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(new banner coming soon)
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Welcome to Cienega de Serpientes. Here there be Nagas. Feel free to check things out & post. Current flatsales & such are explained below. PM one of the staff if the FAQs don't answer your questions.

We are Hiring! Hiring thread here
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I. Banner
II. Welcome
III. Table o contents
IV. Story
V. Updates
VI. The pets
VII. Availability
VIII. Special Events
IX. Breeders
X. Pick Up
XI. FAQs/blacklist
XII. Owner's list
XIII. Staff/Links
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The naga race was a noble and spiritual one. Always in tune with nature, they tended to the land in various ways. They made their homes in the swamp lands for their nature was atuned to water, thus making ir neccesary to keep their nests in water. Twas only soon after a large hatching that one of the gods became angered. Their worship had lessened and they thought themselves nature's protectors.

We shall see who protects nature now. So the god thought, as he used his might to cause terrible disaster after terrible disaster. The nagas began to die off, though they tried to survive. At long last the god sent a fatal blow. An unnatural winter befell their swamplands, freezing all. The weak, the very young, and the unborn died quickly. Those strong enough fell into a stasis-like sleep thanks to their reptilian natures.

So time passed and months were swept away until the sun peeked out from the cloud just enough to warm their cold blood into waking. The survivors came together and wept for those lost. Some had died during the sleep. Others had been eaten by other creatures. Unable to bear living in such a place of death the survivors began a migration to new and warmer territory. The adults kept the few children left first and foremost in their minds, giving up meals and water so they would survive. Eventually some died along the way. Those left weak wasted away first, while some of the strong were taken by greater creatures who attacked along the way.

Ultimately 3 children and a single adult were left. They had seen nothing but desert for many a day and were drawing low on strength. A rumble came from below and behind them. Death would soon be upon them. The adult female turned to the children and let go of their hands. "Find your way to a new home, darlings. Live on so that we are not forgotten." And with those words she slithered away from them, drawing that which lurked under the sands away from the children.

The 2 females cried, held back from going after their would-be, new mother by the young male. "We can't help. Let's go." He held them by the wrists as he led the reluctant girls away from the scene of the final death. His heart had long since grown cold and would not be phased by the deaths of others. Though they had wings, they were far too young to fly, and thus were forced to slither accross the desert.

It would be 3 days after the last adult gave up her life for theirs that they finally saw what they needed. A forest began, random trees scattered about at first. The desert heat gave way to the cool forest. Deeper they whent, following a river until they came unto the ocean. They followed the coastline until the vegitation changed and drew back into the forest. The plantlife here was luch and healthy. There were no creatures who could pose real threats to them here. They finally came unto a magnificent area near a cliff from where a waterfall filled a large lake. Smaller pools formed alongside the lake, making perfect areas for bething, playing, or maybe even breeding....

The female with the fairy-like wings looked upon the lake with hope-filled eyes then turned to her friends. "I think we've finally found it."

The female with the feathery wings smiled with tears in her eyes. "Yes. This is home."

((Map of the area from above....))

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The Three:
User Image Eila Ganika
User Image Snare
User Image Niu Xia Rou
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August 8- Rules & stuff updated.

June 30- Event ends tonight. Flatsale pushed back.

June 25- Event up.

June 21- Special event preview up. Auction pushed back. Next flatsale also coming soon.

June 19- OMFG NEW BREEDS HAVE POPPED UP! Fae Nagas, Leviathan Nagas, & Devil Nagas!

June 7- Those of you who haven't picked up your pets, please do so. We need names and personalities before you can get their certed version so get over here and show some interest. Thank you to all of you who have not only picked up your pets but have also roleplayed them. ^.^

June 5- All eggs have hatched and the new infants need to be named. Some were picked up already and I thank you all.

June 1- Great flatsale. Hope all the new owners are happy with their eggs. They'll be hatching soon so keep an eye on that. :3
On the list of updates I need to mention is an upcoming auction and an upcoming event. I won't spoil anything, but the auction event pertains to some very luffly nagas, while the SE pertains to a large collection of very very creepy nagas.

A decision has been made to add more colorists to the shop for 1 purpose: We may be adding a second race after all. One who lives North of the nagas. So we'll be needing help. Please PM all colorist requests to Tolli Raovan so she can "administer the test". Good luck to all. :3

May 29- Flatsale date was changed to today! So remember to read everything, folks. As of 9:44 pm: Flatsale is officially over & all eggs are with their owners. :3

May 26 - possibility of first flat going up tomorrow 5/27. Certs will be posted early.

May24 - meh this was cancelled. ~.~

May 21- The shop is posted up! Yays! Construction still progressing with shop art and such, but important details are all done.
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Nagas go through 5 stages.

They all start off as eggs:
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Then go through Infant, child, teen, and adult stages.

How do you know which is male or female when they're infants? Males look to the right while females look to the left.

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Different Breeds


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*** All transactions are to be sent to the mule Lilly_Dapree.
***All eggs are 8K.
***First come first serve basis.

Order Form

Egg Number:

Just to be clear, please do not name your egg untill it hatches.... We do not know anything more about the nagas who live within the eggs untill their hatching date.....

Next Flatsale:

Tolli Raovan


-TS- Alex

Kiki Doodler
Iratus Mancipium



Next Auction: -pushed back-

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-Nothing right now-


-nothing right now-


Every month Tolli will have customs open for the price of 2 letters.
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-Breeding can start at teen stages but only if a roleplayed relationship is strong enough. (Don't violate the TOS we can all RP cute cuddly lovey dovey stuff. No naga doujins are necessary here *cough*)
-Breeding costs 5k from each parent.
-Breeding must be agreed on by both owners.
-Same sex are allowed, but no eggs will come from such relationships. Donators will need to be used.
-Special breedings (2 uncommon or rare breed nagas) yeild 2 eggs.
-Forced special breedings (a rare or uncommon breeding w/ a normal naga) only create rare or uncommon eggs when a breeding pass is used. Otherwise normal nagas are born.
-Normal breedings yeild 2-3 eggs.
-Normal nagas born from rare/uncommon x normal breedings will have a special bloodline. This means that there is a 20% chance that later generations will gain special qualities.
-Breeding female may breed only once a month. This counts for gestation, nest preparation, & laying of the eggs. Protection of the eggs are carried out by the females, SO until the eggs hatch RP wise the female might not be breeding again anyway.
-If breeding slots are closed, they are CLOSED. Do not badger any colorist.

Tolli Raovan
1. CLOSED (until current workload is lessened)
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1. RP not required.
2.Godmodding, harassment, stupid questions sent to the colorists or owners & badgering for your pet to grow are terms for banishment. You get 1 warning.
3. Pets will grow faster if RP'd. Just show some interest.
4. Have a problem? PM us.
5. Have a question? READ. If unable to be answered by reading. ASK BY PM.
6. All details you want in your customs are to be in your custom application. If you want to add anything after it has been certed that WASN'T on the application, you will be charged. Charges vary on difficulty.
7. Don't ask to be a colorist. We notify when we're hiring. (and we OBVIOUSLY are ~.~)
8. Don't touch my dirt!!!!!!!! ninja

Q. What is a Naga?
A. A naga is a mythological creature with the top half of a human and the bottom half of a snake. They are linked to the elements of Water and Earth. Some are depicted living in swamps, others in the underworld, still others in lake and rivers.

Q. How do I get one?
A. You have a few options. Check their availability in the Sales post above. Options are: Pay up in a flatsale. Outbid in an auction. Get the winning ticket in the raffles. Or win by the contest rules of the current contest, if any.

Q. How long between each stage?
A. Approximately 2 weeks.

Q. Is there a limit as to how many I can have?
A. Nope. Have as many as you'd like so long as you pay for 'em.

Q. So who did the artwork?
A. I (Tolli Raovan) Do the lineart as well as some coloring while Darlittleangel, -TS- Alex, & Kiki Doodler are colorists.

Q. Do I have to RP?
A. You don't have to, but we will do have an RP area set up. We love seeing our lovelies come by to say hi, so drop in at the shop anytime.

Q. I don't want it anymore can I sell my pet?
A. Oh my! The poor darling. We must be notified. We'll set up an adoption area for just that.

Q. My naga has been stuck in the same stage for a loooong time, what's wrong?
A. Either we're having technical difficulties, or you didn't pick up the new version.

Q. I have more questions that aren't answered here.
A. Well then, PM one of the staff for more help. :3

Oh come on. Do I have to use this?
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#-Devil &-Leviathan *-Fae ^-Quetzacoatl @-cosplay +-Custom
H-Hand Drawn Custom


Snare / Tolli Raovan / Adult / M / / X ^
Eila Ganika / Darklittleangel / Adult / F / / X *
Niu Xia Rou / -TS-Alex / Adult / F / / X ^
Letalis / Iratus Mancipium / Adult / M / X #
Nereus / Kiki Doodler / M / X &
(All of the above were hand drawn for the colorists by Tolli Raovan)

Hikaru / Chobi_Chocobo / Adult / Male / -TS-Alex /X
Saphire / Sinners War / Adult / Female / -TS-Alex / X
Mala / TWizTed_SoUl / Adult / Female / -TS-Alex / X # H
Bonus / Ganonfirenight / Adult / Male / -TS-Alex / X &

Zensa / Colori / Child / Female / Darklittleangel / X *
Chione / TWisTed_SoUl / Adult / Female / Darklittleangel /X
Raz / [C][H][A][O] / Adult / Male / Darklittleangel / X
Tanith / Nicky McCloud / Adult / Female/ Darklittleangel / X
Xanthus / Mister Muffin Man / Adult / Male / Darklittleangel / X

Nex / Iratus Mancipum / Adult / Female/ Tolli Raovan / X #
Rath / PhoenixGuardianMikazuri / Adult / Male / Tolli Raovan / X
Seti / Hoshi Lockhart / Adult / Male / Tolli Raovan / X
Puratiph / Voice of Dakrness / Adult / Female / Tolli Raovan / X
Anora / .K.amikaz.e. / Adult / Female / Tolli Raovan / X
Iara / Fantasy_Rocks13 / Child / Female / Tolli Raovan X H
Kain / Dark Phoenix of Chaos / Child / Male / Tolli Raovan / X @H
Janos Audron / Dark Phoenix of Chaos / Child / Male / Tolli Raovan / X @H
Raziel (wraith) / Karasu Lady of Anullan / Child / Male / Tolli Raovan / X @H
Marcus / AtrimAngelos / Child / Male / Tolli Raovan / X @H
Ariel / Darklittleangel / Child / Female / Tolli Raovan / X @H
Raziel (vampire) / Tolli Raovan / Infant / Male / Tolli Raovan / X @H
Faustus / Fiern / Child / Male / Tolli Raovan / X @H
Umah / Fiern / Child / Female / Tolli Raovan / X @ H
Aviana / Latonia de la Courtel / Infant / Female / Tolli Raovan / X H

Flynn/ Saekochan/ Infant/ Male/ Kiki Doodler/X
Orinda/ Tellah Amna/ Infant/ Female/ Kiki Doodler/ X

Sun-Spot/ Boser Geist/ Child/ Male/ Iratus Mancipium/ X +
Aki/ Lady Mirage/ Child/ Male/ Iratus Mancipium/ X
Nyx/ Saekochan/ Child/ Male/ Iratus Mancipium/ X
???/ Nicky McCloud/ Egg/ ???/ Iratus Mancipium/ X
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Line artist:
-Tolli Raovan

- Tolli Raovan
- Kiki Doodler
- Iratus Mancipium


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Pride Land Lions

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Elysian Forest

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Affiliate with us!

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-15k -no rare or uncommon breeds.
-20k -uncommon but no rare breeds.
-25k -rare breeds.
-40k Hand drawn uber custom w/ anything you want on them including pose. Only adult stage.
-100k Hand drawn uber custom, full growing from egg to adult.
-Cosplay are auction or pet-trade only.

You can choose another colorist for the uber custom, but new lineart has to be drawn by Tolli.


Tolli Raovan
Custom slots: always open
PM me
Pet Trades: always open
PM me
Current trades:

Custom slots:
1. Closed
2. Closed
Pet Trades:
1. Closed
2. Closed

-TS- Alex
Custom slots:
1. Closed
2. Closed
Pet trades:
1. Closed
2. Closed

Kiki Doodler
Custom slots:
1. Closed
2. Closed
Pet Trades:
1. Closed
2. Closed

Iratus Mancipium
Custom slots:
1. Closed
2. Closed
Pet Trades:

What you can bribe some of us with....

Tolli Raovan

-Mozou Totems (Raziel from Legacy of Kain)
-more to be added

3,300 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Hygienic 200
  • Person of Interest 200

Just because Angel has VERY dark and lonely days.. he's going to
make a listing of random links that he finds very amusing.... He hopes
that all of you do so enjoy!

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