Welcome to Gaia! ::

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No one really knows how the first Glitterbug came about. Like the fae, they just always seemed to have been; yet oddly enough it's only recently that anyone has noticed them. Perhaps it's because many Glitterbugs have been mistaken for a fairy, or a firefly. This happens not just because of their glow, but because of their commonly used ability to shift in size. However, without shifting a full grown Glitterbug is about the size of an adult house cat.

These intelligent creatures tend to be cautious. Often when they are seen outside of their normal habitat they are hiding in their small form. This is not to say that Humans have not seen a Glitterbug in its full grown form, it's just not as common. Usually seeing a Glitterbug in its natural state only happens when that Glitterbug chooses, and not the other way around.

Although their body slightly resembles a reptile in shape Glitterbugs, like humans, are warm-blooded mammals. With a soft minx-like pelt, a heart/soul stone embedded in their chest (partially exposed), antennas, and a set of wings, commonly butterfly-like in appearance, it is not really hard to tell a Glitterbug from any other mammal -- It truly has a strange shape. There is no question that these lovable critters have a magical nature. Each Glitterbug is born with an innate ability to control one aspect of one element and both that aspect and element vary from Glitterbug to Glitterbug.

Capable of high functioning thought, simple sounds, gestures, and telepathic speech, the Glitterbugs have a unique society of clans (a choice option given to all by the end of their Shinju stage.) These clans are found in many different woodlands all throughout the world of Unabeth and are segregated based on each Glitterbugs abilities. However, even with these separations of skills, Glitterbugs work hand and hand with each other of different abilities in order to help their small society prosper.
wahmbulance User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. wahmbulance

General Rules

- Follow Gaia T.O.S.
- No begging
- No Stealing of any graphics, this includes, but is not limited to pets, headers, banners, certs.
- No altering of certs (ever) or pets (with out permission)
- No flaming
- No trolling
- No harassing
- No mules (if you want more than one pet, buy them in the normal fashion).
- You may not sell your pets to anyone but the shop owner.
- You are allowed to give your pet away for free. (Please notify shop owner if this happens).
- No refunds
- If you want to sell your pet, its current stage will be put in the next flatsale and you will receive 25% of the earnings.
- No editing posts during flatsales, or auctions. Ever!
- Keep it pg-13 people.
- No advertising, expect in your signature.
- I reserve the right to refuse sale to anyone (Most likely this won’t happen unless you piss me off.)
- You are required to host the final stage of your Glitterbug and PM me the URL for that final stage with in one week time after its growth.
- You are required to show up in the thread at least once a week, even if you don't plan on role-playing.
- If you join the shops guild, you are required to show up in the shops guild at least once ever 2 weeks in the form of OOC chat/game (if you choose not to roleplay) or in postings done in your journal or in a roleplay thread. *I do check*
- I retain the right to change the rules as I see fit.

Flatsale Rules
- Each person may only purchase one pet per flatsale for the first 24 hours after the word go.
- If you buy for someone else during a flatsale, you ARE forfeiting your own right during those 1st 24 hours to purchase for yourself.
- Only post after I say
GO in big bold RED letters.
- Use the order form.
- Gold only (I don’t want to argue with people over how much they feel something is worth).
- If there is no trade sent after 24 hours, the pet will be put back up for sell.
- Two owners may own one pet (but it must be stated in the form).
- When sending trade, Title the Trade after the pet you are wanting.
- Please make sure the correct price is entered in the trade.
- Send the trade to the shop owner and no one else.
- These rules are subject to change depending on the auction. Always refer to the rules listed in the flatsale section.

Auction Rules

- No disrupting a sale.
- Only bid what you have.
- If I don't receive the trade in 24 hours, the second highest bidder will win.
- Up to two owners may bid (but the bid must be confirmed by both owners).
- The only item you may bid is a current month sealed; valued at 12k.
- Do not bribe people to bid more or less.
- These rules are subject to change depending on the auction. Always refer to the rules listed in the auction section

Raffle Rules

- You may buy as many tickets as you wish.
- Obey the Gaia T.O.S.
- Be respectful of other users.
- Do not beg, by PMs, or in this thread
- Payment must be sent immediately and the trade complete before you will receive your tickets.
- Refunds will not be given.
- Do not flame other users.
- Do not attempt to bribe others for their pets.
- You may win up to 2 times in a raffle.
- These Rules are subject to change depending on the auction. Always refer to the rules listed in the raffle section.
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Q - How much do these pets cost?
A - It depends on if it's a flatsale, custom, auction or a raffle. Each are explained in their section.

Q - Did you draw these?
A - While the concept is mine, and I am more than able to draw something of this nature, I lack a scanner. So I paid Yorugami to draw up some sketches for me. I did however do the CG lining.

Q - Am I allowed to sell my pet to anyone I want?
A - No. However, you may sell it to the shop. It will be put up for Flat Sale, and you will receive 25% of the earnings.

Q - Are these roleplay required?
A - No, but I have created a guild for those who do wish to R.P. So if you want to rp please feel free to sign in, only don't sign up for the shops guild unless you plan on being active.

Q - Are there benifits to Roleplaying?
Yes Pets will grow faster, breeding is open only to those who rp, and events and games are open to them as well.

Q - WTF you kicked me from the guild
That's right, you either broke a rule or weren't active, both result in being kicked from the guild. The guild is open only to those who are active in it

Q - OMFG!!!111!!11 CUT3!!11!1 CAN I H4V3 1???
A - No. Go away, shoo, be gone, don't let the door hit you on the way out, we don't want your kind here.

Q - May I PM you?
A - I'd prefure if you didn't PM me or my Staff. If you have a question, or a comment, post it in the thread, that's what it's there for. If it's something you don't feel should be posted in the thread then you may take your chances. However, if you PM me a flatsale form or a bid for an auction, you will be greylisted.

Q - My Pet hasn't grown, and it's past their time, what do I do?
A - If your growing is over a week late, you should defianately PM me at once.

Q - Someone is harrassing / flaming me on this thread. What do I do?
A - First step is to ask them to stop, second step pm me, if I'm unable to fix the situation I will find someone to fix it for me.

Q - May I get a discount?
A - Unless you are a good friend, chances are no.

Q - Can we be friends.
A - I'd like to think everyone is my friend, however I don't want a million friend requests. If I'm interested, I'll ask you.

Q - Can I co-own with someone else?
A - Yes you may. So long as it's not a Raffled or Gifted pet, you may co-own your pet. Just make sure it says so at the time of purchase. I Charge 1k for stupidity, if you forgot to add an owner at the time of purchase it's not my fault it is yours for not filling out the form correctly so make sure you have it right.

Q - I don't want my pet anymore what do I do.
A - You can sell it back to the shop, or you can give it to someone who you know would like to have it. There are no Refunds. (Notify me if you change owner so that I may re-cert the pet to the correct owner)

Q - Will my pet be taken from me?
A - No. However, if you've bought a pet in the past from us, and you have been blacklisted, you wont be allowed in the shop anymore, or in the guild.

Q - Do you host the the glitterbug
A - I host all stages but the final stage, the final stage I require you to host, and give you a week to do such before your cert is taken off of my server.

Q - Your Thread is moving too fast, may I PM you my question?
A - No. Unless it's personal you should never PM me or my staff about anything concerning the shop. I make an attempt to read and comment to every post made. If the thread is going to fast, don't worry I'll still catch your question sooner or later.

Q - When is the next Flat Sale?
A - The section dedicated to Flat Sales should say if there are any going on or going to take place in the near future.

Have any more questions, Post it in the thread, I'll try to answer it if someone else doesn't answer it first.
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White list heart

This is a list of people who I think are awesome and will always be welcome in this shop.
All Staff, Yorugami, SKaleido Star, Rein_Carnation, Tsel, SunFireDemon, and Chenali (for being awesome and helping me start over again.)

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Grey List

This is a list of people who might have made one or two bad choices, and as a result have ended up on my to be watched list.
None Yet

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Black List:

If you are in this list go away; you are not welcome at this shop.
None Yet (thankfully)
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biggrin 3-9-07 =Opening date/flatsale biggrin

3-10-07 Guild Opens

3-11-07 First customs open up

3-14-07 First Raffle! Saint Pattys Day Raffle starts.

3-14-07 We reached Page 100 *cheers* congrats tsel!! heart

3-16-07 Firsts growths into Junko stage has begun

3-18-07 Saint Pattys Day Raffle Ends!
Congradulations Kutebare~Kisama & XGeminiFaeryX !!!! heart

3-21-07 NEW lineart edits obtained ^_^

3-26-07 New Lineart CG lines finshed, Front pages revamped, hired a bumper so that members and myself can focus on more important things aside from bumping ^^, like RP!! or Other advancements

3-27-07 We've Reached page 200 ^_^ Woot!!! Moved the thread!!

3-29-07 Roleplayers in guild had their pets grow to their final? stage, the hotaru stage ^^ congrats active roleplayers!

3-30-07 = Second Flatsell starts (Went Quickly)

4-1-07 Mystery Box Easter Auction (our first action) starts

Pipi Will be going on vacation as a result when customs open she'll only be assigned one slot available

I will be on vacation from the 14th-22nd and won't have much acess to the computer and even if I do I won't have any means to color glitterbugs.
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TYPES of Glitterbugs:
Glitterbugs are divided into one of nine clans at the moment of their first growth into the Junko Stage. Clans based on their elemental bonds. There are currently only 9 known elemental bonded Glitterbugs.

---> The basic 5 are Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Ice.
---> The un-commons are Spirit, Energy
---> The rare are Death, Healing

Details about these types of Glitterbugs can be found in the Guild (must be a glitterbug owner to join Guild.)

The Stages of Development:
No matter the type of glitterbug all Glitterbugs have 3 known stages of Development. Theses Stages are called, The Shinju, Junko, and Hotaru Stage.

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How long Each Stage Lasts

The Shinju Stage-The Shinju stage lasts for 1 week
The Junko Stage -The Junko Stage Last for 3 weeks (rpers have a chance of growing sooner)
The Hotaru Stage - Lasts forever (unless a new stage is created)

What Happens in Each Stage

The Shinju Stage:
Directly after birth a glitterbug merges with it's heartstone sinking inside of the pearl shaped encasement. For the first week a glitterbug lay resting inside of this stone. This first week is a fragile time for a glitterbug as it has no control over its element, and risks being consumed by it's element if it does not merge with the heartstone correctly. As a result of this lack of control, in the young body, the heartstone it lay inside gives off something of a glowing effect. During this first week the Glitterbugs body will begin to merge with the heartstone making the glitterbug body stronger and more able to survive outside of the stone. This stage is referred to as the Shinju stage because this resting stage has a pearl-like appearance especially when the heartstone is placed on its birthing shell (the nest of the Glitterbugs for their young)

The Junko Stage:
By the end of the first week of a Glitterbugs life and the beginning of the next week the body of the glitterbug is completely merged with the stone which has magically sunken almost all the way into the infants body encasing both the soul of the glitterbug and the heart of the glitterbug. Should this stone ever break the glitterbug will die. This stage in development is referred to as the Junko Stage. It gains this title because this is the first time since it's birth that the child form of the glitterbug reveals itself.

--->Week 1
Small like a kitten that's been freshly born they no longer fit into their shells and for a week they will nursing from their mothers while growing in strength and size. For the first 2 weeks of the Junko stage a Glitterbugs wings are not flight worthy, and their control on their element is rather chaotic, yet unharmful to their own body.

--->Week 2
By the second week These young tend to wander off curiously from their mothers. No longer nursing, they are able to eat on their own and tend to be filled with energy. In this stage the glitterbug begins to test it's wings (still not flight worthy) they do this to make them stronger and ready for flight.

--->Week 3
By the beginning of the 3rd week of the Junko Stage the glitterbug has begun to fly, and has almost mastered their elemental skill. By the end of the third week a Glitterbug in the Junko stage can fly and has mastered the basics of his/her element, now they are learning to shift in size before gaining complete independence from their parent.

The Hotaru Stage:
The final Stage, the adult stage, is called the Hotaru stage. This stage begins in the 5th week of a Glitterbugs life. Hotaru means Firefly, or Lightening Bug. This name is given to this stage, because at this stage, the once young glitterbug has complete control over their elemental gift and has either mastered or is mastering the ability to shifting of their size as well, the older the Glitterbug the better their ability to shift.

Rumor has it that their are other stages in the Glitterbugs life, but as of yet it's just rumor.

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Glitterbugs are a long lived species. Although their stages may pass quickly it's not unheard of for a glitterbug to outlive a human. However the world of Unabeth is a strange world filled with strange magical things. Should a glitterbug come across such things their natural course could easily be altered forcing the glitterbug to either stop growing, reverse it's age and sometimes speed up their age. Once such things are done to a glitterbug the only way to reverse them is to find the antidote for what ever it is that they have come across.

(this portion of the shop is not yet up and running, sorry)
Go back/forward a stage= 5k (these only on Flatsell glitterbugs)

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Familiars are the friends of the Glitterbugs. There are many different species of familiars, and each species works well with a different type of glitterbugs. Almost always intelligent (And able to be roleplayed by themselves) Familiars make for wonderful friends.

You don't have to own a glitterbug to own a familiar; if one does not wish to purchase a Glitterbug they may purchase a familiar in it's adult stage.

1. The Dizzy's
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. The Dizzy's are a water born Familiar, which are about the same size as a glitterbug in their Junko stage when fully grown. They make wonderful friends with many different types of Glitterbugs, however they tend to make friends easier with those Glitterbugs who are bonded to the water. They Earn their name due to their quick reflexes. Usually they possess a bubbly personality and a warm heart.

How many Stages Do they have?:
The Dizzy's have 5 different stages of development. (one each week)

Non Glitterbug Owners will only have the final stage of development (unless the Dizzy is purchased in a flatsell)


Flatsell Price= 6k (and all 5 stages)
Custom Price=8k (and only the final stage)

*As a benifit to those who own Glitterbugs Customs for a Dizzy have the option to start at the first stage of development for an additional fee of 4k Only Glitterbug owners have this option.

Not YET available
-coming soon-

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A plushie is a toy. All plushies get placed on your cert with your glitterbug after being purchased. (you must own a glitterbug OR a Familiar to purchase a plushie)

1. Fluttles
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. What's a fluttle? Why it's only the most adorable Plushie around. Now I know it's got a crazy name but, really, you think about it. After all what else would you call a turtle with wings? ^_^ This Plushie is the best friend to MANY a glitterbug.
Colors: Red, Orange, yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Pink, Teal, Brown, Black
Quantity in Stock None at this time
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Flat sale prices vary depending on the stage at which your Glitterbug is purchased because you are essentially buying more art with the more stages a glitterbug goes through.
While most flat sales will be Shinju occasionally one might be from the Junko or the Hotaru stage.
The first stage the Shinju Stage is worth 8k
The Second Stage, The Junko Stage is worth 6k
and the final stage the Hotaru stage is worth 5k

Flatsale Rules
- Each person may only purchase one Pet per flatsale for the first 24hours after the word go.
- If you buy for someone else during a flatsale you ARE for fitting your own right during those 1st 24 hours to purchase for yourself.
- Only post after I say
GO in big bold RED letters
- Use the order form
- Gold only (I don't want to argue with people over how much they feel something is worth)
- If there is no trade sent after 8 hours, the Pet will be put back up for sell.
- Two owners may own one Pet (but it must be stated in the form)
- When sending trade Title the Trade after the pet you are wanting.
- Please make sure the correct price is entered in the trade.
- Send the trade to the shop owner and no one else.

ID number:
Glitterbugs Name:

*Flatsales none at this time*
User Image

All Customs are Directed through ME..The Glitterbugs
To order a custom please fill out the correct form for the custom you want and post it in the Shops thread, Send me the trade, no customs will be started until trade transaction is completed

A completed trade is required in order to begin your custom so send a titled trade with your request and the page your request is on.

Option 1 (Semi customs)
You choose the Gender, Colors to be used, one of the 5 basic Elements (wind, water, Earth, Fire, Ice,) We do the rest.
From Shinju= 12k
From Hotaru= 10k
---> wink Form

[color=red][b]Option One Custom Form[/b][/color]
From Shinju or Hotaru?
Colors to be used?
Element you want your glitterbug bonded to (pick one of the following)
--->Earth, fire, wind, water, ice
Name of Glitterbug
Personality Trait (one word please)
--->Example: happy? Energetic? chaotic? Mysterious?
Owner(s) Name(s):
Will you be wanting to join our guild?
If you plan to rp your glitterbug will you be wanting to know when rp threads are open?

Option 2 (normal custom)
You choose --- Any colorist assigned to Option 2, the gender, colors to be used, patterns, Any of the following 7 Elements
(Earth, Fire, wind, water, Energy, Ice, Spirit)
From Shinju=20k
From Hotaru=15k
If Cosplay is desired add an extra 5K to the total (This does not include line edits only coloring, As of yet none of our staff is able to do human cosplays sorry)

[color=red][b]Option TWO Custom Form[/b][/color]
[b]Colorist Wanted?[/b]
[b]From Shinju or Hotaru?[/b]
[b]Colors to be used?[/b]
[b]-->Body base color[/b]
[b]-->detail color[/b]
[b]-->Eye color[/b]
[b]Patterns to be used? (Have an example? let us see it.)[/b]
[b]Element you want your glitterbug bonded to (pick one of the following)
--->Earth, fire, wind, water, ice, Spirit, Energy[/b]
[b]Name of Glitterbug[/b]
[b]Personality Trait (one word please)
--->Example: happy? Energetic? chaotic? Mysterious?[/b]
[b]Owner(s) Name(s):[/b]
[b]Will you be wanting to join our guild?[/b]
[b]If you plan to rp your glitterbug will you be wanting to know when rp threads are open?[/b]

Option 3 (advanced custom) Currently only available from Shinju stage
You choose the colors/patters, ANY Element, Gender, and one of the three pre-made Glitterbug styles (normal, Sun/healing, or Moon/death) your choice Option 3 colorists.
From Shinju: 40k
From Hotaru: 25k

[color=red][b]Option THREE Custom Form[/b][/color]
[b]Colorist Wanted?[/b]
[b]From Shinju or Hotaru?[/b]
[b]Glitterbug Style? Normal/death/healing?[/b]
[b]Colors to be used?[/b]
[b]-->Body base color[/b]
[b]-->detail color[/b]
[b]-->Eye color[/b]
[b]Patterns to be used? (Have an example? let us see it.)[/b]
[b]Element you want your glitterbug bonded to.[/b]
[b]Name of Glitterbug[/b]
[b]Personality Trait (one word please)
--->Example: happy? Energetic? chaotic? Mysterious?[/b]
[b]Owner(s) Name(s):[/b]
[b]Will you be wanting to join our guild?[/b]
[b]If you plan to rp your glitterbug will you be wanting to know when rp threads are open?[/b]

Custom Slot Openings

--->For Option 1

Winged angel of death

--->For Option 3 and Under

K i z o k u

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What's a bribe?
By my definition a bribe is anything someone uses to gain something they want that they are unable to get by other means. This includes, Items, sealed envelopes, and even Pet trades.

Yes that's right. Unlike most other shops you'll come across I consider pet trades to fall under the bribe section.

How Bribes in This Shop work
If all the of the months colorist customs slots have been used or closed, and you still want a Glitterbug you can always attempt to bribe one of the staff to make one for you, so long as you follow the rules.

Bribe Rules.
1. All Bribes go through ME! THE GLITTERBUGS
2. To fill out a bribe use the custom form that fits the glitterbug style you are wanting.
3. Just because you place a bribe does not mean the bribe will be accepted.
4. DO NOT contact my colorists Directly, doing such once will get you put on my bad list. More than once and you'll be put on the Ugly list, trust me you don't want to go there.
5. JUST LIKE CUSTOMS, no Bribe will be worked on until the trade transactions are completed.

Staff Wishlists

More than likely if you offer something we've listed we'll take you up on your offer. Not always but most of the time.

The Glitterbugs's List

3 sealed envelopes or a pet trade from my wish list (A pet trade from my wish list will get me open even if I'm closed.)

My pet trade wishlist

Helaynee Valley
Land of the Midnight Sun
Kitsusagi Mountain
Gate to Hesperides

Kizoku's List

Items accepted
Price razz rice 1 sealed Envelope for option 1 or 2sealed Envelops for Option2...(OR a Pet trade from the following places.)

Kiz's Pet Trade Wish List

In no particular order:
Efui Expedition
Expresso Kittens
Maneki Neko
Anubii Temple
Realm of Kitsuagi
Numa Numa
I'm open to other shops too, as long as they're not RP required.

Pipicat's List

Items accepted
I can be bribed with pure gold (20k or more depending on how I feel about your request) and/or pet trades.

Pipicats Pet Trade Wish list

The best I am willing to trade for are Lab[305] (I'll give you TWO if you get me one of these!) Solece Scents, A plague doll (from a Season of Plagues), a Incarnation of Spirits, a [R.I.S.E] character, D.Corp, or a .exe, I am open to other suggestions also.

Cryptica~Rose's List
Not open to bribes

winged angel of death's List
Not open to bribes

Bribe Slots

The Glitterbugs

1. Not Open
2. Not Open


1. Kutebare~Kisama
2. Will open after Customs are completed
3. Will open after Customs are completed

PipicatStatus: Closed until custom slots are taken up and finished.
Bribe slots owned.
1.Not open until the slot is purchased.
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Auctions are set up for special or unusual Glitterbugs, To win them you have to have the highest bid at the end of the auction.

Auction Rules

- No disrupting a sale
- Only bid what you have
- If I don't receive the trade in 24 hours, the second highest bidder will win
- Up to two owners may bid together (but the bid must be confirmed by both owners)
- The only items you may bid with are those listed in the Zurg (at low zurg value or Current month letters/Sealed; valued at lowest buy price in the market.
- Do not bribe people to bid more or less.
- Autobuys are allowed, but trade must be sent after the post is made, and pick up date wont be until the auction is over.
- Use the form provided to make a bid.

ID Number:
Items/zurg value:
Total Bid:

No auctions at this time

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Every so often I will be putting on a raffle which will last a week. At the end of the week numbers will be called from a random Generater, to win a glitterbug you must have the corresponding number.
Tickets can be purchased for 100g each.

Raffle Rules

- You may buy as many tickets as you wish.
- Obey the Gaia ToS.
- Be respectful of other users.
- Do not beg, by PMs, or in this thread
- Payment must be sent immediately and the trade complete before you will receive your tickets.
- Refunds will not be given.
- Do not flame other users.
- Do not attempt to bribe others for their pets.
- You may win up to 2 times in a raffle.

To Buy tickets:
Post in the topic in BIG
bold, red writing saying how many tickets you want to buy, and then send the trade to ME! The thread owner. If you do not send the trade within 24 hours for asking for tickets, you will lose your place!

*current Raffles*
None Currently

Past raffle winners
Saint Pattys Day Raffle 3/14/07-3/18/07
Congrats Kutebare~Kisama 1st winner
Congrats XGeminiFaeryX 2nd Winner!

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Occasionally I might have games, or contests running, things like Poetry contest, art contests, Or a monthly event going on. This is where they will be listed.

Easter Egg Hunt Winners!

Day 1:Remicchi Cert
Day 2:Nebulafire Cert
Day 3:Amandagayle32 Cert*Waiting on link

Grand opening winners

1.tsel Cert
2.Kutebare~Kisama Cert

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*Owned by staff*

-= Glitterbug Name - - - Owner - - - Colorist - - - Image =-
Hope -=- Tenshi Shukuya -=- Tenshi Shukuya -=- Cert
Haemon - - - Kizoku - - - Kizoku - - - Cert
Sage -=- Pipicat -=- Pipicat -=-Cert
Rhain -=- Cryptica~Rose -=- Pipicat -=- Cert

User Image
Obtained via Flatsell

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-= STAGE -=- CERT -=- COLORIST -=- NAME -=- OWNER =-

-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Rei -=- Wil_Kandrakar =-
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Tikata -=- Kutebare~Kizama =-
-= Junko -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Sarien -=- DragonEnchantres =-
-= Hotaru-=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Lamia -=- C.h.e.s.h.i.r.e =-
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Thora -=- Phoenix_Dawn_Firebird =-
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Alfie -=- Nightlite =-
-= Junko -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Seamus -=- Greenshamrock =-
-= Junko -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Aya -=- Suki Fairy =-
-= Junko -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Neela -=- Vynnessia =-

-=- Junko -=- cert -=- Pipicat -=- Finbarr -=- tsel =-
-=- Hotaru-=- cert -=- Pipicat -=- Zoen -=- keliptis =- *Waiting on URL
-=- Hotaru-=- cert -=- Pipicat -=- Senkuu -=- wil_kandrakar =- *Waiting on URL
-=- Hotaru -=- cert -=- Pipicat -=- Raj -=- Yaoi_Sephiroth =- *Waiting on URL
-=- Hotaru -=- cert -=- Pipicat -=- Tyggah -=- Chryssta =- *Waiting on URL

-= Hotaru -=- cert -=- Kizuko -=- Darius -=- Capricorn Sunchai =-
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- Kizuko -=- Ayane -=- Keliptis =-
-= Hotaru -=- cert -=- Kizuko -=- Gyokuseki Kou -=- Yorugami =-
-= Junko -=- Cert -=- Kizuko -=- Grant -=- TAPS baby =-
-= Junko -=- Cert -=- Kizuko -=- Oiyo -=- Omiko-bringerofchaos =-
-= Junko -=- Cert -=- Kizuko -=- Adriane -=- Kaitaia =-

-=- Hotaru -=- cert -=- Cryptica~Rose -=- Kisama -=- Kutebare~Kisama =- *Waiting on URL
-=- Hotaru -=- cert -=- Cryptica~Rose -=- Wynne -=- Nebulafire =- *Waiting on URL

-=- Hotaru -=- cert -=- Winged Angel of death -=- Zarina -=- Cryptica~Rose =- *Waiting on URL
-=- Hotaru -=- cert -=- Winged Angel of death -=- Yeratu -=- Omiko-bringerofchaos =- *Waiting on URL

-= Hotaru -=- cert -=- -sebi the lost- -=- Blaze -=- Hot n Devilish =-

User Image
Custom Ordered

User Image
-= STAGE -=- CERT -=- COLORIST -=- NAME -=- OWNER =-

-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- Kizuko -=- Takatashi -=- Kutebare~Kisama =-
-= Hotaru -=- cert -=- Pipicat -=- Sunburst -=- NightLite =-
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- Kizuko -=- Kira -=- SunfireDemon =-
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- Kizuko -=-Estarion -=- Lady Aria Starstone =-
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- pipicat -=-Kakai Aisu -=- Master Wild Mage =-
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- Kizoku -=-Getsuei Shirezu -=- Yorugami =-

User Image
Obtained Via Event or Raffle

User Image
-= STAGE -=- CERT -=- COLORIST -=- NAME -=- OWNER =-

-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=-Amisis -=- tsel =-
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- kizoku -=- Makoto -=- Kutebare~Kisama
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- kizoku -=- Amisis -=- XGeminiFaeryX
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Lucifer -=- Kutebare~Kisama
-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- Kizoku -=- Buggie -=- Amandagayle32
-=- Junko -=- Cert -=- Cryptica~Rose -=- Sai -=- Remicchi
-=- Plushie/Flurtle -=- Cert -=- T.S. -=- Lola -=- NebulaFire -=-

User Image
Obtained Via Bribe/Trade

User Image
-= STAGE -=- CERT -=- COLORIST -=- NAME -=- OWNER =-

-= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- Kizuko -=- Chikao -=- Kutebare~Kisama =-
heart -= Hotaru -=- Cert -=- kizuko -=- Koko -=- Chenali =-

User Image
Obtained Via Auction

User Image
-= STAGE -=- CERT -=- COLORIST -=- NAME -=- OWNER =-
-=- Shinju -=- Cert -=- Pipicat -=- Armani -=- SunfireDemon =-
-=- Shinju -=- Cert -=- Pipicat -=- Yong -=- Kutebare~Kisama =-

-=- Shinju -=- Cert -=- kizuko -=- Zander -=- Saphria201 =-
-=- Shinju -=- Cert -=- kizuko -=- Lilly -=- NightLite =-

-=- 4/5 -=- Cert -=- Winged Angel of Death -=- Adria -=- Lady Aria Starstone

User Image

IF and when this becomes to big of a list, this info will be transfered to a page in the guild forum.
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-=Guild News=-
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This section of this shop is dedicated to those owners who are also members of the Glitterbug guild, a place for both roleplay and OOC chat and games.
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-=Breeding Slots=-
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Breeding slots: While Not open at this time only Guild members who RP are allowed to breed their Glitterbugs, Breeding information found in Guild.

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-=Current Roleplay Threads=-
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Roleplay: Interested in Roleplaying? New to the concept of it all? Have no fear! I'm an old school roleplayer, been roleplaying online for over 17 years, obviously I'm in my later 20's anyways, as a result I come from a class of roleplayers that understand that not everyone knows the rules, and that they not only need to be taught how to roleplay, but encouraged to open up. As a result I like to foster this kind of feeling in my guild and try really hard to make this possible. Make sure you read the rules first though, of both the subform and then the thread you are interested in. ^_^ You MUST have a Journal for your Pet in order to Roleplay it.

--->There are Currently Two Structured Roleplay Threads Opened to Roleplayers.

"The Travelers Temple" Hosted By Our Game Master Capricorn Sunchai, and "Kitadake" Newly started and Hosted by our Head GM Kutebare~Kisama.
Check them out!!

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-=Guild Games=-
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Games: Kute's started a game!!! And there's a prize. To find out what the prize is Check out the OOC Game forum of the Guild.

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-=Guild Link=-
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The Glitterbug NEW Guild Just Click the link to go there

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User Image

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User Image

If you wish to be affiliated with me PM me the url, Any images that aren't 88px by 31px or 200px by 40px will be turned into a text based link for your shop.

--->88px by 31px<---
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Katakin Islands
Aether dreams
Shaoilin Woods

Because Some of these places have events.. That change, forcing their banner and location to change.. I'll list those below. They will only be around as long as the events are around.
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