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Welcome to Save our Voice Actors, the SOVA branch located in Gaia Online.
We are a group of fans dedicated to bringing back the original voice actors of Pokémon.

After eight long years working with the Pokémon series, our talented and committed voice actors have been replaced. Not only were these voice actors very participant with their fans and the fandom itself, they were hardworking contributors to the show’s production team and writing staff. SOVA is determined to get our voice actors back so we can hear the characters the way they are supposed to sound.

Please take a look around to learn more about SOVA and what you can do to help, and learn more about the wonderful people that brought these characters to life.

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06/17/07 - Well after an hour of posting the SOVA thread is finally complete! yay! It's 3:31am here and I'm not tired....yet! Anyway I hope more people join and hopefully help the cause! <3
Also I need to start working on my profile.... >.>

06/16/07 - The SOVA branch in Gaia was created!

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If you have any questions at all about SOVA or projects feel free to send me a pm!
Or you can send us an email at saveourvoiceactors@gmail.com

For additional information on upcoming projects and news you can check out my profile!

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Most of the information found here about the voice actors, projects, images, and our current situation is all from the main SOVA site, which you can visit by click the banner below.

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Here are other branches SOVA has in other forums. These are some of the main ones.

BMGf Club

LJ Community

SPPf Club

>DA Club<

^ This one has links to other forums! ^


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Like any other forum we have rules, luckily for you we have very simple rules ^_^

People who support SOVA, even if only a little, are welcomed and encouraged to join us in the disscusion.

People who only have doubts and criticism are not welcome. We suggest you take a look at our FAQ and Common Doubts posts and if you have an argument that wasn’t listed in there, feel free to send us a pm.

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Anyone that’s joined SOVA! >w<

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Anyone that breaks the rules or upsets our members will be listed here.


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How can I help this cause?

There are countless ways. You can take a look through our current and past projects to participate and/or formulate ideas. The easiest way to express your feelings is through a letter, but you can also call PUSA/Cartoon Network. You are welcome and encouraged to start personal projects such as fanart submissions and other nifty creations. If you do so, contact us and we’ll show it off at this site!

Where can I start discussing projects and other aspects of SOVA?

SOVA members have two branches, one at Serebii and one at Bulbagarden. The two branches are constantly in touch with one another, although Bulbagarden is much more popular and active.

Isn’t it too late to get the original voice actors back?

No! Absolutely not! People will say this, and they will bring your hopes down with their ignorant and biased opinions, but do not listen to them. The number one factor leading towards failure is doubt, and we cannot let that happen. Even though SOVA has been working for a year, what does it matter? Why shouldn’t we continue to fight passed that year mark for the eight years the VAs dedicated towards Pokémon?

Even if PUSA offers the voice actors to return, will they? Didn’t some of them say the fight is over?

Who knows. Each and every one of them has expressed their desire to continue voicing their characters, and many of them continually state how much they miss doing so. Even if this is so, yes, some of the VAs have admitted defeat – but that doesn’t mean they would not reprise their roles, if offered. You see, PUSA has not offered them that choice, so no one can say for sure, not even them.

What about the current cast? Are you malicious enough to allow them to get fired?

No, nor do we want them to, because the original voice actors have been there, and it’s not fair for them to know that pain, too. However, there are limitless roles these current actors can play on Pokémon, if desired, and although we feel these actors might not be right for their current roles, it does not mean they are talentless.

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You are all overreacting.

Maybe. But at least we're not underreacting. We have been handed the opportunity to take action, and we're going to make use of it.

You haven't even heard the new voices yet. What if you're wrong and they're not that bad?

We have never said the new voice actors will be bad. They are not our enemy - no one is, except perhaps indifference and greed. But the new voice actors are going to be imitators of the old voice actors, and thus we know that the standard of quality will be how much they sound like the old voice actors. And in the end, only the original voice actors themselves can match their own voices. The new voice actors simply cannot best the old voice actors in this respect. We want the best, the genuine voice actors for our characters. Not substitutes.

Can't you at least wait until April 29th anyway?

And sit on the edges of our seat for over a month waiting for a special when we already know who we want? I think not. That's an entire month of action we could be taking. If you want to wait that long, fine, but don't expect the rest of us to put this campaign on hold until then.

Do the voices matter that much? Isn't it good enough if they sound pretty much like the old voices?

Yes, they do, and no, it's not. The fans have identified these voices with their respective characters for eight years. They are not just lines synched to the lip-flapping animations, they are a part of the characters' identities. And because of this, even the smallest difference is a huge difference.

Many fans have complained about the dub for years and called for change. Why are they now saying the opposite, that change is bad?

Because in this case, it is. If there is one thing the English dub has always done right, it's the voice acting. Even Pokémon USA seems to acknowledge this by finding new voice actors who sound like the old ones. Also, since voice actors are not the exclusive property of 4Kids, it is possible that we could still have the voice actors we know and love even as the dub is handed over to a new group. That would be the best way to please all fans.

But no one's had any big problems with Pokémon USA before. Why fight them over this?

I would like to emphasize the fact that we are not fighting them. They are not our enemies, nor are the imitator voice actors. Our goal is not to 'beat' Pokémon USA, but rather to persuade them into changing their minds. In fact, should this campaign be successful, it is quite likely many fans will think even higher of Pokémon USA than they did before. Conversely, if this campaign is unsuccessful and the voice actors are replaced, many fans - even those who would continue to watch the dub after the change - will lose a lot of confidence in Pokémon USA, and bitter feelings will likely arise between the company and its formerly devoted fans. There is more to this issue than what appears on the surface, most notably how highly Pokémon USA values the respect and loyalty of fans.

A lot of the fans who are speaking out seem to be in the oldest part of the fandom. Aren't most of the fans still in Elementary School? I mean, will they even notice if the voices are replaced, let alone care?

Young children are much more aware of these details than our society gives them credit for. Even if they don't know why, or haven't seen enough of the anime yet to really mind the difference, the change will certainly be noticed by even the youngest of fans. And the fandom is not as children-focused as many seem to think. To quote an interview with one of the original Pokémon developers:
But to answer your question about the maturity level of Pokémon games, I counter with this - are hide-and-seek and jump rope just for kids? The answer is no - kids love those games, but adults learn more complicated and intensive games, and soon lose sight of the fun and joy of simple games.
Even though concepts and ideas behind Pokémon seem complicated, the game is designed so that any gamer can pick it up and enjoy it. People tend to think that the anything that appeals to all ages is somewhat immature - fairy tales, for instance. Pokémon has become ageless and that is why many assume that it seems to be aimed at children.

This idea is one which resonates through all aspects of the Pokémon fandom, including the anime. Indeed, there are a multitude of Pokémon fans who are in high school, college, or even in the working world. And, as an additional note, there are parents out there whose children are fans of the show and who care about the series simply because their son or daughter cares about the series. And it is all these older fans who have the money to buy merchandise and the transportation to participate in events sponsored by Pokémon USA. Regardless of whether or not we are in the minority of the fanbase, we deserve to have our say in what the fans want from the anime.

All the information on this issue is coming from voice actors themselves. What if they're just getting the fans riled up so they can avoid having to take a pay cut to keep their roles?

Is that a chance we want to take? The majority of Pokémon fans admire the work of the voice actors, and we don't want to see them leave just as much as they don't want to lose the roles they've had for eight years. This is no time to doubt the actors whose work we appreciate. This is a time to trust and support them. If we take no action, then it is very likely that the greatest mistake for the English dub of the Pokémon anime will soon be made - and we will only have ourselves to blame for not recognizing the reality of the situation and responding.

Oh, come on, you know this all has to be about money. Why else would a voice actor care so much about keeping his or her role?

The actors have other roles - their paycheck does not seem to be the major issue here. Do you know what it's like to act? A good actor - which I don't hesitate to say all the major Pokémon voice actors are - doesn't merely read the script in a voice that he or she thinks sounds like the character. A good actor, in a sense, becomes the character they are playing, and thus it is very easy for an actor to become very attached to his or her character. I, Pie, know this feeling from only having small roles in plays and script-readings. The Pokémon voice actors have been bringing life to their characters for eight years. How attached do you think they are to these characters?

But, on the subject of money, there's still one major problem - the new voice actors are being considered because they are cheaper. Money, therefore, is most likely their primary concern. Do you really think a bunch of rabid fangirls are going to change their minds?

We can always hope. After all, the newest special is being released because Pokémon USA wants to see the response to new voice actors. If the response is an outcry in the fandom, Pokémon USA will hopefully reconsider this terrible decision. And thus, with this thought in mind, we raise our voices.

How do you know Pokémon USA is even going to look at the letters? E-mails can be deleted, letters can be thrown away...

First off, this again depends on how much Pokémon USA values the respect and loyalty of the fans. If they do care about how the fans feel - which we can only hope they do - then this should become a non-issue. Regardless of that, though, that is the reason why much of this campaign is focusing on writing hard-copy letters instead of just e-mailing them, since it is easier to delete an e-mail than it is to throw away a letter itself. Also, that is why we hope to motivate as many fans who want to keep the old VAs as possible to take action, since it is harder to ignore ten letters than one, and harder to ignore a hundred than ten, and harder to ignore a thousand than a hundred... The more people raising their voices, the louder the collective voice becomes, and the less likely they are to ignore what we have to say.

I still have my doubts. A lot of these campaigns have failed before.

And a lot have succeeded. Still, if you don't risk your energy on this campaign, that's understandable. But if you do want to see this campaign achieve its goal, even if you don't think it can, take a moment to consider - would really hurt you to write a letter telling Pokémon USA how you feel? The worst thing any of us can do is nothing, because you never know until you try.


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SOVA has made many strides in this past year. However, the recent months have unraveled many new twists and turns about the situation. We have hit Pokémon USA (PUSA) with our voices - Through phone calls, personal projects and letters, they know our stance and they know that we are far from giving up.

Two members of SOVA contacted TAJ Productions, the company now dubbing the anime and spoke to the president, Larry Juris.¹ These two phone calls caused a mess among SOVA members, even non-members, and have lead many to believe that Larry himself was personally responsible for the initial voice acting change.

Though the point of getting in contact with TAJ Productions was to address the concerns of the decreasing quality that show currently holds, we have come to realize that voicing our opinions there was not the best idea. With TAJ's unprofessionalism regarding the situation and the fact that we are not TAJ's customers, we felt that they cannot do anything about the situation. However, they know that SOVA is around and our group has grown stronger from these calls.

SOVA has yet to hit one more place: Cartoon Network. Why focus attention on a TV channel? Cartoon Network is the middle man, the one who supplies the show from PUSA to us.² This channel prides itself in being the only network to air new episodes of Pokémon. However, they are not fully aware of the voice acting change and the eight wonderful years that the original voice actors have given the fans. Yes, we have made our phone calls. But phone calls + letters + projects = an even louder voice; A voice that PUSA has heard and one that will soon be screaming once Cartoon Network brings our views to their attention.

¹ Two phone calls made on March 14, 2007 by Mistress Puff and xdeadpan

² To see further information about Cartoon Network's position in this situation, see here.

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Now that you read a little bit about us and you’re interested you might be wondering what can I do? Well just scroll down and take a look at the current projects we are working on.


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Below is a list of projects SOVA is currently working on.

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What’s the best way to express your feelings about the voice actors? By writing to PUSA of course! Also you can find great examples of letters and the addresses by click the link below.

To learn more about this click here

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For this project all you need to do is call either PUSA or CT expressing your concern about the decreasing quality of the Pokémon anime and that you will not be watching Diamond & Pear or purchase the 9th movie. You can find phone numbers by click the link below.

To learn more about this click here

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What's a great way to spread the word than with flyers? You can print them at home or just to a store and print them there! They're great to take to any Pokémon event or anime conventions.

To learn more about this click here

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As you may know, it is said that if you fold a thousand paper cranes, you will have a wish granted. Regardless of whether there's any truth or not to this, actions often speak a lot louder than words, and what better way is there to demonstrate just how much you wish for them to reconsider changing the voice actors than by folding a thousand cranes and sending them in to Pokémon USA?

To learn more about this click here

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This is one of SOVA's biggest projects all you need to do is make a large amount of paper bags (The suggested being 100) and sending them to Cartoon Network expressing that just because they disguise something does not mean that replacement is an original, nor acceptable.

To learn more about this click here

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Personal projects include fanart, posters, scrap books, poems and things like that are very much encouraged ^_^

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To be added simply post in the thread that you want to join ^_^

Member list will be located in my journal


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Below are our beloved voice actors who were replace when the VA switch took place. Scroll down and learn a little bit about them and the characters they gave life to.

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Veronica Taylor has been the voice of the main hero of Pokémon, Ash Ketchum, since the first episode of the series aired eight years ago. She has also voiced Ash's mother, Delia Ketchum, since the beginning. When the Advanced Generation series began airing in the States in 2003, Veronica once again stepped up and took on the voice of the leading heroine, May. She has also voiced various background roles on occasion.

Other shows Veronica has contributed to are Slayers (Ameila), Kareshi Kanojo no Jijyo (Yukino Miyazawa), Tama and Friends (Amy), Fighting Foodons (Clawdia), and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (April).

Website: VeronicaTaylor.net

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Eric Stuart has been the voice of Ash's friend and mentor, Brock since episode 5, and the voice of James, main man of Team Rocket, since episode 9. He has also served as the Pokedex, Dexter, for a number of seasons. Among the multitudes of Pokemon that he has voiced, a few of them are Tentacool, Aerodactyl, Charmeleon, Electrode, and Sharpedo.

He has also voiced various roles. Eric has also done roles in Slayers (Gourry), Here Is Greenwood, Tama and Friends (Rockney), Shaman King, Sonic X, One Piece, and G.I.Joe Sigma 6. He has also done voices for commercial roles such as Planters peanuts, Electrosol, Scotch tape, and Priceline, among others. He also has a band, Eric Stuart Band, that has released many CDs.

Website: EricStuart.com
Alternate: MySpace Page

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Rachael Lillis has been the voice of water Pokémon trainer, Misty since the first episode of the series, and the voice of the nefarious villianess of Team Rocket, Jessie, since the second. She also voiced Pikachu for a handful of episodes in the first season.

In the AG series, Misty leaves for her own adventure, but Jessie stays and continues to be Rachael's main role. She is also the voice of Dextette, the updated Pokédex that Ash recieves. Pokémon that she has voice include Clefairy, Clefable, Goldeen, Clamperl, Spoink, Wurmple, Torchic, and the beloved singing Jigglypuff. She has done other various roles on the show, including many old women.

Rachael has also lent her voice to such anime as Revolutionary Girl Utena (Utena, ChuChu), Slayers NEXT (Martina), Irresponsible Captain Tylor (Yuriko Star), Kareshi Kanojo no Jijyo (Mrs. Miyazawa), Comic Party, Darkside Blues, Boogiepop Phantom, Geobreeders, and Shamanic Princess.

Fanlisting & Info: Enchanting

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Maddie Blaustein has been the voice of Team Rocket's third member, Meowth, since the beginning of the first season. She has done many minor roles in the series as well, such as Seymour the Scientist, Ash's Corphish, Brock's Lombre, and Ash's Torkoal. She is extremely interactive with her fans and continuously hosts a Q&A at Serebii Forums while taking the time to post at many other message boards, too.

Other roles of Maddie's include Sartorius (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX), Sugoroku Mutou (Yu-Gi-Oh!), Chef Kawasaki (Kirby: Right Back At Ya!), Dr. Kureha (One Piece), and Arngrim and Lawfer and Lezard (Valkyrie Profile).

Website: MySpace Page

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Amy Birnbaum came to the Pokémon cast in early 2001, and voiced various roles for the next three seasons. When the Advanced Generation series began, Amy was given an exciting new role as Max, May's younger brother. She also voiced Dustox and gym leader Winona.

Amy's roles have also included Stella (Winx Club), Lucy Liberty (F-Zero: GP Legend), Scarlett (G.I. Joe: Sigma 6), and Charmy Bee (Shadow the Hedgehog). She has also been in Tama and Friends and other 4Kids series.

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Ted Lewis began as James for the first 8 episodes of the series, but was replaced by Eric Stuart due to conflicts in scheduling. This didn't turn him away, and he came back as Tracey, the Pokémon sketch artist, in the second season. He has also played the role of Giovanni, Team Rocket's boss, in all seasons. Even though Tracey has since become Professor Oak's assistant, Ted can still be heard as the stadium annoucer in the Advanced Generation series and in many of the Pokemon Stadium games. Ted can also be heard in Revolutionary Girl Utena (Mitsuru), Record of Lodoss War, RG Veda, and Here Is Greenwood.

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Lisa Ortiz first began her roles on Pokemon in the beginning of the first season, her primary role being that of Sabrina, the psychic Pokemon gym leader. Since then she has played a number of roles including Misty's sister Daisy, Leeza the Charizard trainer, and the lead Eevee sister. Lisa has done many other roles in anime, including roles in Slayers (Lina Inverse), Revolutionary Girl Utena (Shiori), Irresponsible Captain Tylor (Azalyn), Tama and Friends, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijyo, and Maho Tsukai Tai.

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Andrew Rannells first made his connection with Pokemon by acting as James in Pokemon Live, the live-action musical performed in 2000. He joined the voice cast of Pokemon during the third season, has since been the voice of several characters in the dub, including gym leaders Morty and Brawley and May's rival Harley. Andrew has also done voices for Tama and Friends (Tama) and Shaman King (Trey).


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Want to link back to this thread? That’s great ^_^
All you need to do is grab a banner and place it in your siggy!

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Here are some banners I found in the BMGf forums so credits goes to however made them >.>

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If you would like to donate some banners just send me a pm and I’ll give you full credit for them <3

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If you’re interested in become affiliates, just send me a pm with you thread’s link and I’ll add you here ^_^

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