Welcome to Gaia! ::

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In recent days, a seemingly random
group of individuals has emerged with
what can only be described as
"special" abilities.
Although unaware of it now, these
individuals will not only save the
world, but change it forever. This
transformation from ordinary to extraordinary will not occur overnight.
Every story has a beginning.

Their epic tale begins here...


April 23, 2007 The Raffle is now open! It'll be ending right as the day goes over to May 1st next monday, so get your tickets now!

April 21, 2007 Welcome Lady Vincira to the team! ^^ She'll be our RP manager, kicking your behinds into gear, and she's also volunteered graciously to do guest art for us so that we can have a raffle on Monday, so be looking for it! ^^

March 30, 2007 There is a Questor section Here in the guild. It's been there for a while, but I guess it wasn't officially announced. Just mention that you're a questor and you will get accepted to join.

March 29, 2007 Muse is Here!

February 9, 2007 We have a Guild! Yay!

February 5, 2007 - Congrats to the Winners of the flatsale, DizzyKat, AgentKaz, Kitari_Silverblade, BlackChrono, and Miliardo Kason!

February 3, 2007 - The flatsale ends tonight!! There's only one character that hasn't had an entry, too. You've only got a day left!

January 28, 2007 - The flatsale has been extended due to the fact that we only got two entries! It will now run to next Saturday, February 3.

January 23, 2007 - The flatsale will now run thorugh Saturday the 27th. Judging will begin on Sunday.

January 22, 2007 - The flatsale is Here! It will run through Friday the 26th.

January 21, 2007 - Is everyone ready for the return of Heroes? :3 Don't forget, there's a flatsale coming up, too.

January 13, 2007 - The Stages descriptions are updated! They may go through some more changes over the next few days but they are now more generalized and user-friendly ^^

January 11, 2007 - I've been updating the FAQ like mad in preparation for the flatsale and due to -awesome- questions by Viewers Like You! Please feel free to keep asking questions, as they help me expand on the world so there'll be less confusion later on. Also, expect the official Story relatively soon. ^^

There is also a Questor Thread! To temporarily house quests for those interested in posting them.

January 9, 2007 - Whether you've been with us from the interest thread or are just joining us here on this thread, keep an eye on the front page! There have been a lot of additions and changes over the past few days as we keep improving everything and counting down to the day of the flatsale. Things will probably continue to change so make sure you're up to date. ^^ The first example of a character "file" and cert is now viewable on Ashling Deevy's File.

January 6, 2007 - First Flatsale begins on January 22! (Yes, it is purposefully coinciding the day Heroes returns to TV) Don't miss it.

*The staff of Dawn of Heroes did not write this. Please see credits.
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1: Introduction & News
2: You are Here! (ToC)
3: Story
4: Factions
5: Stages
6: Growth Requirements
7: Opportunities
8: Characters
9: Taken/Suggested Powers
10: Rules
11: Black/White List, FAQ
12: Staff Post
13: “Quests” / Important Plotlines
14: Links/Link to Us
15: Credits
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The “Good” - Run by ________ . This faction believes in peaceful relations with the ‘regulars’. Their primary goals are to help their fellow ‘mutants’ learn to control their powers and use them effectively in society.

The Order of the Serpent aka The “Bad” - Run by Ashling Deevy. The members of the Order believe that they are superior genetically to the ‘regulars’. They will help you learn to control your abilities, but only because it will help them further their own goals. Most of your training will be self-directed with some help from the faction.
Once you have been accepted into the Order, you are required to get the Order's symbol as a tattoo somewhere on your body that is easily shown to prove your membership (this could be on the neck beneath hair, on the ankle where a sock could hide it, etc). The exact number of membership is known only to the leaders of the faction; Professor Deevy and two others in his close confidence.

The “Other” - this is individual. These are people that choose not to ally with either side. They may be trying to live their lives normally and learn to control their abilities on their own, or they may simply be looking to take a different view or start their own Vigilante actions. Most characters will start out as this.

Locations will vary, and there may indeed be several central locations in the end. Do not worry about where your character starts out at-- there are all sorts of ways your character would end up meeting with others if you want them to, and all that has to be done to arrange it is a PM to the staff.
Currently, there are characters who live in Denver, Colorado and in New York City. Other countries are also valid locations for your character.
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Stage 1:
This stage is purely for the development of character and will be fairly short. Most of the RPs will be solo or NPC RPs because your character will not have discovered their power yet. In this stage you familiarize yourself with your own character, building on their personality and getting in touch with 'who' they are beforehand so that you'll know how to roleplay their reaction when the powers develop. They are not likely to meet many people with powers until the shop becomes larger because of the scattered locations of both factions and other characters. It's possible, however, that they will. If your character becomes interested in the mutations and investigates (later on when there are more rumours), or if they happen to live near another character, there's no reason they shouldn't meet up. If they don't live in a location with another character, however, and don't have any reason to be there, they wouldn't meet other 'power-holding' individuals.

Stage 2:
Your character's power has begun to surface, and will show its face for good or ill. (IE: an individual with fire abilities may start setting things on fire on accident) The characters may or may not start to search for others with powers and it's possible they could meet others with powers. Depending on how they react to the surfacing of the powers, the factions may begin to search and contact them as early as this stage. The roleplaying, however, may continue just as it did during stage 1 if the character decides to hide it. This stage will be longer than the last and will involve a lot of RP whether solo, with an NPC, or with other characters.

Stage 3:
When they reach this stage, your character will have a huge boost in power. This could happen several different ways depending on the ability itself. These newfound powers are forces that could drive them insane or maybe even kill them, if they don't have a strong will to survive.
The factions will begin to pursue your character more earnestly and your character must decide whether they will join the bad, good, or one of the many neutral factions, or even become rogue.
Along with the factions, they will have to start to learn how to control their powers and gain more stability in them. This includes finding reasons and ways that they work their powers if these things interest them. It is possible for a character to try to retain a normal life after this, but it may be very, very difficult to mask their abilities, particularly if the explosion creates a public scene they will have to somehow explain.
This stage will be the longest, to keep things realistic, and will involve heavy RPing.

Stage 4:
This stage will only occur once a character has gained control over their powers. There will be few if any of the power bursts that occured during stage 3. (IE: when something major is going to happen a precog may see a vision about it, but they won't have sudden visions walking down the street.) There will be heavy interaction with a faction if they are involved, and with other individuals with power. The Rogue individuals will probably take much longer to reach this stage since they are learning on their own.

There may be a Stage 5 later on that involves the 'elite' team that is the version of the X-men we come up with, but there may also not be such a thing.
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Stage 1 -> Stage 2
Must have put forth at least 1 new rp every week to prove activity. Should have developed a basic character personality, which has been indicated on the front of your file thread. This transition should take up to a month at the longest, a few weeks at the shortest. We don’t want you moving on until you’ve proved to us you’ll be sticking around in the long run. In order to start the transition, you must rp with NPCs created by the shopowner or staff at least twice, including one where they find out their abilities.

Stage 2 –> Stage 3
Must have put forth again at least 1 new rp every week, whether solo or with another character or NPC. You must have at least two posts regarding thoughts on your new abilities and what you are going to do with them. You may or may not have posts with faction leaders if you decide to advertise your abilities in any way to any person (trust can be betrayed, afterall). You will transition by arranging an rp with the shop owner or a staff member that indicates how your power explodes and who is there to catch you when you fall. If you are a faction member, or intend to become a member of a particular faction, the leader from that faction must be present. This can take anywhere from one to two months.

Stage 3 –> Stage 4
You must have at least 1 new rp every week to prove your dedication, whether solo or group. You must rp with your faction leader at least twice, if you have one. There must be at least 5 rp’s involving your reaction to your new out-of-control powers and your attempts to control them. 2 of these rps should be incidents that could possibly be noticed by others around you. Your final rp will be a test of your ability to control your powers, so make sure you’ve worked out how your character –does- it. This can be attempted more than once, but on the second failure you will be required to take some time for just rping until you get the hang of your powers. After a couple of weeks you’ll be able to try again.

Stage 4 –> Stage 5
*If applicable in the future
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Price- 20k each

Next Opportunity: Unknown

Price- starts at 50k

Next Opportunity: Unknown

Price- Varies

Next Opportunity: April 23, 2007

Special Events
Price- Varies, usually minimal if there is one at all

Next Opportunity: Unknown

Slots Open/Price
Pending artist information

REMINDER -- your concept must be approved by the shop. We will work with you to get it to what you want, but just because it's a custom doesn't mean you have free reign. All the usual rules about powers and such apply.

--My customs will start from about 50K depending on complexity.

Customs currently closed: Start at 50k

Amy D

Custom Form
Character Name:
Powers: (subject to staff approval)
Physical Appearance: (don't forget details!)
Other Important Notes:
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Name / Affiliation / Played by / File (Cert)

Ashling Deevy / "Baddie" / Drakochan / File
"Muse"/ Neutral / Shiaree / File
Tabitha Konstantin / Neutral / Starcrosser / File
/ ??? / Amy D / File
/ "Goodie" / Lady_Vincira / File

Auria, Catarina / Unaffiliated / Dizzy_Kat / File
Drake, Catherine / Unaffiliated / Kitari_Silverblade / File
Griffin, Jade “Tracker” / Unaffiliated / Shiaree / File
Parkerson, Greg / Unaffiliated / AgentKaz / File
Rhodes, James / Unaffiliated / BlackChrono / File
Tailor, Marcus / Unaffiliated / Milliardo Kason / File
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Taken and Suggested Powers

As a note, powers will be limited, ultimately. General categories will be allowed at most three of each, and specific abilities only one, possibly two if you convince the staff. Those on the taken list are not usable unless indicated.

·Elemental Manipulation - Air (2)
·Elemenatal Manipulation - Fire (2)
·Precognition (2)
·Telepathic ‘sensing’ of the locations of others through contact with an item the other has touched. (0)
·Dream Manipulation via the manipulation of subconscious thought. (0)
·Transmitting thoughts/receiving thoughts (1- only for receiving thoughts. This will only be granted under very special circumstances/restrictions, so contact me before trying it.)
·Reverse Entropy (0)
·Elemental Manipulation- Plants (1)
·Telekinesis (2)
·Telepathic Broadcasting of thoughts (1)

* (#) = number of times this power can be used again

Suggestions: (for those of you who can’t come up with something, or want an idea of the sort of thing we’re looking for)

Mentally/Telepathically based:

(Currently not accepting any more telepaths)

·Hearing others' thoughts
·Seeing the past through an object/person contact
·Location of ‘mutants’ through mind-body search
·Precognition via (insert method here)
·Telepathically able to locate particular parts of the nervous system/brain and activate them (most likely pain/pleasure sensors. Potentially also the memory. Activation of these. Manipulation of memory would be very very limited and please PM Shiaree before even thinking about trying this.)
·Telepathic reading of others’ emotional states via thought (Empathy)

State of Being:
·Rapid Cell regeneration
·Spontaneous (uncontrolled) regeneration
·Immunity to poisons, or diseases, or physical injury
·Enhanced physical state (strength, hearing, sight, speed etc)

Cellular manipulation (Internal):
·Dispersal and re-grouping of cells in a different location (teleportation)
·Dispersal and re-grouping of cells in a different temporal location (time manipulation of self, possibly another)
·Adjustment of cellular components, minor (changing texture of skin, etc)
·Adjustment of cellular components, major (morphing into a different shape, whether animate or inanimate)
·Cellular manipulation of movement (telekinesis)

Cellular manipulation (External):
·Adjustment of cellular components, external minor (changing the texture of another object, whether animate or inanimate, but not the shape)
·Adjustment of cellular components, external major (changing the shape, either animate or inanimate, of an external object, whether animate or inanimate)

Elemental Abilities: Any of these abilities used ‘generally’ will be more limited in their scope. If it is more specific, it will be able to be used more efficiently and more powerfully. IE: If you use air manipulation, you can create strong whirlwinds easily, or you can fly, create whirlwinds, and generally manipulate air into forms with less effect.

·Manipulation of Air (general, or specified into categories IE: Flight, Whirlwinds, or general manipulation of air into specific forms)
·Manipulation of Fire (general, or specified into categories IE: Creation of Flame, Manipulation of existing flames either into form or growth)
·Manipulation of Water (general, or specified into categories IE: Creation of Rain, etc)
·Manipulation of Earth (General, or specified into categories IE: creation of earthquakes etc)
·Manipulation of Weather (this encompasses areas from all the other categories, and falls into the ‘general’ section mentioned above.)
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OOC Rules:
·No Drama.
·Don’t whine, don’t cry, don’t be stupid. You’ll be kicked if you are.
·If you don’t win in a flatsale, try again in the next, rather than putting up a stink.
·If you don’t like the way something is handled, PM Shiaree about it. Don’t start trouble.
·If you don’t like someone else…get over it. Don’t let it affect your roleplay, or the staff will affect you.
·If you and a player have an actual problem that needs to be solved, PM ·Shiaree about it and she will mediate. Otherwise, keep your OOC problems OOC and out of the shop.
·Please be coherent, even if your character wouldn’t be. We don’t care if you decide to be somewhat IC when you’re posting, but people don’t want to have to think carefully to figure out what you’re saying.
· Please limit yourself to acquiring only two characters. If you need another one for whatever reason, bring it up with Shiaree and it will be discussed.

Flatsale Rules:
·All payments and trades must be completed within 24 hours of the end of the flatsale.
·Do not insult other entrants in the flatsale. It's just silly, and likely to put you on the staff's bad side. There's a possibility that your OOC politeness or lack thereof will be taken into account when we're judging if you make an impression on us. Good or bad.
·Grammar, spelling, and other nitpicky stuff is not as important as content! Like it says in the RP rules, try to keep as coherent as possible, and if you feel like you need it, use a word processor to look over your entry before you post it. But remember: We won't turn you down just because you haven't got a perfect entry.

IC Rules:
·What you know, and the guy next to you knows…your character probably doesn’t. Unless they were told it. Don’t pretend like they have even an inkling unless there’s a reason for it. Only characters with the power of telepathy should have telepathy.
·Keep OOC stuff OOC.
·Do not move others’ characters. At all. You will be in trouble if you try it. Let them move their characters. Unless, y’know, you’re saying that you noticed them breathing or something. That’s okay.
·Type coherently. A few typos and misspellings are human. If you feel you have a large problem, use a word processing program like Appleworks or Microsoft Word. But chatspeak is not excusable. Especially in character.
·Try to keep plot-centered. This isn't some intergalactic war between good and evil. Most of the characters are just normal people with extraordinary powers!
·This is an RP-heavy shop! If you need to leave for more than a week, let the staff know if at all possible. It doesn't take long to hop on Gaia and send the shop mule a quick "I'll be away for a few weeks" PM.
·Only one power is allowed per character. No exceptions.
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White List:
Empty right now.

Black List:
Also Empty. Keep it this way!

This will be expanded as needed.

Q: How do I get one?
A: See the opportunities post! It has all flatsale, auction, raffle, event, and custom information!

Q: But I don't have the money... Can I just pay you a little now and the rest later?
A: There is a policy regarding this, but we'd really prefer you give the money all up front.

Q: I didn't win the flatsale! I'm going to whine at you until you change your mind!
A: This is a good way to get blacklisted, because it's annoying and the staff have a lot of stuff to do.

Q: Can I use my character's art for other RPs?
A: No! The art should only be used for purposes relating to the shop. If you want a signature-friendly cert, we will probably be designing one soon! The artists work hard on these characters and it's inconsiderate to their time and effort to use the art elsewhere.

Q: How much are Customs?
A: Each artist has their own price, set by them according to their availability, time consumption, and just generally what's fair.

Q: Well, what if the power I want is taken and isn't marked as available?
A: Tough luck, compadre. No, really, if you must argue your point, PM Shiaree or one of the other staff and we will negotiate with you. If you convince us, we might let you use the power, but otherwise, skim the list. There's sure to be something similar that you could use! We (the staff) will try to help you out if it's in our power.

Q: What's up with your certs?
A: They look plain at first, but they're all image maps! Each item on it will lead a curious viewer to different information. The notecard with profile information leads to a character's file, the photo leads to a full size image of the character, the affiliation symbol leads to the HQ of their Faction, and the played by line will lead you to a Gaian profile. Anywhere else leads you back here, to the main shop thread.

Q: What do you mean by "locations will vary"?
A: You can start off in any location in the world. Even other countries

Q: Okay, but what if I want to switch locations?
A: If you want to go to another location for whatever reason, particularly locations that are more central (IE: Colorado, NYC, etc) then all you'll have to do is talk with us GMs and we'll help you figure out some sort of plotline to get your character there.

Q: But why not just have everyone start off in the same place?
A: It gives it a bit more realism. There's not going to be a genetic anomaly that effects only one city. o.O It'd be more likely to be really widespread.

Q: Won't it limit RP a lot, particularly in the first stage where you don't have your powers yet, and so wouldn't be spotted by recruiters?
A: The first stage will, it's true, likely be a lot of NPC and solo RP. At least until the character finds out their powers 'n stuff. All the staff will RP NPCs, though. Plus, the first stage is probably going to be fairly short. We just want to make sure you're in it for the long run.

Q: What if something doesn't work very well?
A: We'll find a way to change it. <3 We want this shop to be flexible enough to fix its own mistakes. If something just isn't working, it'll be adjusted. Don't throw a fit if you don't like the change; there will always be a good reason behind it.

Q: Can I have more than one power?
A: Only one actual ability is allowed. It's possible, however, that your ability can work in multiple ways. For instance, it's possible that a telepath's abilities can do more than just read thoughts. In fact, they may not be able to read thoughts at all, but their telepathy works in another way. They could use it to draw information from the subconscious, and this would allow them to do things like learn any language (via sucking the thoughts directly from the language-speaker's mind) and learn other book-knowledge quickly.

Q: How much power can I have?
A: Try to keep it fairly moderate. We don't want any god-moding going on. Your powers will have to be approved by the staff. You may only have two different linking abilities that have large effect (IE: Controlling an element to a large degree) though it's possible we might allow multiple tiny insignificant powers.

Q: What do I have to do to get my powers approved?
A: In order to gain approval, you must PM the staff account or Shiaree with the full extent of your ability. I understand that you may want to keep this from your fellow RPers, and you may want to develop the powers slowly, but we have to know where you intend to go beforehand so you can't add in little things that aren't approved later on. Think of it as a contract. If we feel the powers aren't explained enough, we may try to get with you through PM or AIM to work out some more detail. Don't be afraid to contact us with your ideas, we're more than happy to help!

Q: Can I have all sorts of crazy high-tech gadgets like James Bond or Batman?
A: Probably not. Remember, this RP is going for Realism. Unless you manage to write a really amazingly well thought out character that would realistically have access to that kind of technology, and have really good explanations as to how you know it exists, or how it would exist (IE: How it could be made, etc) then it's probably not going to be acceptable.

Q: Since this is an RP heavy shop do I have to be an amazing writer?
A: It will give you an advantage in a flatsale, to be perfectly honest, but there will be other events, and you can also get a custom if you want one that badly. A decent grasp of grammar and writing is always appreciated by those you RP with, of course.

Q: Can I have (insert cosplay character here) as my Hero?
A: The short answer is essentially no. You cannot have cosplays in this shop, precisely. You can, however, work with the shop owner and/or staff to create a character that is -similar- to another character, but fits better within the given world and limitations. Heroes characters are off-limits in and of themselves, but you could create a character that is very similar in abilities and possibly personality to one on the show. These have to be approved, however.
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Shiaree - Shop Concept, Owner, RP Manager
Your friendly neighborhood supergirl! I'm here for the long run peoples, and I'm excited to be so. I'm the one you want to contact for help with fleshing out your characters-- particularly when it comes to your powers. I have a -lot- of fun thinking about abilities. I'm also nice, I swear, and I -do- have the time for you. I want you to have as much of a chance as you're willing to put in the effort for!

Starcrosser - Artist
What is this elusive beast known as starcrosser? I’m an artist, writer, and roleplayer; sci-fi, superheroes, and fantasy addict. Pleased to make your acquaintance! I’ve gotten involved with Gaia B/C for the roleplay circa summer 2006, and am a college graduate of fine arts. Not only the show Heroes, but most all superhero comics, movies, and games are near and dear to my heart. Strap on your cape (or at least a sturdy pair of boots) and come join us! Gallery Here

Drakochan - Artist, RP Manager
You can call me Drako or Drakochan. I love to read, write, draw, RP, and watch anime, and I've got hopes of becoming a novelist in the future. I'm an admitted House, Heroes, and Supernatural addict, since I watch them religiously every week. I've just gotten started at the B/C Forums but I'm hoping to become a more familiar face at some of the other shops. I don't have a good gallery collection anywhere as of right now, but I do have a DeviantArt account here.
I'll add a list of pets that catch my eye and might be valid for a bribe (if it's okay with Shiaree of course...) for a custom eventually.

Amy D - Artist
I be the resident Amy, notorious for chewing shoes and eating homework. I have a slight obsession for sharks, whales, dolphins, and gorillas (what a selection!) and they are the quickest way to my heart. I'm a bit of an RP (and Heroes) newbie, so you'll have to bear with me as I learn stuff and apply it, but I always love receiving constructive criticism so if you can help me out, feel free to do so ^-^ I've been drawing since I was 5, and am a second-year student on an Illustration and Animation course
My DeviantArt Gallery

Lady Vincira - Rp Manager, Guest Artist, Extraordinary
Hey there all, this is your friendly neighborhood RP Manager speaking, and I'm happy to throw a few curveballs at the characters to get things moving. <3 I've been in Breedables for a few years now and have been a part of numerous shops, and I enjoy writing. When it comes to Heroes.... **Puts on funny fake Southern accent ala Sylar in "Distractions"** ...I guess you could say I'm a bit of a...fan." XD I think I realized I was a really big fan when I got a Ramones shirt...even though I've heard two Ramones songs. XD' I'm into the show, 360, and cast interviews (not to mention the planned replica of Suresh's map for my bedroom wall) - a veritable human Heroes encyclopedia who loves a good talk about the show. <3
My DeviantArt!
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None currently. This will be where all current trials and large plots are indicated for easy access.
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Link to Us:

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"Heroes" is copyrighted to Tim Kring and inspired most concepts in this shop. The text in the introduction was written by the staff of the television series with slight modifications by the Dawn of Heroes staff. Dawn of Heroes claims no rights to that excerpt.

X-men is copyrighted to Marvel and only loosely inspired concepts used by this shop.

Art is copyright the respective artist. Namely: Starcrosser, Drakochan, Amy D, and guest artists.

Concept by Shiaree, please PM her if you want to create something similar.

Certs and Banners designed by Drakochan

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