Welcome to Gaia! ::

I have heard of this kind of thing happening.

True. 0.8000545553737 80.0% [ 2933 ]
False. 0.1999454446263 20.0% [ 733 ]
Total Votes:[ 3666 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 148 149 150 > >> >>> »|

Please completely read the first post!<3~

11/8/06- Remus here. I have not updated this petition in a very long time, and for that I am sorry. Things have been busy, and Gaia has not been very high on my priorities. However, keep this petition active! It will still get the word out. Thank you so much for your cooperation!

Announcement as of 9/26/06

Forever thanks to Holo` for keeping track of the lists when I can't and allowing me to update the signatures. Some people are just amazing, and apparently she is one of them!<3


Do not send me PMs saying that you are not signing. I don't care what you've read about any other angle of this situation. Form your own opinions. This petition is not selfish, cruel, or hurting anyone. We don't want any items withdrawn, we don't want any mods brought down. We just want a new system to make the bannings more definite. If you think it's fine the way it is, ignore this thread and go about your normal postings. Thank you.

Also, STOP PMing me about plexi_lexi. I didn't "not know her but loved her." Frankly, I do not care if she is ever un-banned or not. I don't know that she is a good person, she may or may not have been. Either way, she was banned, and is now unbanned, and that's the way it is. DON'T send me messages saying, "I love her" or "Get over it." She is only a well-known example of a person who was banned for this reason, despite the fact that she was unbanned. Thank you.<3

First & foremost, I would like to say that this is not a petition to get anyone unbanned. It is a petition for a fairer system of banning when it comes to the subject of "profiting from botted* gold."

(*"What is botted gold?"
Rules & Guidelines
Botting. Using an automated script, macro, or refreshing feature to post or surf webpages in order to generate Gold (Botting) is forbidden. The use of any software or codes to generate gold without the need for you being in front of your computer is generally considered as botting. Anyone suspected of botting will have their account banned.

The link to Rules & Guidelines. Botted gold also encompasses gold/items bought with real money, or from a third-party site, such as ebay.com.)

Hello, my name is Maegan. I have been on Gaia since 05/21/2004 under my original account name, Flufforius. (That account name has since been changed to My Nine Rides Shotgun.) I have always been very happy with GaiaOnline & the moderators & administrators that I have met through the site, and stuck with it during the changes. I really like the mods I have met and I think they do a great job. This petition is not against the mods, and we appreciate them greatly. This new system would make things easier for them as well. n_n

However, it has recently come to my attention that many people are being permabanned for "profiting from botted gold." This happens to someone who buys something from someone else in the marketplace who has botted gold, buys something from someone in the Exchange who has botted gold, or has something donated to them which has been obtained using botted gold. (ALSO, we are aware that NOT EVERYONE WHO COMES INTO CONTACT WITH BOTTED GOLD IS BANNED. But there are still many flaws and many, many instances in which innocent people have been banned.)

This would not be a very big deal, if the proper investigating was done before the permaban was set in place. However, in most cases, it is not, and many wonderful, helpful Gaians have been permabanned for something that they were not aware of.

Basically, all we want is a system of banning people that is more fair and more legit than the one that we have now. It is completely understandable that this is a system for humans run by humans, and of course, humans make mistakes. But with a system that is more investigative & with less assumptions, I am certain that there would be less mistakes & less Gaians worried about the safety of their accounts.

Any questions can be asked and will be researched/answered the best we can. Flamers can flame but will be ignored by us. If you do not want to sign, frankly, don't sign. It's that simple.

Thank you so much for your time, and I hope you have a nice morning/afternoon/evening!

To sign, just post stating somewhere that you wish to sign.

(xX_Monkey_Business_Xx & I run this thread, along with our shared mule, belly_button_fluff.)

Make a banner for us & we'll put it up here!

Remus (Mooney) Lupin

#1: Simple
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(Do not post #s 2 & 3 in your sig, as they are over the 100,000 byte limit.)
#2: Page Turn
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#3: Zoom In & Out
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9/24/06 - NEW BANNER!
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Lil Sweet Anatta

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My Story


My old account's name is Toxic Juices and has been banned in all this confusion. Along with my main account, 1 mule and my mum's account were also banned...

The Reason for this? "Profiting From Botting"

Now, My sister has recently fessed up that she put some sealed envelopes in my account and my mum's account. We were out at the time so we had NO KNOWLEDGE of these items in our accounts.

She had aquired these Sealeds from a website which, when I looked at it, did actually look VERY Legitimate.

I am perfectly aware of the ToS and am also aware that what my sister did was against it. HOWEVER, please read through these points;

-I had NO KNOWLEDGE of the sealeds being in my account until AFTER I was banned, let alone that they were bought with real money. I know perfectly well that my sister had nothing on her account so if I had've known about the sealeds, they would've never made it to my account.

-I have NEVER broke the ToS, and neither has a member of my family until this incident

-I am a regular donator to Gaia, and no, this does not put me above the rules... I have to break them to be above them... stare

-I used to donate ANYTHING I didn't want anymore to random people (my most recent were a fishing rod + bate, bate, Dark Halo...

-Jakobo mentions the fact that if you've had NO contact, you're considered "suspicious"... Well, ever heard of MSN? That's how I keep in contact with most of my gaian friends... Obviously some people don't know how quickly your inbox fills with begging pm's when you're wearing a nm scarf and pengies... rolleyes

Thankyou for reading. Please sign our petition for a better system of Law and Action on GaiaOnline

~Toxic Juices

-.Mr. Bingley.-
Unjustified Bans.
I'm not sure how to start this, or whether I can keep this entry coherent. Often times when I write an opinionated piece of work it ends up jumbled with emotions and thus distorts the main point of the work to near invisibility. But, just the same...I'll give it a go.

I myself have never been banned. I was given a warning once but I deemed that fair because I had neglected to read the ENTIRE TOS and ended up breaking some copyright rules.. I have done so since then (though parts of it are still beyond me) and have thus avoided being banned myself.

Still, it would seem my current safety from being banned is in question. In fact, after repeated visits to the Q&A forums and a growing number of "Why was I banned?" threads popping up in there I am confident in saying we are all in some kind of danger of being banned. It can be said we always are, but the fact of the matter is that these recent bannings are becoming totally unjustified and downright unfair.

I give Gaian mods and Admins great credit, they work hard to keep this site updated with new things all the time. They regulate it as well as they can, but their strategy for the most recent waves of glitches and scams is WRONG. Period. I cannot change the fact that when a glitched item is sold and thus profited from is illegal. Nor do I feel that that rule is entirely unfair...in some ways selling glitched items for more than they are worth is wrong. My problem lies with something less noticeable, something that I can't avoid and neither can you.

Please be kind enough to read the following.

Your account is permanently banned because you were the recipient of gold from an exploitation of a glitch on Gaia. You either received it for free or purchased it on eBay.

The ban is final

This is what I'm talking about. Are you beginning to understand my frustration now? How can you, or I, be punished for something like that? When we UNKNOWINGLY receive gold that had been previously gained from a glitch SOMEONE ELSE sold? How can we possibly know that any of this happened prior to our current purchase on the marketplace?

To put it simply, we can't.

To play devil's advocate for a moment, I can see why the mods and admins have chosen this path to take. It would seem they themselves cannot identify where the source of the gold from an exploited glitch comes from in the first place. Therefore, they simply ban whoever they can find that has possession of such gold in order to try and eradicate the original source. This in long term effect could work. But I say, it isn't worth it. It isn't right to punish those who have done nothing, and lose the support of its users. Gaia needs us to survive, they shouldn't be treating any of us in this way.

Banning innocent people for having received dirty gold AND NOT KNOWING IT is downright UNFAIR. Just imagine all the things you've worked for on Gaia. Your items, your gold, and in some cases your reputation. It is true that Gaia is just an online site, but even silly things like gaining gold, accumulating post counts and buying items is an accomplishment that stings when taken away.

To solve this problem, I propose that not only the mods and admins find a new solution but that Gaia as a whole work together to find a way to prevent this. There ARE other answers, unfair banning is not the only way.

If you have experienced such a banning and would like your say, feel free to post anything you like here (as long as it follows the TOS >.>" wink . Someone has got to say something, and if we all come together and demand this type of banning be eradicated, the makers of Gaia will have to listen.

Lost cause or not, I'm still going to try.

P.S: Ignore any typos >.>;;;;

K e i l a n t r a
Hoo... I definitely sign. I'm one of the people who got banned for benefitting from botting. This is the actual email they sent me:

Dear toothpick99:

Your account on Gaia Online had been blocked for the following reason:

Botting/Benefitting from Botting

On Gaia Online, we encourage a friendly atmosphere which we ask of all users to be courteous and respectful to each other. If you have any questions please reply to this e-mail or write to us at gaia@anihq.com. Thank you.

When I recieved it I was like
"lolwtf no way what did I do?"

It turns out that when a friend of mine lent me some golden laurels and a kiki, he had traded with his brother who in turn had botted gold to repay my friend for something. Of course he got caught, and the lot of us and all our mules were banned.

Also, I recieved a PM from a stranger who thought I was the sister of my friend, asking me to give his brother a good swift kick in the cajones. Now, if I was able to, I would have gladly done it, for I had a small fortune on my banned account. I explained that to this guy and he then showed me a screenshot of his inventory and all the items he had lost. I was flabbergasted, to say the least. He had at least twenty sealed's from various months, and at least one of every slightly expensive item on Gaia that you could come up with. It was absolutely amazing, and I was surprised that he had been so calm about the ordeal.

I wish I had saved that message, but I accidently deleted it a while back while cleaning out my inbox.

In the end, I wrote a few strong-worded yet civilized emails to the admins and whatnot, and I never rexieved any sort of reply. I have tried many times to log in on my old account to see if it had been unbanned by some stroke of luck, but it is still banned, and I'm afraid that it will remain banned.

On December 7, 2006, it will have been a year since I was banned. I'm not exactly looking forward to it, but it will be nice to look back and see how much I've progressed from absolutely nothing in just one year.

I really hope this petition makes some sort of impact on the higher-ups.

The Rebirth of DC-Chan
I'll sign. I was one of those people who was banned for "proffiting from a glitch", according to the e-mail. Really made me angry, because I had just bought a couple of items I had been saving for months for. This inclued a Ninja Headband and the Winged Anklets. So much work down the drain.

I've never had a mule before, like many other Gaian users, but if my main account gets revived, fairly doubtful, I'll have to remember to keep all my items equally split between them both.

My Sex Life
I'm signing this.

I have 3 mules, but none of them have anything worth while, nor do they come in contact with anything that hasn't gone through my main account (this one) before going into their inventory.

If I were to recieve something that was botted and didn't know, I would for sure lose everything I have on gaia. Gaia and Myspace are the only reason I come online, so to lose half of my reason to come online would be a little sad.

I've recently lost a lot of faith in the admins because of an incident concerning donation items (and now their sudden need to create 50 million new items/games/etc instead of fixing the glitches we've had for months scream stressed ), and it doesn't surprise me that so many innocent gaians are getting banned without good reason (and solid proof).

So I'll be more than glad to sign this petition. I sign petitions everyday with people asking for this function back or that pretty little front page, and whatnot, but this is much more serious.

Goodluck with this.

I'll sign.
I'm relatively new to Gaia, so I'm rather fortunate to have this not happen to me. However, in the mere weeks that I've been here frequently, I've heard of over 4 people getting banned for alleged bottled gold, and all of those people have character testamonies from others saying that they wouldn't do such a thing.

This is not a way to impress new users. I'm currently questing a number of expensive items, and what if someone donates me items/gold from a person who bottled them? Why should I be punished for someone else's mistakes? Why continue my quest if the possiblity of this occuring is a very real thing? I wouldn't want to be the victim of a ban and lose all the gold/items I worked hard to collect, as many people here did.

Mods/Admins, I know you guys have a tough job about things, but at the very least, give some gold proper to the people unfairly banned. Not all of it, maybe, just enough to get them back on their feet. It's unfair, especially with the inflation of items nowadays.

Finally, to the people whom this occured to, i apologize. I don't know if something like this exists, but maybe we can all come up with a charity for people who were unfairly banned to help them out some. Just a thought.

Anyway, sorry for the long winded post; I do sign this. Good luck.

Absolutely... a right to a fair trial. We can't be treated as if we're taken for granted.

If the mods say "oh, there's too much to investigate and research," they need to retire and find someone who actually gives a damn about everyone else.

I'll sign.

Calixte Dae
I sign

A friend of mine was given an account on Gaia, with a large amount of gold and rare items, under the pretense that the giver was leaving Gaia for good and had no wishes to return to Gaia. My friend wasn't the only person given a loaded account, the Giver ( for lack of a better term for him) gave away, I believe 2 more accounts.
Well the gold was botted and the items were bought with the botted gold. My friend was tried to create a new account and was KOS'd because he was IP banned.
He doesn't want to come back to Gaia and I don't blame him.

Sure he made a dumb move by trusting this suspiscous move, but he knew the guy in real life so he didn't think nothing of it.


I was banned for reciving botted gold, which I didn't know was botted. I lost about 3.3million in items and gold. :[

I beleive in this whole thing entirely! Botted Gold Profit Banning (ooh, BGPB!) has gotten WAAAY out of control. TO MANY INOCCENT PEOPLE ARE BEING BANNED FOR SOMETHING THEY HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF! In fact, I have a friend in real life who signed up for gaia. Not a week later, she says that she's been permabanned! I ask her why, and she says for something called "botting gold." I explain to her what this is, and she says that a few days ago she won a gaian lottery for 10,000g, and then after getting the gold, the lottery holder added her to his ignore list. Just a little while after that she was banned for botting gold! I PMed the guy on my mule, and he-without replying-added me to his ignore list! I have also heard that some people create botted gold an buy items with it, and then they go around the site finding innocent people with the item they bought with botted gold on their wishlist. Then they give that item to them as a gift, and more than 50% of the time, that inoccent person gets BANNED. Normal botted gold exchange getting people banned is bad, but this new system, although it might have been going on for some time, was discovered when, on a mule, I said to some one that I really wanted an item. They gave it too me. Since it was my mule, I had never bought or traded anything...but a little while later I was banned! I talked to some friends who had this happen, and figured out this system. Like I said, it's probably been going on for a while, but still. Another complaint: inoccent person to inoccent person botted gold exchange. Inoccent Person A receives botted item and, feeling nice, with no idea it's botted, gives it to Inoccent Person B. Inoccent Person A & B get banned for something they had no knowledge of. This can continue with many, many people (Persob B gives the item to person C, person C gives to person D, and so on) before the mods catch it, and can result in a huge, long line of completely unknowing and inoccent people getting permabanned.
Obviously, I sign.

This is seen through the eyes of the loyal community.

I am signing this as well. I believe that the way the admins handle this is pathetic. They have their ways of handling it, but still, it seems wrong. For one, how can people tell if the gold they get is from a bot or not? For two, why must they ban the account for just receiving it? For three, it could be an item... This banning system can LITERALLY get EVERYONE on Gaia Banned. This will not only hurt Gaian Admins, but also the loyal community.

I have not had an account banned on Gaia... The only way I will become banned is from something like this happening to me... I want it this to change. They need to find a new way to handle this...

Why can't they catch the botter BEFORE this happens?

AND... How do they determine who is a botter and who isn't?? I have been wondering this one for a long time now...

This is something opposite, but is seen through the eyes of an admin. (Read below)

There is one thing I was told by an admin because I decided to ask one... I asked them why people were getting banned for no reason at all. They told me that if I contacted them, and they found out that I wasn't at fault, then they would restore my account, that is if it happened... If you are wondering to why they ban, then ask questions later, it makes their life easier to keep all of the items/gold in one place.


I'll sign. Just because there are so many people that are getting banned for something they had no idea that they did. I'm honestly scared to get donations now or getting money from selling something. I don't want to have to ask the person if they botted the gold to make sure I don't get banned. I feel so bad for all of you people who have gotten banned.

I wasn't sure if I had signed this before... but I don't think I have, and I've checked the list of signatures *snuggles ctrl+F* XD

I frequent the Q&A forum, and I frequently see threads titled "why was I banned?" "wtf? I'm banned!" "how can I find out why I was banned?"

And a lot of the time, the reason is:

"for botting/profiting from botted gold"

And most of the people who post these topics, don't even know how they profitted from botted gold. And you know what REEEAAALLY sucks about this system of banning?


User X bots gold and items
User X sells those items on the marketplace for more gold
User Y saves, works hard, and gets gold HONESTLY to get these items (which they don't know were botted)
User Y finally gets items, he/she is happy and satisfied that he/she worked hard and earned what he/she wanted
User X is discovered for botting
User Y is banned for working hard to buy items honestly, but those items were not obtained by the seller though honest means

Since when is the buyer responsible for what the seller does? It's not like they were in on some "huge botting conspiracy" rolleyes

Sorry for pointless post sweatdrop I just needed to ramble a bit. sweatdrop

Point is, I sign!

Lord Vann
I, Lord Vann, sign your petition.

I've never had myself banned, but we must keep people from being banned for the unknown misuses of Gaia by others.

Goddess of the Night
I think this is the most unfair, unjust and unreasonable reason to be banned. It is just plain bad luck that you happen to recieve botted gold. Any dedicated Gaia user could be banned for just accepting a trade. I think it is wrong that people bot and make it unfair because they don't earn their own gold, but it's worse that people earn their own gold and get banned because of botters.

User Image

Magician of Ice
This is a problem that has eaten away at me since that day, since 7/19/06. The day Gaia went to Hell. I've been a member since October 4th, 2004 (this being my second account, the other one's name was too important to me to alter <3 so I made a new one), and I've been a happy Gaia camper since then, until now. I've lost friends, 5 to be exact, and one person I deeply admired although they didn't know me (Plexi crying ), and for these reasons: profit from botting, profiting from a glitch, and just plain botting itself. I'mma keep all names confidential mkay?

The boting thing; one of my friends has been a dedicated donating member for three years, and just a year ago introduced Gaia to her younger sister. While no one was home, her sister got on and purchased gold from ebay, amazon, etc. and gained from the auto-refresher thing on a HUGE scale (there were 4 computers total in their house, 10-12 pages open per computer). Her sister, within a half a year, had a value of 750k. Her sister (of course thinking her very suspicious) set camcorders up in 3 of the 4 computer rooms for when no one was home. She ON TAPE caught her sister opening these pages and doing the deed on the shared ISP, and three days after approaching her sister about the ordeal, both were permabanned. Innocent victim number 1. Next, the glitch thing. My second friend was playing the Word Bump game and when she came to the Item Grant round she won a Bachelor's Cap. She did nothing with it but kept it in her storage bin assuming it was a rare, and was banned almost imediately, 2 hours later to be exact, for "profitting from a glitch". Innocent victim number 2. The last one, being the worst of the three. Friend A finally gained enough gold to buy his fire gauntlet, the last item needed in his dream avi. After he purchased it, a week later he donated it to Friend B, who then sold it and donated 2k of the profits to Friend C. Oddly, the bannings went in the reverse order; Friend C, then B, then A, then the person who sold that gauntlet. I'VE LOST 5 FRIENDS IN THIS MADNESS! I personally am on a quest (for one million blue carnations), but i'm petrified of buying more or recieving some as donations, because there's no end to what items can be mixed up in botting schemes. I shut down my Art thread, my quest thread, my MP shop, my 3 Exchange shops, and am not buying NOR selling anything for ANYONE, and haven't recieved nor GIVEN donations in a while now. This is exactly why. I have a worth of 500k, not a lot to most, but it's what I earned, and what I've payed for with my own real money, seeing as how I donate. I now just keep ahold of the letters in my inventory instead of selling them, for fear of some botting a*****e wanting to buy them. I love Gaia, I am pleased with almost every part of it to no end, and I think it's safe to say that I'm addicted to it. If ANYTHNG happens to my accounts, I would be utterly devastated.

I spend time on this site to show the creators that all their hard work has paid off, that they are great admins, and that they have created a wonderful, entertaining site. That's also the reason why I donate my REAL money to them; to reward them, and to help pay for all the bills of keeping this place up and running. I am NOT spending time and money on here to: lose friends unfairly, hear of others being banned unfairly, or to HAVE TO FEAR EVERY MOVE I DO ON HERE. I've heard it stated that "Gaia wants it's users to be happy". Well, WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING BANNING INNOCENT PEOPLE THEN? Why aren't they fulfilling the REST of their duty as Admins and providing a better way to spare the innocent, instead of just banning them? I'm sure that'd make MANY more people MUCH happier. I can deal without all the new games and upgrades and abilities if it means people being SAFER. To be honest, with the new games and Daily Chance thing, that just puts MORE items in the economy to be BOTTED with, causing MORE people to be banned, what is that solving? My final message, seeing as my fingers are practically numb: Admins, please STOP coming out with new features/upgrades/games and the like, and START figuring out a way to preserve the members of your site. If you ban too many people, especially too many innocents, the site's downfall is IMMINENT. Who wants to spend time and money on something that is just going to be unfairly and unjustly ended in due time anyway?

I hereby SIGN.

I sign.
Big time.
See the large text?
XD <3

If you look at it as the worst of the two,
being innocent people getting banned vs. the badguys getting away,
I'd much rather risk the badguy getting away.
I mean
banning innocent people
doesn't seem just.
Go figure.

Especially considering how ridiculously easy it is
to accidentally profit from botting,
that rule definately needs to be trashed.

Marshmallow Kitty
I wholeheartedly sign this petition.

I've only personally heard of one banning from botting. I never personally knew Plexi_lexi, but I know that she has helped hundreds of Gaians because of her Kiki giveaway and anti-inflation store. I was shocked at the news of her banning.

Then I just got mad when I heard what it was about.

Let me get this straight. Plexi accepted a donation from someone and got banned for it. Because the donator decided to bot gold and give it to someone else.

Stuff like this just makes me sick.

I know so many people have already said this, but how are we supposed to know if someone has donated botted gold? It looks just the same - and functions, mind you - as regular gold! And there is no 'ask the donator if they had botted the gold' route, because obviously they could lie and say no. It's as if the only option to keep ourselves from getting permabanned is to not receive or give any donations and not to buy or sell anything on the Market or Exchange.

But what's the point of that? One of the points of Gaia, other than roleplaying and interacting with other people from various parts of the world, is to earn Gaian gold and dress your avatar to look cool. But with the prospect of botting, why would we even try to buy new things for our avatar? It's like, we could work for months towards an Angelic Scarf or something, and finally reach it with a small gold donation to push the amount you have versus what you need over, and you finally buy the item and put it on when BAM! You, the person you bought the scarf from, and the person that donated the botted gold to you are all banned!

Is this really fair? No! The members of the Gaian community that work long and hard for their items expect to be rewarded, not punished. It's like a first impression here on Gaia - your first act of misdeeds gets you on the 'to watch for suspicious activity' list of the mods, while fairplay is looked positively on. But with this system of banning, it blows the whole concept out of consideration.

Basically, what I'm saying, is this:

Mods, admins - LAY OFF US! If we get donated botted gold, WE'RE NOT GOING TO KNOW! The only way we could is if someone we knew personally was botting and we were aware of it, and if we were, do you honestly think we would accept anything from someone we knew was botting? Stop pointing the finger of accusation and permabanning us immediately and do a bit of investigation! It's innocent until proven guilty, not accused of guilt and forced to prove innocence!

I totally sign.

Frankly, this has been happening so frequently that I've become paranoid of accepting trades from other users, or from using the market system. Thus, if I want a donation item, I have to buy it with my own cash when it comes out. If I decide I want it a month later, screw it. I'm not going to risk having my account banned over my desire of an item past. Since this has been happening so frequently recently, I've dropped my goal of obtaining goti clips. I don't want to recieve any goti clips that have any links to botting, and thus lose my main account and perhaps some of my mules.

On top of this, I'm certain that it wouldn't just be my account that would be affected. It would be my bf, my bf's little sister, my friend, anyone who has an account which links back to this IP address. That simply wouldn't be fair to them.

Overall, my entire Gaian experience is being ruined since I'm afraid to quest anymore. I'm terrified of spending all that time and gold on an item I desire, only to find that it has been infected by the botting plague and thus the life of my account flickers and fades out of existence. I've had too many memories with this account, made too many friends, started too many contests and other such things with it to lose it all now. It just wouldn't seem fair if it happened to me, so of course, I don't think it's fair that it's been happening to anyone else.

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I don't like that people can be banned just for having botted gold. We don't have any way of knowing where people get their gold and shouldn't have to worry about it. We aren't mods...and unless they wanna give us all tools to see where someone's getting their gold from, we shouldn't be treated like we know it's wrong and are doing it anyway.
Now, people that they think are actually botting...not just having botted gold. Yeah, they should ban em. I'd just rather they just delete botted gold when they find it on an account that hasn't been suspected of botting.

And this petition's harmless if the powers that be -really- aren't banning people just for having botted gold. I'd rather assume they are and say something about it, than just sit back and say "Oh, well. I don't really think they'd do that." and then worry about it when my account or one of my friends' accounts is banned.
I love this place...and I don't want to lose my account. I have friends on here and items I couldn't ever get back.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.


I've seen several cases of banning innocents for that reason. Although Gaia does investigate each case in a long process and bans based on "evidence that is extremely suspicious." They also say you will be unbanned if you prove that evidence wrong. However, how can we prove their evidence wrong if we never know what evidence they used. This has a simple solution; give us the evidence.
The admins believe that one who bots once, will definately bot again. Therefore, they say temporarily banning a botter won't do much except give him another opportunity to bot again. I disaggree on this. Temporarily banning a botter on the first offense can potentially be enough to keep some botters from botting again, as well as keep some innocents from getting caught up in this. The problem that the admins and mods have with this is the long process taken to ban a botter. For them, once is hell enough. I'd say compromise and temporarily ban a botter once, and if they do it again, permaban them.
The admins also guarentee that all legitiment exchanges will be honored. This means the marketplace and trading is safe. However, questing can be dangerous because a botter will set up the trade with botted gold. The quester accepts without giving anything in return. That to a mod is suspicious and i have to admit if I were in their shoes, I'd find that suspicious too. This is likely to be a one time deal for the unfortunate quester. However, a temporary ban for a first offense and giving evidence to the quester can overall benefit the mods because the quester can point them in the right direction to the actual botter. Although, yes the quester will end up taking the temporary ban, I'd say that it's rare enough that a quester will recieve botted gold twice without botting to safely assume that they are somehow connected to the botter. Keep in mind, the questing system is coming out soon and will (hopefully) address this problem.
Third, for the person who got banned to be in contact with the mods, they need to make a mule account, fill out a feedback form and wait for a mod to find it. As some of us may know, that can be a pretty long wait. Therefore, create an e-mail address for the mods specifically dealing with permabanned accounts. That way, Gaians who get banned do not need to create a mule to work with the mods to get their account back.
Of course, this also opens another door that can deal with a problem in the permaban system itself. A botter (or a hacker, scammer, etc.) with a mule can offend again. And with that mule banned, he can create another mule. So, what good will a permaban do if anyone can create an infinite amount of accounts, given they can get an infinite number of free e-mail addresses (which is easy to do) regardless of the number of bans recieved? What the admins can now do is put a cap on the number of permanent bans an IP address can have before the IP address being banned altogether. (That way, if a user reaches the cap and is innocent of the last ban, they can still contact the mods and plead their case.) My suggestion would be three bans (five at most).

In conclusion, I believe that Gaia should AT THE VERY LEAST provide the evidence they used to ban you in the ban notification e-mail they send. That way you actually have the slightest chance of being unbanned. They should also: a) temporarily ban on the first offense and permaban on the second, b) provide an e-mail address for people who get banned to still be able to contact mods without creating a mule and c) put a cap on the number of permabans an IP address can get before the IP is banned altogether.

This petittion has my support.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

A heart next to the name means that the person put one of our banners in their profile/signature. Please promote!<3
(PM me if you put it in your profile, or if it's in your sig & I don't have you on the list.<3)

1- Remus (Mooney) Lupin heart
2- xX_Monkey_Business_Xx
3- Exotic.Muffin
4- Matt Hardy 1.0
5- GilShalos
6- Kingdoms Heart
7- Ayako kasuga
8- BadInfluenceOnYou
9- digitalnebula
10- AnubisKappa
11- Blazing_dove
12- +Dial-Up Crisp Sandwich+
13- Psychadelic
14- kitsune_keyblader
15- .Minute.Rice.
16- x3 bbytipsy
17- Yugure no Tasogare
18- xXStrawberiiXx
19- funkfrost
20- sakuraikumiann
21- Myori-chan
22- Mr. ScRiBbLeS
23- .V i n n s t e r r`
24- Chicken Popsicle
25- Drisowen
26- Tensaibishonen
27- Jeffrey665
28- .Duckie Dale.`
29- [[...Babii.Gurll...]]
30- L'rhaine Chrystalwynd
31- Billie_JoeAlways
32- emarald_eyes
33- -[Ramen Noodles]-
34- darth ferret
35- Taree
36- Katorskay
37- beserker_ninja
38- Dragoon-Girl
39- Silver Emo
40- GreekLotusFruit
41- Sarafu416
42- Xairip
43- Pasithea
44- [~soul_slayer ~] heart
45- KainashiEngetsu
46- cloud124
47- The Crazy Asian
48 - Xeser
49- Skyre Moonfire
50- ~Pure~Persian~
51- Korat
52- samusaran99
53- Immortal_Lucy
54- [-llama-]
55- chakrapasea
56- its_kitty_time
57- Star_Angel618
58- [Demonic Kitty]
59- Lafyette
60- Kitti-Buttons
61- Neuneu
62- child-of-misery
63- Tookie_Mookie
64- Choharu
65- Taiyoukimi Ryugi
66- 4THE END
67- wikkedwitch
68- Flux
69- Berkeley Rose
70- [.R o c k . F a e r i e.]
71- t0shi0
72- ~Miyuki~Teh~Loser~
73- BlueFairyAngel
74- demonchick727
75- Chocolate Bubblegum
76- Sapphiestar
77- B e e n a
78- .Anorexic-Penguin.
79- SpadeWolf heart
80- Kasai Kouken
81- Nightmare45
82- Jlsgamer1 heart
83- Ooni
84- Revolution 1
85- [-Griever-]
86- RottingCorpse
87- C-i-a-r-r-a
88- Pyromaniac34
89- _=Kiki--Chan=_
90- Sweet Virgin Mary
91- [Silfaen]
92- cloud124
93- Faerie_Luver heart
94- Kimorchii
95- sashu maru heart
96- L o X x
97- lil_guy00
98- -.Mr. Bingley.- heart
99- Lenin on the loose
100- J E S S I E !
101- Dieth
102- SpriteAddict
103- Oren Kyuusho
104- VoodooBabyAsuka1981
105- [boba]bubble-tea
106- Nekky
107- Taseisha
108- NeoMoonPrincess
109- [+Emo Cookie+]
110- cole the destroyer heart
111- berryberry27
112- ANBUChibi
113- Miu Jiovanka
114- BlastofFire
115- XxSari-chanxX
116- [Testicular Cancer]
118- Get your own Terra
119- xDMatteo-samaDx
120- prideofthepeaches
121- [ ~ Emu ~ ]
122- hieilover04
123- blahstickman
124- Cucco
125- esantiago7292
126- Mehina
127- Sins Of War
128- Angenomic
129- Kitagana
130- WhiteMagicks
131- Mutare
132- Cash-chan
133- aoyama_shirai
134- experiment two-zero-nine
135- Angel 0f Hearts
136- midara the happy banshee
137- Wolfune
138- Faerie_Luver
139- Michelle Chiba
140- ~The_Naruto_Fanatic~
141- Kuraodo_Strife
142- DreamyAspirations
143- xxaxellexx
144- joronica5
145- Kisrah
146- Yami_no_Eyes
147- Morgey
148- JinMaster
149- Riku Drinkhenn heart
150- Evil_Naru_maru
151- aquabregade_queen
152- hells angel
153- Fro-licious heart
154- HitsugayaFan
155- Cambria Killgannon
156- fyredrake
157- tootsiepopsrock7
158- Monotone
159- Ze Winged Kitty Cat
160- GS Henrietta
161- jashu555
162- Toxic Gummy Worms
163- Laimona Umbrae
164- Tsumirei
165- Orion13
166- Ritornel
167- I.c.e.y.
168- Demonwingsofblood
169- GuardianAmy
170- NykolMisu
171- Clever Ruse
172- -Fairy_in_the_Rain-
173- Horbat
174- brightwhitedreams
175- Godwryn
176- Rectum
177- Dehydrated Banana
178- clone trooper heart
179- - R.C. -
180- Aubreenea Aurion
181- LunaBlu
182- Johnny C.99
183- Ziral
184- KidnappedHearts
185- lady anissina
186- KyonKyonSama
187- ` O r i
188- Lasa
189- K e i l a n t r a
190- ananda082001 heart
191- Panda Sox
192- Birdsong heart
193- Deo_Machina
194- [~Ikey~]
195- Damaku
196- XX^__^XX
197- Airelesanya
198- The Rebirth of DC-Chan
199- My Sex Life
200- flamefox101
201- [Ra!nb0w]
202- Tweek-su
203- Risser
204- guessboynosya
205- AmethystWolf
206- paperclipe
207- Dande_Lion
208- Whisperingsorrow
209- SyaoranSakura
210- RyuIII
211- Bestmom heart
212- Smexi_lexi
213- Toxic Haze heart
214- Aarora
215- Nikumimi
216- Adien_Alexander
217- x_R4v3n_x
218- LadyNess
219- Kaochin
220- [DildoNazi]
221- Genyusai
222- Tor_Coolguy
223- Cutina124
224- Eternatis
225- kiddy pertty 101
226- TomokosBabe
227- gatemansgc
228- Cirosan
229- TehAnti-Taylor
230- OSC_Shoppe
231- Calixte Dae
232- Enrisu
233- Ruvieen
234- C u e
235- InsanexBandit
236- Ransom Note heart
237- 86tigger
238- Maiden of the Blessed
239- Ruby Knight
240- NeverMoreBlue
241- Myarana
242- Ali Myrrh Kim
243- TorazoTokisawa
244- Fredou07
245- EndlessD_of_Ace7
246- HentaiTentacleDemon
247- Keiko_Rei
248- captain p0ser
249- [ The Lizard King ]
250- [zeny]
251- pyromaniac_811
252- Paraffin
253- Griamper heart
254- Paper Heart17
255- Tei-rei
256- Graceful crisis
257- Authorized
258- Lochoko
259- Inuyashafreak337
260- Phantoms_Angel47
261- Two_Tailed_Fox
262- yahiko_13
263- Teagen Sirrus
264- Lord Vann
265- Jojjo_93
266- Nasis Sukiyo
267- Karura Koremanu
268- Goddess of the Night
269- Magician of Ice heart
270- Clem Duckie
271- GooGooDoll
272- Puro
273- [ L1V1NG.D34D.G1RL ]
274- ttig
275- ForestGreen
276- kali_namir
277- [-Hey Its a Puppy-]
278- CallaLily`
279- Egotistical Moose
280- loveable.little.girl.
281- PMS Yes
282- Loven Peace
283- MysticalAngelEyes
284- Jet8225
285- pfs heart
286- blue wild cat warrior
288- ` Onegai s e n o r i t a
289- Sgt. Lunatic
290- Sith Lord Ali
291- [Poison [G]irl]
292- Sanity Rain
293- ChildOfWestWind
294- Miss_Circlepit
295- Marshmallow Kitty
296- Argentine.the.Tangerine
297- .Some.Other.Mercy.
298- [Bonzaii Spam]
299- iPocky`
300- Atomic Color
301- Kyokiri
302- Cultural Cringe
303- Gold_Midori
304- Oxi Clean
305- Spirit of Kohaku
306- pnay_babi
307- RZR
309- Chachamaru-kun
310- s p a g e t t i
311- [-H-a-k-u-]
312- lilaznsmartygirl
313- Wish-full Thinker
314- Jandar
315- SpecsNCandy
316- The Masked Phantom
317- The devil is laughing
318- dragoncharmersalsa
319- Jimmie42
320- Lady_Azumi
321- sinister_murdock
322- Rain Bow Angel heart
323- -[sLiCk50]-
324- Kari_Aikoi
325- Outlaw Night
326- B u n n y ~
327- Kao Xanos
328- squirrely_72
329- Balo
330- Torchwood
331- Princess--Mononoke heart
332- p a n d a c a k e s
333- Silver Moon Wolf
334- Inu_Fangirl
335- lydario
336- AngelFeathers
337- Brainiac_Erika
338- Xindaris
339- Tennoseki
340- DucatixDemon
341- Didi_Kiwi
342- Hidoi Akuma
343- dragonofdarkfaythe
344- Mechanized_Demonclaws
345- psycho_me
346- [ Super Milk Chan ]
347- Ghetto Mistress
348- Twilight Tokyo Rose
349- N t 3 r
350- Aqualina V
351- Qlin32
352- xkagamix
353- Teh Bunnah Ninja
354- C_diddy
355- krome_devil
356- XianKai
357- ~Ghost of a Rose~
358- Silent_Shadowz
359- Angelic_Illusionz
360- hyperneko
361- The Happy Fish
362- -[Suteki da ne]-
363- o-Angelic_Fire-o
364- [Harmony]
365- SanjiLoveCook
366- Jan the Verse
367- koaj11
368- aquisflame
369- Butterfly Holocaust heart
370- P-Nutty-2
371- xX25centXx
372- Annie453
373- EzBuckle
374- peppyrazzle
375- Talee-Chan
376- Blair_Lafrad
377- narujii
378- BlueFairyAngel
379- Naryn Strait-Arrow
380- Cure of Angels
381- Milly Endoh
382- s3xy.bunny
383- Mysticalpchan
384- ramenli
385- cattirun
386- Kiru_Kano4
387- Lady Elise
388- Silveree heart
389- ms.nice
390- Zanaroo
391- RunAwayFreak
392- x.[~lina12398~].x
393- The Skullmaster
394- Ruintsuya
395- red_stripe
396- Merelii Toluth
397- templetonk
398- Iszi
399- pokinatcha
400- Destyne
401- Lupin-chan
402- Dark Angel Of Silence
403- Phrozen Wishes
404- Yui san
405- Kitsune_no_kiseki
406- Enigma_Kid
407- Boyue
408- DogDemonAlchemist
409- Reyairia
410- Ystwyth
411- Tygerr
412- Squiddish_Cheese
413- Ended-Obsession
414- fauxbot
415- LufaMouse heart
416- [x~`Teh Fishy Boy`~x]
417- demonqueenzeo heart
418- Shino Atori
419- [G I N]
420- WinterWind
421- frickay kitty
422- `Mitarashi Yukari`
423- Ari89
424- vampire_wolf_princess
425- Annortha
426- oODigital GlowOo
427- wisefox
428- SugarLeigh
429- The Collegiate Dictionary
430- h a k u b a i k o
431- SerenityTuelaulosVegeta
432- Emmalina
433- .Sera.chan.
434- Cereal Murder
435- [Cookie]
436- RebelAngelGurl
437- qewlkid9
438- [Aelfwyn]
439- oh yowzas
440- Lime Green Lizard
441- irishrose86 heart
442- [-Blazen-]
443- Box Of Bullets
444- beauty_in_you_forever
445- Rainbow Flavor
446- [AC]
447- the_fire_godess
448- ` Emotional
449- Megashadow_2009
450- Cled_LB
451- Schmexy Penguin
452- D i a b l o `
453- Akuhei_Tenrai
454- Kcin_Yu
455- Kanki
456- ~Starkissed Fantasy~
457- ASHI_TAKA911
458- ms.nice
459- zombielord666
460- angelic_baby_girl
461- Libris
462- Asahi Kumoru
463- kendo2005
464- Tsubii
465- noisebeast
466- VeRniCuS
467- FaintScent
468- the bagman
469- s e x _ k i t t e n heart
470- Pocket Calculator
471- bluewave2
472- [ EVA Kiss ]
473- Captain_Theoretical
474- Misty_Yvonne
475- komugi tears
476- Xx_Oracle_xX
477- iamtheCH
478- Ghost-Love
479- Laleira Granite
480- Heavens New Angel
481- [ Hapless ]
482- Gothic Waffle
483- Dark Mari
484- Thomagata
485- x_fox_fire_x
486- Evadora
487- robotland2_manager
488- Saanhavinas
489- Drunken Chibi Wolfwood
490- inofaerie
491- Butterfly Revolution
492- La Belle Isolde heart
493- shroudedcuteness
494- Phaeton
495- bra_nutty
496- Meeki
497- Shuura
498- Elanchana
499- whispering_x_demon
500- wakusei
501- Lil_Katchan
502- Indigo Project
503- Ed Elrics Gal
504- raytray
505- Omochii
506- Dexandre
507- Maniacal Mongoose
508- ladyluck608
509- Green Fairy Miyu
510- Sanzoskitsune
511- Vegevil
512- Delayed Reactions
513- Digital Love
514- BlackPheonixFire
515- Girl Kira
516- Aurelia_eyes
517- Lil Sweet Anatta heart
518- `Cookie`
519- Jonquathar
520- Terrence
521- Senka_Surakei
522- darklittlefroggy heart
523- wave_master13
524- Shichi Sermani
525- mokubahv
526- mokochao
527- o0Roy0o
528- MagnusHansen
529- GreyFedoraHat
530- Neo_Falco
531- Exeek
532- Anti-Jakobo-
533- I^ . ^I
534- Chocolate Covered Tampon
535- Thomcopper
536- cammie#1
537- a u d r i c
538- kittyhugs!
539- Nara Rei
540- ~.~Pretty~Lovely~Angel~.~
541- drop_of_evil
542- [-Yamato-]
543- Akshamala'
544- ---CyberMilton---
545- [Kami_Kitty]
546- Lord Spork
547- Kristine Rose
548- arieda
549- ` V A N I L L A User Image
550- Novatierrie
551- A Negitive Nature User Image
552- Jade Jaguar
553- MiSsKuRsS!i
554- Lick-A-Stick Orgasm
555- rigeur
556- MaliciousXMint
557- Moonlight-Flare
558- Depressed_Dreamer
559- Penguinlover42
560- .[d e m o n] esque. User Image
561- The Placebo Effect.
562- Samuri_Jack
563- KageRinku
564- MangaHero User Image
565- YokoOnna
566- [ Milou.Angel ]
567- rock the lauren
568- Zeraphine
569- Jubilee of Jeremy
570- Ryau
571- mysticanime
572- Tonari no Totoro
573- BlackShade
574- Kilana
575- Kittie Ickle Jadey
576- thecheesemaster
577- hikaruthe12
578- badcat511
579- `Sephi User Image
580- Nebetsu
581- zn0srap
582- Undakai
583- Gaudri
584- sha lee a
585- Healing.Touch
586- codename~nyuu
587- tokixjam
588- xTrissAx
589- I am the Burger King
590- Shadow Rave
591- Naree
592- JessicaSephiroth
593- Sage Mithriel
594- SafiyaMaat
595- `ShivA
596- Caerwiden
597- OoO!!!...Bubbles...!!!OoO
598- Xue_Geng_Zhan
599- shadowrune
600- [(-Onis-)]
601- o0Christine_Daae0o
602- .[Dotty].
603- zn0srap
604- Freedom Fire
605- Queen Mandolin
606- [manic bee]
607- a7
608- Ciaphas_Cain
609- KadajFish
610- Infectious_Vendetta
611- Way too much for you
612- I6I Sparda Reborn I6I
613- Mad Hattie
614- Ninja_Sheena_90
615- mcan_sic
616- Firn the Panda
617- omitto
618- Jul`Xara
619- ~BerryTieDyeRemix~
620- Novas Whore
621- GaaraOroKabutoFanG
622- `Azrayne
623- My Love For Kratos
624- Kagumi Kajoki
625- Swii
626- 0bsession
627- Miss Fro
628- blood_phoenix
629- Tawney User Image
630- nezzilla
631- accebre
632- Crono Leonhart
633- mitsuki-chan989
634- Yakitori-Chan
635- koibito_kira
636- Blackwing Rose
637- Chocki
638- Skyeler
639- Yamekaze
640- [S.O.R.A]
641- [ . Mirage . ]
642- Cats_Eye_Moon854ever
643- Luz is a Dorkus
644- Homicidal~Paperdoll
645- MastaVern
646- shadetreader
647- Alini
648- nothingatall544
649- StreetchIck123
650- jinchuu
651- DarkSinAngel
652- 134_Rise-Against_134
653- [Kiki_Ona]
654- 74ch1k0m4
655- Stained Sunday User Image
656- louie vitton
657- DarkDemonHunter
658- Momo_Kitten
659- manic_prophet
660- Espilious
661- Raddishh
662- LilBluAlien
663- [ I s h u ]
664- Jenga_Chan
665- Nangya
666- The_moled
667- Sexy_Thang6969
668- Rastawn
669- xwindtunnelx
670- Dragonfyre User Image
671- RaBit_Usagi
672- EZtark
673- Rip Van Fish
674- Mrdoe
675- (mothmish)
676- LOTRpottergirl
677- Dark_Lady_Jade
678- AriaG
679- Stevesan
680- Dragoon0fDarkness
681- Sorcha Fainne
682- Tirsden
683- Kaesora
684- SheWhoCorrupts
685- Master_Sparda
686- Addicting_Snapple
687- Daron Alwynd
688- kronokross
689- Dragoon__x
690- kim ocean
691- Deshwir
692- J-Barney
693- kiisu033
694- lolypop
695- surfbaby89 User Image
696- Death_Mistress1
697- RejektAndroidZombie
698- Kani Dectsani
699- Bird Draggon
700- Dream WhiteWitz
701- Submissive Necia
702- Penguin Flakes
703- Etherealsage
704- ~Vash~
705- A Mad Tea Party
706- timothymouse
707- Johvalo
708- Kazunomiya_Nanoshi
709- LadyNozomi
710- I_R_Unorthodox
711- Bloodthirsty Bunny User Image
712- the queen of the dark
713- Chiyo_Osakai
714- [~Claine~]
715- Ephydriad
716- EgyptianVodka
717- [Kuro.is.lost]
718- NoRmAn_BaTeS 666
719- pinay_cherry
720- Elume
721- Armic
722- Sasuke of the Uchiha clan
723- pla303
724- FoxyBlue
725- Saint_Dracula
726- Red Wings
727- liquitine
728- MaronaPossessed
729- Revelo
730- Otakkun
731- [Miss Moo] User Image
732- Carbonated Sunshine
733- devilish_tenshi
734- sugar[RAPE!]
735- Magical Mrs. Mistoffelees
736- Selete
737- Serph_Sparda
738- Cosmic Kirby
739- Klaw Shizuki
740- [Deadly.Mushroom]
741- Captain Erik
742- sora506
743- [+Waka Laka!!+]Ryuzuki
744- RIPstjimmy
745- James_Gatsby
746- sevorina
747- ajram
748- CrimsonPire
749- dancingdiva1129
750- Madame Sedona
751- Neo the Tortured
752- Kloee K. C.
753- eboluuuh
754- Stalin_The_Penguin
755- Amethia
756- Sexy Muffin Queen
757- Hyperia
758- Kitty Shinju
759- xXx_Joy_Blue_xXx
760- Sapa
761- I_am_your_crazy_gurl82
762- Silrisa
763- [.Kamikaze Watermelon.]
764- Mr. Que
765- Frank!e
766- Latsuia7
767- spqr2
768- Anh-chan
769- Oragami Sauce
770- SapphireAngelTears
771- Dreadwyrm User Image
772- Vanishing Commissar
773- Jessk
774- Escaa
775- Cordi
776- Musya
777- moooberries
778- [ Mystress ]
779- CandyCorn.gif
780- Endrael
781- Lilly_pandy
782- Krad_Hikari
783- Dracavia
784- Sunegami
785- stargazere
786- catz_rocks
787- fakeaseizure
788- MituKagome
789- J87
790- sailorcottoncandy User Image
791- Ravekitten521
792- Wuyabi
793- Leuconoe
794- Blood_Demon_Night
795- Tsu Sengai
796- Red-3
797- Toyomo16
798- Ume Makoto
799- Makita Natsuko
800- Meanlilkitty
801- The Saiyan Princess
802- black_jack194
803- Giggle McChill
804- darkmissle
805- [cheating.for.last.place]
806- LeecaChan
807- Alteric
808- Ashi_Chan31287
809- [ Variant ]
810- [Burn.The.Cross]
811- Iamanna
812- Riyu_Nailo
813- Mitternits
814- Purpely_Polkadots
815- Bishop186
816- Miss Elvy
817- YourSugarPacket
818- x0DreamerAngel0x
819- the SAMMi MONSTaRr
820- Soap Predator
821- Hatake Hinata
822- Sakura Kenzi
823- xo[.Saskay.]ox
824- RufusShin-Ra
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Our Proposed System:

1) Other Banning Options

-We propose that the Admins take on a system which Gives users a second chance, whether it was their wrong doing or not.

First Minor Offence: 1 week ban
Second Minor Offence: 1 month ban
Third Minor Offence: Permanent ban
*Minor Offences would include "Profiting from botting"

First Medium Offence: 1 month ban
Second Medium Offence: Permanent ban
*Medium Offences would include Botting for small amounts of gold

First Major Offence: Permanent ban
*Major Offences would include hacking, scamming and Botting for large amounts of gold.

2) Other Options

-Investigate: we propose that the moderators actually investigate cases which would result in a Permanent ban. While investigating, Trading pass and Vending Pass can be disabled on the user's account so nothing can be transferred.

-Innocent until Proven Guilty: Cliche -I know- but it really does count, In the real world they have to prove us Guilty, Not us trying to prove that we're Innocent...
Other People's Suggestions:

Suggest another part of the proposed system to get quoted!

Kingdoms Heart
Moderators need to do their job instead of just hittin the ban button.

Investigate every case. If 'there is too much to investigating' to do, then step down as a moderator because you cannot carry the duty.

I'll sign.

People have been banned for haveing botted gold (unknowngst to them) from trades, for playing Word Bump when it first came out cuz it gave out more gold then it was suppose, and for just messing around with the glitch in the towns that allowed you to sit atop the fountains and furniture in homes.

I think this whole banning buisness is too extreme. Im afriad to do anything, if Im on the wrong part of Gaia when it glitches, I could be banned? Its abserd! And if people recive botted gold, then simpley remove it and give them a time out. Or even just give the the person a Fine of 100 or 500 gold. But dont take away their accounts! This is way out of hand.

I've been waiting for petition like this. A friend of mine had this exact thing happen to him. Its really shaken me and some of my friends up. I've started dong all my sales through my mule and letting the gold sit there for a few weeks just in case someone buys something with botted gold. So, after all that rambling, what it comes down to is: I am definietly signing this petition.

I also have a suggestion for a different way to handle the botting bans:

I believe that the current policy is too ruthless and fails to take into account the possibility of innocence. I understand that something needs to be done and that the mods must make a stand against botting. I was talking to a (non Gaian) friend the other day about this situation and she came up with what I think is an excellent idea for a way to re-work the policy.

The original botter gets perma banned. Anyone who directly receives gold from them, gets a 14 day ban and loses whatever gold they received (since there's a higher possibility they know about it, but it can't really be proven), Anyone who receives gold from that person gets a 3 day ban and loses whatever gold they were given (since its less likely, but still possible they knew.) Anyone who receives gold from that person on down just loses whatever gold they were given (since by that point there's a very good chance that they had no idea.)

With this policy, the botters are still getting banned, the gold is still getting taken out of circulation and those that may be part of it are facing consequences, while at the same time protecting users who are likely to be innocent.

Why don't the mods simply take away the botted gold and ban both the trader and the reciever for only three days?


*pulls out a quilled pen and signs with gusto*

The recent announcements mentioned getting more mods and staff. Hopefully some of them will have the ability to track where botted gold "originated" and ban the real perps. Some people may have to have their accounts rolled back, but that would be preferable to banning, would it not?

Ruby Knight
I sign! It's unfair to blame gaians who receive botted gold when they dont know for sure. I say its time we investigate pms, posts, trades, and quests that users have BEFORE any banning happens.

I'm rarely, if ever, in the Petitions forum, but this is really something I agree with.

From what I understand, the Mods/Admins state that if you're innocent, than you need to provide proof. Problem is, most, if not all of that proof would be on the account they've just banned.

Therefore, I think that there should be a tiered system for dealing with Botting:

Botters: Perma-ban. They were doing the dirty work and deserve to be banned.

"Profiting from Banned Gold": Vend/Trade shut down until proof can be given that they're innocent. Hell, even block Gifts and whatnot, make the account entirely blocked other than access to the forums/PMs/Trade history. This way even if they cannot completely prove they're innocent, they can still USE their old account [although they'd have no means to trade or whatnot.. kinda suck in that regard...]

Either way, the Mods/Admins are doing this the wrong way, and have completely lost my support until there's a new system in place. sad

I SIGN. smile
This is my first petition. Hrm.
I hope that it works out. sweatdrop
The Petitions forum seems to be a bit slow. Is it because it is late?
Or perhaps people are just not interested in Petitions. D:
Oh dear. sweatdrop
Well, perhaps I should advertise?
Well, I changed the name.

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