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At YoUr SeRvIcE!

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It was a very clammy day in May.. Five children were around two tombs.. These five are siblings of a
couple who just died due to a freak accident. All thinking that they now have to start from nothing
since their parents died and they left nothing for them.. A small amount of money and that's about it..
All decided to find a job and stop schooling to support themselves..
Several days passed and the siblings got a call from an unknown person, telling them to go to Maple Hotel for they are chosen by their grandfather to inherit his wealth. Uncaring whether the call is prank or not, the five siblings indeed went to Maple Hotel to meet their savior..
True enough.. As their lives
were starting to look dark and worthless, a savior indeed came..
In the persona of a woman in.. Maid's uniform?!


Welcome to another one of my RP entitled "At your service!" The story revolves around ten characters.. Five males, who also happened to be siblings and five females who will serve as their personal maids. The next few posts shall explain the rules of the RP, character profiles and other RP related things.. If you have reached this part of the Introduction, then thanks a lot for reading and I hope that this RP will bring you much enjoyment! Once again welcome to "At your service!"

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As the five stared at the woman, she gave a calm smile and bowed. "I'm so sorry to haste you young masters but we have to leave now.. Your vehicle is awaiting outside.." She simply said and showed the five siblings the way. What they saw amazed them. The vehicle the woman mentioned happened to be a helicopter. She once again turned around as the helicopter opened to reveal a very spacious room inside. "Please watch your step as you go in.." The five stepped in only to receive another bow from a raven haired female in maid's clothes and she then sat at the cockpit area, reeving up the helicopter's engine.

The five remained silent as they neared their new home. The woman once again smiled. "Kindly look outside the windows, young masters.." Which they did and once more they are surprised by what they saw. The place was surrounded by lush green environment. Huge fountain adorned the middle of the estate and the mansion itself was humongous.. The woman once again laughed slightly as one of the masters asked the reason on why they have such a huge house when there's only seven of them living in there?

"Seven?" She asked. "Young masters, you have almost a hundred and fifty maids in your hands right now.. All are knowledgeable in their fields and are willing to serve you.." She explained and as soon as the helicopter's door opened, indeed, the said maids were there. They are way beyond shocked. They are the only males who will be living in the place. The two woman stepped down first and the pilot lined in with the maids who are the same uniform.

"Welcome to your new home, young masters.." She started and bowed once more. "Sorry for the late introduction.. My name is Lillith, the head maid.. We are specially chosen women and went intensive training to be a world class maids.. We are the Tenabayashi Maids.. At your service.." She ended and gave a low bow of courtesy.

"We are Tenabayashi Maids.. At your service!" The others echoed and followed Lillith's actions.

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At YoUr SeRvIcE!

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A note before I start the actual rules.. Even though this is a master-maid RP, I definitely don't encourage slave relationships.. Masters (whoever will get the part) do not have any right to excessively order the maids around and give sexually implicit orders.. If your reason is to add spice to the story, then be more creative and write them in a non-offensive manner.. Whips, etc. are not accepted and if I ever see anyone use such items for reasons which exceeds the PG-13 rating, I will definitely ban you from this RP.. Romance is encouraged but cybering is not! Get that in your head..


o0o No god-moding.. You cannot kill people nor kick people out without my knowledge..
o0o PM your profile to me. If you wanted to be a "Pre-made" character, just type in the character's name, you personal maid (which you will choose at the pre-made maids part) and a sample RP. If it is a made-up character, look at the "Made-up Profiles" application.
o0o Place the word "Coolies" as subject title of your PM
o0o Respect other RPers
o0o Romance is a must
o0o Perversity is allowed but make sure not to be too descriptive of it nor place in any censorial body parts
o0o Keep everything PG-13.. No more!
o0o Cybering is not allowed here nor in Gaia.. If you want to take your urges into RP, take then somewhere
o0o No leech, chat speaks and one-liners allowed
o0o Use (( )) / [ ] / [[ ]] or whatever symbol which indicates OOC and no * * for actions
o0o Feel free to PM me of other problems and suggestions
o0o This is a long-term RP.. So don't simply leave after a few posts. I hate it..
o0o This is a LITERATE RP.. Meaning, no posts less than five sentences..
o0o Have fun!

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Pre-made Guys:

Name: Shingo Tenabayashi
Played by: Malice_Knight
Age: 22
Personality: Mysterious and seldom talks. He prefer to stay silent and keep his thoughts to himself rather than voice out his opinion. Being the eldest (and most responsible of the five), he automatically took charge of his brother's antics and life. Very patient and virtuous.. Actually.. Too virtuous that he never even had a girlfriend once. Women do fawn over him but he has this certain personality he want to see in his future girlfriend.. She should have the ability to throw him off-guard..
Personal Maid: Joan
Appearance: Shingo Pic

Name: Leon Tenabayashi
Played by: Rei Shiraishi
Age: 20
Personality: Simply put.. Definitely Shingo's dark half.. Overly easy-going and does not care about anything.. Well.. He does care about a few things.. Girls.. Girls.. Girls.. And girls.. The most lax of the five brothers, but then.. What he lacks in etiquette, he makes up in logic, intellect and books. Behind his playboy facade, Leon is the smartest of the five. Currently a computer science student, he is a whiz at technology and computers. Fave past time: Playing games and surfing.. Um.. Sites.. Very far from the geek type persona and having the wolf-like appeal, his siblings cannot understand why women still go after him..
Personal Maid: Haruna
Appearance: Leon Pic

Name: Tetsu Tenabayashi
Played by: needles to kill with
Age: 19
Personality: The born music lover. Tetsu is a part-time guitarist of a band which plays at a bar every Friday nights. His earnings was saved to buy yet another guitar or whatever musical instrument he yearned. Not the shy type when it comes to women.. He likes women.. As much as birds love cats.. Unlike Leon and Shingo, Tetsu finds women irritating and noisy.. He had a fair share of experience when he went out once with Leon and he literally have to crawl out of the bar to escape the clutching hand of Leon's girl friends. He never did say that he disliked women.. He was simply irritated by them. Quite short-tempered and impatient, Tetsu was shunned by women in the fear of being embarrassed. Tetsu did once said to Leon: 'I want my woman to prove that she's not a whiny little girl.. Unlike your.. Never mind..
Personal Maid: Pandora
Appearance: Tetsu Pic

Name: Akira Tenabayashi
Played by:
Age: 18
Personality: The most shy of the five. Akira have this certain awkwardness when he faces women. He tend to get tongue-tied, blushes and fidget, leading the woman to misinterpret that he likes her. Being the main mediator between Tetsu and Leon, Akira is quite well-built, thus making him the captain of their campus' basketball organization. Sports-minded and very energetic.. As long as there aren't any women in the scene.. Once, the guys took him to a bar unknowingly and told him that they are going to watch a movie.. Unsurprisingly (to the four), he passed out from nervousness, earning a high glee from women, thinking that the action is cute.. Go Figure..
Personal Maid: Lillith
Appearance: Akira Pic

Name: Akito Tenabayashi
Played by:
Age: 18
Personality: Akira's twin. Not exactly twin but fraternal twin. Akito loved to play around with his hair. Not that he's gay but he simply love to dye his hair. A former member of a fraternity, Shingo was able to talk some senses into Akito to quit the fraternity. A fight freak and a normal school day would not end without him indulging into a fight. As much as Akira act as mediator between Tetsu and Leon, Akito always challenges his twin for a fight, only to get ignored.. Unless he challenged Tetsu which he refuses to do..
Personal Maid: Angelli
Appearance: Akito Pic


Name: Lillith Arueno
Played by: Kei_chan
Age: 18
Personality: She works at the mansion as the head maid and at the same time, takes care of the mansion's infirmary. She took a special course on nursing and was mainly assigned by the previous owner at the Physical Health Department. A very simply lady with very simple personality. A bit tomboyish in outlook. She doesn't believe that women should always follow what men says. Lillith is the type of person other maids go to for advises. Rumor say that Lillith was specially taken care of by the family to serve the five young masters.. She did vowed that whoever her master will be, she will do her best to obey him.. But he should not think that he has she under her power..
Department: Physical Health
Master: Akira
Appearance: Lillith Pic

Name: Angelli Garcia
Played by: Harlequiin
Age: 17
Personality: Lillith's closest friend in the palace. She mainly heads the food department. Of course, a great chef and knows variety of dishes.. From American dishes to Exotic ones.. Her specialty is on desserts and sweets. Maids often drop by the kitchen to taste her cooking and she willingly oblige. Angelli came from Spain and was raised by her mom to continue her work at the mansion. Angelli didn't ask any questions but simply obeyed her mom, thinking that her dreams of becoming a great chef is as good as hers if she worked at the mansion. Very soft spoken and shy. A little bit awkward with guys and often needs Lillith when talking to someone from the opposite sex.
Department: Food/Cook
Master: Akito
Appearance: Angelli Garcia

Name: Pandora Mimasaka
Played by: Harlequenne
Age: 18
Personality: The mansion's tech whiz. she deals with all electricity and technology problem the mansion will face. Most of the time, she works with the security department to enhance and improve the mansion's security. Security and loves to daydream. During her free time, she can be seen along the garden, reading book. The smartest of the five maid heads and the logical one. At the age 18, people often come to her for deep political issue. Before the five young masters, Pandora works as the main master's adviser. One thing can set her rage going though.. Never.. Ever.. Call her Pandy..
Department: Information Technology
Master: Tetsu
Appearance: Pandora Mimasaka

Name: Joan Smith
Played by: proud2bepinoy aka camz
Age: 20
Personality: From sound of her name, Joan Smith is someone you don't want to get into bad terms with.. She came from a highly trained military school and was hired by the Tenabayashi family as their main security personnel. Aside from martial arts, Joan masters a lot of defensive and offensive skills. Quite cold and impersonal when you first know her but as time passes.. Well.. She is still a bit impersonal.. Very loyal to the family and dedicated her life for the protection of the family. Seldom talks and no one really knows her past.. Aside from Pandora (since she works at the I.T. department, it is a must for her to know all of the personnel's background).. Serious, stern and she hates perverts.. That's Joan.
Department: Security
Master: Shingo
Appearance: Joan Smith

Name: Haruna Tenoh
Played by: Lady_Kagalie
Age: 19
Personality: Haruna was gievn the household department to manage. Household chores (aside form cooking) are assigned for her to supervise. She is very dedicated with her work and acts more than a mom when cleanliness is the subject. For a woman, Haruna is very aggressive and short-tempered. Very frank and speaks what's on her mind. She seldom let people make decisions for her. A very independent woman who would think that no one is boss. She is what we called 'A woman who is difficult to handle'..
Department: Main household
Master: Leon
Appearance: Haruna Pic


To those who wants to take a part of the pre-made characters, simple send me a PM with a subject tag of 'Coolies' with the following:
o0o Character Name
o0o Gaian Name
o0o Personal Maid [ For masters only. Choose from the five available maids ]
o0o A Sample RP entry (yes.. you have to type for me to see is you're literate or not..)

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To those who wants to take a part of the made-up characters, simply send me a PM with a subject tag of 'Coolies' with the following:
[b]Played by:[/b]
[b]Gender:[/b] [Male | Female ]
[b]Sexual Preference:[/b] [ Straight | Bi | Leas | Gay ]
[b]Personality:[/b] [ Minimum of 7 sentences. No phrases.. Give full sentences people.. ]
[b]Position:[/b] [ Master | Maid | Others ]
[b]Department:[/b] [Only applies for maids ]
[b]Appearance:[/b] [ Only links or detailed description are allowed ]
[b]Role:[/b] Explain what part he/she will play in the RP[/size]

Additional notes though:
o0o The reason why I placed the role part is primarily for the reason to avoid having us wander far along the context of the RP.. The made-up character should have something to do with the main 10 characters.. Friends, cousins, ex, whatever.. Again.. The character should have something to do with the 10 main characters
o0o We only accept up to 5 made-up characters.. No more no less.. That is unless we find this new person worth adding into the story..
o0o Sample RP (link or actual typed sample) is needed for me to check on your RP abilities

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03.20.2004 RP OPEN! We are now accepting RPers!
(( *Sings the hanaukyo maid theme song... kind of... well really just more of a humming...* ))

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(( *Sings the hanaukyo maid theme song... kind of... well really just more of a humming...* ))

((Lolz exactly.. I find that anime cute blaugh -Sings- ))
(( Paired with Shingo, who'd go best to complement him or to create a more interesting future. Lillith, Angelli or Joan. I'm thinking the pairing between him and Pandora will cause some troubles, mainly on his side which can be comical, but ultimately there's something I don't feel comfortable on this pairing, and as for the pairing between him and Haruna, there's some chemistry that can be born from it, but I feel that kind of maid won't suit him all too well. ))
(hmm his thoughts are well noted. They are all so different but you never know)

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