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Kisa_Hiroshi is the winner of the "Chibi Avi Art" contest! She wins her choice of three black and white pieces of chibi avatar art or one color piece of chibi avatar art! Congrats!!

I will only be accepting gold and Donation Items as payment for tickets. I may accept event items (ie xmas, halloween etc.) but no store items. Don't send me them, as they will not count toward how many tickets you will recieve. Oh, and DI's will be priced by lowest in the MP.

The first 25,000 tickets have been sold! That means there are just under 25,000 tickets remaining in the contest! The time of the drawing is coming up fast, so if want come, come get some!

So I've decided to hold a raffle, a contest of sorts, in order to give away my 2006 Letter set. Yup, one of each letter, form January to December!

The way the raffle works: You buy a number of tickets, pay for them in full, and when I do the draw with the random number generator, if your number gets picked, you get a new trade from me with the prize.

If you don't finish the trade, your name gets take of the list and the tickes get resold. It's a gamble, a lotto. You have to pay to get a chance to win. And remember, all sales are final.

The contest will last untill every last ticket is sold. If the contest happens to go on longer than the xmas event, then I will relocate to a new thread. All tickets/bumps will be retained and you may continue on at the number you left off at.

UPDATE:If you change your username during the life of the contest,you can send me a screen shot of the completed trade we made and we should be able to fix it all up. I've had so many trades, that it's impossible for me to keep track of them all.

If you did/do chance your name and you want your new username on the list, PM me a screen cap of our trade. I'll gladly fix it up for you.

# of Tickets:
There Will be 50,000 Tickets.

They will cost 10g a piece, buy as many as you want! You want 100 tickets, that's 1000g. Simple as that. Just send a trade labeled "I want "X" tickets!" or something like that, and once the trade is complete, your name will be entered into the list!

Date of Draw:
The draw will happen once every ticket is sold. If it happens to go longer than the xmas event, It will be transfered into a new thread in the Lotto Sub Forum of the Exchange. When the winning number is drawn, you will be notifieds via PM, and a trade will be sent! Good Luck!

Here's the part eveyone is looing for.
1st prize - 2006 Letter Set (worth over 300k!)
2nd prize - 50k
3rd prize x2 - 10k each

Bumping Minigame!
Highest bumper gets 10k Pure and a December Leter! Number your bumps, please. The game will end when the prize is drawn. As you know, I am just one person, so I cannot be here 24/7. When I am here, I will be poking through the pages, amking sure you have the # of bumps you say you do. The current winner will be updated whenever I get a chance. If you have a higher # of bumps thanb the person listed below, PM me with the page you stopped bumping on and the number and I'll be sure to fix it all up for you.

Currently winning: Reincarnated Evil - Bump- 1705

Old News:
And thus the X-mas Event came to a close, and my thread went with it. It is Now time to open up a new thread here! I'll be starting the bumping contest over again, from brand new. Congrats to princess_shayera, who won the first contes with well over 1500 Bumps!

Link to old contest thread!

Since this is the 2nd thread for the contest, all previous tickets will remain intact. A link to this thread is posted in the onld contest thread as well! Enjoy ^_^

So I've wasted enough time waiting for more entries in my banner contest. As you can see, I have chose one! The lucky winner is Kami no wakai josei !! She wins 1000 tickets! A 10k value!!!

Chibi art Contest!
Ok, this is how it's gonna go down. There will be a mini draw for some chibi art done by me! 3 in black/white or one in full color! Your choice!

How to enter:
Buy at least 100 tickets in one shot. For every 1k you send in a single trade for buying tickets, you will recieve one slot in the Art Draw. The more tickets you buy for the main contest in one shot, the better your chances are of winning the art draw.

Number of Slots:
There will be 25 slots. When all are gone, or the Ball ends, I'll draw a random number from 1 to 25, and we will have a winner!


01 - 10 = A~Izzy~A
11 - 14 = Kisa_Hiroshi
15 = kutsukisabure
16 - 18 = Kisa_Hiroshi
19 = Caghyre
20 = Kisa_Hiroshi
21 = Kisa_Hiroshi

I've got a second thread going right now as part of the 5th annual ball. Check it out! There was a mini contest (details below) in wich I will be drawing for later today!
Tickets Sold:
00001 - 00150 = chamo
00151 - 00251 = fluffyducky
00252 - 01252 = Daine Salmalin smile
01253 - 01343 = popani_rocks
01344 - 01355 = Panic.Fever
01356 = Pikku-Timppa
01357 - 01457 = zenoxy
01458 - 01468 = ~leng.mui~
01469 - 01479 = Killl
01480 - 01710 = [Amaya Kuroyami]
01711 - 01761 = The.Heartless.Princess.
01762 - 01772 = meatwad06
01773 - 01807 = Mistress_of_Sorrow
01808 - 02008 = Vi Veri
02009 - 02209 = IAmGodMode
02210 - 02410 = TheTweek
02411 - 02451 = Samiuki
02452 - 02471 = Reincarnated Evil
02472 - 02522 = Oleif (pending)
02523 - 02667 = Shaya.aleytys
02668 - 02689 = wowlookizmeagain
02690 - 02700 = Erics_baby
02701 - 02801 = The Rimjob
02802 - 03002 = Kani Dectsani
03003 - 03059 = Nokoyo
03060 - 03410 = zenoxy
03411 - 03416 = Erics_baby
03417 - 03498 = Shaya.aleytys
03499 - 03549 = The Last Original
03550 - 03674 = Mei Ayame
03675 - 03875 = iwantitinyourbutt
03876 - 03918 = ~Silvur~Wolf~
03919 - 03929 = . everlasting memories .
03930 - 04430 = jacobchalice
04431 - 04481 = Shark Queen
04482 - 04510 = Rakdosbabe
04511 - 04521 = Flame2850
04522 - 04622 = Malocide
04623 - 04642 = moonlight_sniper
04643 - 04653 = Hack_Rena
04654 - 04704 = IlimaLocal
04705 - 04735 = ~GhoulScoutGirl~
04736 - 04746 = raindrop
04747 - 04773 = Rogue of Death
04774 - 04784 = kornerpocket
04785 - 04935 = Let_the_Fraggles_play
04936 - 05136 = Temily_Emily
05137 - 05187 = xRyuuTakara
05188 - 05207 = ericakane
05208 - 05408 = Crashnburn_819
05409 - 05414 = Jewelflo
05415 - 05423 = Neffir08
05424 - 05444 = Tallia_Neo
05445 = katana221
05446 - 05546 = linkinparklover_89
05547 - 05647 = Yugure no Tasogare
05648 = Sailor Tin Cat
05649 - 05738 = wowlookizmeagain
05738 - 05888 = . everlasting memories . (oops razz )
05889 - 06247 = Shaya.aleytys
06248 - 06258 = Erics_baby
06259 - 06339 = Shadow_Eclipse533
06340 - 06350 = sassyred25
06351 = Bored-To-Death
06352 - 06354 = iluvpink08
06355 - 06363 = Neffir08
06364 - 06465 = shad0wpupp3tmast3r
06466 - 06486 = mabugirl
06487 - 06687 = Jesie (pending)
06689 - 06789 = b-boy-token
06790 - 06890= Malocide
06891 - 06991 = mei-chan13
06992 - 07002 = Morwen Pendragon
07003 - 07018 = Jadescence
07019 - 07077 = Reincarnated Evil
07078 - 07178 = [~x.CaNdYxFoRxMe.x~]
07179 - 07679 = TheOne2006
07680 - 08705 = Holy_hand_granade
08706 - 09306 = TheOne2006
09307 - 09407 = sylphiana
09408 - 09418 = Glitch Z13
09419 - 09919 = The.Heartless.Princess. (winner of Pg 100 contest)
09920 - 09949 = Neffir08
09950 - 09990 = TheOne2006
09991 - 10041 = mgnc
10042 - 12242 = Eve Nightingale
12243 - 13543 = Mex Dragoon
13544 - 18744 = Kei Iyoku heart
18745 - 18750 = daddygirl241
18751 - 18851 = Luck-In-Spades
18852 - 18870 = Kisa_Hiroshi
18871 - 19031 = TheOne2006
19032 - 19132 = ~(0.o.Freya.o.0)~
19133 - 19183 = TheOne2006
19184 - 19192 = Neffir08
19193 - 19203 = ~GhoulScoutGirl~
19204 - 19304 = urxlastxhope
19305 - 19323 = Kisa_Hiroshi
19323 - 19823 = Purrfect Angel (winner of page 400 contest)
19824 - 19864 = Purrfect Angel
19865 - 19976 = Neffir08
19977 - 20037 = TheOne2006
20038 - 21038 = Draven Bane
21039 - 21047 = Neffir08
21048 - 21133 = Reincarnated Evil
21134 - 21164 = Reincarnated Evil
21165 - 21415 = Kami no wakai josei
21416 - 21443 = Kisa_Hiroshi
21444 - 21594 = Purrfect Angel
21595 - 21659 = Reincarnated Evil
21660 - 22160 = Jewelflo
22161 - 22173 = Nokoyo
22174 - 22324 = . everlasting memories .
22325 - 22338 = Kisa_Hiroshi
22339 - 22389 = Reincarnated Evil
22390 - 22420 = TheOne2006
22421 - 22440 = Kisa_Hiroshi
22441 - 22449 = lola s
22450 - 22460 = The.Heartless.Princess.
22461 - 22481 = Kisa_Hiroshi
22482 - 22508 = Kisa_Hiroshi
22509 - 22549 = lola s
22550 - 22640 = TheLastMimzy2007
22641 - 22661 = Kisa_Hiroshi
22662 - 22762 = TheLastMimzy2007
22763 - 22773 = Kisa_Hiroshi
22774 - 22794 = Kisa_Hiroshi
22795 - 22885 = Reincarnated Evil
22886 - 22965 = Kisa_Hiroshi
22966 - 23462 = CrimsonAngelofGod
23463 - 23513 = Kami no wakai josei
23514 - 23570 = Kisa_Hiroshi
23571 - 23582 = Kisa_Hiroshi
23583 - 23750 = Kisa_Hiroshi
23751 - 24751 = Kami no wakai josei (winner of the banner contest!)
24762 - 24769 = Mists Of Avalon
24770 - 24805 = Nicky621
24806 - 25000 = Acrius

*all tickets bought by Neffir08 have been given to Kisa_Hiroshi.
* all tickets bought by Draven Bane have been given to Hell's Guardian, and then back to ~Draven Bane
* all tickets bought by Holy_hand_granade are now in Indigo Oblivion's name due to a username change.
*all tickets bought by Kei Iyoku and Mex_Dragoon have been given to Eve_Nightingale.
*all tickets bought by Vi Veri are now in Taka Giman's name due to a username change.
Tickets 25001 - 50000!

25001 - 25406 = Acrius
25407 - 25507 = Kisa_Hiroshi
25508 - 25608 = Kisa_Hiroshi
25609 - 25741 = Kisa_Hiroshi
25742 - 26542 = Acrius
26543 - 26743 = Kisa_Hiroshi
26744 - 26944 = FantasticLuna
26945 - 26955 = TMJHURTS
26956 - 27956 = A~Izzy~A
27957 - 28257 = Kisa_Hiroshi
28258 - 28358 = kutsukisabure
28359 - 28559 = Kisa_Hiroshi
28560 - 28585 = Ruby74
28586 - 28653 = kutsukisabure
28654 - 28754 = Caghyre
28755 - 28855 = Kisa_Hiroshi
28856 - 28892 = Star Fyre le Fae
28893 - 28993 = Kisa_Hiroshi
28994 - 29094 = Kisa_Hiroshi
29095 - 29115 = Ruby74
29116 - 29136 = The.Heartless.Princess.
29137 - 29182 = lola s
29183 - 29333 = Kami no wakai josei
29334 - 29534 = [Ambika Chan]
29535 - 29935 = Kisa_Hiroshi
29936 - 30036 = zalyana
30037 - 30212 = Kami no wakai josei
30213 - 30513 = Kisa_Hiroshi
30514 - 30564 = zalyana
30565 - 31265 = Cassandra_R_Ramsey
31267 - 31304 = The.Heartless.Princess.
31305 - 31505 = Kisa_Hiroshi
31506 - 31606 = Kisa_Hiroshi
31607 - 31667 = Moralistic_Mortal
31668 - 31718 = Lady_Anastasia
31719 - 31827 = the_ best_ of_ the_ best
31828 - 31928 = Kisa_Hiroshi
31929 - 31979 = Lady_Anastasia
31980 - 36140 = the_ best_ of_ the_ best eek
36141 - 36331 = Kisa_Hiroshi
36332 - 36444 = the_ best_ of_ the_ best
36445 - 36572 = the_ best_ of_ the_ best
36573 - 36728 = the_ best_ of_ the_ best
36729 - 36765 = Kisa_Hiroshi
36757 - 36857 = Kisa_Hiroshi
36858 - 37008 = Kami no wakai josei
37009 - 37209 = the_ best_ of_ the_ best
37210 - 37370 = Kisa_Hiroshi
37371 - 37721 = Kisa_Hiroshi
37722 - 37988 = Kisa_Hiroshi
37989 - 38009 = AppleCinnamon
38010 - 38060 = Reincarnated Evil
38061 - 38561 = Kisa_Hiroshi
38562 - 38762 = . everlasting memories .
38763 - 38863 = Nolette
38864 - 38964 = zalyana
38965 - 39012 = lemonfacecutie
39013 - 39213 = Kisa_Hiroshi
39214 - 39254 = hidrOXYgen
39255 - 39270 = AppleCinnamon
39271 - 39431 = Kisa_Hiroshi
39432 - 39592 = Kisa_Hiroshi
39593 - 39693 = . everlasting memories .
39694 - 39744 = mandi42389
39745 - 39770 = Sarasa_Kimura
39771 - 39979 = Kisa_Hiroshi
39980 - 40081 = S h i v
40082 - 40108 = Kisa_Hiroshi
40109 - 40209 = Kisa_Hiroshi
40210 - 40446 = Kisa_Hiroshi
40447 - 40547 = Ladygaura
40548 - 40998 = zalyana
40999 - 41099 = Sephiroth1015
41100 - 41373 = Kisa_Hiroshi
Bump 1

Hurray for thread relocation ^_^

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