Welcome to Gaia! ::

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/sidestory.gif" align="right"> ...How it came to be...

A world of never-ending sunlight. It sounds harsh and yet it is not because the sunlight is soft, warm and caressing, nourishing the inhabitants below. There is no night here, no moon, only the life-giving sun. Plants thrive here and are large and lush, fruits and vegetables so large they bend the trees and vines. There are no such things as humans here either but the animal life is abundant. The predominant species is a race of felines called Sunchildren. They are frisky and loving, but wildly protective when threatened. They come in myriad hues, all with vivid markings, sporting spiral horns on their head and feathered wings on their back. And their lives were about to end when the divine intervention of a goddess saved them all. Suna was goddess to all of that world, but her powers became weaker when a moon made its way into orbit around the planet she protected. She watched in horror as her children began to fade, growing paler and weaker with every cycle, for all of her children, flora and fauna alike, thrived on the sun?s rays. The moon that interrupted their lives stayed for half the day before revolving again and soon species after species began to wither and die. Determined to see the first of her creations, the Sunchildren, not follow the same path, she cast about, seeking planets that they could live on. She searched in vain for many months before coming to Earth and found that though there was a moon here too, it did not stay as long and the sun here was stronger, more powerful, able to succor her children. She found a human named Nyao-chan, a female who had been laying out by the pool, trying to get a tan before the summer started and she whisked Nyao-chan away to her own world, towel, beach bag and all.

Where am I? And who are you?? Nyao whispered, confused by her sudden change in location but not frightened as Suna had a kind and gentle face.

I am Suna, mother of all you see before you. Once this was a land of pure sunlight, a paradise for me and my children, but it has grown cold, unable to support us. I have searched far and wide to find a new home for my children. I have found it on your Earth. Will you take my children and ensure they have good homes??

Why did you pick me? There?s millions of people on Earth who would help you, I?m sure,? Nyao responded, her heart soft for the plight of Suna and her children, but wondering what kind of responsibility she would have to deal with in order to shelter these kids.

Come, you will see,? And with that Suna led her to her children, picking up a beautiful, purple-furred, black-winged Sunchild. ?This is Shadryth. She is one of my oldest surviving children now. The cycle of the Moon has weakened them, killing many, and all I have left are these.? She waved her arm towards a few other Sunchildren, some of them sitting on nests of eggs. ?Please, take them. Save them. Raise them well. I ask only that you love them and that they be allowed to roam freely, living where the sun is bright and warm. Will you do this for me??

Nyao stretched out her arm towards Shadryth, petting her lightly on the nose, smiling as Shadryth responded by licking her fingers. She had thought they would be children, looking like Suna, but these were intelligent animals and her heart softened even more. ?Yes, I will take them. I don?t know if I can care for all of them though. There are so many?..?

Then let them live with others who will also take care of them. Can you help them find new homes??

Yes, yes, I can! I know many wonderful people who will be happy to take them in and care for them.? She smiled as Suna?s face lit up and she gently placed Shadryth in her arms.

Then take them all. Shadryth will be your guide, helper and companion.? She waved her arm again and the Sunchildren gathered around Nyao, each of them holding several eggs in their mouths and depositing them into her bag and then her folded towel, which she slung about her body. ?I will send you back to Earth. Thank you, dear one.?

And in a bright blink of sunlight, Nyao found herself back on Earth, right where she had been before, only she was now surrounded by many Sunchildren who looked up at her with wide, hopeful eyes. ?I guess I better find you some new homes?

((Story by purrasha.))

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/sidenews.gif" align="left">...Happenings...

The x-mas eggus may or may not hatch on or before christmas, but they WILL hatch. There are a couple other people I wish to give eggus to (last moment, I know.), and, if you've been hanging around, you'd know I'm having a bit more trouble getting them done than I anticipated. I'm STILL trying for before christmas though. sweatdrop

Please pardon my slowness. My depression has been acting up again lately, so I'm not as inspired or motivated as I'd like to be...still. I'm still also a bit down on Gaia as it's getting a bit stagnant again...so...forgive me for being so slooow...;_;

01/04/05 -
Sorry, I'm still a bit slow...my mood hasn't improved much, but hopefully I'll stabalize now that I'm back on meds... sweatdrop . We have another new breeder, Usaku...and I'm aiming for a flat sale some time this month or early February.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/siderules.gif" align="right">...The Law...

1.) Under no circumstances may you take the shop art and claim it as your own. Art theft is bad, kids.

2.) No begging for eggs! This annoys people, most espesially the shop owner.

3.) Please read the front page to see if any eggs are available before asking. This also annoys people.

4.) Don't cause trouble on the thread. This means no being a pest, no whining because you weren't lucky enough to get one, and no harrassing the owners or myself for any reason.

5.) I don't require that you RP, but that doesn't mean you don't have to if you want. I do, however, require that owners please check the thread and post fequently...if not for RP, then just to be social and let me know you're alive...^^;.

Due to closing two shops due to inactivity, I'm going to have to be a bit strict this time. I require you check in and post at least once every week, unless you have a good excuse. If you buy and never show up again, or for a prolonged period of time and I start to get annoyed, your pet may be taken away.

#6.) Don't PM me or the owners asking if any are available. Please don't be a lazy arse and READ THE FRONT PAGE!

#7) Do not ASK to be put on the waiting list. That will be determined by a raffle.

#8.) No editing during flatsales, auctions, etc.


...Ok, how do I get one?...
6 first gens will be flat sold, one more custom auction, for a male, will be held, and if it needs evened out, the rest will be distributed as I see fit. Pet trades are also a possibility, but only for pets that meet the criteria listed in the pet trade section. And remember, there's always second gens, etc, so stick around and make friends, and maybe you can get an egg off someone. It's not that hard, really.

...How many may we own?...
You may own 3 sunchildren total. If it becomes that there's no demand for the excess stock, I may let you own more.

...Is RP required? Will you take away breeding privledges if I don't RP my pets falling in love?...
No, RP is not required to breed or otherwise, though if you do, I may come up with some perks (if I'm creative enough to come up with any... )

...No RP? What fun is that??...
I don't like to RP my pets, so it would hardly be fair for me to force RP on other people. That doesn't mean you can't RP if you actually WANT to though. And if my pet isn't good enough for you because I don't require people to RP, then screw you, I don't want your business anyways...>.>'. Sorry, I don't think pets HAVE to be RP'ed to be considered worth buying...^^

...Do you do Pet Trades?...
I might, depending on the pet. See below for pet trade info.

...You gave so and so one for free? Can I have one?...
Unless I know you, probably not. I'll try to make them easy to get though. ^_^

...Will there be Specials?...
Maybe a naturals series, but probably not cosplay or anything like that. Most likely nothing with different line art, because i suck at alterations and can't afford any more. ^^;

...May I be put on the Waiting List?...
Someone didn't read the rules...>.>'. No, no you may not. Do not ASK. It will be determined by raffle.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/sidesales.gif" align="left">...Flat sales...

Flat sale method will be by means of a free raffle. However, the winners must still pay for their Sunchild.

Winners of flat sale raffles must pay the 3k for their sunchild.

None currently planned.

...Sale rules...
#1.) You may only own ONE first gen Sunchild (all flat sale sunchildren are considered Gen. 1), unless otherwise stated.
#2) You may only buy one Sunchild per flat sale. If you're buying for a friend, you may not buy for yourself.

...Auction block...

None at the moment.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/sideowners.gif" align="right">...The Caretakers...

...Gen 1...

...Flat sale #1...

Nyao-chan - Shadryth
purrasha - Kirana
ReganWolf - Mirelle
Alex Kerrith - Alikah
Chibi Sorka - Ensoleille

AlmightyAce - Ryuta
Mazoku PS - Hermes
trufflepig - Anry
Lucifer Force - Faustus

...Gen 2+...
MoochiLove and ReganWolf - Rana
Moung Ting - Haydee
lilwerewolfgirl - Tori
FirePhoenix - Kiyra
Tatyana Tahja (Tahja Estes) - Arisuzu
TormentedAngie - Azure Skies
Xaki - Natika
Emilie_1983 -Tessa
~Red~ - Cassia
EvilGummy - Guiness
Safaia - Kasumi
Zero Dream - Themis
Youkochylde - Kana
Dragonz_luvr - Twilight
LizzyMoo - Lily

Kamileun - Zephyr
purrasha - Demion
Doomi - Tratto
MoochLove - Ajax
Vashtya - Turin
Caneton - Boots
bran-chan - Comet
Kamileun - Malak
wju2004 - Smokey
LizzyMoo - Matisse
purrasha - Mazin
Ryuhana - Numair
Yeu - Arbel
falc0n - Faint
ReganWolf - Ninkwe
chaoticdivinity - Loki

...Gen 0...
Nyao-chan - Tenshi
?? - Merushi

Special Edition:
Archwind + MazokuPS - Harlequin
ClampAddict - Ichabod

Ballentine - Daimos
Yeu - Teela
MoochiLove - Helios
lilwerewolfgirl - Synn
Xaki + bran-chan - Kohana
Archwind + Daimyn - Pearl
Dragonz_luvr - Kai

Pet trades/Special Customs:
Reyn - Eylania
RainFox - Mahlta
RainFox -Spreece
Tatyana Tahja - Kairi
Kit Kiana - Sakura
EvilGummy - Tobane
xbranx - Tangina
Sosiqui - Acarin

Other(staff, etc.):
Jadaria - Fantasticus
badgercall - ??
..IvyCurse.. - Thunder
Tragicity - Kopere
Leafalien - Xylon
chirigami - Hito
Neotaki Kazuma - Hatake
Kenshin Kitty - Elric
Usaku - Soleil

Total Pop.: 64

I think Purr's working on a page for this...I'm not sure...o_o;. But for now.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/sidewait.gif" align="left">...Those awaiting guardianship...

New: If you do not respond to the PM containing your egg within 5 days *starting the day the PM is sent), your egg will be given to the next available person on the list and you will be rotated to the bottom.
The Waiting List will work this way. There will be 10 spots, which will most likely be raffled off (in a FREE raffle) of 20 slots. That means that those who enter the raffle will have a 50% chance of getting a spot on the list. This doesn't mean your eggs are free. it's like a running flat sale, only you're guaranteed an egg, and must pay when you recieve it. (3k flat sale price, half of which goes to the owners of the breeding pair. So if two people bred their sunchildren and donated 1 egg, they'd each get 750 gold back, if 2, 1.5k, etc...yes, it is possible to earn back what you spent to breed your pets and then some by donating to the waiting list...how many shops do you know of where the customer's can actually earn profit (besides auctions)...=P)

Where will I be getting the eggs from? Each clutch will have at least 3 eggs. The owners of the breeding pair will have say what happens to two of the eggs. The extras will be distributed to people on the waiting list. If you wish to give the eggs that are kept away to a friend on the list, you may do so as well.

Distribution order will go by order of the list, which will be determined by the raffle.

I'm sorry...I had to do away with the "you can give it to a specific person on the list" rule...That's my fault for not thinking. If I kept it that way, the structure of the list would be pointless. So, gomen...to avoid the people who SHOULD be getting thier's first having to wait forever, I'm sticking strictly to the order of the list now. Hopefully there won't be any hard feelings. If you REALLY want to give someone farther down an egg, it will have to be one of the one's you were given to keep/auction/what have you.

I may hold a back-up list, and randomize the people that don't win the raffle as well. When a slot on the waiting list clears, the lists shift up. (meaning, if you're #1 on the waiting list waiting list, you'll be #10 on the waiting list when a space clears.)

I'm sorry if this seems unfair to anyone, but I would like to make it possible for the people who want one but miss the sales, can't afford auctions, and don't have friends to give them offspring to own one of these.

When BOTH lists clear completely, I'll either hold another raffle or get rid of it, since a good number have been fairly distributed. I doubt enough people want them to warrant filling up the list more than once anyways...^^;

...Waiting list rules...
#1.) Do not whine about your position on the list. It will be completely random. Even if I know you, you may end up in the very bottom spot.
#2.) Don't whine at me to get an egg to you quicker. You'll get one EVENTUALLY. I never said it would be a quick process.

...Those waiting...
sweatdrop = Awaiting confirmation.

1. Spiky's Shadow

...Those waiting to wait. o_o;...

7. Chara_Vinactic
8. Xavira
9. Kranna
10. Namacha

...Completed distributions...
Sosiqui - getting a special belated b-day sunchild...^^
ChaoticDivinity - Male egg from Mirelle x Matisse breeding
Naita - Female egg from Helios x Mirelle
Kamileun - male egg by Helios x Mirelle
Ballentine - won one from auction...^^
Doomi - Male egg from Synn x Kirana breeding
Caneton - Male egg from Zephyr x Kairi breeding
LizzyMoo - Male egg from Sakura x Demion breeding
were girl - Male egg from Zerphyr x Kairi breeding #2
wju2004 - Female egg from Tobane x Rana breeding
Youkochylde - Egg from Hermes x Pearl breeding
Zero Dream - Egg from Hermes x Pearl breeding
Leafalien - Christmas pressie...=3
falc0n (formerly [Youko]) - Egg from Teela and Kai's clutch.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/sidebreed1.gif" align="right">...Nyao-chan's breedery...

Note: Angelics are not able to breed as of yet.

...Breeding info...
The cost to breed a pair of Sunchildren is 3k. One owner may pay the whole sum, or it can be split, as long as I get the whole amount in the end. Breeders may keep 90% of the profits from breedings they handle (meaning 300g from each breeding comes back to me...that should be fair, eh?)
I figured this was common sense, but I'm putting this here now. You must wait at least a week and a half between breedings. Also, your Sunchildren may only breed three times during their life. (unless the majority of the owners don't end up breeding their's, then I'll lift the limit.). Please try to avoid mating the same pair more than twice...it's hard enough for me to come up with designs for 3 offspring ONE time...^^;. It might be different for Jade though.
New rule: You must wait at least a week after your sunchild reaches adulthood to breed.

First of all, until the waiting list is cleared, owner's MUST donate at least one egg. If you want to give more than one, that's all the better, since that just means the list will clear faster and my mission to have the eggs fairly distributed will have been a success. Yes, that does mean that if you only have 3 eggs in a clutch, the extra automatically goes to the waiting list. If you have more than 3 eggs in a clutch, you may do whatever with the eggs that don't go toward the waiting list.

Note that the breedings I handle will most likely only yield 3 eggs.

What you may do with your eggs:

1.) Each owner may keep ONE egg, or give one egg to a friend.
2.) You may auction your egg with an autobuy of 40k (the average of all of the auctions I've run so far.), 10% of which comes back to the shop (which is then split again between myself and the breeder.).
3.) You may raffle your eggs. Keep this to the standard of 100 slots at 100 gold each.
4.) You may donate your eggs to the waiting list, or if the list is cleared, to flat sale stock.
5.) Please PLEASE do not rush me. I'll work as fast as I can, but even I feel uninspired to color sometimes, and I dislike the product if I feel I have to force myself to do it. Your breedings -will- get done though, or if you get tired of waiting, your gold will be returned to you and the breeding will be canceled (and my time wasted).

NOTE: All eggs will look the same, but I will tell you what gender your babies will be when they hatch. ((Because I r psychic...=P)).

...Breeding slots...
1. Alikah x Faustus
2. -Will open when I catch up-
?. Whenever I get around to it: Shop breeding (Shadryth x random wild male, because I have friends who want eggehs.)

...Completed breedings...
Helios x Mirelle (3 eggs: 1 male, 2 female.)
Synn x Kirana (3 eggs: 2 males, 1 female)
Zephyr x Kairi (3 eggs: 2 males, 1 female)
Kohana x Tori (3 eggs: 1 male, 2 female.)
Sakura x Demion (3 eggs: 2 males, 1 female.)
Hermes x Pearl (3 eggs: all female.)

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/sidebreed2.gif" align="left">...Jadaria's Breeding Corner...

Here's how I do this. I've been making people confirm with Nyao, but now just post in the thread that you want to breed your sunchildren AND PM me. That's because I do have other shops so I'm not always around to check on this thread. ^_^

When you pay, make sure someone sends 300g to Nyao, and the other 2700 to me. I'm bad at remembering to pay people back unless it's an amount over 1k, so... Yeah. Eheh.

I will need pictures of your sunchildren when you request that I breed them! Make sure you send me those.

Breedings I do will have at least two eggs, but if the markings of your sunchildren are interesting enough/complex enough, I may do up to four eggs!


Helios x Mirelle (3 eggs)
Zephyr x Kairi (3 eggs: 2 male, 1 female.)

...Usaku's Breeding Corner...

Hello everyone! I'm the Sunchildren's newest breeder. Im sharing this little corner here with Jadaria. If there are open slots in my breeding list, please follow the following procedure:

1. Both owners of the parent sunchildren need to post here and PM me that you would like a breeding slot and which sunchildren (with links to their pictures please!) will be breeding.
2. Then, one of you needs to send 300 gold to Nyao-chan and the other 2700 to me(Usaku). This is per breeding pair, not per sunchild. :}
3. You will recieve 3 eggs in a clutch. When the eggs are ready, I will PM both the owners of the parent sunchildren and ask where the eggs will be going so that I can cert them.

Breeding Status: Open!

1. closed
2. open

Matisse x Mirelle - 3 eggs (2 male, 1 female)
<img src=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/sidebreed3.gif align="right">...Badgercall's Breeding Corner...

Yo. I am, as they say, the new kid in town. whee I'll be in here a lot, trying to get acclimated...be nice to me and I'll love you a whole lot.

The same goes for me as for Jadaria when it comes to paying...somebody send 2700 to me (badgercall) and 300 to Nyao, and we'll be good.

Also, don't forget to send me the pictures of the parent sunchildren. I'm totally ripping off Jada's post setup on this.

Since I'm new here, I want to make a good impression and give people large clutches...but I don't know how well that'll actually play out. Anywho, expect at least three per clutch from me.

...Breedin' Slots...
1. Faustus x Alikah (breeding given to Nyao)
2. closed, for maybe a couple weeks.

...Past Clutches...
Tobane x Rana (2 male, 1 female)
Kai x Teela (2 male, 1 female)

OMG !!! o.O what's this?<center>
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v366/wolfkanook/sunchildren/Tobane.png">



Have a favorite sunchild? Why not immortalliize him or her with a plush! Plushies only come in baby edition for now.

Plushie line art done by MazokuPS, and used with permission.

User Image
1. Alikah | 2. Anry | 3. Ensolielle | 4. Hermes
User Image
5. Kirana | 6. Mirelle | 7. Ryuta | 8. Shadryth

Premade plushies cost 200 gold each, or 500 gold for a set of any 4. Please send the trade to Nyao-chan and include the number(s) of the plush you wish to order (found under the samples of each set.) in the trade title.

Custom plushies may be available eventually, after I get other stuff out of the way...^^

People who bought plushies.

If you see plushies in the sigs of anyone not on this list, please ask them to remove them if they did not pay for them.

Kynthari - #1-8
Krisgoat - #1, 4, 5, 6, 7
ReganWolf - #6
Natelie - #8
Xaki - #1, 2, 5, 6

<center>-banner coming soon-<center>

Pickup your sunchild here!

Last to Grow or Hatch :

User Image
<img src="http://tinyurl.com/3l9pg">

Matisse and Mirelle's Clutch
User Image
User Image
User Image

Kai and Teela's clutch:
User Image
User Image

And what's thiis?

User Image
User Image
User Image
User Image

Note : please change/direct link the baby stage until it grows into adult.
after the birthing/egg stage..ALL images WILL change into .png
So,if you continue to use the .gif image..ya will not see ya baby grow butwill only see this

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v366/wolfkanook/sunchildren/suxak.gif">
get the picture? ^^
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/sideaffies.gif" align="left">...Link to us?...

Our banner sort of mysteriously died, so you'll have to use a text link for now. ^^;. If you would like to link to us, feel free. It's appreciated if you let me know, but not neccesary. ^^

...Our friends and associates...
User Image User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Pocket Pygmys
- The Cait Eibhilin -

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

...Nonaffiliated shops we like...
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

...Other Links...
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image</center>
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Nyaopetto/sidemail.gif" align="right">...Mailing List...

Want to be added. Post here asking to be put on the mailing list. Do not PM me unless a considerable time has passed since you asked and you still haven't been added.

If you wish to be put on the mailing list, please add TheGoddessSuna to your friendslist.

Zero Dream
Tsuki Sohma
Ishikawa Ruriko
Kenshin Kitty
Spunky Dasher
Secksy Panda
Dawnie .-. Chan
Stormy Hound
Three Tailed Fox
xSon of Darknessx
...Pet Spotlight...

...Being Watched...

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
OMGPuri...=O *lurfs*

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Jacques, my first RP kid...he cost me my tail, and I hope I turn out to be a worthy owner... sweatdrop

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
My non-RP GoG.

...Pet Wish List...
What it says...a wish list. Wish being the key word, as most of these aren't really feasible to lust after, especially from pet trades.

- Feli
- Angelic Kitsusagi

Yeah...those are about the only things I want on gaia anymore, but most of them are impossible dreams...*shrug*
...People of Note...

winterfalcon - line artist
Nyao-chan - Shop owner, manager and colorist
purrasha - Story writer
EvilGummy - Item maker and item store manager
Spunky Dasher - Tagger
Jadaria - Breeder
badgercall - Breeder
..IvyCurse.. - Familiar colorist
Usaku - Breeder and colorist

If I missed anyone that should be here, let me know. ^^

...White List...
All of my friends, especially the ones that have stuck with me...^^. You know who you are. ^^
winterfalcon - For making kickarse line art.
dustfeather - She let me keep (well, i payed for him) my wonderful Paku.
DFA - For letting me color my own Tasho and appreciating my skills.
Britain - For claiming a pard I colored and asking me to make her a custom. =P *feels speshul*
Kit Kiana - Because she pwns me...o_o;
chirigami - Ninjapetto!
purrasha - For helping out and listening to me b***h all the time. *stabs her AIM*
Vashuuu - Just because.
People who let me color stoof for them. heart

...Black List...
Senate - We don't like assholish n00bs.
Darbince - For making a friend of mine out to be the bad guy over some stupid pixels. Pets should be fun, not a god damn commitment.
Samana - No harrassing Aceh...
_Shouko_ - I didn't want to do this, but I don't appreciate people talking s**t about my friends...^^. Ace isn't a hypocrite, and don't blame your migraines on Alex, her attitude is just fine, but your's could use some fixing...>.>'

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