng : Calliel : female : 12.25.04 : dilong : adult
* Yu Shi : Kuraya : female : 12.25.04 : qiulong : adult
* Chi Mei : Shiaree : female : 12.25.04 : panlong : adult
* Fai Ying : Muraki : female : n/a : dilong : pup
*Chuan Juan : Korini : male : n/a : shenlong : box

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* Yi Hao : Arach : male : unknown : huanlong : adult
* Han Liao : Naluka : male : 12.27.04 : futs-long : pup
* Mai Wen : Halfling Elf : male : n/a : shenlong : pup
*Jin Rui : Sycorax : male : n/a : panlong : box
*Jin Zhou : Muraki : male : n/a : yinlong : box

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* Mi Yan : Jaes : female : 12.25.04 : futs-long : adult
* Mu Qiao : Scorpinsheart : male : 12.25.04 : tienlong : adult
* Wu Cheng : Choucho : male : n/a : qiulong : pup
* Lu Ying : Carnavius : male : n/a : futs-long : pup

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* Yi Faai : Mizukori : female : 12.25.04 : tienlong : adult
* Fu Lu : Talis : female : 12.25.04 : qiulong : adult
* Si Xiao : Wilde : male : n/a : qiulong : pup
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Coming soon...and get yer minds outta the gutter. xD
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Pick up your boxes here! If you didn't get a chance to pick yours up, PM Long Dragons.

Remember, you must host the adults on your OWN server!

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General Info

  • RP is held either in the shop, or on Zhou Island, the Long homeland.

  • The shop is called "Mr Chang's": it is located in the commercial disctrict of Durem, not far from the Red Light downtown. It is fairly large, three stories high; the wall facing the street has two bay windows, letting one see into the spacious dining room. In the back of the dining room is the bar, and behind that, the kitchens and back rooms--one of which holds the portal to Zhou Island, the others being reserved for Yi Hao and Arach to work in. Yes, Mr Chang's is an actual restaurant; it makes the cover-up that much more believable. Ara runs the whole thing (save for the cooking), with help from Calliel's amazing management skills.

    Upstairs, Ara and her family live. The rooms are not big, but they are many. They have their own kitchen, so as not to be constantly assaulted by the smell from downstairs.

  • Not much happens at the restaurant. A few patrons here and there, at the most; all Long are welcome, and a neat little spell keeps the little dragons from going noticed, as long as they don't enter physical contact with the diners.

  • Zhou Island is large fairly rectangular in shape, divided by two rivers which cross perpendicularly: the She Yi (snake) and the Pu Bo (vine). Where the two meet, the very center of the Isle, is a tempestuous whirlpool, called 'the Crystal Storm', in reference to the jewel-like quality of the water droplets it sprays everywhere. The Duan clan is to the north, Huo to the East, Mu and Tu in the thick forests of the Southwest; Shui clan lands extend all around the island, as they are the water and the shoreline. See map for details.

    • Zhou Island was torn by war for many decades; Huo and Duan clan, joined as one, set out to conquer the isle; the rebel movement was great, however, and the opposing forces managed to keep each other at bay for awhile.

    • The war didn't destroy as much as the last few days of it did. Due to an overuse of magic, Magic Itself--the living, sentient entity--struck out against them and all but obliterated, leaving nothing but crumbling ruins behind.

    • There is always something to be done on Zhou Island; huts to rebuild, trees to plan, old settlements to dig up...anything at all! Heck, if you're feeling morbid, you could start up an expedition to look for dead bodies! Have fun!


The Island itself is devided into three parts, one for each of the land-dwelling clans (Duan, Huo and Mu/Tu). The small islands around it, however, are all Shui's, save for the island Ming, which is neutral ground. This map, of course, shows Zhou before the great wars, that is, still flourishing and prosperous. It sports a variety of climates in close proxmity to each other; most, such as the Duan-preffered cold and the Huo's aridity, are products of magic.

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Neutral Ground
  • 6 : The Crystal Storm, a great whirlpool at the heart of the isle.
  • 7 : She Yi, the Snake River.
  • 8 : Pu Bo, the Vine River.
  • 14 : Ming island. Ming is a natural preserve, established as so during the Wars, where the Long kept a certain number of prey animals. It is coming very much in handy right now, serving to feed the now-tiny population.

Huo Lands
Borders - ocean (East and North) + She Yi (West) + Pu Bo (South)

The Huo territory is characterized by its dryness and almost nonexistant greenery. The Long that live here are clustered around the Hong, where they worship the sun-god.
  • 4 : The Great Desert, cracked and dry. It only rains here once every other month, and the Huo-long like it that way.
  • 5 : The Hong Volcano. It seems to be calm now, after the sepctacular eruption it performed at the end of the Wars...

Duan Lands
Borders - mountains (West and North) + middle of the prairie (South) +She Yi (East)

The Duan territory is rocky and cold, with its lake, the Han, framed by the Lie Bing chain of mountains.
  • 1 : The Lie Bing mountains.
  • 2 : The Han Lake, where lie the coldest and purest waters on the island.
  • 3 : The Kwong forest, dark and chilly. Deciduous in the south, fading into boreal as it heads northwards.

Tu (and Mu) lands
Borders - Middle of the prairie (North) + ocean (West and South) + She Yi (East)

The Mu and Tu territory used to be halved, with the Mu living in the small pocket of forest south of the Pu Bo. When the two clans merged, however, their territory grew to become the second largest on the island, bigger than Duan's but smaller than the Great Desert inhabited by the Huo.
  • 9 - The jungle, where the two clans spend their time.

Shui Lands
Borders - none (East, West, North, South) + Island (center)

The Shui live in the ocean, occasionally coming to land to rest on the islands that are a part of their territory. They cultivate kelp to eat and a magically potent healing salve that grows only in the deep waters.
  • 10 : Hu Island. Has a freshwater lake.
  • 11 : Wu Island. Also has a small freshwater lake. Said to have the best view of the sunset on all of Zhou. A lovers' getaway, if there were any surviving lovers with enough time on their hands...
  • 12 : Jiu Island. Threatens to dissapear from the map each time the Hong erupts.
  • 13 : Wong Island. Small, puny and semitropical.
  • 15 : The ocean. Not much to see here. Salty water, big woop.
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Don't expect these anytime soon. sweatdrop
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Lineart (c) Arach
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