Welcome to Gaia! ::

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-04/18/07-Finished the update, added March and Aprils items.

-04/17/07-Partial update, will put the rest up tomorrow (got 2003, 4 and 5 done.)

-03/10/07-Updated again. And when I actually said I would! Woot. XD

-03/03/07-Updated...Noticed an odd trend that almost all the items from 04 on went DOWN in price since I last updated... Can't quite explain why, but because of that I'm going to do my best to check back in a week and update again to make sure it's not just an off weekend...

-02/09/07-Updated...finally sweatdrop

-01/17/07-Will not be updating prices quite yet, but January 2007 is up now. The prices I believe have been hyper inflated by the week of double gold earning, and I'm leaving it a little longer to see if it goes back down. The prices do seem to be stabilizing though, so it will likely be shortly that I'll put up the prices. New for Jan though - User Image Damascus armour, and User Image The Gift of the Goddess.

-01/02/07-Updated. Guide looks weird with 3 items under one letter in December 06 XD but it's fine xp

-12/06/06-Updated again finally!

At this point, this guide is essentially just donation items. Alot of things have been happening, and I find it very difficult to get around to searching for, setting up, and updating anything else. Eventually, when things calm down a bit (please be soon...please be soon) More will go up. For now though, I will update the donation stuff fairly regularly.
Page 1 - updates and donation items.

Page 2 - Event items ('03's up, but need to be updated)

Page 3 - Some day soon will have rares/uncommons etc (with a possibility of adding trash items, casino items, and whatever other gaiming items people show an interest in me putting up, but they'll be low on my priority list for now)
2003 Donation Items - (Last updated - 04/17/07)

Donation Items 2003

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Thank You Letter For June 2003 - 350mil and up. Pretty much whatever the sellar wants, if you can even find one.=
Thank You Letter foJune 2003, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - June 2003
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Halo - 350mil and up.=
Those who are selfless and giving are often mistaken for angels -- the halo is the true mark of this angelic race.
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Thank You Letter For July 2003 - 125mil and up=
Thank You Letter for July 2003, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - July 2003
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Kodiac Grizzly Bear Hat - 125mil and up=
We can't control a drunk driver hitting us anymore than we can predict the action's of a LONE MALE KODIAK GRIZZLY BEAR!!!
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Panda Hat - 125mil and up=
The panda's black and white fur expresses the traditional Chinese philosophy of dualism that holds that opposites may coexist in perfect harmony. This concept is called yin-yang and has deep implications in Chinese art, science, and philosophy. The panda is a living example of yin-yang.
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Thank You Letter For August 2003 - 30mil and up=
Thank You Letter for August 2003, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - August 2003
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DJ Studio Headphones (DJs) - 30mil-35mil
Dynamic, closed-type construction keeps out ambient noise while creating a comfortable, sealed resonance chamber to maximize sonic purity.
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Portable Stereo Headphones (Ports) - 30mil-35mil
Portable stereo headphones combine quality technology and a trendy look. If you have an active life, and the heart pounding bass of Hip Hop and Rock are what you crave, these will breathe new life into your songs.
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Thank You Letter For September 2003 - 23mil-25mil
Thank You Letter for September 2003, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - September 2003
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Mini Nitemare Wings - 23mil-25mil
Tiny nitemare wings playfully compliment the outfit of a troublemaker ^w^
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Mini Angelic Wings - 23mil-25mil
Adorable little wings so cute they could only have come from heaven ^_^
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Thank You Letter For October 2003 - 12mil-15mil+
Thank You Letter for October 2003, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - October 2003
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Devil Tail - 11mil-13.5mil+
A classical Devil tail, long associated with shady tricksters.
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Angelic Sash - 8.5mil-9.5mil+
As light as a feather and just as soft, this mystic cloth glows with purity.
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Thank You Letter For November 2003 - 3.5mil-4mil+
Thank You Letter for November 2003, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - November 2003
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OMG - 3.5mil-4mil+
An Odd, Mischievous Gremlin Hat
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AFK - 3.5mil-4mil+
A Furry, Kewt ... hat.
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Thank You Letter For December 2003 - 3mil-3.5mil=
Thank You Letter for December 2003, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - December 2003
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Nitemare Scarf - 2mil-2.5mil-
In your dream, a shadowy form crept up behind you and strangled you. The next morning, when you woke up... this scarf was around your neck. OMG!!! O_O
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Angelic Scarf - 2.5mil-3mil-
They say the fabric that was used to make this scarf came from Angel feathers that fell from the heavens.
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2004 Donation Items - (Last updated 04/17/07)

Donation Items 2005
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Thank You Letter For January 2004 - 500k-550k-
Thank You Letter for January 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - January 2004
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Chain Wallet - 480k-535k-
Punky soloution to storing and securing money. Even if your wallet doesn't have any gold inside, it still looks cool as hell.
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Emo Bag - 430k-480k-
The emo bag radiates an underlying assertion, ' 'I'm cooler than you.' ' It's a sublime statement of intuitive knowledge, internal hipness. It whispers, it doesn't scream. It doesn't have to.
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Thank You Letter For February 2004 - 110k-120k+
Thank You Letter for February 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - February 2004
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Zony MP3 Player - 95k-100k+
With 100 gigs of built in storage memory, you can store up enough music on this puppy to last a lifetime!
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Zony Discman - 85k-93k-
With enhanced microBASS (tm) technology, the ZONY CD Discman is a pleasure to look at and listen to while enjoying your favorite cds.
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Thank You Letter For March 2004 - 400k-430k-
Thank You Letter for March 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - March 2004
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Fuzzy Penguin Slippers - 390k-420k-
Like a real Penguin, these plush slippers cannot fly.. However you can throw them through the air extremely fast at your friends and family. Too cute~! TwT
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Baby Seal Slippers - 400k-430k-
These plush, lovable babies will keep your feet cozy, day or night. So cute.. Aiyaahh~ ToT
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Thank You Letter For April 2004 - 60k-64.5k+
Thank You Letter for April 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - April 2004
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Hammi hat- 45k-51k+
A soft plush hat designed after Hammi, the cutest hamster in the world ~!
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Bammi Hat- 45k-48k-
A soft plush hat designed after Bammi, the cutest hamster in the worlds evil twin brother ~!
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Thank You Letter For May 2004 - 63k-67k-
Thank You Letter for May 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - May 2004
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Monkey Pajamas - 36k-39k-
These pajamas will make a monkey out of you ^^!
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Bear Pajamas - 56k-61k-
These pajamas are so cute I can Bearly stand it! ^w^!
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Thank You Letter For June 2004 - 650k-665k-
Thank You Letter for June 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - June 2004
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Horns of the Demon - 650k-665k-
It is said that those whose hearts are filled with evil will grow devilish horns on their heads...the more evil the person, the longer the horns would grow.
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Angelic Pendant - 630k-648k-
When worn by a person of pure heart, a holy light emanates from its center.
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Thank You Letter For July 2004 - 700k-730k-
Thank You Letter for July 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - July 2004
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Steel-Plated Ninja Band - 690k-720k-
Imprinted with a mini wing, this band represents the mysterious Gaioh Ninja clan-- whose people were rumored to be dark angels sent to avenge the deeds of mankind.
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Kitsune Mask - 670k-700k-
This mask was worn by the followers of the Kyubi-- who were known shapeshifters that often took the form of the sly fox.
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Thank You Letter For August 2004- 560k-590k-
Thank You Letter for August 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - August 2004
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Golden Laurels - 560k-590k-
Every four years, the gods hold a championship to determine who is the most powerful mortal in the land. These Laurels are a symbol of that honor and stature.
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Winged Anklets - 450k-470-
These anklets were the trademark of Eirmehz, the god who was known to lead those in passing to the Underworld.
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Thank You Letter For September 2004 - 150k-170k-
Thank You Letter for September 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - September 2004
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Goti Clips - 120k-137k-
The Goti are sacred horned creatures often associated with dark magic and the occult. Aren't they cute? ^.^
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Bani Clips - 120k-137k-
These cute little bani clips not only warm your heart, but your ears as well.
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Thank You Letter For October 2004 - 170k-194k-
Thank You Letter for October 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - October 2004
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Demonic Pitchfork - 160k-176k-
This pitchfork was forged in demonic fire. It is said that an evil dictator used it to spread 'freedom' in his name.
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Staff of The Angels - 180k-195k-
In their greatest hour of need, this staff decended from the heavens. A hero rose from our ranks using the staff to lead his army into the light.
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Thank You Letter For November 2004 - 60k-64k+
Thank You Letter for November 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - November 2004
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BTK - 60k-64k+
Bit Too Kewl hat.
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Ice Gauntlet- 22k-24.5k-
The god of Winter, Phrigustus, once wielded a gauntlet that was said to tranform rain into ice.
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Thank You Letter For December 2004 - 80k-85k-
Thank You Letter for December 2004, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - December 2004
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OMFG - 75k-80k-
Oddly Mischievous, Freaky & Grim Hat
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Fire Gauntlet - 30k-36.5k-
The god of summer, Vulcagni, once wielded a gauntlet that was said to shape fire into weapons.
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2005 Donation Items - (Last updated - 04/17/07)

Donation Items 2005
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Thank you Letter for January 2005 - 100k-110k-
Thank You Letter for January 2005, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - January 2005
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Demonic Pendant - 100k-108k-
Demonic Pendant, When worn by a person with a heart of evil, a demonic light emanates from its center.
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Angelic Bracelet - 90k-101k-
Angelic Bracelet, It is said that the Angelic bracelet allowed a mere human to wield the holy light using his hand.
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Thank You Letter for February 2005 - 70k-80k+
Thank You Letter For Feb 2005, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support! - February 2005
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Lunar Cloak - 70k-76k+
Lunar Cloak, It is said that, when night falls, it is the moon goddess Lunaris spreading her cloak over the sky to regain her kingdom from the sun god Apollus.
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Solar Cloak - 38k-40l+
Solar Cloak, It is said that, when day breaks, it is the sun god Apollus spreading his cloak over the sky to regain his kingdom from the moon goddess Lunaris.
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Thank You Letter For March 2005 - 210k-218k-
Thank You Letter For March 2005, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - March 2005
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Kiki Kitty Plushie - 200k-210k-
KiKi Kitty Plushie, A cute little plushie of Kiki Kitty, from Gaia's most popular morning cartoon series.
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Roro Robo-Puppy - 33k-36k-
RoRo Robo-Puppy, KiKi Kitty''s arch nemesis. From time to time, RoRo would team up with various human villains to try and capture her ToT
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Thank You Letter for April 2005 - 31k-34.5k+
Thank You Letter For April 2005, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - April 2005
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Prism Butterfly Mantilla - 27k-29k-
Prism Butterfly Mantilla, There was once a race of graceful insectoid beings known as the Doptera. Their queen was said to have worn a mantilla which, when spread open and gazed upon, would fill the hearts of men with a light of joy. An evil king hunted and killed her to steal her mantilla. However, he did not realize that its form reflected that of its owner''s heart. And once he donned it, it disintegrated into ash.
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Chestplate of Arachne - 18k-21.9k-
Chestplate of Arachne, There was once a reclusive race of arachnids who were known to symbiotically live off of its prey by living inside of their bodies, thus controlling them. Arachne ruled as Queen of the Eastern armies for a century before the people discovered she was not human -- thusly executing her on the spot. Shortly thereafter, the Eastern armies fell.
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Thank You Letter for May 2005 - 88k-92k-
Thank You Letter For May 2005, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - May 2005
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Guitar of Angellus - 87k-91k-
Guitar of Angellus, Though it was said that the angels were innocent and pure, there was never any doubt that they could really make some noise!
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Guitar of Demona - 87k-91k+
Guitar of Demona, In the demon world, no one can hear you scream.
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Thank You Letter For June 2005 - 40k-45k+
Thank You Letter For June 2005, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - June 2005
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Bone Dragon Helm - 33k-36.8k-
Bone Dragon Helm, In this day and age, dragonkind has become nearly extinct. Necromancers of our age have sought to bring them back to life through the dark arts and thus the Bone dragon was born -- a reanimated skeleton of a dragon with the ability to break itself apart and reshape itself at will.
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Phoenix Circlet - 25k-28k=
Phoenix Circlet, There are stories that tell of the rise of the Phoenix after she fell in battle. Or so it appeared. The Phoenix, however, did not fall but instead merely cast off the shell that restrained her true power.
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Thank You Letter For July 2005 - 55k-60k+
Thank You Letter For July 2005, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - July 2005
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Solar Headdress - 34k-36.8k+
Solar Headdress, It is said that during the day, the heavens reflected the visage of Apollus. The shape of his face became the full range of his emotions. Despite his hatred of Lunaris, every millenium her image came into his mind, eclipsing his own dominion over the sky.
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Lunar Cowl- 47k-52k+
Lunar Cowl, It is said that during the night, the heavens reflected the visage of Lunaris. The shape of her face became the full range of her emotions. Despite her hatred of Apollus, every millenium his image came into her mind, eclipsing her own dominion over the sky.
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Thank You Letter For August 2005 - 31k-34.5k+
Thank You Letter For August 2005, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - August 2005
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Whip of Ice - 30k-32k-
Whip of Ice, The god of winter, Phrigustus, once had a great love. He sacrificed all that he had for her, his power, his status, weapons that could turn the world into a frozen wasteland... talk about WHIPped.
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Whip of Fire - 31k-33k-
Whip of Fire, The god of summer, Vulcagni, once had a great love. He sacrificed all that he had for her, his power, his status, weapons that could turn the world to ashes... you might say he was WHIPped.
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Thank You Letter For September 2005 - 21k-24k+
Thank You Letter For September 2005. An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - September 2005
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Pandy Pack - 14k-17k-
Pandy Pack, Pandy was the last of his species. He was very sad. Though one day, he heard that there was an ancient island in the south where there were more like him. He put on his trusty pack and went off in search of a family...
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Hard Shell Pack - 14k-17.3k-
Hard Shell Pack, A hard shell bagpack shaped like the shell of Tortuga Turtle. They say that you shouldn't get a Tortuga turtle mad...

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Thank You Letter For October 2005 - 85k-90k-
Thank You Letter for October 2005. An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - October 2005
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Coco Kitty Plushie - 85k-89k-
CoCo Kitty Plushie, A cute little plushie of CoCo Kitty, from Gaia's most popular morning cartoon series! CoCo is KiKi's mischievous cousin who is always up to no good
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Wind security blanket - 55k-57.5k+
Wind Security Blanket, The son of the Wind God, Kaze, was once given a blanket by his father in order to protect him from the wild. He carried this blanket with him everywhere he went until he was old enough to fend for himself.
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Thank You Letter For November 2005- 20k-23.7k+
Thank You Letter for November 2005. An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - November 2005
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Sno Yeti Pillow Plush - 18k-20k-
Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin'), A cute pillow plush of a Sno Yeti, S CORP's most guarded secret!
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Nitemare Parasol - 14k-16k-
Nitemare Parasol, Even demons are not infallable and need to shield themselves from the elements.
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Thank You Letter For December 2005 - 17k-19.5k-
Thank You Letter for December 2005. An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - December 2005
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Winter Fox Mink - 13k-15k-
Winter Fox Mink, The Winter Fox is the slyest of the foxes for its coat hides it in the winter snow. This mink is not made of real Winter Fox though, so don't you worry. It only looks like one.
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Ice Tiara - 6k-9k=
Ice Tiara, It is said that when the Ice Princess lost her greatest love, she melted into a puddle and washed away into the earth. This was her tiara.
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2006 Donation Items - (Last updated - 04/18/07)

Donation Items 2006
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Thank you Letter for January 2006- 13k-15k-
Thank You Letter for January 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - January 2006
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Angelic Parasol - 9k-10k-
Angelic Parasol, A parasol said to have been made from the wings of an Angel.
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Sword of Aegis - 6.5k-8.7k-
Sword of Aegis, The master swordsman Perusi had this sword fashioned from the head of the slain Gorgonus, a creature whose gaze could turn a person to stone with a single glance
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Thank you Letter for Febuary 2006 - 62k-64.5k-
Thank You Letter For Feb 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support! - February 2006
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Chyaku Norisu Scarf - 62k-64.5k+
Chyaku Norisu Scarf, There are only two things in the world that can cut diamonds ... other diamonds and CHYAKU NORISU!!
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G9 Laptop - 25k-27k+
G9 Laptop, The same laptop GAIA 9's Cindy Donovinh uses in her ongoing investigations made exclusively by PineApple Systems, Inc!
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Thank you Letter for March 2006 - 30k-32.4k-
Thank You Letter For March 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - March 2006
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Mochi the Puppy- 28k-30.5k-
This little puppy is as sweet as the icecream he's named after.
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Demonbow - 30k-32k-
This bow was forged in demonic fire. Two demonic eyes focus flames into its centre.
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Thank you Letter for April 2006 - 14k-16k-
Thank You Letter For April 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - April 2006
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Sun Staff - 6k-7.7k-
The evil wizard Marcus is fabled to have imprisoned the power of the sun in his staff which he used to channel its great power. When Marcus fell, the staff shattered releasing a burst of energy searing everything from Barton to Durem.
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G-Bot - 10k-11k-
The next generation of G-BOT� � a fusion of personality and advanced bot technology!
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Thank you Letter for May 2006 - 23k-25.5k-
Thank You Letter For May 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - May 2006
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Chain of Command - 16k-18.8k+
The Norisu Ninja Clan was rumored to possess secret, dark arts known as Asu Kikingu. One of these arts was the ability to control links of chain and blades as an extension of their body for either attacking or for defense.
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AngelBow - 22k-24.7k-
This bow was forged by the famous Angelsmith. It was made to counter the Demonbow's destructive power.
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Thank you Letter for June 2006 - 46k-48.9k+
Thank You Letter For June 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - June 2006
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Dark Halo - 43k-45k+
Those who are selfish and callous are often mistaken for demons -- the dark halo is the true mark of this demonic race.
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G Blade - 25k-27.4k+
A blunt sword finely crafter and decorated with emblems of the Gambino family name.
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Thank You Letter For July 2006 - 57k-59k=
Thank You Letter for July 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - July 2006
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Elegant Veil - 40k-43k+
There was once a poor little girl who worked so hard all of her life to take care of her family. Dressed in rags for clothing, she was selfless and never dared to spend on herself. At the height of summer, there was a festival in which all of the town would dress up and party. A faerie descended one day and gave her this veil, a simple cloth that would ensure that her true beauty would be shown to everyone. That night at the festival, she found her true love.
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Ancient Katana - 57k-59k=
The first of its kind forged by the legendary swordsmith, Jakoblade. It is fabled to have been forged for the first samurai king who fought a deadly battle in the east against the Chyaku Norisu Clan.
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Thank You Letter For August 2006 - 12k-15k-
Thank You Letter for August 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - August 2006
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Gwee The Dragon - 12k-15k-
Gwee the baby dragon just hatched and the first thing he saw was you! He thinks you are his mommy~! Please take care of this adorable little lizzy. He breathes fire when he is hungry. biggrin
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Angelic Microphone - 10k-12.2k-
In a time of war, it is said that a voice of Angels would calm the rage and anger ... putting a stop to the violence once and for all.
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Thank You Letter For September 2006 - 12k-13.5k-
Thank You Letter for September 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - September 2006
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ORLY? Hat - 10k-11.2k-
The legendary "O RLY?" owl is a nocturnal species that populates the Gaian Woods, an expression of amused disbelief forever plastered on its jeering face. Though they constantly irritate Gaian lumberjacks with their mocking hoots, O RLY's come in a variety of fashionably sarcastic poses.
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Mythrill Armor - 9k-11k+
'Thrill' seekers who went on great adventures so long ago that their exploits were considered 'myth' often wore protective garments to protect them from legendary evils. This armor set is descended from centuries of evolution of this fine craft.
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Thank You Letter For October 2006 - 20k-23k=
Thank You Letter for October 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - October 2006
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Shadow Spirit - 17k-20k=
From the murky depths of the underworld rising the Shadow Spirit, a mysterious force which provides demonic protection at a disturbing cost.
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Pixie - 20k-23.5k+
Mischievous pixies adorn you. Festoon yourself with glowing gorgeousness!
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Thank You Letter For November 2006 - 8k-10.5k=
Thank You Letter for November 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - November 2006
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Mini UFO - 5k-6k=
Please use Mini UFOs with caution. Side effects may include headaches, nausea, inexplicable fondness for cows, loss of mental control, rudeness toward carbon-based life, and irregular "duties."
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Momo the Monkey - 6k-7.5k-
While its true origins are unknown, this small but wise monkey has been known to protect its owner from evil.
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Thank You Letter For December 2006 - 13k-14.5k-
Thank You Letter for December 2006, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - December 2006
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Elemental Hair - 10k-12.4k+
Created by Gaian hair-wizards, these elemental hairstyles decorate your scalp with the majesty of nature.
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Winter Rose - 13k-14.6k-
The Winter Rose is the most beautiful flower in all of Gaia. Its soft petals are durable enough to use as clothing.
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Flame Sword - 8k-10.2k-
The most aggressive warriors of the ancient age solved all of their problems by viciously attacking others for no apparent reason. Because they used swords like these, they were often called "flamers."
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2007 Donation Items - (Last updated - 04/18/07)

Donation Items 2007

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Thank You Letter For January 2007 - 9k-10.5k-
Thank You Letter for January 2007, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - January 2007
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Damascus Armor - 6k-7.3k-
This dark Armor, once donned, soul-binds itself to its owner -- its dark energy coursing through the wearer's veins like blood.
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Gift Of The Goddess - 9k-10k-
On rare occasions, goddesses descend on our world to bestow gifts upon truly worthy Gaians. Those who wear them with grace will be forever beautiful, but those who use them for evil will face divine punishment...
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Thank You Letter For February 2007 - 9k-10.4k-
Thank You Letter for February 2007, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - February 2007
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Celebrity Date - 7k-8.9k-
You've won a date with a castmember of All My Gaians, the most popular television show on Gaia! Which cast member will you choose?
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Celestial Wrap - 9k-10k-
The vast, unfathomable glory of the universe: now available in a lovely fashion accessory!
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Dark Star - 8k-9k-
The general looked up into the sky and that's when he saw it heading towards his army at immeasurable speed. 'What is that?' a soldier exclaimed. 'It looks like a small moon!' another cried. The general lowered his sword and gasped, 'That's no moon.' Those were his last words as the gigantic ninja star impaled him in the chest.
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Thank You Letter For March 2007 - 8k-9.8k
Thank You Letter for March 2007, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - March 2007
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Spirit Falcon - 6k-7.3k-
The magical falconer's glove allows you to call forth the Spirit Falcon, a noble predator who cuts through the air at incredible speeds.
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Mythic Hair - 6k-7.7k
These mythic hairstyles make your head into the stuff of legend.
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Thank You Letter For April 2007 - Currently unstable
Thank You Letter for April 2007, An envelope from a mysterious benefactor. Upon opening the letter, it reads: 'We hope that this gift shows how much we appreciate all that you've done for us. Thank you for your support!' - April 2007
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Lunar Scythe - Currently Unstable
In a covenant with Death himself, the moon god obtained a weapon that gave the him power that he needed to overtake the skies from the grasp of the sky god.
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Aquatica - Currently Unstable
The Aquatica items let you join all your fishy friends under the deep blue sea! Take my advice and stay away from sea anemones (those guys are jerks) and giant squids (they stink, even underwater).
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Oculus Magica - Currently Unstable
The Oculus Magica gives you the power to transmogrify your eyeballs in all kinds of weird ways. They also grant several 'minor' powers, like seeing through wax paper and shooting fragrant air from your tear ducts.
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Little thank you to AliaAnn for very unexpectedly sending a donation of a June 2006 letter.
Just a spot for some threads I stalk and such (mostly some breedables my sister dragged me too :p).

Also linking to places that are using ZERG as a guide heart If I've missed any, feel free to leave a link for us in the thread.

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Secrets of the Amazon
Area 51

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And these two are here, just because I can xp

I'd also like to thank Marushii for coming up with the Guide's name 3nodding

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