Welcome to Gaia! ::

Note: Please don't "bump" the thread, especially when there is currently nothing going on. Chatting posts are great, but just "bump" isn't really neccessary. Thanks 4laugh

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Welcome to the Cait Eibhilín main shop. Here you can review the rules of obtaining, raising, and interacting with these pets and also find any currently available for sale/auction. Please read this front page in it's entirety before making any posts. Thanks =^-^=

<center>- Cait Archives & Info -
Click for a list of all exsisting Cait and Cait info
(still under slight construction)

- Cait Attire Thread -
Go here to equip your attire ^_^

- Hidden Thickett-
Please go here to RP your Cait ^_^
(note: RP is not mandatory)

- The Cait Eibhilín Guild-
This guild is for owners only

(Please note, the pickups now reside on pg. 2)
<img src="http://www.ilovetherain.com/Cait/Shop/Top.gif" align=center>
<img src="http://www.ilovetherain.com/Cait/Shop/Left.gif" align=left>News:
- Xaki has started up a mailing list for the shop. Contact her if you want to be on it.

- I will be away (on holiday where there are no computers) from the 4th - 11th Dec. Just to give you guys a head's up.

<img src="http://www.ilovetherain.com/Cait/Shop/Left2.gif" align=left>
-Owners of adult Cait, if you want your Cait's name on the owners list to have a preview,
please PM Rain with the link to where you uploaded your Cait, and she'll put that
onto the website, for viewing 3nodding

<img src="http://www.ilovetherain.com/Cait/Shop/Bottom.gif" align=left>

DDB is currently: working on a new event for the thread. Go vote in the poll above!
RainFox is currently: Offline. Extended abscense. Unknown time.
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The History of the Cait:</center>
The Cait were once a small numbered and seldom noticed race of furries. They're small stature and shy, secretive nature kept them from the public's notice. They were not unhappy, but at the same time longed for something more than their everyday flitting about.
One day, a clueless little gaian fox (that's me!! blaugh ) stumbled upon them.....literally. She tripped right over a little peach colored cait whom, after a bit of apologizing and shocked silence at the site of the little winged furball in front of her, the gaian learned was named Kiteko. A friendship was struck, and all was happy and good.
Rain, the gaian in question, came to know more of the Cait, spending many days exploring their Hidden Thickette. She found another friend in the much more solemn little Cait named Aisling, and decided that she would take them both out into the world of Gaia, and show them the more "out in the open" sights.
Upon seeing the street affectionatly known by many Gaians as "The Breedables/Changing place", they were in awe. The long road littered with booth after booth who's sole purpous was to unit a unique animal with the perfect gaian seemed like the perfect place to help lonely, bored, or adventurous Cait to be coupled with Gaians who could help enrich their lives. It was brilliant, and they would elect Rain as the C.E.O of the operation. She even adopted two more Cait, herself. Keelin and Eirin.
This story is getting too long....
I'm going to speed through the rest xd
So Rain built the Cait their own little booth from which business would happen. And it was good. The Gaian's responce to the Cait was very good, and many Gaians wanted to take one home. But the work load became too much for one little gaian fox to handle all on her own, and Rain became weary of all work and no play. There was also the little matter of her having to go *poof* for an unknown amount of time. And so the Cait booth was closed, and there much wailing and gnashing of teeth. sad


Rain returned from her poofage, and decided that the Cait were not reaching their full potential as had been planned, and so she tore down the old booth, and built ye up a new one. Better than before. And now there was much rejoicing and leaping from the ground! For the Cait now had a new breath of energy, and also (rather strangly and completely with no scientific reasoning) a new look about them. And Rain went to work at making wonderful things for the Cait's own amusment. She sowed little clothes, built little beds, stuffed little plushies, and scowered the Gaian forests for little animals to keep the Cait company.
And although the new booth is currently undergoing renovations and so is not open, the Cait are eagerly awaiting the day when they get to go home with thier new Gaian companions.

There....that sickeningly sweet enough for you?? domokun

<center>New Chapter</center>
After a while, Rain decided to share ownership, so that more could get done in the shop. DDB accepted, and it was good. And never was there such frolicing and dancing and throwing of muffins.

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Definitions and Pronunciations:
CaitSíne - The little infant Cait Cits are known as Síne; Roughly it means "little gift" - (Seen)
CaitBinne - Young female Cait Cits are known as Binne; Roughly it means "sweet" - (Bin)
CaitMuirne - The strapping young male Cait Cits are known as Muirne; Roughly it means "High Spirited" - (Mern)
CaitSiobhán - The elegant grown female Cait are known as Siobhán; Roughly it means "Gracious" - (See-oh-bahn)
CaitBryg - The handsome grown male Cait are known as Bryg; Roughly it means "Mighty" - (Breeg)
Cait Eibhilín - This is the overall name for the Cait Race; Roughtly it means "pure light" - (Kate Ae-bill-in)

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-Under no circumstances are the images to be edited, the copyright removed, the images traced or any other form of redistribution by unauthorized parties.

-You are not to take any images found in this thread and claim/use them as your own. Anyone caught doing this in any way will be banned from any involvment in the Cait.

-You are not to cause any unneccessary strife inside or to the users in this thread. Trollers will be banned from any involvment in the Cait, and also "prosecuted"(reported).

-You are to strictly follow the rules of any auction involving the Cait. Rules will be clearly posted in Auction threads. Anyone breaking the rules of auction will be banned from any involvment in the Cait.

-Resale/Transfer of ownership of Cait owned is not allowed, unless discussed with and approved by me.

-You are not to harass owners of Cait for any reason, neither in public nor private. Users found doing this will be banned from any involvment in the Cait.

-You can only own 5 Cait Eibhilín total.

-You must be capable of hosting your own images. I will only host images for the duration of their growth. After that, it is up to you to host them yourselves.

-I reserve the right to refuse sale to offending parties. I also reserve the right to remove ownership of rules breakers with no obligation of refund. You break the rules bad enough to make me take your Cait away, then what you paid for it is your tough luck, buddy. scream

-There is no obligation of refund should you decide to return or disown your Cait for some reason. However, if there is a particular situation, merely discuss it with me and we will see if a refund is possible.
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Q. I need one! I desire one! My every bone aches for one! How do I make this pain go away? crying
A. Actually, it's undecided as of yet. I have a feeling that any new Cait released will be dealing with auctions, although flat sales will happen. Just be around and know the drill before then, and you should do fine. wink

Q. How much do they cost?
A. In a flatsale, the cost is 5k.

Q. If I PM you, will you sneak me one under the table?
A. Um.....no. sweatdrop Sorry, but just like everyone else, you have to tough it out here and prove your metal. arhargh.

Q. Will you do customs? I wouldn't mind havin one o' them. wink
A. I don't want to do many customs. But, I'm sure if you were to make me an offer that I couldn't refuse... wink
All users requesting a custom must PM Thesik with your offers. He's in charge of that part of the business. He'll let you know if your offer is accepted. You must include an offer or your PM will be ignored (and please keep in mind, that most regular auctions can reach 200k, so any offer for a custom should fall at least slightly above that range). Thanks.

Q. Where's the breeding? Your other thread had breeding. I DEMAND BREEDING!
A. Um...sorry about that. The breeding took up aaaaall of my time in the last thread, and because I want to do so many other things, I just can't deal with breeding at the moment. Once I get in the groove of this shop, maybe I'll consider some form of breeding.

Q. Can I be on staff?!?!?
A. Sorry, I have all of the help that I need. I'll announce if anything becomes available though.

Q. Is there roleplaying here? What gives??
A. Yes. The new Cait and the old Cait blend happily together at the Hidden Thickette ^_^

Q. Ok, all of the CaitSíne look the same!! How am I supposed to tell if mines male or female, has wings or not?!?
A. I will tell you when I sell a Cait what gender it is, and if it has any special aspects.

Q. Can I be a guest colorist?
A. Sorry, but at the moment I have no plans for future guests colorist. If I ever do take any, I'll ask or announce it here. wink

Q. Give me Cait now. I'm too lazy to read all of this junk!
A. I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means "no". Read, you lazy bum!

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You can personalize your Cait by getting them a background to suit them.
Tha Rules: You are able to change your background after your initial purchase, HOWEVER, if you remove a background, you do not get your gold back if you paid for the background which is being removed. You also must pay the required cost of the new background.
Limit one change per 2 week.
It is free to change back to Default. wink

Every Cait comes with this loverly field in which to frolic and play.
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Cost: Free!

The fruits of love.
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Cost: 1k

Space Cadet:
Space.....the final frontier. eek
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Cost: 1k

Secret Laboratory:
Mwahahah Who knows what concocsions your Cait can stir up in here.
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Cost: 1k

Dismal Days:
Some times even the greyest days can be nice.
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Cost: 5k

Peaceful Night:
For the calm and serene Cait.
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Cost: 5k

Snowy Weather:
Brrrrr. Better make sure your Cait has a thick coat!
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Cost: 5k

Moldering Sanctum:
Does your Cait like musky, dank places? If you purchase this BG, you'd better hope so.
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Cost: 5k

African Savannah:
Just about nothing can compare to the beauty of the open Savannah. I just hope that heat doesn't bother your Cait.
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Desert Mirage:
Shade! And Water!!! ..but.....is it real? eek
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Hotel Lobby:
Once a thriving business, this deserted hotel lobby is a bit on the dusty and spooky side.
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Deep Forrest:
Are you lost, little Cait? In this thick forrest setting, you may get there.
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Cost: 10k

Cursed Dungeon:
Legends say that....this dungeon is really creepy. Oh yeah, and cursed. For the Cait who has a villianous personality.
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Cost: 10k

Bed of Roses:
The ultimate setting for a pampered Cait. Softness beyond compare.
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Cost: 10k

-More to come at later dates-
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This flatsale planned for:
Thursday 23rd Dec
2:30pm WST
(my time in Australia)
6:30am GMT
12:30am CST

Please Note!
Although I have listed more than one time above, they are in fact the same time. Look carefully! Same point in time-space-thingy, just what it is in different timezones!
3nodding Use this online converter to work out what time it is for you:
Timezone Converter

Flat Sales cost 5k.
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Important: Please send all item purchasing trades to DDB until further notice. Thank you.

Visit the Cait Website and the Cait Attire tab for a list of items and their pricing.
Visit the Cait Website and the Items Owned tab for a list of your items.
Visit the Cait Attire Shoppe to equip your items.

Note: Items do not appear on your card. They appear in the "Items Owned" tab of the web site.

Example of purchasing and equipping items:
- Visit the site and Attire tab to view the items and decide what you want.
- PM RainFox, telling her which items you are buying.
- Send a trade to RainFox for the correct amount of the total items that you are buying.
- Once your trade has been accepted, you should now see your items in the Items Owned tab of the website. You can now go to the Cait Attire thread.
- Send a trade for the 500g equipping charge to Ryuhana, and post in the thread the full image of your Cait, and a list of items to equip.
- Check the pickup to see when your Cait has been equipped. Pick them up, and go along your merry way biggrin

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. - Stunt Berry - Give this to your Cait, and it will stunt any further growth. They will remian in their current stage. Keep in mind that CaitSíne, CaitBinne, and CaitMuirne cannot equip clothing items. Cost - Free

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. - Growth Berry - Give this to your Cait, and it will reverse the effects of the Stunt Berry, or it will cause your CaitSíne to emerge immediatly into a CaitBryg/CaitSiobhán. Cost - 500g

CaitSíne + Stunt Berry = CaitSíne
CaitMuirne/Binne + Stunt Berry = CaitMuirne/Binne

Stunted CaitSíne + Growth Berry = CaitMuirne/Binne
Stunted CaitMuirne/Binne + Growth Berry = CaitBryg/Siobhán

Nonstunted CaitSíne + Growth Berry = CaitBryg/Siobhán
Nonstunted CaitMuirne/Binne + Growth Berry = CaitBryg/Siobhán
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I'm currently working through the ones people have already sent me so I'm not taking on any more for the moment.

DDB's Pet Trades
I quite like RP pets but due to the amount of time and effort that must go into them I am only accepting certain ones (they are listed below). Other than thoses I'd rather have 'required RP-free' pets.

Also I am rather finicky about what I like. If I turn down your offer please don't take it personally. Like Rain I don't want a dozen pets that I cannot provide attention to. sweatdrop

Please pm your offer with the following included:
- A link to your pet thread.
- A brief explaination about how your pets work.
- Sample images or links to some.

DDB Likes:
- All sorts of animals, anthros or humanoid creatures
- Inventive and unique concepts
- Good clean and competent artwork

DDB dislikes:
- Required RP (unless it one of the pets on my list)
- Required "checking into the thread" often
- Pets that will die eventually.

Pets that DDB already takes a fancy to:
- Aduthule (hey, I can dream can't I? xd )
- Pocket Pygmy
- Katirun Dragon
- Sion
- Notion

Extra stuff:
- I offer a fair trade. A custom for a custom, a premade for a premade.
- Shop owners can also trade for Cait to give to their friends but the shop owner must contact me about it.
-Also, because I am horrid at flatsales and such, if you get a pet that is on my wish-list in a flatsale, and the owner of said thread allows it, you can give me the pet and get yourself a premade Cait (but I may consider any suggests you have about what you type of Cait you want).

Pets that I've traded for:
- Kitsusagi
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Rain's Pet Trades are Closed!
(unless you are on the list of pets i'm really interested in)
I'm not currently taking any more pet trades. heart
Please read entirely through this post. Thank you.
I don't like RP intensive pets. I haven't the free time for them. And I'm a bit picky with what I want, I look for particular things, so if I decline, please don't take it as a personal insult. I just don't want to have 30 pets that I can't take care of. crying
To ensure that your PM offer stays in my inbox for more than 20 minutes, please send your pet trade offer PMs to Kitwe (my rarely used second account), and I will log in there once every few days to check for PMs.

What to send:
- A link to your pet thread.
- Preferably a brief example of how your pets work.
- Sample images are nice, too wink

What Rain Likes:
- Foxes, Felines, Furries, Unique
- Dark, morbid, spooky, etc types
- Insanely cute types
- Killer line work and/or coloring

What Rain Dislikes:
- Required RP
- Required "checking into the thread" often
- Pets that can die (unless they are undead type pets XD)

Pets that Rain already takes a fancy to:
I haven't done much research on these. If they are RP intensive, then I can only accept if the shop owners would be willing to make an acception in my case. sad

- MoKat
- Aduthule
- Feli (wild *drool*)
- Sion
- Mouse-Ling
- Velveteen Toy Chest
- Notion
- Pocket Pygmy

Extra stuff:
- I offer an even trade, if a pet trade is agreed. A custom for a custom, a premade for a premade. And so on.
- Shop owners can also trade for Cait for thier friends. heart The shop owner must make the proposal, though.
- Just another reminder, If I delcine.....please please please please please don't take it as an offense. I simply don't want to do too many pet trades, and I don't want to have one of each type of pet imaginable, and so I am going to harshly limit the amount of pets that I trade for.
-Also, because I am horrid at flatsales and such, if you get a pet that is on my want list in a flatsale, and the owner of said thread allows it, you can give me the pet and get yourself a premade Cait (Premade means not custom, but I may be open to "suggestions" on what you type of Cait you want).

Pets that I've traded for:
2 Squeekats
2 Sun Children
1 Brannon
1 Kitsusagi
1 Tamashii
1 Bear of Spirit

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Co-owner: DDB
Thread Muscle: Thesik
Attire Shop: Ryuhana

heart Donations:
(note: Donations are neither expected nor requested. if you send one, you're crazy and all the Caits love you. 4laugh )

Nightwind Feral - 304 gold heart
MoochiLove - 2 June Letters('04) heart
Pandorra - 2k gold heart
Cubi - 20k gold eek heart
Pandorra - 2k gold heart
MoochiLove - 2 July Letters('04) heart
Neko Kangi - 1500 gold heart

Link URLs have changes. Please update your links. Thanks much ^_^

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-The Feli

-Mouse-Lings Kingdom


-Gaia Pokemon Center

-Lake of Sions

-The Soul Stone Mines

-Ava Raji Preservation Center



I'm looking for linkees! Want your shop here? Have a banner? Send me a PM. ^_^ I'm also floating around grabbing linkees that I like, so if you see yours here, and you think "Hey! I didn't ask her to do that!!", it's because I just spotted your shop and liked it alot. wink

Samana - Uncalled for comment. Harassing a customer.

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