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18-20 0.27654320987654 27.7% [ 112 ]
15-17 0.16296296296296 16.3% [ 66 ]
12-14 0.13333333333333 13.3% [ 54 ]
9-11 0.10864197530864 10.9% [ 44 ]
6-8 0.05679012345679 5.7% [ 23 ]
3-5 0.037037037037037 3.7% [ 15 ]
1-3 0.076543209876543 7.7% [ 31 ]
Whats RP??? 0.14814814814815 14.8% [ 60 ]
Total Votes:[ 405 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 1165 1166 1167 > >> >>> »|


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--This is a place for all, be they vampire, werewolf, mortal, angel or demon. Risks will be taken, hearts broken and alliances forged between all. Join us, if you can stomach it.--

For those that are wounded, this is a place where they can relax pleasantly enough.

For those craving blood, this is a place of war. Where they may try their trade against others with just as much blood lust in a battle of the strongest and become the best, if they are up to it.

For those with great curiosity, the discovery of new places lays here with paths to many places unknown.

For those that have no clue what they want in live and are just wandering, this is a place of self-discovery.

For those wishing for protection, this is the place where no harm will come to you.

This is where those who walk in the Night come to be with others of their kind. This is Creatures of the Night.

Welcome to our domain. I would like to thank you for coming to this place and at least giving us the chance of being one of your hangouts/role-play spots. We are currently under revamp of the entire place, rebuilding it after a long absence of the original members known as The Sisterhood. Two of the members, Dao-shi and playwithfire, have decided that we would like give our little domain a jumpstart.

To do that, we need your help Gaia! We would like to start up a better role-play/refuge than has ever been seen before on this place, something that is freer than most the Guilds and better than the average Commerce bar. We want to create somewhere that will be a place where all can have fun and role-play; so long as some decorum is adhered to.

On this point, I, Dao-Shi, shall read the riot act. These are our rules.

1: The Gaia TOS will be adhered to at all times. If it is not, you will be reported immediately on your post.

2: While we want to allow everyone to join, the sisterhood reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone we do not believe either fits the capabilities we would like in our role-play companions.

3: Literacy is a must. Spelling mistakes and some grammar errors will be allowed, but we wish to have people at least run their posts through a spell check before posting.

4: No l33t speak, unless it is meant as a joke in OOC chat.

5: Separate OOC chat from IC chat.

6: Respect others at all times. While your character may have a problem with an individual, you may not out of IC posting. If you have an issue, pm one of The Sisterhood (Dao-Shi, playwithfire or TwistedKat) and we will deal with it immediately.

7: Be patient. If someone does not feel like role-playing a super high paced battle at the time you do, you can always role-play against your own NPC or invite a friend to join us here.

8: Have fun! We want this place to be somewhere people enjoy coming for role-playing. While your character may be a heartless vampire, don’t be one yourself! Let us know if something sucks, and we will do what we can to fix that.

Well, with that said, we can get onto the fun things!

Simple! Send one of The Sisterhood a PM with a short bio of your character. The Sisterhood and other players will use these as reference of how to deal with other players in their role-play. We would also like a sample of your role-play abilities; an entrance post would be just fine, but we would like some evidence of you having read the rules and first page in it. There is a very vivid description of the inside of the building, as well as the outside on the first page, and we expect that people use it.

We don’t just write these things to have fun you know.


One day, many centuries ago, three beings found themselves wandering through the forest. Throughout their travels they had been to many places, but their last had brought them here; a small dimension, encompassing no more than three square miles. It was peaceful. The sun did not harm the skins of those it should have charred; the wards did not cast out those who were damned; the world seemed like it forgave them what they were, allowing them to be in this realm.

The eldest, a half-angel half demon, was pleased with what she found. There were places of peace here, tranquility that she had not been allowed in her very long life. Lakes and rivers provided life to the place. The forest was lush and green. The grass rolled jade down the hills. There were also places that satisfied her need for destruction. The seal that lay under the building sometimes spits souls from hell and other deadly creatures that could be fought. The arena was always ready for combat and destruction. To her, this was a good place.

The youngest, a vampire of less than 2500 years, was pleased with what she found. She had mastered the art of the elements, communing to them all with great skill. Her favorite was fire, for though it was destructive it could also bring life and joy to others. For her, the mansion provided the greatest draw, being the hub of communication and relationships. The elements were close to her here, allowing her to be one with every thing that came into her domain. The wards or the many manifestation of the elements around her easily punished anything that tampered with what would become the norm. To her, this was a good place.

The middle sister, an Ancient vampire of 3000 years who controlled the dead, found herself not displeased with what she found. There was much life around her, much vibrancy and much that could be controlled. Thirsty for knowledge, she found herself in a large library that spanned the cellars of the mansion. It held tomes of knowledge that many others would never understand, let alone follow. The life reminded her of what she once had stripped away from her, and the violence helped her to forget the loss. Even so, she remained balanced on the edge of like and dislike, content that if her sisters enjoyed the place, she would too in time.

And so The Sisterhood came to Ilium, and made it their home. They dubbed a part of the mansion a tavern and called it “Creatures of the Night” inviting all races to come and be in peace with them. Little did they know that the balance of their home would eventually be broken by the peace they had created...


When in Ilium the balance begins to fail
And the hearts of all tremble and quail
The war begins, three warriors rise
But in each side, their souls do take prize

The eldest shall fall, and then rise again
Her father’s wrath she doth contend
Though siblings six shall come as well
Her wrath will send them back to hell
For she is made of blood of the Earth
Heaven and hell recognize her worth
And soon she shall have to stand
And choose between them where she will land

In the youngest does an Angel’s heart reside
For in death does her spirit chide
The peace of all, and freedom of will
Is what she does fight for still
Yet in this war, where will she fall?
Will she choose to stand at all?
On the side of hell, by law she should be
Yet her Angel’s heart makes that will flee.

The other, has no love for either side
In humanity does her heart reside
For what she once was, she will be again
Die by mortality, her life to end
Yet still she shall broker the peace
For she will be the guard of each
Yet to neither does she allegiance owe
For neither or can let her go

Will they fall or will they rise?
Will they gain the final prize?
The only thing that remains unsaid
Is how many of them will remain dead.

Ilium, a plain of balance, has always been equal. Life and death have had no full control, neither has goodness or evil. With the return of the inhabitants of Creatures of the Night, this is all about to change.

The sisters three are vampires, cursed beings whose souls know not heaven. One is a demon, firstborn girl child of Satan and a fallen angel. Her presence alone was once enough to upset the boundary. Now it has intensified and sent the balance of power downwards. Ilium is slowly turning into an eighth circle of Hell.

In an attempt to keep Ilium neutral, an angel found its way to the realm. He formed an attachment with one of the sisterhood, who drunk his blood and became infused with the wishes and personality of the angels. She now has the power to fight for the higher powers when Hell makes its battle known.

Still, nothing is for certain in this war. The third sister, whom is simply a vampire, has begun to feel what it is like to be human once more. She feels, and understands the pain that other mortal beings go through. If she were to be swayed to either side, it would cause the destruction of the other, and allow the prevailing side to rule over Ilium. But Ilium cannot survive either a positive or negative rule. Ilium was made to be in balance, and should it fall or rise it will destroy all those who fight for it.

The war to come will destroy Ilium, unless those who are neutral in the matter find a way to stop the war to come. With demons and angels against them, who can hold true to the ideal?

Whose side are you on?


Main Room

From the entrance door is a rather large room, lined with chairs, couches and tables for those to relax in. Across the room is a wooden bar, matching the wooden floor glimmering in the hanging lanterns candlelight. The sides of the bar have childish candy bowls and cookie jars for those who are here to relax to help themselves to. Behind the bar are shelves of glass and packed with all sorts of drinks imaginable. The glass they sit on has a strange look to it, for it is made of ice, keeping all the drinks cold and a light fog coming forth from the shelves on a particularly warm day. Shot glasses, iced or normal, metal or glass, line up under the bar along with two mini fridges, one for beers, the other soda and other non-alcoholic drinks. Around the bar is a purple neon light, stopping at the back and replaced by a black tube, which can be lit on fire when the mood is right. The small flicker of flame lights any fiery drinks ordered.

Nearby, what appears would easily pass off for a giant, human suited cat scratch post with silken drapes and layered in floors all the way up to the ceiling. Each layer is covered in various colored and sized beanbags. A rather comical sight yet proves to be a comfortable spot to rest. A couple doors are exiting this room, one to the outside, upstairs, and the dance floor.

Dance Room

As you enter it seems like a somewhat normal dance floor, except it is completely made of black polished marble, glimmering in the normal lights as if it’s any normal, formal dance floor, which it could be...until the lights are turned off. When they go off, the fog machine turns on, neon lights surrounding the dance floor, the light shimmering off of it, spotlights await the best dancer above the dance floor along with the laser lights, strobe and a disco for the heck of it. To the right as you enter is another bar, this one of steel piping, wrapped around it is neon lights of blue and red, lighting it brightly and the stronger drinks that are behind it in its corner, to the left you look up, from an exit on the seconded floor stays a DJ booth, high up no one can reach, there once again is a railing of metal and neon, holding inside a DJs dream of music, speaks line the wall behind you around the door, the hole thing containing them, ready to blow off the beat. Once again tables with 2, 4 or 6 chairs around them are here, a neon pole holding them up, oh and speaking of poles lets not forget on the end of the dance floor is four neon poles, surrounded in glass, holding up a platform just above the heads of the other dancers.


As you continue through the upstairs main hall you will find yet another set of stairs leading to an attic like room with the peeked ceiling, its a smaller, more cozy room with a plaza flat screen T.V embedded in the wall you entered beside the door. A button on the remote controls the speakers that flip out of the walls, all four corners and more around the room, when pressed again they flip once again into their hiding spot. The room is strangely soft seeing how the floor is actually a mattress for those to lay on comfortably, watch T.V, make out, have a cold drink or do what ever you wish. There are two large glass doors on the left as you walk in leading to a patio where there’s a couple tables with covers, lounge chairs and behind next to the door is yet another bar, this one specializes in more of the fruit punches and refreshing summery drinks.


As you exit threw the door by the bar you stumble on a large, grassy rolling fill, to the left is a large stone coliseum, the battle arena ((spell bound around it so no teleportation allowed)) in front of you is a scenic view of the mountain tips over the trees, mostly old willows and the shimmer off the clear lake there, running into smaller currents of creeks, where small silver fish are usually found. As your eyes continue to the other side there’s a rose patch where many multi colours in roses and other flowers are, a simple place to get away from everything, lay down and watch the clouds roll by. Through this patch is a old worn path, rather thing so wear long sleeves if you are to travel it. It's a short trip and leads to a softly running creek.


High stonewalls greet you as you walk towards it. The gray mass is surprisingly sleek with two grand highly worn out oak doors, which are usually open for all to come within its depths. A strange aura shrouds these battlegrounds; some believe it is those who have once fought and lost, warning for another try to claim blood on this ground. Step into the center. It’s marked with a circled star in black against the pale dirt. All around you is seats, stone bleachers that rise to the very top of the wall and just a small ring going around the top to prevent people from falling from the top. Those we're added in recently because of... an accident. They also cause a ring to be formed around the arena, which allows no one to teleport within and a barrier to keep the fighters within limits.

--Rules... like any other place--
-keep swearing down please, or use l33t at least
-no god moding, this is serious, many people hate it and it will not be tolerated if i get complantes
-no cybering, keep that for PM, you can be mushy and a lil kissy for the rest to enjoy and stare at if you wish, but yet again, complaints and you must keep it personal

-Must battle someone to gain a rank, it is juged on the abilty of RP, entertainment, moves and how you can withstand others
-dont kill each other inless allowed in battle
-when in battle do not hurt by standers
-rank 15 and over you may summon dragons, demons ect
-If it is a timed battle: after time is up, you each get one post left as a final move then the battle is finished
-If you leave the arena durring a battle is on stand by. the next person to post is to quote the last post. EX: FighterX has to leave for dinner. Opp posts around and talks with friends without guild. FighterX Comes back and uses Opp Post in a quote to continue fighting.


-Willy Wonka((aka the Sugar Room, packed with candy and a chocolate fountain)) -- playwithfire
-Matrix ((Built like the subway station Neo first learned his true power, and have fun with the exact replica of the Sentinals)) --Dao-shi
-Artic Wolve Cave ((a chilly snow covered cave, wrap yourself up with the wolves for warmth in this snow covered stone hideaway)) -- Blackhawk15
-Rock'n'room ((bass gutair covered walls, huge a** stero to hook up your own electric gutair, full equiped drum set and everything to rock the house down here)) -- TwistedKat
-Knights Room ((build like a midevil castle, gray stone and lit touchs, along with real suits of armour))
-Hawaii ((aloha! enjoy yourself in the white sand, grass skirts and beach like hottub))monkeylovefirework
-Elven Forest (( large old trees cradle togeather to make the bed and the bath is shaped as though a running creek)) --Whist
-Space ((a black painted room decorated like the inside of a nasa shuttle, with a touch of a bottem the ceiling of the room vanishs to show you the sky above))
-Dragons Cave ((dark, flame lit room with a pile of gold, shaped into a bed))
-Malayen Princess ((4 poster bed draped with pure silk, fine elagance and enchantment))--
-Video gamez ((PS2, game cube, X-box, N64, GBA and stacked high with games)) --
-Egyption ((looks like inside of the great pyrimids, stone coffin hottub))
-Igloo ((Very cool all the time and an giant stuffed penguin))
-Cave man ((stone covered walls and a real burning fire pit))
-Duff man ((blow up dolls included))
-I Dream of Jeanie(( shaped like the inside of her bottle, her outfit layed out for you to make someones wish come true))
-Janitors Room ((boiler and wash bucket included))
-Anime ((packed with mangas, drawing stationdesk, videos and life size figures))
-Highskool Locker Room ((bed is in a tiped over locker, carefull of the socks...))
-BattleFeild((fake grass covered ground, bedded pit for a bed and a tower to watch on enemy lines))
-Lovers Peek((looking over a brightly lit town, this lil clift is perfect for first date...or seconed...))
-Sport Car((room build as a huge version of a 1972 Dodge Challenger, feel small as you sleep in the dash board))
-Nascar((race car tracks surround this room so you and your buds and have a ran for the gold with your fave nascar racers))
-Volcano((in the corner of this tropical paradise lays a darkened mountain with flamming red bedcovers, resembeling a volcano about to blow))
-Pirate Ship ((port, steel this ship with great speed across the...well, cant really move it, great to play though))
-starwars (( climb abord the ship and enjoy yourself in the captions steat))
-Jungle ((large trees, lined covered and exotic plants add to this different envoroment))
-Brazil Rainforest ((birds call as a fake rainstorm trembles over head of you, raining on the sides as a fountain))
Banners, Art and Other Links

This is for those who wish to help spread word of this guild. Banners you may have to place in your sig are here as well as any artwork you give to this guild and other links to places people may be interested to. Livejournal, quizes, Wish lists and selling threads are a few you can tell me to put up here.

These are to the MAIN guild in the guild forums.



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Art work

None so far.


- Gaia insaity groupies

- The thread that will never end
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Additional Notes:
*walks threw the main room and stands behind the bar, grinning and grabing myself a vodka, perching on the smooth surface looking around the new place* hmm...
hiya! welcome, how are you?
sweet, want anything to drink? *smiles at you and nods my head behind me to the bar*
uh....yes please ....ill have a beer i guess

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